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Made in us
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran

Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra

They released new titans for Space Marine 2nd edition / Titan Legions well after the original Adeptus Titanicus went out of print. (Imperator, a couple of Slaaneshi scout titans, Revenant scout titan for Eldar.) Just saying the relaunching Epic doesn't mean that they can't make new titan models.

"Calgar hates Tyranids."

Your #1 Fan  
Made in it
Pragmatic Primus Commanding Cult Forces

Southeastern PA, USA

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
OK granted there are more they can do with Knights and Titans.

They can do Mechanicus/Dark Mech Titans. They can do construction/work mechs pressed into service. No shields, improvised weapons, but cheap as chips.
Rebuild scrap Titans held together with duct tape and the will of the Machine God.
Plus new guns, new variants etc.

Yeah there's stuff to do. But would any of that bring in a single new player?

A single sprue of fortifications and siege weapons however...

To say nothing of Super Heavies.

I mean...you can play Epic NOW with minis of superheavies that look great and cost a fraction of what a GW version would inevitably cost. Is there really an unmet demand? And AT could easily grow quite a bit if xenos Titans were added. The studio didn't say 'no' to xenos...it was a 'if it happens, it'll be years away because we have a lot more to do' comment from some years ago.

It's funny to me how this stuff gets interpreted. "Xenos in AT maybe someday" = never happen. "We're working on BFG" = yeah, ignore that. No comment at all regarding Epic = IT'S HAPPENNNNING!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 MajorWesJanson wrote:
Rapier light scout, light battle titan between Warhound and Reaver, non Nemesis version of the Warbringer (melee focused?) for new titans. New sprue of weapons for each current class to bring a bunch of the resin guns into plastic. Armor plate sets to make corrupted titans, probably starting with the classic Khorne Banelord. Ordinatus as super heavy artillery. Shadowsword and variants as heavier armed but less durable support than knights.

More Ordo Sinister Titans have also been mentioned in the fluff, just not as much as the Rapier.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/03/28 22:31:38

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Best Appearance - GW Baltimore GT 2008, Colonial GT 2012


Made in gb
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan

 Sacredroach wrote:
Frankly, Epic 30K is the most logical step for Titanicus/Imperialis to continue.

Yeah that's definitely true. After 3-4 years AT was realistically limited by the narrow scope of the game.

If a new Rapier scout titan is armed with something equivalent to a single warhound weapon, it doesn't have much of a role in a game where most targets are larger. You'd need a swarm of them to have any impact against Warlords or larger. They're much better shooting infantry & tanks.
If a new Imperator model was ever developed a good chunk of it's design was originally intended for Epic, with transport capacity and a huge range of weapons from anti-infantry to anti-air. Around 50% of it's role wouldn't exist under AT rules.

We've already had a few examples of extra redundant weapons appearing in AT that either have no rules (AA guns and mortars on the Warmaster & Warbringer), or have little impact on a game (armiger & some cerastus weapons). For things like that to work, they need better targets!

Plus this also opens up scope for fun extras like carapace landing pads and corvus assault pods.
Made in de
Been Around the Block

there has only been 1 mention of the rapier in a novel as far as I know... if it does released and is lighter than a warhound, it would be either scale 5, which is already occupied by the acastus, or it would be the third scale titan 6, after the Direwolf also has a scale of 6. Also unlikely.

On the other hand, a Titan with scale 7 is still missing, although there are already rules that explicitly refer to Titans with scale 7 or less (Legio Tempestus, Legio Audax). Rather think that there is something in the direction.

For Epic I don't see any serious sources for new rumors at all, only the repetition of the same rumors over and over again
Made in gb
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan

habedekrai37 wrote:
For Epic I don't see any serious sources for new rumors at all, only the repetition of the same rumors over and over again

The most credible indications for Epic are two things:

1) Valrak posted a video recently which detailed several upcoming releases from a "source he trusts", including Epic HH releasing towards the end of the year. Some of those things from that source were proven correct at Adepticon, such as the contents of the KT set and next HH expansion book. That means Epic is much more likely to actually happen.

2) Around the same time Warcom posted an article about new titan weapons, showing a Warhound on a new style base the same height as the old Epic infantry bases. They then edited the article to hide the base, indicating it's something they don't want to reveal just yet.

I'm pretty sure the Faeit post is just clickbait wishlisting as usual though, prompted by other people talking about Epic.
Made in de
Servoarm Flailing Magos


 xttz wrote:
habedekrai37 wrote:
For Epic I don't see any serious sources for new rumors at all, only the repetition of the same rumors over and over again

The most credible indications for Epic are two things:

1) Valrak posted a video recently which detailed several upcoming releases from a "source he trusts", including Epic HH releasing towards the end of the year. Some of those things from that source were proven correct at Adepticon, such as the contents of the KT set and next HH expansion book. That means Epic is much more likely to actually happen.

It also bears to pay attention to the important distinction that Valrak said that his 'trusted sources' said that Epic was coming at the end of the year, from which he personally deduced that Epic might get a preview at Adepticon, i.e. the part about a preview was not actually something the sources said, but his conjecture. So far, stuff he attributed to 'trusted sources' proved highly and consistently accurate.
Made in gb
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan

Tsagualsa wrote:

It also bears to pay attention to the important distinction that Valrak said that his 'trusted sources' said that Epic was coming at the end of the year, from which he personally deduced that Epic might get a preview at Adepticon, i.e. the part about a preview was not actually something the sources said, but his conjecture. So far, stuff he attributed to 'trusted sources' proved highly and consistently accurate.

Yeah the hard part with Valrak is untangling the material that comes via genuine sources from his personal speculation & conjecture.

A prime example being his implication of The Lion getting a new bodyguard unit, and what actually turned out to be true.
Made in de
Been Around the Block

@Warhoundbase: wow, I haven't heard that interpretation before... rather that it was an mistake that the Warhound was on a larger/oval base

@Rumours and conjectures before the Adepticon: oh ok, that's very subtle, this distinction :-) but let's hope the interpretations are correct. Maybe we'll learn something new at Warhammer Fest.

Adeptus Titanicus came out in October (?), so when was that officially announced?
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

AT was announced on Warhammerfest in May 2018, release was then in August 2018.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/03/29 16:03:22

Made in de
Servoarm Flailing Magos


RazorEdge wrote:
AT was announced on Warhammerfest in April 2018, release was then in August 2018.

I'm betting on April 1st personally
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Sorry; Warhammer Fest 2018 was on the 12th of May.
Made in gb
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan

RazorEdge wrote:
AT was announced on Warhammerfest in April 2018, release was then in August 2018.

We knew about AT a lot longer though. It had a similar start to The Old World in that they said it was under development in 2015/16. GW events in 2016/17 had discussions with the studio staff about the game, and rules demonstrations using full-size FW titans.

Then in 2018 they finally showed off the finished product.

Tsagualsa wrote:

I'm betting on April 1st personally

On Saturday they'll do a joke article with normal size space marines on those 5-man strip bases, and then show Epic at WHF at the end of the month.
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

 xttz wrote:
On Saturday they'll do a joke article with normal size space marines on those 5-man strip bases, and then show Epic at WHF at the end of the month.

Knowing GW, this actual could happen...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/03/29 16:12:50

Made in dk
Pragmatic Primus Commanding Cult Forces

Southeastern PA, USA

habedekrai37 wrote:
there has only been 1 mention of the rapier in a novel as far as I know... if it does released and is lighter than a warhound, it would be either scale 5, which is already occupied by the acastus, or it would be the third scale titan 6, after the Direwolf also has a scale of 6. Also unlikely.

On the other hand, a Titan with scale 7 is still missing, although there are already rules that explicitly refer to Titans with scale 7 or less (Legio Tempestus, Legio Audax). Rather think that there is something in the direction.

The Rapier has been mentioned in the AT books a number of times. The Dire Wolf had a mention or maybe two in the campaign books before it was released. Years ago, the studio said there were plans for 'tweener Titans around the 3 basic Titans. So far we've gotten two of those. The Rapier is almost certainly scale 5 from its description and would be another 'tweener. Also note that Audax rules were written to accommodate smaller scout Titans. But then I always figured we'd probably end up getting the unnamed scale 7 first just because that would be the most GW thing to do

For Epic I don't see any serious sources for new rumors at all, only the repetition of the same rumors over and over again

Yeah. I'm probably being annoying about it, but I'm just baffled by how the rumors got louder after Epic *wasn't* revealed and all the pre-Adepticon word parsing was proven to be wrong.

 xttz wrote:
RazorEdge wrote:
AT was announced on Warhammerfest in April 2018, release was then in August 2018.

We knew about AT a lot longer though. It had a similar start to The Old World in that they said it was under development in 2015/16. GW events in 2016/17 had discussions with the studio staff about the game, and rules demonstrations using full-size FW titans.

Then in 2018 they finally showed off the finished product.

Yeah, IIRC the story was that the game was intended to have resin Titans only. Then GW realized from the response that they might have a hit on their hands, so they went back and did the Titans in plastic, pushing the release date out a year or more.

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Best Appearance - GW Baltimore GT 2008, Colonial GT 2012


Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

 xttz wrote:
habedekrai37 wrote:
For Epic I don't see any serious sources for new rumors at all, only the repetition of the same rumors over and over again

The most credible indications for Epic are two things:

1) Valrak posted a video recently which detailed several upcoming releases from a "source he trusts", including Epic HH releasing towards the end of the year. Some of those things from that source were proven correct at Adepticon, such as the contents of the KT set and next HH expansion book. That means Epic is much more likely to actually happen.

2) Around the same time Warcom posted an article about new titan weapons, showing a Warhound on a new style base the same height as the old Epic infantry bases. They then edited the article to hide the base, indicating it's something they don't want to reveal just yet.

Also they mentioned Epic in every single "40 Years of Warhammer" Article on WarCom.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/03/29 18:13:48

Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

 infinite_array wrote:
Why would you want GW to return to Epic in the first place?

For rules, you've got NetEpic Gold and NetEpic Armageddon for both flavors of Epic. There's the EpicAU rules which can be a bit difficult to find, but allow you to play Horus Heresy with the Epic Armageddon rules (and they even have a full army builder). Or Imperius Dominatus for a system that's more "out there" but still lets you play big battles of the Heresy.

3d printing means you're not hurting for 6mm-8mm figures.

Is this just a case of GW being the path of least resistance?


I would love there to be a new release. Even if whichever rules they release suck, it should at least mean a bunch more (albeit no doubt expensive) minis available.

But there is already an active community, games you can play and armies you can buy right at this very moment. You don't need to wait, cap in hand, for GW to release something official.

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

3D Printing and Free Web Rules will not stop GW from rebooting their Games, they need to "protect" their IPs.
Made in nl
Trigger-Happy Baal Predator Pilot


Yers you can buy the mini's, but i have looked for some and i can not say that they are very good.
You have mini's that are oke and mini's that are ugly.
But you can say a lot about gw, but they make the best mini's.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/03/30 20:05:31

full compagny of bloodangels, 5000 pnt of epic bloodangels
5000 pnt imperial guard
5000 pnt orks
2500 pnt grey knights
5000 pnt gsc
5000 pnts Chaos legionars
4000 pnt tyranids
4000 pnt Tau
Made in se
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon


 skeleton wrote:
Yers you can buy the mini's, but i have looked for some and i can not say that they are very good.
You have mini's that are oke and mini's that are ugly.
But you can say a lot about gw, but they make the best mini's.

You surely have not been looking hard enough

Take a look in the epic thread on dakkadakka for some good miniature pictures

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/03/30 22:27:58

Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

New Stuff appeared on Faeit:

More titbits about the release of EPIC as the next Game by the Specialist Design Studio of GW.


Big Box Set with enough Stuff to build 3 to 4 "small" Legiones Astartes Armies
Set is thematic is focused on the Istvaan III atrocity
All four Traitor Legions on Istvaan III featured with specific rules
Hardcover Rulebook
Thin Campaign Booklet to play the killing between Brothers on Istvaans


Game is based on Epic Armageddone Ruleset
Army Rules will more focused on Thematic Armies
Compendium which features rules and profiles for all 18 Space Marine Legions, Imperial Army, Mechanicum ect.

"Big" Infantry Sprue with 4 medium segmented parts (like common medium GW sprues) for Space Marines with Models for:

Two segments with each

Mk4 Tactical Squads
Mk4 Heavy Weapons ("anti-tank" and "anti-infatry") Squads
Mk4 Assault Squads
Mk4 Bike Squads

One segment with:

Mk4 Command Squads (Enough Parts for two Squads and different Leaders)

One segment with:

Terminators in Tartaros and Command Squad options

Second big Infantry Sprue in the same fashion but with Mk2 & Mk3 Armour mixed
One segment with

Mk2 Tactical Squads
Mk2 Heavy Weapons ("anti-tank" and "anti-infatry" Squads
Mk2 Assault Squads
Mk2 Bike Squads

One segment with:

Mk3 Tactical Squads
Mk3 Heavy Weapons ("anti-tank" and "anti-infatry") Squads
Mk3 Breacher Squads

One segment with:

Mk2 & Mk3 Command Squads (One Squad each with one Armour type)

One segment with:

Terminators in Cataphractii and Command Squad options

"Deimos" Sprue with 3 medium segmented parts with:
Two with Parts for four basic Rhinos
One with with Parts for Predator, Vindicator and Whirlwind variants

"Heavy Tank" Sprue with 3 medium segmented parts with:
One with Parts for 3 Land Raider Proteus
One with Parts for 2 Spartans and Variants
One with Parts for 3 Sicarians and Variants

"Heavy Tank" Sprue with parts for Felblade Variants
"Assault Vehicle" Sprue with parts for Land Speeder & Javelin Variants

Imperial Army and Mechanicum core units are also planned in plastic
Re-use of AT & AI Models for Arial and "extra big" support
Special Units and specific Stuff in Resin
Those "segmented" sprue parts could possible be seperated to get sold seperate later

"Dreadnought" Sprues with parts for 4 Contemptors and 2 Leviathans with many weapon options
Made in us
Veteran Knight Baron in a Crusader

Oakland, CA

That seems oddly detailed and specific for a leak/rumor.
Made in de
Servoarm Flailing Magos


 schoon wrote:
That seems oddly detailed and specific for a leak/rumor.

Optimistic view: it is very detailled because someone has seen marketing material that is done and will be released shortly
Most likely view: it is very detailled because it's completely made up and faeit is posting any random nonsense, as they are known to do
Made in fi
Posts with Authority

Not saying I believe this rumour, but damn, if such a box existed..

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Why would GW print 2 different sets of cosmetically different infantry as part of the starter wave? HH didn't release mkVI and Mk II boxes at the same time after all. Why not use that sprue budget for say Terrain or a Mastadon kit instead of splitting sales of infantry?
Made in gb
Rampaging Reaver Titan Princeps


Excuse me a moment, just need to grab something...

Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

RazorEdge wrote:
New Stuff appeared on Faeit:

More titbits about the release of EPIC as the next Game by the Specialist Design Studio of GW.


Big Box Set with enough Stuff to build 3 to 4 "small" Legiones Astartes Armies
Set is thematic is focused on the Istvaan III atrocity
All four Traitor Legions on Istvaan III featured with specific rules
Hardcover Rulebook
Thin Campaign Booklet to play the killing between Brothers on Istvaans


Game is based on Epic Armageddone Ruleset
Army Rules will more focused on Thematic Armies
Compendium which features rules and profiles for all 18 Space Marine Legions, Imperial Army, Mechanicum ect.

"Big" Infantry Sprue with 4 medium segmented parts (like common medium GW sprues) for Space Marines with Models for:

Two segments with each

Mk4 Tactical Squads
Mk4 Heavy Weapons ("anti-tank" and "anti-infatry") Squads
Mk4 Assault Squads
Mk4 Bike Squads

One segment with:

Mk4 Command Squads (Enough Parts for two Squads and different Leaders)

One segment with:

Terminators in Tartaros and Command Squad options

Second big Infantry Sprue in the same fashion but with Mk2 & Mk3 Armour mixed
One segment with

Mk2 Tactical Squads
Mk2 Heavy Weapons ("anti-tank" and "anti-infatry" Squads
Mk2 Assault Squads
Mk2 Bike Squads

One segment with:

Mk3 Tactical Squads
Mk3 Heavy Weapons ("anti-tank" and "anti-infatry") Squads
Mk3 Breacher Squads

One segment with:

Mk2 & Mk3 Command Squads (One Squad each with one Armour type)

One segment with:

Terminators in Cataphractii and Command Squad options

"Deimos" Sprue with 3 medium segmented parts with:
Two with Parts for four basic Rhinos
One with with Parts for Predator, Vindicator and Whirlwind variants

"Heavy Tank" Sprue with 3 medium segmented parts with:
One with Parts for 3 Land Raider Proteus
One with Parts for 2 Spartans and Variants
One with Parts for 3 Sicarians and Variants

"Heavy Tank" Sprue with parts for Felblade Variants
"Assault Vehicle" Sprue with parts for Land Speeder & Javelin Variants

Imperial Army and Mechanicum core units are also planned in plastic
Re-use of AT & AI Models for Arial and "extra big" support
Special Units and specific Stuff in Resin
Those "segmented" sprue parts could possible be seperated to get sold seperate later

"Dreadnought" Sprues with parts for 4 Contemptors and 2 Leviathans with many weapon options

Good. Make it happen GW otherwise an angry mob formed of Dakka members will march on Nottingham with torches & pitchforks.
Made in gb
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan

 MajorWesJanson wrote:
Why would GW print 2 different sets of cosmetically different infantry as part of the starter wave? HH didn't release mkVI and Mk II boxes at the same time after all. Why not use that sprue budget for say Terrain or a Mastadon kit instead of splitting sales of infantry?

For Epic it's quite a bit easier to support mutiple armour marks. For the same sprue space as say the HH MkVI kit you can have 2-3 different versions of Epic infantry including variants like breachers and heavy squads.

Having them available helps make different legions distinct, a bit like how Titanicus included alternative loyalist and traitor armour bits for titans.

I find the idea of having several armour variants available at launch more believable than "Imperial Army and Mechanicum core units are also planned in plastic ". Thanks Faeit
Made in at
Deranged Necron Destroyer

Here's hoping. Faeit doesn't inspire confidence, but if it it happens it happens. I'd love some plastic epic tanks and terminators (preferably Indomitus pattern, but hey).
Made in de
Servoarm Flailing Magos


 xttz wrote:
 MajorWesJanson wrote:
Why would GW print 2 different sets of cosmetically different infantry as part of the starter wave? HH didn't release mkVI and Mk II boxes at the same time after all. Why not use that sprue budget for say Terrain or a Mastadon kit instead of splitting sales of infantry?

For Epic it's quite a bit easier to support mutiple armour marks. For the same sprue space as say the HH MkVI kit you can have 2-3 different versions of Epic infantry including variants like breachers and heavy squads.

Having them available helps make different legions distinct, a bit like how Titanicus included alternative loyalist and traitor armour bits for titans.

I find the idea of having several armour variants available at launch more believable than "Imperial Army and Mechanicum core units are also planned in plastic ". Thanks Faeit

If they removed that single last line, it would look much more believable that e.g. someone saw and ad or whatever for an upcoming box that was soon to be released Generally GW don't tease about 'planned' stuff anymore unless it's a multi-year project like TOW, Sororitas or CoS, or due to immediate release.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
For what it's worth, Valrak just dropped a single line in a 40k-themed video:

Edit 03/31/2023

This video concerns Space Marine chapter supplements: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8cE1ASmoZ8

- Space Marines will get 'a lot of love' in 10th edition (duh)
- Starter Box is just step one
- 'End of Summer' second wave for SM, September/August
- 'Huge Refresh' for Dark Angels, Blood Angels, Space Wolves
- Dark Angel stuff is from a source he trusts 100%
- Blood Angel and Space Wolf stuff is from a new source
- BA and SW will receive boxed sets
- Dante probably in a boxed set, presented at Warhammer fest (speculation)
- He 'knows' Epic Horus Heresy will be shown of at Warhammer Fest
- Dark Angel box set with brand-new Sammael and Belial (unclear if old or new model)
- Second wave will also include separate kits for the stuff in the 10th box set
- Sanguinary guard: personally believes they'll come, but has no concrete information
- 'Everyone' will get a range refresh like Black Templars: a few units, upgrade frames and a few characters
- Says that will occupy the first half (!) of 10th edition

He now claims he knows, i.e. knows for sure, that Epic Horus Heresy will be shown at Warhammer Fest in four weeks time.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/03/31 13:19:47

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