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2015/03/08 03:27:16
Subject: Farewell to Empire (Arbites army shots page 49)
So this is an odd year for me, I'm spending nearly a year on temporary assignment so all my armies and bitz boxes are in storage till this fall. hey I can do a year without Warhammer right?
Yeah I soon fell off the wagon and picked up a bunch of other kits for bashing.
(nevermind the 90 WGF guys I got myself for Christmas, the DF APCs and female troopers from the kickstarter and oh, the $200 worth of Robotech tactics that arrived a while back, or the few $100 of metal from ebay I got... just never mind all that OK, OK?)
I'm doing Inquisition henchmen, since if I ever do play that's a pretty easy low model count way to do it.
Doing a lot of Empire kits because honestly they have a lot of character and fun, mixing them mostly with Cadian command squads for 40k bitz.
Inquisitor-Aspirant Danil Ardor sat in the cold hall, sweating under his robes despite the pervasive chill. He watched as his classmates, fellow Inquisitor-Aspirants received their rosets and their first assignments. Billu Khan was sent to the Halo Stars to find the source of extra-galactic artifacts found in the hands of cultists. Mitali Asrani send to Necromunda to hunt reports of mysterious xenos believed to be posing as mountebanks... and so on down the list. The best and brightest to the most critical assignments, the middle to places of key, if not vital interest, and then the last few...
Who slowly dwindled to one.
Danil's name was the last called. Shaking he rose to his feet.
"And to you, Inquisitor-Minorus Ardor, you are called to monitor the badlands south of Puerto Dolor for heretical activity."
Chuckes could be heard around him.
Bowing his head he accepted his rosette and his warrent and managed to sit down with some sort of grace.
He'd know he was lagging in his studies, he'd known he wasn't the best but...
Puerto Dolor, where in the Emperor's holy name was that?
Inquisitor Ardor, and his as-yet unnamed rival, are just Empire swordsmen with coats from the Outriders and some micl bitz. Rules wise they'll be cheap level 1 psykers.
Several months later Inquisitor-Minorus Ardor called on Puerto Dolor's small Arbites Precinct.
It turned out Puerto Dolor was a small city of just 12 million on the southern continent of an unremarkable hive world. Surrounded by jungle and mountains it was primarily a trading post to export minerals and other resources to the northern hives or off-world. There were no signs any threat to the Imperium, no any particularly compelling reason to investigate the city and its surrounding wilderness but no Inquisitor had set foot there in 300 years so it was seen as a potentially fruitful assignment for a young Inquisitor. And if he messed up... well he wouldn't be missed.
The Senior Judge was not happy to hear Ardor's 'request' for three men, he was short-staffed as it was, but Ardor's Rosette was good for that much at least.
In theory Ardor could have asked for more men, he could have asked for the entire Precinct and the whole Imperial Guard Garrison as well. But no one ever achieved the rank of Inquisitor without a firm grasp of their place in the great heiracrchy. And Inquisitors who lost sight of those things... well an Inquisition Rosette was no proof against 'unfortunate accidents'.
These are my favorite models of this batch, Brettonian heads on Cadians with Empire muskets. They really fit the whole techno-medieval look of 40k.
Rules-wise they're just going to be bullet-stoppers with lasguns or shotguns. A shame but that's they way things go.
A visit to the Imperial Guard garrison netted Ardor a some more information about the hill tribes, a techno-savant with local knowledge and a bored Commissar looking to see some action outside the four walls of the garrison.
An orange-furred local creature also tagged along as sort of a mascot.
Jockero, Commissar and what would have been a sage, but sages are out of the =I= codex. So he's another bullet-stopper. Still I'll add some more scrolls and books to him.
The commissar will count as a priest and I'm really happy with how those outrider cloaks look on a cadian.
A trip to the city's small Astropathic Choir was just as uneventful. The Choir Master began to complain, insisting he could not spare any psykers but when the Arbites subtly shifted their Lawgiver Shotguns he grew much more cooperative.
Empire flagellent with the blindfold head, and a spearman with a GK head and a book instead of his speartip.
Why is the mystic playing a flute? Because I had the bit and because it's kind of crazy and bizzare and crazy is what the Inquisition is all about.
With his team more-or-less in place Dolor loaded them into a caravan of Iron Oxen (the civilian version of the Guard's Taurox) and headed into the hills.
Who knows what horrors he might find there?
This message was edited 100 times. Last update was at 2024/12/29 17:53:43
2015/03/08 04:17:27
Subject: Farewell to Empire-Inquisition conversions
Interesting looking forward to the hill tribes myself.
"But me no buts! Our comrades get hurt. Our friends die. Falkenburg is a knight who swore an oath to serve the church and to defend the weak. He'd be the first to tell you to stop puling and start planning. Because what we are doing-at risk to ourselves-is what we have sworn to do. The West relies on us. It is a risk we take with pride. It is an oath we honour. Even when some soft southern burgher mutters about us, we know the reason he sleeps soft and comfortable, why his wife is able to complain about the price of cabbages as her most serious problem and why his children dare to throw dung and yell "Knot" when we pass. It's because we are what we are. For all our faults we stand for law and light.
Von Gherens This Rough Magic Lackey, Flint & Freer
Mekagorkalicious -Monkeytroll
2017 Model Count-71
2015/03/08 11:03:41
Subject: Farewell to Empire-Inquisition conversions
Fluff is in the spoilers, pictures and modeling notes (such as they are) in the open.
The Iron Ox, a wheeled, civilian variant of the Imperial Guard's venerable Taurox, lurched into motion and the five trucks behind it followed. His henchmen were scattered among the vehicles along with several hired guards.
Officially the free trader Darhen Arles was heading into the hills in search of buyers for his stock of tools, weapons and fabrics.
Secretly Inquisitor Minorous Danil Ardor was leading his small band of henchmen into the hills in search of...
Well whatever he could find.
Ardor's warrant was frustratingly and deliberately vague. It requested and required that he investigate the situation around Puerto De Dolor for possible threats to the Imperium and commanded that all loyal subjects render assistance to him.
The Inquisition had no information on possible threats, no leads, no real reason to send him here. That was the point. This was, in many ways, his true final exam. Surely in a backwater corner of the Imperium untouched by the Inquisition for 300 years there must be SOMETHING worth finding. And either Ardor would find it. Or he would end up in an unmarked grave. Either way the Imperium would be stronger.
Weeks of roaming the city and making his rounds had turned up 2 possible leads. First there was the Bastion at Mile 558, an outpost where the jungle and hills gave way to savanah and desert, a place where firearms of suspiciously high quality could be purchased.
Then there were reports from the desert itself of strange multicolored lightning, of travelers vanishing without a trace, some reappearing years later but claiming only hours had gone by. They might be mere travelers tails, or signs of darker activity.
Ardor almost hoped they were nothing. He hated battling psykers.
Pretty much stock handgunners, one swordsman body in there. They'll be barebones buller stoppers for more valuable henchmen.
It was 4 days out when the shooting started.
Ardor was in the second Iron Ox, the only one whose coolers still worked, listening to his Savant Belind talk about local fauna when the heavy bullets started to strike the armored sides. For a moment he thought the rains had come again, then he heard the screams.
Bail, one of the Arbites, climbed through a roof hatch and fired his law-giver at their concealed foes. Around the caravan other henchmen and guards were firing as well to little avail. Their attackers knew the terrain and were hitting the caravan with a stunningly heavy amount of firepower.
It seemed Ardor had found his 'suspiciously high-quality firearms'.
Well they'd be in for a surprise. He took out a small comlink and punched in a sequence of numbers.
He looked at the fifth truck in anticipation.
Nothing happened.
He did it again.
"Offal." He grunted.
So this is the conversion I actually wanted to do. Outrider repeating guns on handgunner bodies to make a bunch of cheap guys armed with mini gattling guns.
These 2 got capes from the outriders.
Generally I'm pleased with them but the legs look a bit weedy. Maybe adding some pouched will help but I think I might have been better served with Catachans or Cadians. Something to keep in mind if there is a next time.
"Offal" Inquisitor Minorus Ardor repeated as he climbed out a back hatch.
"Offal-offal-offal!" He yelled as he ran low to the ground, hugging the trucks' armored sides as bullets fell like rain until he reached the final vehicle and leapt inside. Pushing a wounded guard of his way he reached the cargo section and used his sword to pry open the crate. He found the control pad and once again punched in the combination.
This time it worked.
He wondered if the attackers knew who he was, and if they did, did they really believe the Inquisition had send him here completely unprepared.
Oh well.
Hopefully there's be enough survivors to question.
HEY! Assassins aren't unique anymore!
Eversore (Cadian PF & PS with Empire banner topper) and 2 Vindicares (Cadian sniper with a SKULL FOR A HEAD!!! #badass and a kneeling Cadian with a handgunner long rifle and misc bitz).
2 Eversores (he came out so nice I made him twice) and a Callidus. Yeah, yeah the Callidus is just a guy with a mysterious cloak of mystery but as I said this is a definitely 'make do' project and I didn't want to buy a bunch of Dark Elf/Eldar Witch/Wyches. Maybe I'll try again with one of my WGF female survivors. And hey he's at least a pretty cool looking dude with a sword and a mysterious cloak of mystery so I'm sure he'll see some use sooner or later.
Ardor wiped some of the body parts off his boot and shook his head. There were limbs, heads and torsos scattered across the road. At least the rains and the animals would soon cleanse them.
The assassins were back in their pod. The hired guards were hearing from the Arbites why they would never, ever tell anyone what they saw. And the convoy was ready to start up again.
One more day to the Stronghold at Mile 558 and it's suspiciously well-made firearms.
2015/03/12 11:45:56
Subject: Farewell to Empire-Inquisition conversions
I'm a huge fan of the empire fantasy kits myself and use them for just about everything. Good stuff going on here. I especially like the guys with the outrider gatling guns.
I mentioned just how much I liked the little Arbites kit bash, so I did a squad of them.
10 Arbites + Senior Judge Credulous (or Judge Credd as the men call him)
Cadian bodies with scout shotguns, brettonian high collar heads and a mix of Empire and Grey Knight bling.
The squad can also count as IG vets, despite having a collection of equipement that makes not sense at all.
Judge Credd is well equipped with a bolt pistol, shotgun and power/thunder hammer. Basically he's totally unsuited for any role, but at least looks good.
Head from a Skittarii.
His lieutenant Judge Sergeant Oxe and the squad's sniper. Sarge has a plasma pistol and power maul, because why not?
Squad heavy bolter and spotter/loader.
The ordinary shotgunners.
Yes, 5x shotguns, 2x GL, 1x sniper rifle, 1xheavy bolter, and a sgt with a plasma pistol! And carapace armor! Pretty much the worst IG unit possible.
This got me wondering if there wasn't a cheaper way to do it, so I got a box of 'clip together' IG (5 for $10) and this is what I came up with.
Brett head swap, clipped off a bit of the lasgun and added some textured plastic card for the shoulders.
They're not great but if I wanted to so an AA army they could act as filler.
Doozing in the cab of the truck, listening to one of the Arbites describing in exacting detail how the assassins slaughtered the bandits, Inquisitor Ardor remembered his trip to the city's precinct house.
It loomed over the Imperial Quarter as it was meant to, as it should, but Ardor could tell as he approached something was different.
Where were the gibblets filled with criminals? Where were the screams of the penitant as they endured the tender mercies of the Arbites? Why weren't the heavy bolters on the walls targeting him?
Ardor soon found his answer.
"Inquisitor." Judge Credulous said. His full-face mask distorted and flattened his voice. Ardor had no way of knowing if the Judge was surprised, irritated or just stating a fact.
Which, no doubt, was the point.
"Twenty judges." Credulous said. "Twenty Judges for a city of 20 million, a district of 50 million. Twenty judges."
"No doubt a testimony to their confidence in your skills." Ardor ventured.
He could almost feel the Senior Judge sneer under his helmet.
Arbor had come hoping to recruit a full team of a dozen judges, armored vehicles and even some covert agents.
Instead, even with the full authority of the Imperium behind him, he got 3 judges and the name of a relatively honest man to hire vehicles from.
It was emblematic of Ardor's entire trip.
2015/05/10 05:11:50
Subject: Farewell to Empire-Inquisition conversions
Poor Ardor! he got the crappy assignment the other Inquisitors did not want!
"Your mumblings are awakening the sleeping Dragon, be wary when meddling the affairs of Dragons, for thou art tasty and go good with either ketchup or chocolate. "
Dragons fear nothing, if it acts up, we breath magic fire that turns them into marshmallow peeps. We leaguers only cry rivets!
2015/05/10 11:45:57
Subject: Farewell to Empire-Inquisition conversions
If I ever have serious time again maybe I'll do a real story "Danil Ardor: Bottom of his Class"
"The Underdog of the Inquisition!"
"Your mumblings are awakening the sleeping Dragon, be wary when meddling the affairs of Dragons, for thou art tasty and go good with either ketchup or chocolate. "
Dragons fear nothing, if it acts up, we breath magic fire that turns them into marshmallow peeps. We leaguers only cry rivets!
2015/05/10 12:53:15
Subject: Farewell to Empire-Inquisition conversions
I am enjoying it. It's nice to see a different mix between the unlimited power or the inquisition and the limits that are placed on him due to being bottom of the class. Can't wait to read more
2015/09/13 16:38:00
Subject: Re:Farewell to Empire-Inquisition conversions
So I've made the big move to India for the next few years and, as so often happens, find myself with lots of time but no way to do any painting or modeling since everything I own is on a boat somewhere in the Pacific.
I spotted a decent sized toy truck in a shop here however and figured it would go in well with my collection of civilian vehicles.
It's suitable big, ugly and dirty, the back can hold a few models allowing it to serve as cover in a game, or I can put it on its side. Looking forward to getting my bitz boxes back so I can kit these out with barrels, and crates and all the other stuff it needs.
And skulls of course, even a civilian truck will surely have a few skulls for protection. Former drivers, failed bandits, maybe even passengers who fell off whose skulls are now carried with the truck forever in penance.
2015/09/13 18:57:05
Subject: Farewell to Empire-Inquisition conversions
Trucks work for the setting. BTW always enjoyed your civilian vehicle article.
"But me no buts! Our comrades get hurt. Our friends die. Falkenburg is a knight who swore an oath to serve the church and to defend the weak. He'd be the first to tell you to stop puling and start planning. Because what we are doing-at risk to ourselves-is what we have sworn to do. The West relies on us. It is a risk we take with pride. It is an oath we honour. Even when some soft southern burgher mutters about us, we know the reason he sleeps soft and comfortable, why his wife is able to complain about the price of cabbages as her most serious problem and why his children dare to throw dung and yell "Knot" when we pass. It's because we are what we are. For all our faults we stand for law and light.
Von Gherens This Rough Magic Lackey, Flint & Freer
Mekagorkalicious -Monkeytroll
2017 Model Count-71
2015/09/14 17:41:38
Subject: Farewell to Empire-Inquisition conversions
Love the Connex's. Just caught up to this thread. I really like the Arbites Kit bash, I've been looking at ebay to buy some of the originals but mainly for the dog! Gave me some wonderful ideas for converting some Arbites.
2015/09/16 18:58:07
Subject: Farewell to Empire-Inquisition conversions
So I knew I'd have some quiet time between arriving in India and my family arriving and ordered some bitz and models to keep me busy (everything else in in a boat somewhere in the pacific).
And I just blew through them in a weekend...
Ah well, on with the show.
(modeling is in plain text, fluff in spoiler tags)
Lall was griping. But Lall was always griping. He griped about the heat, the griped about the road, still cracked and pitted from the last war, he gripped about the truck, probably older than all of them put together, and most of all he griped about his damn arm. He'd broken it last week, according to him he was chasing cultists through the warren of alleyways in the underhive. According to everyone else he got falling down drunk in an underhive sherab bar and, well, fell down. The point being, Lall's damn arm hurt like hell but Senior Investigator Malik told him to go, so he went.
Three hours later, three straight hours of griping later their Dharmic Gaya pattern cargo truck shuddered to a halt and the ancient engine wheezed out a cloud of grey smoke.
That was fine.
With a bit of maintenance a Dharmic Gaya could run for centuries. It was only the black smoke you had to worry about.
Senior Investigator Malik and the rest of the team dispersed into the crumbling underhive market. Except for Lall. His bum arm had landed him guard duty at the truck. Not that he could do much with his bum arm, but he took out a grenade and held it up for everyone in the market to see. They nodded and turned away.
"Do try not to blow up the truck Lall." Malik droned in his perpetual monotone. "It would be quite a long walk back."
So, same truck as before, now with some models to show scale.
They're mostly Empire Handgunners (such a good kit! why can't any of the IG kits be this good!) with some random IG bitz, heads are from the Wyvern Gunner IIRC. They're a lot thinner than IG and have these hunched over poses that make them perfect for lowly henchmen.
Rules wise they'll either be Inquisition henchmen (lowest of the low 4 pointers with no additional equipment) or maybe IG conscripts (if I go nuts and make 20 more, which I can't rule out).
The two Senior Investigators get nicer hats from the Outrider kit (another great kit! Oh GW why do hate IG players so much! If there was a plastic rough rider kit this good I'd buy a dozen) but rules-wise nothing else. Fluff wise I see them as the CSI/Forensics folks for the Inquisition doing the leg work and picking through sites and writing reports that eventually end with the Inquisitor busting into the cult temple and fighting a King Kong-sized demon with his sword. But before that can happen there's evidence to collect, witnesses to question, and long, long rides in broken down trucks to not-so-nice parts of town.
Waiting by the truck Lall had little to do. The driver and mechanic were playing a keen game of noble houses, the driver almost had a full palace, but as the guard Lall knew he could face a hour in the agony booth if the Senior Investigators found him playing cards.
He spent some time studying the Statue of the Emperor overlooking the market. He shook his head at the missing arm and crooked sword, he wondered what happened. Did the builders run out of funds and parts? Or did they just not care?
Really missing my bitz box, can't bring myself to order a powerfist or backpack for this conversion when I have dozens in a bitz box in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
The Sigmarines are some great figures, not worth blowing up WHFB for, but still credit where credit is due, they are nice.
Crooked sword... @#$%, now can I fix it without sanding away details?
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/09/20 04:45:11
2015/09/20 11:30:56
Subject: Farewell to Empire-Inquisition conversions
love the fluff by the way! only had recently time to read it, now i am up to date!...please do write create nice characters!
the main fault with the crooked sword is the mismatched/misplaced hilt...that needs fixing...the lil nubs from the sprue connection you will be able to sand off without too much hassle i am sure...
i too think the sigmarine minis have much potential, for conversions in so many projects... i am still hesitant tho as i don´t know which minis and from what box i should get me a testing model...
also...i need to find me that wyvern torso... that looks amazing!
Viktor von Domm wrote: love the fluff by the way! only had recently time to read it, now i am up to date!...please do write create nice characters!
the main fault with the crooked sword is the mismatched/misplaced hilt...that needs fixing...the lil nubs from the sprue connection you will be able to sand off without too much hassle i am sure...
i too think the sigmarine minis have much potential, for conversions in so many projects... i am still hesitant tho as i don´t know which minis and from what box i should get me a testing model...
also...i need to find me that wyvern torso... that looks amazing!
and also also^^ that hindi on the truck?
Thanks for the kind words!
Yep that's Hindi on the first truck, just 'New Delhi' I guess the others will be Mumbai, Chennai etc.
Kitbashes are great, even with "limited" resources for the time being, and the accompanying fluff is awesome, love how the characters are so clearly drawn in just a few lines
Truck looks nicely - in it's own way - battered and weathered, maybe the wheels could use some more beating up - rust and grime on the rims and tires - to dirty them up a bit and cover the grooves: such a truck would hardly have other than smooth-worn tyres.
Hope everything arrives safely, too!
2015/09/22 16:57:16
Subject: Re:Farewell to Empire-Inquisition conversions
And hour became two, became three, became four. Lall made his regular radio checks but static turned the replies into a pattern of hisses and clicks that might have been 'acknowledged' or might have 'run for your life you fool!'. Lall liked to assume it was the former.
It was somewhere around hour five, as the sun disappeared and the market stalls closed that something finally happened.
Several things in fact.
The first was smoke began to pour from the windows of a distant warehouse. Green smoke.
Then the roof of that warehouse blasted into the sky.
Then some... thing... crawled out of the now roofless warehouse. Something the size of a rhinosaur, or a rhinosaur's bigger, meaner brother. Something with too many mouths, too many limbs, too many... angles.
It hurt to look at, like those static pix zoners stare at for hours. But Lall couldn't look away.
He just wished it would stop screaming.
It wasn't till he ran out of breath and doubled over hyperventalating that he realized... he was the one screaming.
Then he saw his buddies running towards the truck. Some were wounded, others has no obvious wounds but were bleeding from their eyes or ears.
Whatever it was they were looking for, they'd found it.
The something else happened.
The walls of the cargo crate next to Lall crashed to the ground and blinding light shot from inside it.
The hulking creature exploded into a million chunks of burning putrid flesh.
When Lall's eyes cleared he saw a squad of Arbiters milled around, steam pouring from their plasma guns. Suddenly the aged face of Tribune Secundus Mahar appeared inches from his face.
"On your feet lad, there's still work to be done!"
So the big project this week was a squad of Arbites.
Similar to the earlier squads it's brettonian heads on IG bodies, in this case 10 Valkyrie door gunners.
Not an easy bit to get, but I like them better than the scions they just look bulkier and more.. gritty. They'd also more great Imperial navy arms men if anyone wants to try that project.
Unlike the last squad this time I gave them somewhat useful weapons 3x plasma guns and a heavy bolter.
Not too happy with how the sternguard heavy bolter turned out, just too big. The scout bolter worked a lot better.
The rest of the squad got Empire handguns to serve as their shotguns (or lasguns if I want to be even a bit competative).
Some leftover bodies became the precenct's ruling Tribunal, 3 senior judges armed to the teeth. Empire outrider heads and bits with Hydra gunner bodies. They'll probably count as Inquisitors or better armed henchmen.
Meanwhile I started on truck #2 adding plasticard armor and a repeating musket (counts as storm bolter). Truly a fearsome warmachine now!
Lall shakily got to his feet. He didn't even remember falling.
His buddies and the Arbites are herding people into trucks. Witnesses? Cultists? Collaborators? He didn't know.
Any more than he knew where they were being taken.
He looked again at the Arbites squad and then at the crate. Had they just been there all day? Longer? Standing in full armor in a steel box, just in case they were needed? What kind of men were they?
But his musing was ended by a harsh smack from Tribune Mahar's power maul.
"To work boy!"
Now the trucks were full. Arbiters were lining a group of townsfolk against the wall. They didn't look and different from the others who'd been taken away.
The Judges aimed their shotguns at the group, there was a roar of thunder and the group fell to the ground.
Another shell-shocked group was pushed in front of them...
"What did they do?" Lall whispered.
"Does it matter? They live here. They must have known something was wrong but they ignored it, they walked by averting their eyes. And now they pay the price." Senior Investigator Malik replied. "And unless you want to join them..."
Lall grew up in a slum like this one. He'd learned an important lesson there. Keep your eyes to yourself. If he saw the local gang-cult beating up a shop-keeper, a father hitting his children or a wife in the arms of another man... Well he quickly learned that no, he didn't see it. He didn't see anything. That's how you stay alive. He knew that every man, woman and child in this slum had learned the same lessons.
But he learned another lesson too, one that was even more important.
Better them than me.
"Oi you lot, get over here!" He shouted and fired his autopistol in the air. "Judges want a word with you!"
The shotguns barked again.
Down the alleyway he could see flamer tanks arriving, pouring burning promethium into the warehouse, and everything around it.
The sky turned red...
Hrm. Now I have to turn a truck into a hellhound.
Automatically Appended Next Post: the real shame is I'm basically out of models for another month till my shipments arrive (and then figure a month of unpacking and setting up).
But oh look!
40 cultists for a bit over $40 on ebay...
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/09/22 17:17:17
2015/09/22 19:56:16
Subject: Farewell to Empire-Inquisition conversions
you seem to have a lucky hand when acquiring bits...
those valk gunner bodies sure are not easy to come by...
i like that composition tho...
the legs btw are from the gunner too? i like the almost at attention stance there... that´s something i look for since a millennia^^
fluff while brutal and unfair is very good and convincing for thhe situation!
as for the hellhound...why use that kind of lorry...why not look for a real oil truck?...ala mad max??