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2015/09/16 19:26:53
Subject: The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Stealthy Grot Snipa
Well I've finally matched to get away from my Grots to start a new project, much like the last time I completed my Grot Rebel army I'm in the mood for a small army that doesn't require a crate sized army case.
For years I've wanted to do a Tau Empire Battlesuit Army, the original idea was to do a commando like army with each suit represented by an elite commando looking fella. Sadly this was dropped when the size difference couldn't be fixed with just a raised base.
Here is one of my Elite Commandos, If GW announce a Kill Team event I'll begin work on a squad of them...
So I decided to do a Drone army, the idea is that their launched and controlled from a Manta ship. The Drone design itself has gone through many changes since last year...
Using the forgeworld Remora Drones, however since I don't fancy paying £15 for each battlesuit it was scrapped. However this design will serve as a Command Drone (Battlesuit Commander).
I was struggling to create a new and affordable Crisis Drone design, late one night I happened to cobble together some riptide bits to create the MK2! But Riptide Shields are very rare and even after months of trying to get them online I had been unable to get any so it was back to the drawing board.
It was then I settled on this more blocky design which made them look more powerful but maintained it's Tau like appearance, the dome and visor also go better too than the previous design. Since I was unable to find a uniform look for the sides that suited all the weapons, so I decided to simply design each to look different depending on the weapons it was armed with. Still working on the Burst Cannon attachments thou.
Now all I'm worried about is the upcoming codex forcing me to make the 2 weapons twin-linked.
As you've spotted I'm using frozen bases for this project, I'll go into more detail on how they are made later on in the log.
As for paint scheme I'm likely to go with a bright grey with black and yellow details, hopefully I'll have a drawing of one of the drone to work with soon.
Now I'm just getting started, once the Grot Mecha is compelted I can put all my time into this project. I'm working on some Broadside and Riptide Drone models at the moment plus have a few ideas for the new releases.
Anyway I look forward to reading your feedback.
2015/09/16 19:31:48
Subject: The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Ultramarine Librarian with Freaky Familiar
2015/09/16 19:50:03
Subject: The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Omnipotent Lord of Change
Looks like you'll have an extra handful of new Tau units to build drone versions of with the new codex - including gigantic (we're talking frisbee sized) superheavy 'floater'
- Salvage
2015/09/16 20:29:16
Subject: The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Stealthy Grot Snipa
Oh I have some ideas
2015/09/16 23:08:23
Subject: Re:The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Strategizing Grey Knight Chapter Master
Brilliant! you've kept the Tau aesthetic but made them much more formidable. I will keep an eye on this with anticipation
IceAngel wrote:I must say Knightley, I am very envious of your squiggle ability. I mean, if squiggles were a tactical squad, you'd be the sergeant. If squiggles were an HQ, you'd be the special character. If squiggles were a way of life, you'd be Doctor Phil... The Cleanest Painting blog ever!
Gitsplitta wrote:I am but a pretender... you are... the father of all squiggles. . |
2015/09/17 14:09:26
Subject: Re:The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Lead-Footed Trukkboy Driver
I'm very excited to see this one develop!
As has been said, it's great timing too what with the new Tau release just around the corner!
2015/09/17 14:16:22
Subject: The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Stabbin' Skarboy
looking forward to this!
3500pts1500pts2500pts4500pts3500pts2000pts 2000pts plus several small AOS armies |
2015/09/17 19:54:04
Subject: Re:The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Stealthy Grot Snipa
So I'm looking for some feedback on my mock up for the Tank Drone aka Riptide? I plan to bulk up the front a bit plus add thrusters to the rear the SMS will be going onto the back and the support systems will be represented by specialist drones accompanying it? One of the biggest benefits to the MK3 design was looking similar to the Tank Drones.
Should be fun design a stealth version with the new codex.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/09/17 19:55:15
2015/09/29 23:31:35
Subject: Re:The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Stealthy Grot Snipa
Been thinking about ways to convert the new stealth riptide, I'm thinking if the stats are weaker or the same as a riptide maybe go with either a stealth variant of the tank drone or go with this cool stealth bomber conversion I found on the web created by Turbo_MMX. Only with a large drone in the centre.
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/09/29 23:32:39
2015/09/30 02:38:46
Subject: The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot
Either would be cool - but I'd wait until we have rules and a better look at the model's scale, first!
2015/10/02 07:19:51
Subject: The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Implacable Skitarii
While I love that drone fighter conversion, and would equally love to see your spin on it, I'm just worried that it wouldn't translate well on the tabletop. My first thought upon seeing that on the table would be "Oh, that's a flyer".
If you could make the design a bit more ungainly, or even lower it closer to the ground it'd help a lot
2015/10/02 07:45:44
Subject: The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Water-Caste Negotiator
Yeah, that defo looks like a flyer. Love the conversions though!
2015/10/02 18:19:21
Subject: The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Enginseer with a Wrench
Im surprised you didnt try recasting some of the earlier bits to aid with your production. Normally, its cost prohibitive, but since you're looking to do a whole army of drone, investing the $50 in silicone and resin to recast those hard to find bits seems like the way to go.
2015/10/02 23:56:35
Subject: The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Stealthy Grot Snipa
Dramagod2 wrote:Im surprised you didnt try recasting some of the earlier bits to aid with your production. Normally, its cost prohibitive, but since you're looking to do a whole army of drone, investing the $50 in silicone and resin to recast those hard to find bits seems like the way to go.
Tried that, copying the FW Drone body was unsuccessful and getting correct casts of the Riptide Shield was frustrating. So I decided to stick with simple kitbashing.
Archmagos_Amadeus wrote:While I love that drone fighter conversion, and would equally love to see your spin on it, I'm just worried that it wouldn't translate well on the tabletop. My first thought upon seeing that on the table would be "Oh, that's a flyer".
If you could make the design a bit more ungainly, or even lower it closer to the ground it'd help a lot
Hows this? Now that I knew it's T5 and 4 wounds it doesn't have to be as big as the Tank Drones.
2015/10/31 23:33:05
Subject: The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Sneaky Sniper Drone
Very cool can't wait to see more =D
2015/11/11 12:46:03
Subject: Re:The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Stealthy Grot Snipa
I'm please to inform you that I'm currently mass producing the Crisis Drones, one of which will be painted up next week as a test model for the chosen paint scheme. In complete contrast to my Grot Rebelz with their warm colours I've opted for colder colours for this project; teal, grey and white with some contrasting orange stripes. Shown on the drone below...
I've also started work on the Broadside Fire Support Drones. The High yield missile pods will be glued to the top half like a turret while the Smart Missile System will be mounted on the back of the lower half, the idea being that they are fired directly up before homing on their target. I may make an alternative turret for a railgun but their a bit useless.
2015/11/11 12:58:23
Subject: Re:The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Been Around the Block
I got excited when I saw someone else make crisis drones like my old ones, though I think you have made the right choice choosing that different design, looks much better and should be much cheaper! I gotta ask though; was the first one inspired by my efforts or did we both come up with the same design?
The sheer number of different drone designs coming out of GW these days would have made my life so very much easier when making my drone army.
Looking forward to seeing more of your designs!
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/11/11 13:17:08
2015/11/11 13:24:28
Subject: The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine
This such a cool project, keep it up.
Down with Allies, Solo 2016! |
2015/11/11 13:48:05
Subject: Re:The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Oldenburg, Germany
this is one of the best ideas for a tau army i have seen in a long time... looking forward to seeing more!
2015/11/16 18:01:12
Subject: Re:The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Stealthy Grot Snipa
I was going to test the colour scheme using an airbrush on the first drone yesterday however my friend who was going to instruct me and help me prepare the paints was unavailable, given that the first time I used my last airbrush alone I broke it so it's going to have to wait. So it was back to the bases readying them for painting then filling. Only question is how should I paint the half sunken structures on the bases?
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/11/16 18:02:00
2015/11/16 20:28:32
Subject: The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Warning From Magnus? Not Listening!
My vote is for an oxidized bronze look using that GW technical paint. I think it would work well with your cool color scheme and really give a good contrast with the clean paint job of the drones.
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2015/11/16 20:34:02
Subject: Re:The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Stealthy Grot Snipa
Actually a friend was kind enough to do some experimentation work and he sent me this I think going to go with drybrushing, maybe even a bit of sponging.
2015/11/18 02:26:21
Subject: Re:The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Mysterious Techpriest
Drone army? Proiteus? I'll take two please!
2015/11/18 02:29:58
Subject: Re:The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Automated Rubric Marine of Tzeentch
Interesting idea, unfortunately due to such an extreme difference in sizing from the legit to your conversions (like the riptide for example), you will probably never be able to put them on the table. At least not in a competitive event.
Let a billion souls burn in death than for one soul to bend knee to a false Emperor.....
"I am the punishment of God, had you not committed great sin, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you" |
2015/11/18 12:15:19
Subject: Re:The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Stealthy Grot Snipa
quickfuze wrote:Interesting idea, unfortunately due to such an extreme difference in sizing from the legit to your conversions (like the riptide for example), you will probably never be able to put them on the table. At least not in a competitive event.
It's not as extreme as you think, I'll post some compassion pics up soon. I learnt long ago to convert using two important rules...
1. It must be easily recongisable as the unit it represents.
2. It must be of similar size to the original model.
With my gretchin guardsmen they were placed on raised bases and this project is not exception. All the models are at least as wide (or even wider) than their original models and all their flying bases will take them up to be the same height as the original model. If by chance my opponent can only see the base and not the model he'll still be allowed to take the shot.
2015/11/18 18:45:03
Subject: Re:The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Stealthy Grot Snipa
After reading an article about the Tau buff commander I thought I should use one as it would fit in perfectly with the drone army. After all the army is launched and controlled from a Manta Drop Ship so it makes sense to have a non combat Drone acting as a control link between the Manta and the Drone Network. So I threw this rough conversion together using spare bits and some component from a Gundam kit (don't ask me which as I was given it), Its a rough mock and will have a lot more details added such as some sensors and more details on the arms plus a visor on the front like the other drones.
What do you think to the Command Drone?
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/11/18 18:45:56
2015/11/18 22:27:09
Subject: Re:The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Mysterious Techpriest
Looks awesome! Btw the MK2 crisis armor would do great as a stealth suit IMO
2015/11/18 22:46:14
Subject: The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot
Need many, many more optics, sensors, etc. - but looking good so far!
Also, I'd recommend cross-posting this on Advanced Tau Tactica - there's some really skilled Tau conversion guys there who could help you!
2015/11/26 21:25:40
Subject: Re:The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Stealthy Grot Snipa
For those of you who are curious, here is a side by side comparison of Crisis Drone to Crisis suit. As you can see I've matched the bulk and height of the model almost perfectly as I doubt the lack of a lower half will effect line of sight.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/11/26 21:30:15
2015/11/26 21:36:23
Subject: Re:The Tau Kor'vesa Initiative (Tau Drone Themed Army)
Mysterious Techpriest
Perfect! I think all Crisis suits should have drone heads from now on. It looks MUCH better!