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Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes


I've decided to upgrade my Dakka status from Lurker to Low-level Paint Blogger.
I'm not a particularly good painter or a fast one, but hopefully there will be some interest in my postings!

So what do I paint?
All kinds of minis really. Although a combination of rediscovering my love of assembling plastic minis and a need to stop buying so much random junk I'll never get around to painting, has got me back into Warhammer minis in a big way recently.

So what have I been painting?
My last two finished things were:-

The Blood Secrator from the Age of Sigmar boxset.
I've been working through this set very slowly, this brings my total to 6 Chaos dudes but only 2 Stormcast guys.

The Phoenix from Kingdom Death: Monster. This one took ages, don't really have the patience for big minis, and when it's finally done it doesn't fit properly into my little photobooth thingy and the colours get all messed up in the picture

So what am I painting right now?
On my desk currently are:-

A test trooper who's helping work out the colour scheme for my little Skitarii group and the Lord-Relictor (gotta get more Stormcast finished).

Hopefully I'll be back soon with some progress.

This message was edited 196 times. Last update was at 2024/09/08 20:31:20

Made in pl
Fresh-Faced New User

They look really nice - especially this chaos guy

Made in gb
Savage Khorne Berserker Biker


Never seen a blue khorne warrior before, but it looks cool!

pronouns: she/her
We're going to need more skulls - My blogspot
Quanar wrote:you were able to fit regular guardsmen in drop pods before the FAQ and they'd just come out as a sort of soup..
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

Breslerek wrote:They look really nice - especially this chaos guy


corpuschain wrote:Never seen a blue khorne warrior before, but it looks cool!

I'm not very good at painting red, so these guys are either generic Chaos dudes using the Khorne symbol 'cause it's cool or they're colour-blind.

Made in mt
Regular Dakkanaut

Newcastle, UK

Really awesome dude
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

 Astro Wolf wrote:
Really awesome dude


Finished my test Skitarii:-

At some point the gritty and realistic (in a Weird World War kinda way) image I had in mind turned into a Saturday morning cartoon villain.
Doesn't look too bad though, my whole Start Collecting Skitarii set in this scheme will certainly be colourful.


Lord-Relictor is getting there slowly. His body is done, and his hammer just needs highlighting, leaving just his fancy staff and ribbon cape to go.


Started prepping the next dudes in the queue, the Man Hunter (a lovely Kingdom Death:- Monster mini, even if it does seem like he wandered in from another game) and my first ever Space Marine. the Interrogator-Chaplain (not doing him as a Dark Angel though, he's (and any other Space Marines I get) going to be a generic Space Knight wearing his own personal heraldry).


Prepped Kingdom Deaths Lonely Tree as my next big mini.
Needed quite a bit of Greenstuffing, I'm finding the larger KD plastic kits aren't as good at hiding the joins as the smaller ones.
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

Haven't gotten as much painting done as I wanted this week.

Lord-Relictor is almost done. Just his base to go once the varnish dries.

Also made a start to the Lonely Tree. The faces are finished, but the roots and vines have only had a basecoat plus wash so far. Kinda disappointed that once I started painting it I discovered I hadn't done a particularly good of filling the gaps, really thought I'd started to level up in the greenstuffing department.

Most of this weeks hobby time went on building these:-

Did better than expected selling some old Kingdom Death minis, so I could pick up not only the Deathwatch box but the Dark Vengeance box too (and I've still got more to sell, so hopefully I can put a bit aside just in case that upcoming AOS box is packed with awesome minis).
On the downside, it's given me so many little dudes to put together, might have to give assembly a break so I can get some decent painting done next week.
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

Got my Lord-Relictor based faster than I thought I would:-

Had fun painting him, hopefully no one can see the bits of his ribbon-cape that I didn't paint (in the end I gave up trying to get into the hard to reach areas).
This brings my AOS starter set score to Chaos 6 Stormcast 3.

Also got some paint on the Manhunter and Chaplain:-

Manhunter just has a basecoat and wash on his skin so far, but the Chaplain has had his armour finished and is now officially The Knight of Bones.

Made in mt
Regular Dakkanaut

Newcastle, UK

Wow they're really coming along nicely.
How long does it take to do skin like that?
Made in gb
Aspirant Tech-Adept

That Lord-Relictor looks stunning, very well done. I cant wait to see how you paint up the new Genestealers.
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

Astro Wolf wrote:Wow they're really coming along nicely.
How long does it take to do skin like that?

Not too long to get to that point, it's just a basecoat of a 1:1 mix of Vallejo Dwarf Flesh and Bronze Fleshtone and a quick wash of Fleshshade so far, still needs highlighting though.

hk1x1 wrote:That Lord-Relictor looks stunning, very well done. I cant wait to see how you paint up the new Genestealers.

Thanks. Its going to be a while before I get to my Deathwatch box, want to make a decent dent in my pile of older stuff first.
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

Hello there.

Well this poor blog died very rapidly didn't it?
Basically, my motivation to paint stuff had been drying up for a while and it hit the point where I didn't even want to look at a paintbrush let alone use one, so I had to take a bit of a break.

But now I'm (somewhat) regularly painting again, I thought I'd revive the blog, see if I can make it past page 1!

So what have I been doing? I finished my Dark Angels Chaplain (aka The Knight of Skulls):-

And I've finished one Marine from the Deathwatch set:-

I'm calling him The Knight of the Storm.

And currently, I'm working on this Tiefling bust from Darksword:-

It's going well, but I'm getting a little bored of painting it, so I might work on something else for a while.
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

Finished up the corset on my bust:-

Just the sleeves and final assembly to go, but I'm not really feeling this one now, so I've put it aside.

So now I'm working on a Plague Lord:-

He's one of the few survivors of my large purchase of Finecast and Forgeworld resin last year (I was worried AoS would sent them all out of print), such a fantastic waste of money, don't know how anyone has the patience to properly prep this stuff.
Any ways, got his poor horse almost finished, just need to do the eyes.

Also working on my Silver Tower Cultists:-

Got them all assembled and made them fancy bases, but I'm concentrating on this guy first to figure out the paint scheme (they are super blingy even by normal Chaos standards). His skin is almost done, just need to figure out how to do the thingamajigs poking out of his shoulders.
Made in gb
Pious Palatine

Cool stuff. That Plague Lord model is brilliant.

Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant


Yeah, nothing like having a big ass scythe to carve your foes with. Looking forward to see what's next!

If you can't believe in yourself, believe in me! Believe in the Dakka who believes in you!  
Made in gb
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

The Rock

Hey, aku-chan. Great stuff so far . Keep it going, mate! That Plague Lord is coming along nicely, and I quite like your paint job on Suberei from DWO . Sadly the hawk pole on my model snapped off.

Not the only one suffering from lack of painting enthusiasm, I can assure you of that!

AoV's Hobby Blog 29/04/18 The Tomb World stirs p44
How to take decent photos of your models
There's a beast in every man, and it stirs when you put a sword in his hand
Most importantly, Win or Lose, always try to have fun.
Armies Legion: Dark Angels 
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

evildrcheese wrote:Cool stuff. That Plague Lord model is brilliant.


WarbossDakka wrote:Yeah, nothing like having a big ass scythe to carve your foes with. Looking forward to see what's next!

Thanks guys! Yeah, it's a great sculpt, wish it had been a bit better cast, but at least with this one you can just consider it extra Nurgly.

angelofvengeance wrote:Hey, aku-chan. Great stuff so far . Keep it going, mate! That Plague Lord is coming along nicely, and I quite like your paint job on Suberei from DWO . Sadly the hawk pole on my model snapped off.

Not the only one suffering from lack of painting enthusiasm, I can assure you of that!

Thanks! I'm surprised the pole didn't break on mine either, with the amount of times I caught that stupid bird on something,

Life got in the way of finishing the painting on my dudes this week, but I got close.

The Plague Lord just needs his sword, shield and a few bony bits finishing.

And my test Silver Tower Cultist just needs a couple things done as well.

Hopefully I should be able to get them finished and based so I can get my next two (two is my batch painting limit) Cultists started next week.
Made in gb
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

The Rock

I like where that Tzaangor is going

That Plague Lord is looking well...sick! Love the biblical nod there too with the pale horse

AoV's Hobby Blog 29/04/18 The Tomb World stirs p44
How to take decent photos of your models
There's a beast in every man, and it stirs when you put a sword in his hand
Most importantly, Win or Lose, always try to have fun.
Armies Legion: Dark Angels 
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

 angelofvengeance wrote:
I like where that Tzaangor is going

That Plague Lord is looking well...sick! Love the biblical nod there too with the pale horse

Thanks! Yep, you can't go wrong with Death (or a lookalike) on a pale horse.

Again, didn't get as much done this week as I hoped, but I did at least get the dudes I was working on finished.

Really pleased with how this one came out (though he ended up a little more purple than planned).

This is the guy that caused problems this week. Turns out Blu-taccing him to a temp base was not the brilliant idea I thought it was, and I ended up having to scrape a load of stuff off his feet and re-paint them.
Despite that, I'm still happy with the job I did on him, need to work on my gems though.

Started the next two Beastman Cultists, between fixing the other guy and getting these ones corked, didn't get much paint on them, I'm up to the first highlight on their skin.
Made in nl
Sure Shot Scarecrow Sniper

You have a really nice style. Love your bike dude!

Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

 Sgt. Oddball wrote:
You have a really nice style. Love your bike dude!


Almost got my Cultist Beastmen finished, but not quite:-

Still need more practice with painting gems.

Also got some new stuff:-

A pair of Skaven characters (I'm trying to clear my Games Workshop wishlist by buying a bit every month), and my Norsgard Kickstarter pledge.
I was pretty excited for the Norsgard minis because they looked great, but a closer look revealed they would probably need more prep work than I have the patience for (hard plastic minis have made me so lazy about that sort of thing), so I don't know if I'll ever do anything with them now.
Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant


Welp, that's another person to add to the list of "can paint white pretty well". Nice job!

If you can't believe in yourself, believe in me! Believe in the Dakka who believes in you!  
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

 WarbossDakka wrote:
Welp, that's another person to add to the list of "can paint white pretty well". Nice job!

Thanks, but I also do not yet understand the mysteries of painting white, I paint things very light grey, it's easier.

Got my Silver Tower Beastmen finished sooner than I thought, so figured I'd do an update today instead of leaving it until the weekend.

Sword Beastman:-

Axe Beastman:-

And a group-shot:-

I think, overall, they ended up looking pretty decent.
Now I just need to paint the 4 Silver Tower Acolytes to complete my set of Cultists, but I'm going to take a little break from painting up that particular colour scheme and work on this guy:-

Not normally a fan of Orks (or even Orcs), but I love his crazy contraption!
It's early days so far on him, just basecoated the skin.
Made in ca
Roaring Reaver Rider

How have I not found this plog earlier? Fantastic work Aku, really digging your varied model collection and vibrant schemes. That ork looks like it gunna be awesome and I can't wait to see what you paint up next.

1500 1000
Please check out my project log on Dakka here  
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

 Inevitable_Faith wrote:
How have I not found this plog earlier? Fantastic work Aku, really digging your varied model collection and vibrant schemes. That ork looks like it gunna be awesome and I can't wait to see what you paint up next.

Thanks. I've tried fighting it in the past, but I've come to accept that bright and colourful is my thing.

Been slowly chipping away at the Ork, I keep finding new things to paint every time I work on him. (Plus Masterchef Australia is back on TV and that always eats up a big chunk of my painting time)

Should have his main body finished by next week, and maybe even a bit of progress on his big gun.
Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant


He's looking very nice. The bright tones suit him very well.

If you can't believe in yourself, believe in me! Believe in the Dakka who believes in you!  
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

 WarbossDakka wrote:
He's looking very nice. The bright tones suit him very well.

Thanks! He's even brighter now.

So, I managed to get the Ork body finished, and I've made a start on his gun:-

The yellow parts were originally a half decent attempt at hazard stripes, but I didn't like how they obscured the face details, I did like the yellow though.
The gun is coming along nicely, but I've run out of a colour I need to finish it and I can't place an order until the end of the month, so I may not get much further.
Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant


Depending on what colour it is, you could always try to get a colour close to it and add white/a brighter version of that colour.

Coming along very nicely!

If you can't believe in yourself, believe in me! Believe in the Dakka who believes in you!  
Made in ca
Roaring Reaver Rider

Looking great! I'm firmly in the camp that miniatures look really good in vibrant colours. Considering their size and that we generaly see them from 2-3 feet away the bright colours really help them to stand out.

1500 1000
Please check out my project log on Dakka here  
Made in gb
Using Inks and Washes

Thanks guys!

It was the yellow I was using (Reapers Palomino Gold to be exact) that I ran out of, and I don't have anything close to it.

Since I was on the verge of having nothing to do, I brought forward this months hobby purchase, and got myself a new yellow plus a pair of Harlequins (Shadowseer and Deathjester, not a fan of the Solitare mini).

While waiting, I tried to finish off my Tiefling Bust:-

Doesn't look too bad, but the superglue dried on the left arm before I could get it fully flush, so I'm left with a rather annoying gap.
Just got a little bit more to finish off, then I'll get some nice pictures for next weeks update.

And with new yellow in hand, I could get my Shokk Attack Gun finished:-

Just waiting for the varnish to dry, then I can attach it to my Ork.
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