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2016/05/03 05:54:11
Subject: Gulgog Tuftoof 's Zoggin' Footsloggin', P&M Bloggin', WAAAGH!!!
Stabbin' Skarboy
Despite never having had the urge previously to blog about anything (hey everybody, look at Meeeeeee!), the excellent and inspiring work of others here on Dakka has finally motivated me to do a P&M blog. I'm hoping that by putting my work out there, with some c&c, my painting and modelling might improve. Of course, this will include my current works in progress but I'm hoping to also include pics of older completed works and whole squads together. So far, I only play 40k and only orks (check the signature).
I got hooked on 40k back in the early 90's and painted/played all through high school with a few friends who were also into the hobby. After high school, I took a 20 year hiatus until two years ago when I dusted off my minis to give to my nephew for Christmas. I had a random assortment, and couldn't bring myself to let go of my orks (even though they'd been in a box all that time). I figured I'd give painting another try to see if I still liked it, bought a box of grotz, and now find myself building a new Waaagh! to bring mayhem and ruin to the galaxy. I'm also writing a novel that builds my army's backstory, and after it gets finished and subsequently rejected by the Black Library, perhaps I'll post that on Dakka, too.
So, what can you expect? 1. A fluffy, footsloggin' band of orks (I dunno why, but I'm not into painting big minis or vehicles...yet) led by Gulgog Tuftoof, Defskullz Warlord, Great Ancient God of the Desert, comprised of Skullz and Sunz from the homeplanet and some Freebooterz they met along the way.
2. A slower-than-geological rate of "progress". Disclaimer: regular visitors to this blog (if I get any) may begin to feel as though time is actually moving backwards due to the speed at which I paint/update. RL is hectic, and I don't have much time to devote to the hobby. That being said, the Unofficial Painting Competition here on Dakka has inspired me to finish at least one mini a month, and I've been maintaining that pace pretty consistently for a while now (no way to build a horde army, I know). I'll try to throw in pics of my Oldhammer orks minis periodically to keep it interesting.
3. Obviously, if you've made it this far, you should also be expecting long-winded late night ramblings from yours truly.
After assembling a dozen or so standard boyz in the basic poses, I came across SJM's magnificent P&M blog and vowed that every ork I did from then on would have at least some degree of customization. Kitbashing and converting minis is now more than half the fun for me, and the project that I plan to kick this off with is a squad of custom Tankbustas. Pics to follow...
Enjoy, and c&c are always welcome.
This message was edited 44 times. Last update was at 2024/07/31 04:32:34
2016/05/05 05:26:18
Subject: Re:Waaagh Gulgog's Footsloggin' P&M Blog: Skullz, Sunz and Freebooterz!
Stabbin' Skarboy
2016/05/05 05:31:28
Subject: Re:Waaagh Gulgog's Footsloggin' P&M Blog: Skullz, Sunz and Freebooterz!
Stabbin' Skarboy
The idea for these guys was that they came from some long-forgotten backwater planet and had gotten good at harassing the local AM/PDF tank patrols when the Warlord's Waaagh! landed, leveled the place, and scooped up the squad for his own frontlines. In case you thought a tank hammer wasn't primitive enough, here's Tankbusta #2 (aka Donkey Kong):
2016/05/05 05:43:52
Subject: Waaagh Gulgog's Footsloggin' P&M Blog: Skullz, Sunz and Freebooterz!
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought
I like the stripey pants.
2016/05/06 03:48:30
Subject: Re:Waaagh Gulgog's Footsloggin' P&M Blog: Skullz, Sunz and Freebooterz!
Stabbin' Skarboy
When I decided to do tankbustas, I started researching the history of infantry-based anti-tank warfare and came across the Panzerfaust ("Tank Fist"), a recoilless rifle-type device that fired an explosive shell. I'm going to reshape the business end to look more like the real thing, and add a sight and a cap on the bottom, but here's Tankbusta #3, Ork w/ Panzerfaust and "Can Opener":
There are some really cool images on Wikipedia of these things, among them, this one:
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/05/06 03:49:12
2016/05/06 05:56:46
Subject: Waaagh Gulgog's Footsloggin' P&M Blog: Skullz, Sunz and Freebooterz!
Pious Palatine
Very cool. I really like the Donkey Kong inspired tank buster.
2016/05/06 13:16:51
Subject: Waaagh Gulgog's Footsloggin' P&M Blog: Skullz, Sunz and Freebooterz!
Fixture of Dakka
Aye, Donkey Kong is pretty cool. Now for an Ork (or even a grot) in another unit with a cap and a moustache...
What was your intention with the free hand on Tankbusta #1, btw? It looks like one of the hands for cupping a shoota, and seems a touch odd in the current pose.
2021-4 Plog - Here we go again... - my fifth attempt at a Dakka PLOG
My Pile of Potential - updates ongoing...
Gamgee on Tau Players wrote:we all kill cats and sell our own families to the devil and eat live puppies.
Kanluwen wrote:This is, emphatically, why I will continue suggesting nuking Guard and starting over again. It's a legacy army that needs to be rebooted with a new focal point.
Confirmation of why no-one should listen to Kanluwen when it comes to the IG - he doesn't want the IG, he want's Kan's New Model Army...
tneva82 wrote:You aren't even trying ty pretend for honest arqument. Open bad faith trolling. - No reason to keep this here, unless people want to use it for something... |
2016/05/13 04:12:35
Subject: Re:Waaagh Gulgog's Footsloggin' P&M Blog: Skullz, Sunz and Freebooterz!
Stabbin' Skarboy
@Dysartes: it is the hand that normally cradles a shoota. I was thinking that maybe his target was just out of range, and he was motioning it towards him while taunting it. Mainly, I didn't want the arm to cover the whole body the way the original space marine arm does.
aaaaaand, I have an update! Panzerfaust is modeled, and I'm reasonably happy with the way it turned out. The body of the shell has a slightly conical shape, and given the chance to do it over, I would have chosen to give it an even more exaggerated angle, but for a first try, it works and it's now ready for primer (his head and other arm are on sticks, ready for primer, too):
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/05/13 04:14:38
2016/05/13 05:55:51
Subject: Waaagh Gulgog's Footsloggin' P&M Blog: Skullz, Sunz and Freebooterz!
Pious Palatine
Nice work.
2016/05/31 04:16:16
Subject: Re:Waaagh Gulgog's Footsloggin' P&M Blog: Skullz, Sunz and Freebooterz!
Stabbin' Skarboy
Tankbusta #3 is finally done! Pretty happy w/ the way the painting and the weapon turned out, but I'm still working on my photography technique. Hope you like 'im!
(Panzerfaust detail)
(tank backplate detail)
("da Can Opena!")
I've got another standard boy wiv a rokkit launcha in Skullz colors, so I just need one more to make a squad, and I'm thinking of making a boss nob for the June comp, "Mighty Heros".
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/05/31 04:20:03
2016/05/31 08:43:45
Subject: Waaagh Gulgog's Footsloggin' P&M Blog: Skullz, Sunz and Freebooterz!
Pious Palatine
Looking good dude. I like the 'firecracker' theme on the tip of the rocket. Very cool.
2016/06/02 04:29:08
Subject: Re:Waaagh Gulgog's Footsloggin' P&M Blog: Skullz, Sunz and Freebooterz!
Stabbin' Skarboy
Tankbusta #4, Da Boss Nob! So June's competition theme is Mighty Heros and Nefarious Villains, and appropriately, I need a boss nob for my tankbustas squad. Hero to the orks, nefarious villain to anyone on the wrong end of the rokkit launcha! I was playing around w/ various bitz, and came up with this:
I really like the pose, and the klaw makes him more dynamic, but it sounds like there's no reason in-game to give the boss nob of a tankbustas squad a power klaw, so I think I'll probably end up going w/ this instead:
Obviously, either way I'll have to modify the kombi-launcha to remove the extra hand.
2016/06/02 05:48:49
Subject: Waaagh Gulgog's Footsloggin' P&M Blog: Skullz, Sunz and Freebooterz!
Pious Palatine
I prefer the first one with the claw, but as you say it's a bit pointless for the squad build. Suppose it would be a deterrent if anyone considered charging the squad...
Weirdly I didn't even notice the extra hand until you mentioned it :/
2016/06/12 06:22:43
Subject: Re:Waaagh Gulgog's Footsloggin' P&M Blog: Skullz, Sunz and Freebooterz!
Stabbin' Skarboy
I was beginning to feel like the combi-launcha was a cop-out for my Tankbusta Boss Nob. Sure it has rokkits on it and all, but this is the boss nob of my Tankbustas unit aaaand he's being entered in a competition called "Mighty Heroes and Nefarious Villains", so I felt he needed to be more mighty, and... Nefarious! He is smoking a cigar, after all.
I had originally conceived of shoulder mounting a launcha looted from a tank that he had previously destroyed, but the engineer in me wasn't okay with it unless it was attached to some kind of power source. So I got to work on a "plasticard" battery pack. I saw some bread bag tabs lying around and figured they might work as plasticard. It does score nicely, and glues up just fine, the last test is whether or not paint and primer will stick to it.
I still have to attach some wires from the launch lever in his right hand to the pack, and then more wires from the pack to the rokkit launcha itself, but I like the way it's shaping up, so this will be the final direction I take with this mini. If anyone has advice on making/attaching wires, I'm all ears.
2016/06/14 05:25:07
Subject: Re:Waaagh Gulgog's Footsloggin' P&M Blog: Skullz, Sunz and Freebooterz!
Stabbin' Skarboy
Wired (16 ga brass), and finally ready to start painting! I'm going to try something a little different; usually, I use white paint-on primer (b.c. I just always have), but I've got some green paint-on primer, so I'm going to start there this time instead. I'm hoping it speeds things up a little, since there is rarely any white on my minis, but there is always a whole lot of green!
2016/06/14 05:46:59
Subject: Waaagh Gulgog's Footsloggin' P&M Blog: Skullz, Sunz and Freebooterz!
Pious Palatine
Nice work on the Tank Buster boss nob. Truly deserving of the title now.
2016/07/01 03:13:07
Subject: Re:Waaagh Gulgog's Footsloggin' P&M Blog: Tankbusta Boss Nob Finished!
Stabbin' Skarboy
'Ere We Go! The Nefariously Villainous, Ceegar-Smokin' Tankbusta Boss Nob is finished, and I'm pretty happy with the result, considering this was my first real attempt at scratchbuilding anything. As mentioned previously, the backpack was glued together mostly from bread tabs (they take primer/paint pretty well) and the lightning bolt was a thin piece of plastic glued on which may be my new method to make glyphs. Anyway, I hope you like him, and if so, a vote in the gallery would be greatly appreciated! I've also got a Skullz rokkit boy from a while back which makes 5, so I have an official tankbustas squad. I'll try to post pics of the squad all together soon.
2016/07/01 05:05:03
Subject: Re:Waaagh Gulgog's Footsloggin' P&M Blog: Tankbusta Boss Nob Finished!
Utilizing Careful Highlighting
maaaan dat freehand...
Absolutely LOVE that little tank on the banner thingy. So perfect! He's rockin', hon, you should be very proud!!
2016/07/01 05:57:24
Subject: Waaagh Gulgog's Footsloggin' P&M Blog: Tankbusta Boss Nob Finished!
Pious Palatine
Looking great dude. Such a neat idea for a rokkit system.
2016/07/07 04:17:33
Subject: Re:Waaagh Gulgog's Footsloggin' P&M Blog: Unleashing the Beast!
Stabbin' Skarboy
July's painting comp theme is "Unleash the Beast", and I need to unleash my painting beast in a major way. I'm not going to customize this one much/any despite my earlier vow, because I have modeled an ork big shoota in the past, and all these fiddly little bits take forever to paint as it is. If I started trying to do any major modeling work, the month would be over before I ever got this lad primed. Starting to wonder what I've gotten myself into:
However, I do need another shoota for my boyz squads, since the rokkit launcha boy got promoted to the tankbustas.
p.s., sorry for the blurry phone photo; you get the idea...
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/07/07 04:18:36
2016/07/07 05:20:33
Subject: Waaagh Gulgog's Footsloggin' P&M Blog: Unleashing the Beast!
Pious Palatine
The idea is a ork with a large gun, yes?
Go, go, go.
2016/07/20 05:50:24
Subject: Re:Waaagh Gulgog's Footsloggin' P&M Blog: Unleashing the Beast!
Stabbin' Skarboy
I've probably got 60-some orks painted by now, and this is my first Goff ever. Once I picked out the stormboy head, I couldn't see anything else but the black and grey color scheme. The only thing I have left to figure out is the monocle, because I'd like to do it well, but I don't have any clearcoat-type paints.
He is bringin' plenty uv dakka, but I'm stickin' 'im wiv da Freebooterz, 'cause der ain't no place for any of dem prissy Goff boyz in a proppa Skullz mob.
This is basecoated, metallics, and black wash. Ready for assembly + highlights, then done!
2016/07/24 23:05:37
Subject: Re:Waaagh Gulgog's Footsloggin' P&M Blog: The Beast... Unleashed!
Stabbin' Skarboy
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/07/24 23:07:19
2016/09/06 04:43:18
Subject: Re:Waaagh Gulgog's Zoggin' Footsloggin' P&M Blog: 2 New Freeboota Shootas!
Stabbin' Skarboy
I missed the August competition, because I'm just not that into flyers, and never really have been (particularly ork flyers... just doesn't seem right somehow). In the meantime, I'm trying to bring my freebooterz squad to a full 10-man team, and needed 2 more. Here's the first lad:
...and a proof of the second whom I'm calling "the Outlaw" (inspired by one of the themes which didn't get a vote, "the wanderer").
He's painted, and I'll put the complete pics in my next post. He's kind of a weird sculpt (doesn't having nipples make him a mammal ?) and since he's originally a biker boy, and hunched so far over in typical GW ork style, I had to green stuff on the last two abs in his six pack (he only had 4 to begin with). Automatically Appended Next Post: Honestly, I'm just way too pleased with the way this guy turned out, and I can't whittle down the photo selection any, so (since it's my blog and all), I'm just gonna plaster this page with 'em:
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/09/06 05:09:33
2016/09/06 05:15:22
Subject: Waaagh Gulgog's Zoggin' Footsloggin' P&M Blog: 2 New Freeboota Shootas!
Pious Palatine
Nice! The 'Out Law' looks awesome love the freehand on his jacket!
2016/09/14 05:31:39
Subject: Waaagh Gulgog's Zoggin' Footsloggin' P&M Bloggin'... Waaagh!
Stabbin' Skarboy
Just so I can claim that this blog is updated at least once a month, here's what I have(n't) been up to hobbywise:
Wanted to join the "Some Kind of Magic" comp, but don't have a proper mini for it. I'm also not a fan of Queen, so every time I see the title, I think of Muse's "Madness" w/ the word madness replaced by magic so that I can get that song stuck in my head instead of the Queen one. I may post the fluff on the Weirdboy in Waaagh Gulgog just to have something to contribute, since it is a cool theme. Also, if I find an Orruk Great Shaman in time, I'd like to paint one of those up 'cause they're my favorite Weirdboy model out right now.
I have been gearing up for an Armies on Parade event at the local G-Dub for next month. I didn't start basing models until about a year or so ago, so everything before that time that I want to enter is getting based. It's a heck of a process un-gluing ork feet from their bases, pinning them properly, basing them, and then re-gluing, but I've done two sets of 5 minis, and so it's on to the next part of the process which is building the board on which to present my army. I won't bore you w/ pics of old minis just because they've been freshly based, but when I get serious about the display board, I'll start posting WIP's and process-related stuff. Ultimately, I'll be posting pics of the bulk of my army on this blog and the Dakka Armies on Parade thread next month before the deadline. Stay tuned!
2016/09/14 05:38:25
Subject: Waaagh Gulgog's Zoggin' Footsloggin' P&M Bloggin'... Waaagh!
Making Stuff
Fantastic work so far...
2016/09/14 05:57:59
Subject: Waaagh Gulgog's Zoggin' Footsloggin' P&M Bloggin'... Waaagh!
Pious Palatine
Cool. Looking forward to seeing some pics of the AoP board.
2016/10/01 16:56:47
Subject: Re:Waaagh Gulgog's Zoggin' Footsloggin' P&M Bloggin'... Waaagh!
Stabbin' Skarboy
September was pretty ridiculously busy for me, so I missed out on entering the monthly challenge (It's a Kind of Magic!). I did however, want to contribute something, so in the absence of a model, here's a bit of fluff - the backstory on the weirdboy in my orks mob:
It was in the Great War on Gork’un where UzWurr earned his current name, UzWurr NaaRun, because he had saved Gulgog’s life. Gulgog was leading a squad of orks that were getting decimated by Blood Axe emplacements, but he was so enthralled by the dakka-dakka-dakka of his big shoota that he stood in an open clearing in the jungle, firing like mad while a Gretchin assistant fed crates worth of ammo through his weapon.
He was so oblivious in fact, that he didn’t notice his entire remaining squad (save UzWurr and the Gretchin) had up and split, while a giant Blood Axe Nob flanked him and raised a cleaver to take off Gulgog’s head. UzWurr let out a furious “Waaaagh!” and threw himself at the Nob, taking the blow from the choppa straight to his own head. The blade lodged into his skull, stopping just below his left eye. Gulgog turned on the Nob and unloaded the last of his ammo at point blank range into the offending ork. This rallied his squad (who had the nerve to seek cover while he was still shootin’), and they began laying down a barrage of covering fire. Realizing he was out of rounds and his friend was wounded, Gulgog shouldered the rifle and dragged UzWurr back to the Skullz encampment.
So many Skullz was getting’ krumped that day that the docs were overwhelmed. The orkish blade was wedged so thoroughly into Uzwurr’s skull that the doc attending to him didn’t dare remove it. However, he was miraculously still alive, and he was obviously favored by the Warlord, so the doc had to do something. The doc bandaged poor UzWurr’s wound as best he could, working around the embedded blade, then surgically removed his one remaining good eye, replacing it with a bionic targeter to compensate for the loss of the other one, just for good measure.
UzWurr ultimately recovered; luckily there wasn’t anything too important in that half of his brain, but the cleaver was now fused to his skull. Gulgog always knew there was something odd about ol’ UzWurr, and the permanent fixture of a cleaver protruding from his head certainly didn’t allay his suspicions any, but his unswerving loyalty clearly saved the Warlord’s life that day.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/10/01 16:58:09
2016/10/02 04:19:30
Subject: Re:Waaagh Gulgog's Zoggin' Footsloggin' P&M Bloggin'... Waaagh!
Stabbin' Skarboy
Finally, some actual hobby progress (woohoo!). Here's my board (literally) for Armies on Parade. It's 12" x 24", and I've cut the hills out of 3/4" pine with a jigsaw. I'm sure foam would have been much easier to work with, but for some reason if there's a hard way to do something, that is what I will gravitate to.
The plan is to flock the horizontal surfaces and paint the angled surfaces on the hills to look like sandstone (or something). Any kind of wood with a halfway decent sanding job looks so nice as it is that now my goal is just to not screw it up. On display will be the warboss, two kannons w/ krew, my Tankbustas, a squad of freeboota shootas w/ kaptin and a squad of Deathskulls shootas w/ boss nob. Wish me luck!