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Made in us
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer


Well, couldn't find my Tyranid thread to add to, so starting a new one.

I have a partially painted IG force that is supposedly part of my larger marine force, the Imperial Avengers.

I picked up several boxes of Warforged Game's shock troops a couple years back to make the main force. It has been supplemented with some Cadian models, some scavenged Necromunda gang models, some (really old) Imperial Army models (from 2E?) and a few other tidbits. Some of the models are so old, I'm going to have to re-equip them or replace a few missing parts.

The basic paint scheme for the army is green, gold and white. Forces generally start off green in color, shifting to lighter green (an unintended "green troops" pun) as they get more experienced, with the elite forces being mostly white with gold accents. This is the force as I'm currently looking at it; the vehicles are mostly painted, now I've got to get the troops


Note, visible in only this picture is the legion's command squad - the foremost group in front, with two lascannons, the Legion commander and a medic. Also, note the various Heavy Weapons teams on the right, under construction. The gold lasgun is a Cadian model, most of the grays are Warforged Games shock trooper heavy weapon teams. There are three metal 1E/2E lascannon troopers (with one being an officer/commisar) primed white and a team of two 1E/2E Heavy weapon troopers controlling a scratchbuilt autocannon/heavy stubber remote sentry gun.

Tanks - overall command tank is 01 Gold, it's two squadmembers (02 & 03) are to the left. the tank with the flourescent green tracks is the squad leader for group two (tanks 11, 12 & lucky 13 - the banner for tank 13, which unfortunately can't be seen here is "MERCY - By Death")
Behind the Leman Russes are the factions superheavies - Armorcast one-piece models; Both are unnamed, but I'm thinking about making some sort of name banners for them.
Also visible is the scout walker section - a 5E scout sentinel and two 2E "chicken" sentinels. To the sentinel's right is an Imperial Robot - the mantis looking one, back from 1E/2E.

Pay no attention to the techmarine working behind the superheavies....


Infantry squads - these are the primary troopers of the legion, consisting of 90 Wargames Factory shock trooper models. I've started a couple squads already - white stripes on the shoulder pads, armor plates outlined in white, some of the squads will have white cuffs and/or gloves, a few squads may have painted weapons - each one will have a slight variation to it to help in visually identifying them (can be made out in squads 5, 6 & 7). I just recently found a Cadia transfer sheet, and will be using the squad numbers on their back (I've done one with "812" on the back, not pictured here - but hopefully soon). Bases will be painted black. I'm considering some sort of movment trays for the squads for easy handling during a game.


In the foreground of the next picture are two metal 1E/2E psyckers. To their right is a black-primed Vindicare assassin.

Veteran squads/Scions - these are a mix of Cadia models and old 2E Imperial army plastics. I am aiming to make these squads into veteran squads. The lascannon toting guys will be one (of two models) that will be used as Heavy Weapon Teams. The first three squads are the old Imperial Army models, the leftmost guy on the foremost squad is a metal figure, the rest are plastics.
You can see the Necromunda orlocks & goliaths in the background (about 6 squads back). I'm debating about using them as conscripts.
Behind the Necromunda models is a squad of (yet unprimed) Catchacan fighters. Not quite sure what I'll do with them, would like to make them some sort of commando force. They may get proxied as ratlings.
In the very last row of infantry is a squad of six scions with hot-shot blasters.
Lastly, in the very rear is a squad of Rough Riders - models from before they were redesigned as Attilians. Unfortunately, the models have suffered a lot and I'm missing the lances for at least two of the models, and one of them has the upper body of a Commisar - not sure that was ever legal. I'd like to replace the horses - they're rather shaky and I don't much like the asthetic. Since none of the riders are glued down, they could be replaced with something that strikes my fancy better, but I'm unsure what. One thing to note - the only painted rider has rifle sheath that I made out of paper that I'm actually rather proud of. If I can, I'll try to salvage that bit for use on whatever they end up riding.

Note also the robogear walkers on the rear right that will be used as Armored Sentinels.

Also, the regimental standard bearer is the far rear left (with the shadowsword cannon almost looming over him). I handmade and painted the banners and the flag. You can't see it, but the big curled green flag has the words "Imperial Avengers" and an imperial eagle on it - I'll try to remember to get a shot of it, though the eagle picture needs to be redone. Standing to the left of the standard bearer (and out of frame) is the legion's platoon commander.


Chimeras - six in total, numbered 1-6 on the left rear of the turret. The Chimera with the golden tracks is reserved for the command platoon. The leftmost rear chimera in this picture is the communications vehicle.


Proxy Taurox - I can't describe how much I despise the all-track asthetic of the Taurox; this model is from Dreamforge, the Eisenkern transport. Numbered Lucky 7. To the right is the carapace armored scions for the transport - white stormtrooper armor inked green. They need some work.


Commissars - these poor metal guys have been languishing since I bought the plastic Imperial Army guys (1990?). I painted them just this last week. The first guy reminds me of Commissar Yarrick. I'd like to model a coat or cape for the 3rd guy out of greenstuff, since he's a conversion. I also realized I didn't get pictures of the two other officers/commisars just behind the third, which have been primed green.





Artillery - On the left, a hydra/wyvern (green). Next a basilisk bought a recent game convention, A Malder III (I think) german model standing in for a basilisk - it needs some treads, a bit of repair and to be painted and a manticore.

Note the Valkyrie behind the tanks, number 1 of 2.


My goal is to get cracking on as much painting as I can this week (and weeks to come), I will be attempting to do more pictures as I work through the squads.

It never ends well 
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada


Good luck with your painting. I recognize some of the older models and some are Rogue Trader age.



Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

Bath uk

Get cracking!

RIP Colour Sgt Kell. Forever in our hearts.
Click below for plenty guardsmen

Cadian 404th "The Lost Boys" P&M blog

Tutorial:How to make IG packs
Made in us
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?

Affton, MO. USA

Always enjoy WATCHING a good tank parade

LOL, Theo your mind is an amazing place, never change.-camkierhi 9/19/13
I cant believe theo is right.. damn. -comradepanda 9/26/13
None of the strange ideas we had about you involved your sexual orientation..........-Monkeytroll 12/10/13

I'd put you on ignore for that comment, if I could...Alpharius 2/11/14 
Made in us
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

United States

Awesome start to your army- and definitely a modeler after my own heart! I see many of the late '80's/early 90's pieces that I also have in my army- rough riders, standard infantry, the first sentinel types, others. Plus Robo-gear, Eisenkerns, Wargames Factory Greatcoat troopers, Heavy Weapons and even what looks like a Wespe German WWII self-propelled gun in the back line.

My own IG army is equally eclectic- can't wait to see how yours paints up!

Consider me subbed.

"He fears his fate too much, or his desserts are small, who will not put it to a single touch; to win- or lose- it all."

Montrose Toast

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

North Carolina

I'm liking what I see, OP. Consider me subbed.

Proud Purveyor Of The Unconventional In 40k 
Made in us
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer


Sorry for the long delay on updates, I didn't get any painting of note until this last Sunday/Monday.

I now have 70 of the 90 Wargames Factory models painted. This is a close-up of a couple squads in-progress. Hopefully this weekend I'll be able to post some of the completed models (along with the Baal predator I've been working on as well for my Space Marines)


Inching closer to finishing the squad here, showing the numbering on their back plates


Sadly, my eyes are getting worse as I get older. Painting these guys with a lighted magnifying lamp while wearing x2 reading glasses and I'm still having trouble with the fine lines on the armor plates and edges of the greatcoats. At tabletop distance, they look fine, but they'll never pass the fine muster of even 'Eavy Metal quality it seems.

One thing to note: I generally do my bases black, partly because I hate spending the time on bases anyway; if I'd known about clear acrylic bases when I'd started on these guys, I probably would have used those

As a bonus, here are two Chaos cultist characters I've been working on for my son


Couldn't seem to get a good picture of the second guy, the black armor isn't showing up very well. Hopefully I can get a better shot up soon.

(You may notice, however, in that picture the troopers of squad 812 have had their eyes painted red...)

It never ends well 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

North Carolina

Things look to be coming along nicely. Looking forward to the results on your troops.

Proud Purveyor Of The Unconventional In 40k 
Made in us
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer


Got a little more work done the past couple of nights ...

Working on my 2E (metal) psyckers. You can see part of the last two Wargames Factory squads in the background. I'll do a group shot of the squads soon, the others are done but had to be put up so my wife can use the game table for her sewing (after a much heated argument, I must add).


A close-up of the painted one - still needs some highlight touch-ups. Unfortunately, the primer got a little gritty, but it's not really noticeable at tabletop distance.

For comparison, here's a few shots of my Space Marine army that I was working on earlier in the year. I've added at least 4 more tactical squads, another Terminator squad, a Baal predator, a Primaris Repulsor tank, another squad of bikes since this pictures were taken. You'll probably see more of it here as I continue to work on it and try to finish out the paint jobs. Like my IG, it's a pretty cobbled together force, mixing official models mostly from starter sets (all the way back to 2E), the board games and RT01 minis, a few 3rd party models (mainly the assault marines) and a couple Chaos models I took a fancy to.

Overall shot

Chapter Master of the Avengers, Jaacob Neskith (a Commissar turned Grey Knight, now the 13th iteration of his clone)

Land Speeders and Land Raiders - the Mark I (3rd one back) Raider is made from a pizza box with the sponsons being the guns from two old GI Joe Vamps.

First Company on the left (yes, that is 100 marines & terminators!), Second Company on the right (again, 100 marines)

Some notes: To the left of the three headless centurions are a pair of non-GW marine "terminators" that I'm planning to use as Lascannon-armed Centurions. The lone orange terminator is the sole survivor of the 80's/early 90's 25mm Deathwing terminator set - the set belonged to my brother, I have no clue how the assault gun terminator ended up in my possession (the rest of the set was sold off years ago).

2nd & 3rd Company

A better shot of 2nd company, it's support/transport vehicles and the mismatched 3rd (partial) company. Of note the rhino chassis are a mix of models all the way back to the original model; the Whirlwind and Razorback on the left side are 2E models, the Predator on the left with the bubble turret is a 2E model. The others are the newer version, including a green Hunter at the back of the left-hand row.

Notes: "3rd company" mostly consist of the RT01 marines our play group got back in the day. We split the marines up between players and everyone painted and armed their squad as they saw fit. Represented are (from front to back, skipping the first squad in front) Blood Angels Death Company, Scorpions (the black/yellow squad), Ultramarines (with one squad of ten armed with powerfists), World Eaters (the obligatory Chaos player) and Dark Angels (they were orange, but were stripped and currently primed white). Behind them are Space Crusade scouts, and a scout squad from the Lost Patrol. Lurking behind the drop pod is an allied Knight. Notice the Chaos Dreadnought


Two Stormtalons escort a Corvus Blackstar and are followed by a Stormraven. On the ground at the left are two modified Robogear flyers that will become Stormtalons. Not pictured here, but I've been working on a scratchbuilt Thunderhawk - If I remember, I'll try to get a picture of it to put up here soon.

My latest marine acquisition, a Baal Predator (in progress, but mostly completed)

Just to note, I still have a Tau, AdMech & Eldar army (not to mention my two sons Chaos and Ork army) I will eventually be posting. I'll also be reposting my Tyranid army (finally found the thread, but will be posting here from now on) at some point, with updated pictures.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/11/05 07:19:07

It never ends well 
Made in us
Steadfast Ultramarine Sergeant

Love the Army its cool!

Hydra Dominatus

World Wide War Winner  
Made in us
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer


Sorry for the delay, retro gaming (and setting up a Roku in my game room...).

On a side tangent, this is the German Heer/Grenadier army I've been working on (I guess I could use them as IG?)

The army isn't a specific one, but my favorite point is Battle of the Bulge / Defense of Bastonge.

I have an American army to face it, though I'm still working on some of the squads - 40 men so far.

Last year, I got a bucketload of cheap Wargames Factory Germans/Americans (60 each), that I haven't yet had a chance to tackle - I'm saving them for a rainy day when I'm in the mood for a REALLY big fight.
[Thumb - IMG_0443.JPG]
German - overview

[Thumb - IMG_0444.JPG]
Sample troops - with camoflauge

[Thumb - IMG_0449.JPG]

[Thumb - IMG_0448.JPG]
Resin (sucky) Panzer IV

[Thumb - IMG_0447.JPG]
Stug III(?)

[Thumb - IMG_0446.JPG]
Panther (Battle of the Bulge colors)

[Thumb - IMG_0445.JPG]
Tiger I (ausf H?)

It never ends well 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

San Diego

Sweet. Very nice stuff. WW2 is my favorite gaming project

Glory is fleeting, but obscurity lasts forever.

Considering also your duty as a warrior you should not waver. Because there is nothing more auspicious for a warrior than a righteous war.

Made in us
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer


Thanks to recent holiday Black Friday sales, my pile of shame has grown substantily. I'm slowly thrying to work through the backlog, and that means my WW2 force is getting my attention right now.

Currently working on the Tank War starter set - three Tiger tanks, 3 Panther tanks. Here's a shot of the Tigers in various states of "production", from primed, to block base, to shaded and ending with the previously completed Tiger tank I had at the rear right:

[Thumb - IMG_0723.JPG]
Tiger Production line

It never ends well 
Made in us
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer


Just wanted to throw in a quick update. I finished the Tigers and the Pathers (well, I forgot to do the skirting on the Panthers) a few weeks back and had returned back to IG - will try and get some pics up tonight. Unfortunately, my mom had to be hospitalized on Christmas day ( :( ), but things are finally sorting back out now. I will say, hospitalization during the holidays is the worst time to hope to get decent treatment.

In the meantime, I felt like posting some older work I’ve done

WHFB Mausoleum


Part of my Tau force (from my last 40K 8E game


I’ve painted the vespids since that picture has been taken.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/01/05 05:41:28

It never ends well 
Made in us
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer


Not IG, but I decided I’d try my new phone out with some pics of my Tau army. While I have plenty of older models, this was the first army I collected with the purpose of fielding as an army, instead of a random collection of starter kit models.

I’ve done green stuff cloaks for several models - my favorite being the battle cloth for my broadside.

The Whole Army

Devilfish One

Devilfish Two (needs work)

HammerHead Maru Ichi

HammerHead Maru Ni

Section One - Kroot (& Hounds), Pathfinder Beta and Gold Fire Warrior Squad

Section Two - Pathfinder Snipers, Aether Protectors, White Fire Warrior Squad

Section Three - Vespids, Crimson Breachers, White Gold Fire Warrior Squad

Riptide - Shi'roi Awa (White Foam)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/02/10 08:14:59

It never ends well 
Made in us
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer


Well, I found myself unsatisified with Devilfish Two, so I did some work on repainting it (and the remaining unpainted drones).

A shot of the back and interior, prior to repainting

This model has got to be the sloppiest job I've ever done. There were spots of missed paint, areas where one color was clearly overlapping another and overall, the blue paint just looked wrong - a bit too sparkly.

Overhead shot, after a repaint (and adding some decals) left is old, right is new. It's not perfect, but much better than before...

Oh, and another chaos marine for my son's character force (Shadow War: Armaggedon)


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/02/11 12:43:49

It never ends well 
Made in gb
Savage Khorne Berserker Biker


There is some really unique stuff going on here - almost too much to comment on!

I particularly like the idea of changing colour schemes with experience. That's a neat way of introducing variety into the force.

And I love the sight of your space marines! So many marines! So much epicness! So much gunz!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/02/11 12:55:25

pronouns: she/her
We're going to need more skulls - My blogspot
Quanar wrote:you were able to fit regular guardsmen in drop pods before the FAQ and they'd just come out as a sort of soup..
Made in gb
Incorporating Wet-Blending

Wales: Where the Men are Men and the sheep are Scared.

Thats a hell of a lot to paint. look forward to seeing what you do with it all.

Made in us
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer


Mass 'O pictures incoming.

For the past four months, I've been on a model-buying the spree. The pile o' shame has gotten ridiculous. But! I've been working away a painting, at such a rate I hadn't bothered to take any pictures. So, I've taken some time to gather up the pics and show off what I've done so far. I'm still missing a few pictures (my Primaris Repulsor and German Puma I know for sure...), but here's what I got:

Starting with Forgefathers, these guys have been primed since the picture below but I haven't gotten to painting any yet. The "regular joes" are, I think HIPS plastic and pretty damn good. Most of the rest is resin of some sort, not a material I'm particularly fond of due to some of the fitting issues. The tank for these guys is jaw-droppingly awesome and dead easy to put together.

--------------------------------Mantic FORGEFATHERS-------------------------------------------------------------

Regular Joes

Variety of Forgefathers - scouts up top, troops in the middle, "terminators" on the bottom

Forgefather tank

Forgefather heavy artillery (the gun encap isn't glued on, so it could be primed easily)

Forgefather "dreadnought"


This is a devilfish that was an E-bay rescue. It came to me half-primed white and with no drones or turret. I painted it up for my pathfinder team. It's probably one of my favorite paint jobs to date.

Stealth suits


My new set

New scheme (back) vs. Old scheme (front)



Strain leader

The whole squad

My favorite pathfinder - made from spare parts

Tau Crisis Suits

Classic Scheme: These are made by Wargames Exclusive. I believe they are meant to be Tau Commanders, maybe Coldstars.


Tau Commander

This was a conversion made with greenstuff, back during 5th ed. The paint scheme is my classic Crisis suit/fire warrior paint scheme


When GW came out with the new Red/White Tau paint scheme (Se'cea?), I thought I'd try my hand with a new scheme as well - white, with blue panel lines and gold trim. I refer to it as my "Ethereal Strike Force"

New model Tau Crisis suits, in the "Ethereal Strike Force" colors.

Breacher teams

The sample of the team in back I painted first, when the models first came out. I recently bought the SC Tau set, and decided to make another breacher team from the models (the three guys in the front) - having mostly forgotten the scheme I used on the first set, other than it was red.

Tau Ethereal

Another miniature by Wargames Exclusive. Their "Greater Good" line is fantastic and I hope to have all of the figures in the line eventually - and I don't play with named characters



My youngest son, who happens to be autistic, loves 40K's orks (partly because of the Ork stories I'd read to him out of the ol' 2E/3E Ork codexes - in proper Ork voice, of course). I'd picked up a copy of Black Reach when I got back into 40K and had no interest to play the orks, so he got them. They've been sitting - assembled, primed and unpainted - since I bought that box at the very tail of 5E. While in the midst of my recent painting frenzy, he shamed me into start painting his orks. Normally, I don't document my progress - I'm too busy head down painting. This one time - at least - I decided I'd document the process.

Killa Cans & Deff Dread

I started the models with a spray of orange, figuring I'd use it a a "rusted metal base" (best seen on the Deff Dread)
I then washed them in a watery silver acrylic paint I had.
He wanted them yellow (Bad Moons?), so I put a base paint of tan/flesh on those areas I eventually wanted yellow.

After the watery silver had dried, I went over the models with Leadbelcher where I wanted them to have more areas of exposed metal - blades and drybrushing around the edges of all the metal faces.

To get the yellow, I used Casandora Yellow on the areas I'd painted tan earlier. I also went over the silver and orange areas with Nuln Oil. After drying, drybrushed more Leadbelcher on areas to get "chipped" areas and highlights.

After that, I painted the wiring and other bits, then based them with a mix of flock green, balsa brown and grey rocks.


'Ey, looka' me - nat dose runty gits!!!

A sample of the Ork boys I painted up. Got 20 so far, another 30 or so to go as well as Nobs, Skortchas, Lootas and a squad of Stormboyz. They all still need to be properly based like the dreadnoughts.


And, of course, as you probably noticed in the background of several of the other pictures, I'm currently working on assembling a Dreamforge Crusader Leviathan. They had a Memorial Day sale and I bought the 28mm version, the 1/100th version and couple 50mm Eisenhern models that I'm hoping may either work as a Dreadnight or Contemptor dreadnought.


My Forgebane Armigers:


And to give some scale of how big the Leviathan will be...

And lastly, an Eldar War Walker (incomplete) that I had worked on for my "guest" army


It never ends well 
Made in us
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer


Another dump of photos - I've been painting pretty regularly, but I haven't been bothering to take pictures. Too focused on getting the pile o' shame down.

Here's some (incomplete) pictures of my eldest son's Chaos army. I've been doing the majority of the painting, but a lot of it has been sitting unpainted as I work on my own armies. I was trying to get him to start painting it himself, but that's not where his interests lie (especially when he compares his work to mine ....)


Left half


Right half

I'll try to get some more up-close shots shortly. I'm most especially proud of the paint job on the two heldrakes - one is black & gold (on a fire base) and the other is silver and blue (on an ice base)
This is the army I've been furiously working on of late, my Genestealer Cult army. It is supposed to be Blade Cog, having pulled their members from an Admech forge world. Their color scheme is meant to complement my Mars Admech Force, blended with my Behemoth Tyranids and stand out from my Avengers IG force.


Close-up of the proxie Ridgerunners (Robogear models). Note that on all the vehicles, the "red streak" is supposed to be smeared-on blood. The effect can be best seen in this picture.

Medium shot of walkers & tanks (from left to right: Robogear buggy [as a Ridgerunner], IG sentinel, Prodos Mammoth walker (as an Armored Sentinel), Chibi Panther tank , Chibi Japanese Defense Force Type 10 tank [both as Leman Russes], Sdfk 251 "Grunt" [as a Ridgerunner])

Sdfk 250 Hanomag, as a Chimera & Heavy Weapon squad (1E metal IG with Lascannon, 1E Necromunda Orlog as Brood Brother assistant)

Prodos Empire of Man Mammoth Walker (as Armored Sentinel)

GSC Magus

Brood Lord

It never ends well 
Made in us
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer


Another update, trying to get caught up with what I've been doing since starting this thread.

I pulled out my IG army last night, to show progress from the first post.

First, an overview, old and new. What's new? A squad of ogryns (far left, in front of the old rough riders), an additional sentinel, three Cadian squads (two vet squads on the right hand set of Chimeras, and a "regular" squad for Chimera #6 in the back), A Taurox (a model I swore I'd never get, but I now find I actually like the chibi little thing) with a 5E squad of Scions, three squads of foot-slogging Scions (a plasma squad, a heat squad with melta & multilaser, and a regular squad with flag bearer, from front to back). If you compare the photos from the first few posts, the biggest change is all but a small handful of models are now painted, to at least decent tabletop quality.


Army command (the squad(s) on the far left), + mechanized squads 2 & 3 in the background

Mechanized squads 4, 5 (vets) & 6

Scions Mobile Squads Alpha (plasma), Beta (flamer, meltas & multilaser), Gamma (flagbearer)

Jaacob's Gravediggers, infantry squads 1-9

The Rough & Tough (Ogryns & Rough Riders, the latter still need painting)

Battalion bearer (on top of Command Chimera #1)

Back of the flag...

Proxy Taurox (Dreamforge kit) "The Emperor's Limo"

"Judgement Day" Baneblade (sadly, I'm not fond of the paint job, but don't know rightly how to fix it without screwing it up worse)

"Old Iron" Stormshadow

"Mercy By Death" 03 Leman Russ

Manticore "Special Delivery"

Hydra "The Green Machine" (missed painting the operator, I'll have to go back and get him)

Valkyrie #1 "Death Rising"

Valkyrie #2 "On Golden Wings"

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Almost forgot a bonus: My eldest son's Heldrakes...

The Black One

Icy Manipulator

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/06/12 05:18:02

It never ends well 
Made in us
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer


Coming back to review the Bolt Action armies for US & Germany:

Long shot of the German army


Greyhounds between Tigers & Panthers

American force overview

Closer look at half-tracks & american troops

American tanks

German Heer

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/08/06 19:45:59

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