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Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


So there's a few threads gone up about theft (and its very good to see that for the most part theft within the hobby is very small and that its more a case of opportunistic people stealing expensive looking bags); but I figured its time to turn that on its head.

So what are some of the greatest things you've seen in the community - events that went above and beyond just good community and sportsmanship. Perhaps someone did you a really great thing; or you've done likewise to others. A chance to really show the good and great side of this hobby community!

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in ca
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

Hmm... I don't know if this quite fits what you are asking, but when i think of my best hobby experiences, i think of my father and my grandfather. My dad got me into hobby stuff in the first place, and always had, and continues to have time for it.

My grandfather was a model train guy, and he was really happy when i started to get into anything hobby related, and very supportive. He did that for my dad too, somewhere there's a box with some lead soldiers he made himself back in the 60's.

He was in his 90's when i got into warhammer, and i don't think he quite "got" it, but he still did a lot to encourage me. His enthusiasm for just making things, and having fun with, that's the sort of attitude i want to continue to have.

realism is a lie
Made in us
Calculating Commissar


I have to admit that beyond a couple of "those guys", I've found gamers to be pretty generous and friendly on the whole, from the clubs I attend, to conventions and tournaments. I quite often see them helping folk out, whether it's proof reading, surveys, passing trades around and so on.

A few of the local gaming companies I've visited have all spent a good chunk of time showing us around, showing us how things are made/sculpted/cast and shooting the breeze.

So I don't think I've got any spectacular stories, but I've got hundreds of little ones and a very feel good feeling about the hobby in general.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/10/15 20:45:21

Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Well I have a group of gaming buddies that have been gaming since the early nineties. We still game together and keep in touch. We all live in different cities now, but still try to gather at least once a month. So some friends for life.



Made in au
Dakka Veteran

Sydney, Australia

Here is as good a place as any to say it, but I really do love my gaming group. We're all pretty close-knit and hang out outside of games, but when it comes to the hobby the group is really quite amazing. The readiness to share techniques and teach new things, stuff as simple as borrowing models to test things out ourselves, right up to just giving people things you have spares of for whatever reason and running full blown events with tons of prize support (mostly even out of pocket) and large attendances. We all feed off of each other in these hobbies, and you can really see that in my group, which is something I love

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/10/15 23:44:57


I mainly play 30k, but am still fairly active with 40k. I play Warcry, Arena Rex, Middle-Earth, Blood Bowl, Batman, Star Wars Legion as well

My plog- https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/787134.page
My blog- https://fistfulofminiatures.blogspot.com/
My gaming Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/fistfulofminis/ 
Made in us
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer


Whenever I start a new D&D group, those players who stay around for a month or so I buy them a new PHB and a set of dice if they are not able to afford their own. I've done this for at least five people so far. (I think this is only fair, as someone did something similar for me - though it was the D&D red basic set and I had been DMing)

Back in the 80's, I test-ran a module at a Con that I was looking to get published in Dungeon Magazine. At the end of the game, I had all the players vote on the best player and as a thanks that person received a PHB signed by Larry Elmore (just that morning). (I was also later told that person went by Larry's booth and thanked him, and in return he drew a quick sketch of the player's character from the adventure in the front cover to boot ).

Also, back when Katrina hit the Gulf (2005?), I was in an area that got hit pretty bad by the eye of the storm. Luckily, the worst that had happened to me (other than power out for 2 weeks) was that my monthly copy of Dungeon magazine got lost somewhere between New Orleans and my hometown. I wrote a quick letter to Paizo asking if I could get a replacement (and even offering to buy it, if need be). About a week later I got a massive care package full of games books, dice and minis (and the missing magazine) with sympathy for our plight. I'm still eternally grateful to them - it still brings a smile to my face thinking about it, and I passed the goodies (sans my missing magazine, of course! ) on to a friend who had completely lost their gaming collection to the storm.

It never ends well 
Made in us
Jinking Ravenwing Land Speeder Pilot

Hanoi, Vietnam.

*Reads thread; wipes away manly tears.*


I can't think of anything singularly amazing, but the guys who run my local gaming shop (the only one here in Hanoi) are a pretty swell bunch of dudes. The main guy in particular does everything he can to get people into the hobby at minimal expense. They run painting sessions for newbies where paints and brushes are provided for free; you only pay for the model you paint. They have gaming tables on every floor, for which they charge nothing to use, despite providing air conditioning. The owner will happily let you come in and play a bunch of games with his personal collection. They provide storage cabinets for anyone who wants to keep their models at the shop. They have a shop copy of many of the books, and the owner actually tried to discourage me from buying my own, telling me that I should just use the shop copy. They also run gaming events every single month at no charge, and provide prizes at their own cost. I firmly believe that the guy who opened the shop has absolutely no interest in turning a profit and only runs the shop as a means to ensure he always has someone to share his hobby with. But perhaps the thing I am most grateful for, is just how incredibly friendly everyone is. As a foreigner in a strange new city, I think their friendly attitude has gone a long way to making me feel at home here.

I can't thank them enough.
Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

My 40k gaming group is pretty awesome, on the whole. We are always willing to lend each other models to try out new lists, and everyone is pretty friendly to newbies and willing to teach people to play 40k. Many of us are more competitive, and our local RTTs have been compared to Day 2 of an ITC Major tournament, but despite the general reputation of competitive players nobody in my group is an a-hole.

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/1/23, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~15000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Adeptus Custodes: ~1900 | Imperial Knights: ~2000 | Sisters of Battle: ~3500 | Leagues of Votann: ~1200 | Tyranids: ~2600 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 13 | Current main painting project: Dark Angels
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
Made in au
Storm Trooper with Maglight

Bath uk

When i was like 12 , i was playing 40k against some dude who was similar age to me and we were having a good time, but I had forgotten to bring my codex because i was a foolish 12 year old.
Some random guy who was just watching the game take place and helping out with rules etc, let me borrow his codex which was a pretty decent thing to do, and then at the end he said I could keep it, now I didn't need 2 codexes but the fact he just gave such an expensive book to me for nothing was super generous. shoutout to that guy

RIP Colour Sgt Kell. Forever in our hearts.
Click below for plenty guardsmen

Cadian 404th "The Lost Boys" P&M blog

Tutorial:How to make IG packs
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


It was either at Gen Con 98 or 99 just prior to the L5R semi finals somebody had his backpack stolen right off the peg of the bathroom stall door which included the deck he needed for the tourney that was due to start in about 25-30 min. He obviously couldn't chase after the guy with his pants around his ankles and came back to the judges table in absolute tears about what had just happened. Everyone was pretty shocked and upset by this because there were a lot of very brazen thieves in the ccg hall that year pilfering backpacks and binders even from people who were mid game. It was so bad that year we had to place judges and volunteers standing at the ends of the isles to stop people from wandering in between tables during games and running off with bags.

Nobody wanted to see somebody get qualified only to now be dropped from the event because of a bunch of dishonest nobs. So the TO got on the mic and explained what had just happened and players and the event organizers all sprung into action and started pulling stuff from their binders, within about 15 minutes he had his deck rebuilt card for card so that he could compete. The response was so quick that it didn't even delay the start of the event, the players all furnished a bunch of the incredibly hard to get out of print rares and promos for his deck and then the TOs went above and beyond and gave him a stack of foils and event promos that were normally reserved exclusively for the event winners. It still stung that he lost his other stuff but needless to say it turned his day around and he was able to still play in the event. Nobody asked for their cards back even though some of them were fairly valuable and it was something that brought all 300+ l5r players together. It was really unexpected and impressive, it made me feel really proud to be at an event that had so many great people in the community, which I've never really experienced the same way when I was playing MTG or other games.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/10/17 11:32:34

Paulson Games parts are now at:
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

Oh, nice one.

For me, a couple of years ago someone gave me about 50 original Necromunda bulkheads, just so they'd get used.

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in us

Bangor, PA

In my gaming group I try to foster a sense of community involvement. I'll humble-brag a little about what we do.

We run a few "Painting bounty" events a year, where the first new player to finish painting a playable force of tourney size (2000 pts for 40k, 75 pts for Warmachine, etc) wins a prize. The veteran members chip in and we get them something nice. The most recent winner got a fancy hard case Battlefoam bag, with foam, and a couple of Phoenix Lord models for his winning Aeldari entry.

I also have a friend who runs an after school program for at-risk kids of middle-school age, using gaming as a means of socializing and giving the kids something to do in the hours between school letting out and their parents coming home from work. This guy is my personal hero, and he's volunteering his time to do something actually meaningful for kids, and that's about as awesome as it gets.

Each year we do a donations drive and send him a couple thousand dollars in boardgames, miniatures, old Magic collections, RPG books, and so on, to help stock his after school program for the coming year.

And finally, we have a lot of new players who are on serious budgets, and maybe can't afford to buy what they'd like, or can't get the essential nonessentials, like army bags or paints. But the rest of us have too much stuff, like most veteran gamers. So we pick someone in the group who's contributing, but maybe doesn't have the deepest pockets, we hit up places like Bartertown and eBay, and we put together armies and supplies for them. This past year we gave away a 3000 point World Eaters army, put together a 2000 point Thousand Sons army for a guy and sold it to him for like $100, and gave away two smaller armies, Astra Militarum, and Death Guard.

Feels good to help others, and it builds some pretty great bonds in our group.

The object of a game is to win. The *point* of a game is to have fun. Never confuse the two.

My P&M Blog! Scratch-built AOS Demons, RPG figures, & random Other Stuff.
Made in ie
Veteran Wolf Guard Squad Leader


The generosity of the folks in my local online gaming community (Ireland's Gaming Community facebook group). Upon being unable to obtain conversion parts or entire models through rarity and/or expense, I'd put up a request there. As often as not the lads would offer the items I needed to me for as cheap as chips, sometimes even refusing payment. Its a good ethos. I try to return the favour where I can, especially to newcomers.

I let the dogs out 
Made in gb
Thane of Dol Guldur


The other day in the Peterborough gw, the manager gave my little girl the 500th store celebration balloon that was in a cardboard dragons mouth when she saw it and got excited. I thought that was nice.

Heresy World Eaters/Emperors Children

Instagram: nagrakali_love_songs 
Made in ca
Grumpy Longbeard


When I was starting Warhammer I wanted to convert the first daemon prince I bought to be more Tzeentchy. So I took a long shot and asked on our local (South African) wargaming forum if anyone had feathered wings for a daemon prince. Someone had cast a bunch of wings a while back and offered them. Instead of payment he asked me to "pay it forward".
That lead me to adopt the same attitude, which has hopefully been paid forward too.

Nightstalkers Dwarfs
Holy Roman Empire  
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