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Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India


Stargrave - Cover Reveal
Yes, the rumours are true. I have spent a lot of this year working on a new game... A game that draws upon many of the basic mechanics found in Frostgrave and Ghost Archipelago, but which uses them in a completely new setting. This is Stargrave, a game set in a ravaged galaxy, where two empires fought a vast war that ended in mutual annihilation. Now, pirate fleets roam the shattered ruins of the galaxy, taking whatever they want and enforcing their own brand of 'justice'.

Against this dark background, the players create their own small crew. Maybe they are merchants or smugglers, freedom-fighters or wanted criminals, rogue scientists or collectors of alien artefacts. Each crew features two 'characters' a captain and a first-mate, each of whom can choose their own background, such as veteran, cyborg, robotics expert, mystic, rogue or psionicist, to name a few. These backgrounds give access to various powers or abilities that these figures can use during or between games.

Well, a lot more will be coming out about the game in the coming weeks and months, before its release in April 2021. For now, I really just came to show off the cover!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I just want sci fi plastic sets compairable to the Frostgrave ones.

This message was edited 16 times. Last update was at 2024/04/23 22:34:29

Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

If Frostgrave was Heroquest, then Stargrave will be Space Crusade.

Joe. We believe in you.

Casual gaming, mostly solo-coop these days.

Made in gb
Rampaging Reaver Titan Princeps


Been looking forward to this. I've got a pile of ad hoc models from Sedition Wars, HF Minis, Scale75's Fallen Frontiers and so that'll be perfect for this! Time to break out the old school 40k terrain as well!
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

I'm a bit surprised it's sticking to "2 main guys leveling up", you'd think sci-fi would change it up a little like a smaller crew all leveling, or a larger crew with abstract leveling (like leveling the ship to boost the whole team)

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

 lord_blackfang wrote:
I'm a bit surprised it's sticking to "2 main guys leveling up", you'd think sci-fi would change it up a little like a smaller crew all leveling, or a larger crew with abstract leveling (like leveling the ship to boost the whole team)

Not sure that's a given, other than saying they share mechanics with FG, it doesn't give that level of detail, unless you saw that somewhere else.

Made in ca
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran

California the Southern

This is something I can get behind.

Like a lot of you guys, I'm hoping to see all sorts of plastic kits from Northstar for this.

The question is to they keep it the same size as Frostgrave's models or bump the scale up? Both would have their advantages.

An excellent reason to keep painting random SF figures though!

Poorly lit photos of my ever- growing collection of completely unrelated models!

Watch and listen to me ramble about these minis before ruining them with paint!
Made in gb
Rampaging Reaver Titan Princeps


Plastics are supposed to be coming. Here's an interview with Nick Eyre:


There is the Science-Fiction version of Frostgrave coming in 2021, we’ve actually started work on the miniatures now.
Made in gb
Martial Arts SAS

United Kingdom

 zedmeister wrote:
Been looking forward to this. I've got a pile of ad hoc models from Sedition Wars, HF Minis, Scale75's Fallen Frontiers and so that'll be perfect for this! Time to break out the old school 40k terrain as well!

Sedition Wars. Not just good for bases!

Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

So maybe I will have a use for my minis from the Siege of the Citadel kickstarter after all (assuming it ever arrives)?
Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

Looks intriguing, wonder if this will move into the 'grimdark' setting inhabited by earlier editions of 40k?

 Siygess wrote:
 zedmeister wrote:
Been looking forward to this. I've got a pile of ad hoc models from Sedition Wars, HF Minis, Scale75's Fallen Frontiers and so that'll be perfect for this! Time to break out the old school 40k terrain as well!

Sedition Wars. Not just good for bases!

And don't forget the sci-fi zombies (which were excellent!)

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Been looking for an excuse to purchase some Infinity models and it will also be cool to have another model range to choose from.

Hoping for some Mechs to use in the forthcoming Gamma Wolves.

Casual gaming, mostly solo-coop these days.

Made in us
Nihilistic Necron Lord

Be curious to see if their minis make good Starfinder models.

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
 lord_blackfang wrote:
I'm a bit surprised it's sticking to "2 main guys leveling up", you'd think sci-fi would change it up a little like a smaller crew all leveling, or a larger crew with abstract leveling (like leveling the ship to boost the whole team)

Not sure that's a given, other than saying they share mechanics with FG, it doesn't give that level of detail, unless you saw that somewhere else.

The quote you posted literally says
Each crew features two 'characters' a captain and a first-mate

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in us
Nihilistic Necron Lord

 lord_blackfang wrote:
 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
 lord_blackfang wrote:
I'm a bit surprised it's sticking to "2 main guys leveling up", you'd think sci-fi would change it up a little like a smaller crew all leveling, or a larger crew with abstract leveling (like leveling the ship to boost the whole team)

Not sure that's a given, other than saying they share mechanics with FG, it doesn't give that level of detail, unless you saw that somewhere else.

The quote you posted literally says
Each crew features two 'characters' a captain and a first-mate

He can’t be expected to read his own post!

Made in es
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer

 lord_blackfang wrote:
The quote you posted literally says
Each crew features two 'characters' a captain and a first-mate

...hm. Ok, nevermind then. That's the thing that most grates me of Frostgrave.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Why is everyone excited about this but
Rogue Stars (sci fi crew skirmish) and
Scrappers (sci-fi postapoc "get treasure" skirmish)

seem to get very little love.

Is it that we're all excited for Northstar plastic minis? NS had Rogue Stars minis.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/10/16 19:36:22

Made in es
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer

 pduggie wrote:
Why is everyone excited about this but
Rogue Stars (sci fi crew skirmish) and
Scrappers (sci-fi postapoc "get treasure" skirmish)

seem to get very little love.

Is it that we're all excited for Northstar plastic minis? NS had Rogue Stars minis.

You know Frostgrave is a thing, right? That's why.
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

 pduggie wrote:
Why is everyone excited about this but
Rogue Stars (sci fi crew skirmish) and
Scrappers (sci-fi postapoc "get treasure" skirmish)

seem to get very little love.

Personally I am turned off by Rogue Star's "no stats, just traits" approach and Scrappers is a different genre (and honestly somewhat soulless to me, I wouldrather play TNT). Really there's a remarkable lack of mini-agnostic, setting-agnostic sci-fi so everything is welcome, even if personally I'd prefer a larger departure from Frostgrave than we seem to be getting. Not that there's anything wrong with FG! I'm just not that excited to play the same game I already play just with lasers tacked on.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/10/16 20:12:32

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in gb
Crafty Bray Shaman

Anor Londo

Looking forward to this!

I'll echo others by saying it will be a great chance to use all of the Sci-Fi resin minis that I have gathered over the years.
Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

I've made that suggestion on Mr. McCullough's blog. Don't think it will make a difference, but one can hope.

 lord_blackfang wrote:
I'm a bit surprised it's sticking to "2 main guys leveling up", you'd think sci-fi would change it up a little like a smaller crew all leveling, or a larger crew with abstract leveling (like leveling the ship to boost the whole team)

Works in Progress: Many. Progress, Ha!
My Games Played 
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


I'd imagine there are plenty of potential players who would never consider playing fantasy themed stuff, but are at least somewhat aware of frostgrave and perhaps wish they had access to something like it

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/10/16 21:43:09

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

North Carolina

 Ancestral Hamster wrote:
I've made that suggestion on Mr. McCullough's blog. Don't think it will make a difference, but one can hope.

 lord_blackfang wrote:
I'm a bit surprised it's sticking to "2 main guys leveling up", you'd think sci-fi would change it up a little like a smaller crew all leveling, or a larger crew with abstract leveling (like leveling the ship to boost the whole team)

I’ll remain cautiously optimistic that there is more differentiation between the games and that this won’t just be “Frostgrave with lasers tacked on.” I play Burrows & Badgers with my kids and in that game your leader and second certainly get the most attention but the rest of you war and can level up and develop personality. I have a feeling that Stargrave will be more akin to Ghost Archipelago in space than original Frostgrave. With each band being the crew of a spaceship it makes sense to use the captain and first mate to set the tone of the crew. Hopefully the rest of the crew can be more than interchangeable generic archetype mooks.

Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

 pduggie wrote:
Why is everyone excited about this but
Rogue Stars (sci fi crew skirmish) and
Scrappers (sci-fi postapoc "get treasure" skirmish)

seem to get very little love.

Is it that we're all excited for Northstar plastic minis? NS had Rogue Stars minis.

They seem interesting - especially scrappers - but unlike Frostgrave they don't have solo-coop in mind. I'm going to assume that Joe will do that for Stargrave at some point.

Casual gaming, mostly solo-coop these days.

Made in us
Myrmidon Officer


All those SciFi 3D Printing Patreons I've backed finally have a use!
Made in fr
Hallowed Canoness

Well, that's interesting. But I wonder how they'll adapt the original system, with a very similar kind of main characters (always wizard, all the time) to something with very eclectic main characters (cyborg, mystic, veteran don't seem like they share similar skills)

"Our fantasy settings are grim and dark, but that is not a reflection of who we are or how we feel the real world should be. [...] We will continue to diversify the cast of characters we portray [...] so everyone can find representation and heroes they can relate to. [...] If [you don't feel the same way], you will not be missed"
Made in fi
Charging Wild Rider

pduggie wrote:Why is everyone excited about this but
Rogue Stars (sci fi crew skirmish) and
Scrappers (sci-fi postapoc "get treasure" skirmish)

seem to get very little love.

Is it that we're all excited for Northstar plastic minis? NS had Rogue Stars minis.
Maybe Erratas/FAQs have improved it, but I seem to recall Rogue Stars was a bit of an absolute mess at launch. A lot of unclear rules interactions, completely counter-intuitive effects and blatantly unbalanced options (even if you played fully narratively, it was difficult to justify some things over others). A shame, as I liked the sandboxy, versatile idea of it.

Hybrid Son Of Oxayotl wrote:Well, that's interesting. But I wonder how they'll adapt the original system, with a very similar kind of main characters (always wizard, all the time) to something with very eclectic main characters (cyborg, mystic, veteran don't seem like they share similar skills)
On first inspection, I wasn't too keen on a Frostgrave reskin (although I greatly enjoy Frostgrave), but it does seem intriguing enough to keep an eye on.

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

Expanded blurb from Facebook!

In April, 2021, we’ll be publishing Stargrave: Science Fiction Wargames in the Ravaged Galaxy, the new game from award-winning author Joseph A. McCullough!
The skirmish wargame will be fully supported by an official range of miniatures created by North Star Military Figures and Osprey Games.
We’ll be releasing plenty more information about the game and miniatures over the coming weeks and months, but for now here’s a look at the official cover for the game, featuring a fantastic piece of artwork by Helge C. Balzer!
Speaking about the cover, author Joseph A. McCullough said “I think Helge C. Balzer has really captured the feel of the game with this cover. You’ve got big stompy robots, aliens using psychic powers, and battle-armoured soldiers, blasting it out in a dark, industrial setting!”
We'll be showing off some more artwork from the game next Friday (23rd October), so watch this space!
In a galaxy torn apart by the Last War, vast pirate fleets roam from system to system, robbing, extorting, and enslaving. Amidst this chaos, thousands of independent operators – smugglers, relic hunters, freedom fighters, and mercenaries – roam the dead stars in small ships, scratching out a living any way they can.
In Stargrave, players take on the role of one of these independent operators, choosing from a range of backgrounds each with their own strengths, weaknesses, and associated powers. Next, players must hire a crew for their ship, recruiting a lieutenant with a unique skill-set and a handful of soldiers, mechanics, hackers, and other specialists. Some captains may even recruit strange alien lifeforms with abilities no humanoid could ever possess.
Once the players’ crews are assembled, they are ready to dive into a campaign. Over a series of games, their crews will have the chance to carry out a variety of missions – recovering lost technology, stealing data, freeing slaves, and fighting back against the pirate fleets. In time, as the crews gain experience, they will become more powerful and hire more talented specialists. The more they grow, however, the more likely it is that a pirate fleet will take note of their activities and come after them!

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in ca
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran

California the Southern

Pirate fleets coming after you?

Sounds like a perfectly good opportunity to come out with a streamlined ship to ship combat expansion (or full fledged game system) while they're at it!

Poorly lit photos of my ever- growing collection of completely unrelated models!

Watch and listen to me ramble about these minis before ruining them with paint!
Made in us
Warning From Magnus? Not Listening!


We play the heck out of all of Joe's games in my gaming group so this one has been on the radar for awhile. Glad to see a little info coming out. I have PLENTY of sci fi models but Im sure I'll still pick up Northstar's kit as all the FG kits are top notch.

Check out my Deadzone/40k/necromunda blog here! 
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

 AduroT wrote:
 lord_blackfang wrote:
 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
 lord_blackfang wrote:
I'm a bit surprised it's sticking to "2 main guys leveling up", you'd think sci-fi would change it up a little like a smaller crew all leveling, or a larger crew with abstract leveling (like leveling the ship to boost the whole team)

Not sure that's a given, other than saying they share mechanics with FG, it doesn't give that level of detail, unless you saw that somewhere else.

The quote you posted literally says
Each crew features two 'characters' a captain and a first-mate

He can’t be expected to read his own post!

I uh... yeah.

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