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Made in ca
Skink Chief with Poisoned Javelins


Hello there, here's a little topic I've been curious about.

To start off with: I've been fascinated by the story of Arnor in Middle Earth ever since I read through a Tolkien art book back when I was a kid. I wanted to know more about the doomed Kingdoms of the north, their struggled and their people.

So while it's good that there are rules for Arnor in the SBG book, I can't help but notice that the miniatures are gone. I'm even struggling to find them on ebay. Obviously there are the rangers, but they more represent the time after the fall, and I'd like to represent the time before.

I'm just struggling with the best way to do that. My first thought was getting some of the Gondor soldiers and scraping off the Tree from the shields, but that doesn't feel quite right to me. I am open to all sorts of ideas.
Made in us
Gore-Soaked Lunatic Witchhunter

Your best, fastest option is definitely getting the Gondor troops, making the head-wrap bit out of greenstuff, and scraping the Tree off of the shields. https://cults3d.com/en/users/Swagius_Maximus/creations has some STL files if you have access to a resin printer, but they're really just lower-res versions of the GW minis already.

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Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


Both Medbury Miniatures and Hammerin-miniatures do a range of not!Anorians. Both provide physical models, but I believe you can buy the .stl files somewhere too, if you have a 3d printer.

I don't have them myself, but i've seen quite a few examples painted up on Instagram and they do look really good. And are readily available, which as you pointed out, the GW models are not.

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Made in ca
Skink Chief with Poisoned Javelins


AnomanderRake wrote:Your best, fastest option is definitely getting the Gondor troops, making the head-wrap bit out of greenstuff, and scraping the Tree off of the shields. https://cults3d.com/en/users/Swagius_Maximus/creations has some STL files if you have access to a resin printer, but they're really just lower-res versions of the GW minis already.

That makes sense, I just get nervous with the idea of trying to get that shield bare. But as you say it's probably the easiest, and least costly of the options.

I don't have a 3d printer or access to one, but I'd be tempted, low res or not. I do have a bit of greenstuff, and the headwraps might be within my limited skill level.


Snrub wrote:Both Medbury Miniatures and Hammerin-miniatures do a range of not!Anorians. Both provide physical models, but I believe you can buy the .stl files somewhere too, if you have a 3d printer.

I don't have them myself, but i've seen quite a few examples painted up on Instagram and they do look really good. And are readily available, which as you pointed out, the GW models are not.

They're some pretty nice looking models, both of them! And I'm happy to find out that there are options out there. Between the two it's tough to decide, but worth thinking over.

I might do a little test with a Gondor figure and post it here later if I can.
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

Just take a knife to the shields. It's how the actual models were created. They were hand-sculpts.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/01/05 16:55:17

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