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2023/03/27 03:06:30
Subject: Legions Imperialis news and rumors. Rise of dark mech p.250
via sources on Faeit212
Here is a round-up / renew of my informations about the release for "Epic Warhammer - The Horus Heresy";
> Release at the End of 2023
> Replacing Aeronautica (Titanicus will stay!)
> Horus Heresy
> Core Units in Plastic (Legiones Astartes First, the rest later)
> Representing of all Space Marine Armours (Mk2 to Mk6, Cataphractii to Indomitus) over Time
> Later Option to expand it into the Great Crusade with Ork and Eldar Armies (possible with a "second Edition" > There exist ideas for a "Man of Iron" Faction and other "unknown" Factions for this Great Crusade second Edition
> There exist enough ideas to make it the biggest "Specialist Game" so far since they started to bring them back in 2016
> With Horus Heresy as their third main System, AT, AI, EW:HH (and later Gothic) will become HH "Sub-systems" (like KT for 40k or Warcry for AoS are)
via sources on Faeit212
more Stuff about Epic;
Game's name will be "Epic Warhanmmer - The Horus Heresy"
Release is planned for the second half 2023.
As a specialist Game, Epic will replace Aeronautica Imperalis' release
They plan with a four years release schedule for Epic. When the game is
successful; after those four years, they plan a "Second Edition", which
introduces Orks and Eldar as further factions. Can't say if this will then
be 40k or 30k Great Crusade.
Faeit is not very reliable but Valrak's sources proved to be precise in the last months.
Let's hope the rumours about Epic are true...
This message was edited 15 times. Last update was at 2024/10/09 22:59:11
I can't believe they would launch two major specialist games in the same year. Assuming both the Old World and Epic are ready it would make much more sense to bring out the old world this year for the anniversary, then save Epic for 2024.
Yeah, sounds like a lot of wishful thinking got crammed there.
Didn't say every unit in every armour so could be some units in mk2, others mk6.
Also doesn'' have to be sprue only mk4. Could be 2-3 armour in same sprue.
Would make it less insane.
Sculpt itself is trivial. Seen mk2-mk6 in 6mm scale already. If 3rd parties can do so can gw. So it's economical feasibility with plastlc but there either different marks for differing units or mix of marks per sprue cuts issues.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/03/27 09:12:03
Yeah, less but only a little I still think that either bring xenos from the beginning or do not even start. But who knows, maybe I am totally wrong, and it will be able to survive as HH only? Personally pure HH Epic has little value for me as I want to bring real Tyranids swarms into play.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/03/27 09:12:06
I don't really know how popular this version of Epic is going to be, if it is only going to involve Horus Heresy armies.
Like to me, the fun about Epic is big Mechs fighting against each other. To just focus on more Imperial Titans feels like shooting yourself in the foot.
I’d love a properly realised Epic 40K game, the possibilities of doing huge campaigns that encompass battles on every scale from huge conflagrations in epic to smaller pinpointed actions in regular 40K to the nitty gritty commando or boarding missions in Kill team.
I don't mind them playing it safe and sticking with HH to get started. My main concern is seeing how they well GW will balance between AT and Epic, both in terms of new releases and rules.
Will we still get any new titans, or will new releases focus on tanks & infantry for the next few years? I'd hope they at least get around to doing the Rapier scout titans, as they would now be more relevant in a game with smaller targets.
Will the rules for titans in new Epic still have the same level of 'crunch' as AT or the original Epic, or will they be simplified down to Epic 40,000 levels? Hopefully titan terminals can be made to work in both.
General Kroll wrote: I’d love a properly realised Epic 40K game, the possibilities of doing huge campaigns that encompass battles on every scale from huge conflagrations in epic to smaller pinpointed actions in regular 40K to the nitty gritty commando or boarding missions in Kill team.
Yes please.
My one wish for Games Workshop to do in the future is to do another Eye of Terror Global Campaign that encompasses all of the games. Big battles with Apocalypse, Aironautica and Titanicus, Normal battles with 40k. Smaller operation with Kill Team and even Hive skirmishes with necromunda Proxies.
Segersgia wrote: I don't really know how popular this version of Epic is going to be, if it is only going to involve Horus Heresy armies.
Like to me, the fun about Epic is big Mechs fighting against each other. To just focus on more Imperial Titans feels like shooting yourself in the foot.
I don't really know how popular this version of Epic is going to be, if it is only going to involve Horus Heresy armies.
Like to me, the fun about Epic is big Mechs fighting against each other. To just focus on more Imperial Titans feels like shooting yourself in the foot.
Just give me my Epic scale Gorkanaut, damn you.
if you want this your better play titanicus epic is all about battle,s with huge army's that can include titans but is more about tanks and infantrie so for the orks that would mean stompas an battlewagon and big mobs of infantry and they can be supported with titans
full compagny of bloodangels, 5000 pnt of epic bloodangels
5000 pnt imperial guard
5000 pnt orks
2500 pnt grey knights
5000 pnt gsc
5000 pnts Chaos legionars
4000 pnt tyranids
4000 pnt Tau
skeleton wrote: I don't really know how popular this version of Epic is going to be, if it is only going to involve Horus Heresy armies.
Like to me, the fun about Epic is big Mechs fighting against each other. To just focus on more Imperial Titans feels like shooting yourself in the foot.
Just give me my Epic scale Gorkanaut, damn you.
if you want this your better play titanicus epic is all about battle,s with huge army's that can include titans but is more about tanks and infantrie so for the orks that would mean stompas an battlewagon and big mobs of infantry and they can be supported with titans
Agreed. I would prefer having some non-mirror matches so Eldar or Orks or Tyranids. So I was disappointed with how Adeptus Titanicus just kept doing the same Titans and Imperial vs. Chaos matches. My wallet has remained closed. I'm sure I am not the only one that has asked for xenos Titan equivalents. I want to use my old Phantom Titan or Warlock Titan (or have updated new models) or have Imperial Titan vs. Tyranid Bio-Titan and re-enact the fall of Gryphonne IV. GW leaving money on the table here by ignoring.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/03/27 11:34:14
If true, I can't wait. I'm already clearing the decks and finishing my Aeronautica and Titanicus backlog. May also sell off reams of 30k to get ready for this...
I really don't like the idea of it being Horus Heresy focused. It feels very limiting to have the game be focused on Space Marines, both with how nearly everyone else would have to miss out and how there wouldn't be too much to differentiate them. It's not like they could really offer upgrade packs and such, there are a few legion specific units but for the most part it'll be similar looking stuff.
Which is also why those Faeit rumours just sound like nonsense. It's a pretty small scale they're going to offer different kits that are slight variations of armour pattern? Just who's going to scrutinize them closely enough to even properly tell what armour pattern these several mm tall miniatures are let alone that being one of the marketing/customization aspects of the whole thing?They're going to add Men of Iron...during the Great Crusade? Something that, unless i've completely missed something, had nothing to do with the Great Crusade?
Doesn't seem believable in the slightest. Whens the last time Faeit212 actually got anything right, though? Everything I can remember reading from them turned out to be fake (unless it was posted elsewhere first).
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/03/27 12:47:01
Mentlegen324 wrote: I really don't like the idea of it being Horus Heresy focused. It feels very limiting to have the game be focused on Space Marines, both with how nearly everyone else would have to miss out and how there wouldn't be too much to differentiate them. It's not like they could really offer upgrade packs and such, there are a few legion specific units but for the most part it'll be similar looking stuff.
Which is also why those Faeit rumours just sound like nonsense. It's a pretty small scale they're going to offer different kits that are slight variations of armour pattern? Just who's going to scrutinize them closely enough to even properly tell what armour pattern these several mm tall miniatures are let alone that being one of the marketing/customization aspects of the whole thing?They're going to add Men of Iron...during the Great Crusade? Something that, unless i've completely missed something, had nothing to do with the Great Crusade?
Doesn't seem believable in the slightest. Whens the last time Faeit212 actually got anything right, though? Everything I can remember reading from them turned out to be fake (unless it was posted elsewhere first).
But for Epic, being HH focused does not mean it has to be SM-focused, it basically means you'll get the Imperial/Mechanicum roster and Demons before you'll get Xenos, but that includes Imperial Army/Guard, Mechanicum war machines, random stuff like Custodes, SoS and so on, Demon Engines and Demons, all in all between 6-8 visually distinct forces of which Marines are just one part. Legion-specific stuff could be as limited as a single box or clampack per, which still is a lot, but not a thing that defines the whole game for years...
That being said, the Faeit212 stuff is obviously heavily mixed with wishlisting and probably totally bunk anyway.
Which is also why those Faeit rumours just sound like nonsense. It's a pretty small scale they're going to offer different kits that are slight variations of armour pattern? Just who's going to scrutinize them closely enough to even properly tell what armour pattern these several mm tall miniatures are let alone that being one of the marketing/customization aspects of the whole thing?
Not that I particularly believe Faeit, but it's true that when the Adeptus Titanicus was being designed one of the specific reasons the current scale was picked was that it still allowed players to distuinish between different marks of marine armour.
This was a quote of from people speaking to the game designers at a GW event in 2016: "They decided on this scale after 3D printing a Marine, Dread, Leman Russ, Warlord and a Mastodon in three different scales ... you could see the details to the point of telling different armour marks apart but didn’t make the Titans too big."
hm, are these really new rumours? That sounds like the stuff that came up before the Adepticon; Unfortunately, contrary to the rumours, there was no announcement there
Considering the big threat in the 10th edition trailer is the Tyranids and the 4th Tyrannic War, I would have thought the natural would have been to do Epic Tyranids vs. Imperium. Then other factions too as the Tyranids sweep over and attack everyone.
Mentlegen324 wrote: I really don't like the idea of it being Horus Heresy focused. It feels very limiting to have the game be focused on Space Marines, both with how nearly everyone else would have to miss out and how there wouldn't be too much to differentiate them. It's not like they could really offer upgrade packs and such, there are a few legion specific units but for the most part it'll be similar looking stuff.
Which is also why those Faeit rumours just sound like nonsense. It's a pretty small scale they're going to offer different kits that are slight variations of armour pattern? Just who's going to scrutinize them closely enough to even properly tell what armour pattern these several mm tall miniatures are let alone that being one of the marketing/customization aspects of the whole thing?They're going to add Men of Iron...during the Great Crusade? Something that, unless i've completely missed something, had nothing to do with the Great Crusade?
Doesn't seem believable in the slightest. Whens the last time Faeit212 actually got anything right, though? Everything I can remember reading from them turned out to be fake (unless it was posted elsewhere first).
Have you ever seen what can be done in 6mm?
There's already mk2 6mm models by 3rd party. And mk3. And mk4. And mk5. And mk6. And you can tell them apart...
If some random 3d artist can do it why on earth GW can't? I mean sure GW isn't God Level Sculpting Company Whom Nobody Can Match but it's also rather rich claim they can't do mk2-mk6 in 6mm when others already provenly can
I honestly don't see any of this being even remotely true... I think GW are more about bigatures these days (scale creep and what not), so them doing a large scale game with 6-8mm infantry just seems a bit too unlikely.
That all being said, I would love to be wrong.
The objective of the game is to win. The point of the game is to have fun. The two should never be confused.
Iracundus wrote: Considering the big threat in the 10th edition trailer is the Tyranids and the 4th Tyrannic War, I would have thought the natural would have been to do Epic Tyranids vs. Imperium. Then other factions too as the Tyranids sweep over and attack everyone.
You know what problem that has?
Double the mould expenses. It increases financial risk.
There's reason why adeptus titanicus and epic started originally with HH. It would be same business model.
Hell the reason has become MORE important now that there's more units. It's no longer basic infantry+terminator+rhino+land raider. Now we have multiple infantry types, rhino's, vindicators, predators, laser destroyer, skorpions, cerebrus, kratos, sicarans etc people would expect. And tyranids have gone up in unit count as well...
That's why if GW ever rereleases epic it's even more likely that they follow the same style that made the epic succesfull in the first place...
On the armour Marks, my first question would be “but why?”, as it’s not gonna make a difference beyond aesthetics.
In fact, that’s my only question really.
I’m more interested in how army selection will work. Those long bored by my mind vomit will know I strongly advocate for the 2nd Ed Company/Support/Special Card method. Each card was more or less a boxed set or blister. And you ended up with neat looking forces drawn from an order of battle, and not so much “two of these, three of that, one of those’ us”.
And the way those cards interacted really set a lot of the flavour of each army. Space Marines were largely independent elements. Imperial Guard need to maintain command structure. Orks you basically built ever larger and more fighty mobs.
They’re also a super quick way to assemble your force pre-game.
Fed up of Scalpers? But still want your Exclusives? Why not join us?
Mentlegen324 wrote: I really don't like the idea of it being Horus Heresy focused. It feels very limiting to have the game be focused on Space Marines, both with how nearly everyone else would have to miss out and how there wouldn't be too much to differentiate them. It's not like they could really offer upgrade packs and such, there are a few legion specific units but for the most part it'll be similar looking stuff.
Which is also why those Faeit rumours just sound like nonsense. It's a pretty small scale they're going to offer different kits that are slight variations of armour pattern? Just who's going to scrutinize them closely enough to even properly tell what armour pattern these several mm tall miniatures are let alone that being one of the marketing/customization aspects of the whole thing?They're going to add Men of Iron...during the Great Crusade? Something that, unless i've completely missed something, had nothing to do with the Great Crusade?
Doesn't seem believable in the slightest. Whens the last time Faeit212 actually got anything right, though? Everything I can remember reading from them turned out to be fake (unless it was posted elsewhere first).
Have you ever seen what can be done in 6mm?
There's already mk2 6mm models by 3rd party. And mk3. And mk4. And mk5. And mk6. And you can tell them apart...
If some random 3d artist can do it why on earth GW can't? I mean sure GW isn't God Level Sculpting Company Whom Nobody Can Match but it's also rather rich claim they can't do mk2-mk6 in 6mm when others already provenly can
I didn't say they couldn't. Of course its something they'd physically be capable of doing. I said it's such a small thing that it doesn't make a lot of sense to put so much of a focus on that aspect of the miniatures.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/03/27 13:22:59
Do people really think Epic being marine vs marine wouldn't be successful when 90% of people would be collecting marines even if it launched with xenos?
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/03/27 14:11:23
I just want a 12-15mm armored combat game (like FoW/TY) in the 40k universe. I might settle for 8mm (that's what AI/AT is right?) if the plastic kits are good, but lack of Tau would make that a bummer.