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Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


I was pretty sure there was one of these threads here already, but I must have been mistaken.

I Thought we could get a 30k bat-rep thread going. Post pictures of games you've played or if you're feeling so inclined write up a post-action report.
(For everyone's convenience, please keep photos to either a medium size or less, or put them in a spoiler, thanks!)

I'll kick off proceedings with my game from last night. My Dark Angels Vs Emperor's Children. 1500 points, Blood Feud mission w/Vanguard Deployment.
My opponent conceded defeat at the start of my turn 4, as we had 15 minutes until the venue closed and I was 1 VP ahead and in a position to score another.

Army Lists are as follows.
Dark Angels.
Chaplain w/shotgun & power maul
4x Apothecaries
Dreadnought w/duel meltas & havoc launcher
5x Terminators w/vexilla & lightning claws
15x Tactical Marines w/artificer armour & power axe
12x Tactical Marines w/artificer armour & power axe
10x Despoilers w/Vexilla, 2x power swords, artificer armour & power fist
5x Support Marines w/plasma repeaters & artificer armour

Emperor's Children
Delegatus w/power sword & volkite charger
Master of Signal
Dreadnought w/assault cannon, fist w/graviton gun & havoc launcher
8x Terminators w/a mix of power swords/mauls & lightning claws
10x Tactical Marines w/power sword & rhino
10x Tactical Marines w/power sword
5x Support Marines w/meltaguns & rhino
5x Sunkillers w/lascannons

Photo credit for 7 of the 11 pics goes to my opponent who had the presence of mind to actually take photos, where as I largely forgot!

The battlefield and armies deployed.

Some shots of my opponents gorgeous EC's.

Highlights of the match include...
-The mutually assured destruction of my plasma repeater squad and the enemy dreadnought. The dice were rolling well for everyone. Very spectacular!
-My tactical squad using Fury of the Legion to all but annihilate my opponents melta squad.
-Me leaving my Vigilator in the open and in line of sight of a Sunkiller squad, for which he was promptly vaporized.
-Another nerve racking round of sunkiller shooting after I made the same mistake again, and left my dreadnought exposed. (luckily only suffered 1 wound)

Lowlights of the match included...
-Me using a tactical squad to assault a rhino, while completely forgetting the rules for assaulting a vehicle.
-The vigilator failing to kill literally anything for the 3rd match running now. I think I might retire him in favour of the chaplain, who did quite well this game.

I learnt a bit from this game. Mostly that I really need to work on my deployment positioning. My dreadnought was all but wasted that match and I couldn't get him where I needed him to be. Especially when dealing with something like Vanguard Deployment, where you're all squished up in the corner, positioning is key so you're not tripping over yourself in turn 1 & 2.

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone else's games!

My Blogs -
Hobby Blog
Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

Games are meant to be seen, indeed.

Some recent games with my Death Guard:

Kicked some iron IV butt. The Falchion almost got scrapped in a massive return volley from the Siege Tyrants, but managed to hold on until the end as the rest of the line crashed against them and drowned that blasted Team Rocket in flames and gas grenades.

2500 p DG vs Mechanicum, tried out the bound daemon brute rules with my failed librarians as a mobile melee element running in front of the terminator wall. They did pretty well, reaving through multiple squads of midsized robots and hanging on there causing havoc until the very end of the game where they finally died to darkfire lances. By this time I had thoroughly won on objectives already. Scoria and two Domitars attempt to take on the whole world at once (and fail, less than surprisingly)

#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


Really nice pictures. Nothing better after all those hours painting them than seeing them all laid out on a good gaming table, is there?

Have a look at my P&M blog - currently working on Sons of Horus

Have a look at my 3d Printed Mierce Miniatures

Previous projects
30k Iron Warriors (11k+)
Full first company Crimson Fists
Zone Mortalis (unfinished)
Classic high elf bloodbowl team 
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

These are the best kind of threads, kudos

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in us
Committed Chaos Cult Marine

This was my first game of HH with me fielding the Sons of Horus vs. Thousand Sons. They were pretty much on top of my army before I could even get very far out of my deployment zone. At the time I mostly just had Tactical or Tactical Support. I could only field 4 missile launchers at the time, my biggest hitting weapon.


This was a 2500pt game of my SoH vs. Death Guard and World Eaters. I lost one of my two Sicarans with in minutes of starting the game. A pretty common occurrence, as I've lost at least one very quickly in Turn 1. My Heavy Bolter marines did a fair amount of work holding off the World Eaters. Pictured is my Praetor, Gilgamesh Ascari making a last stand by himself as all the Tactical Marines surrounding him had been removed.


This more narrative game with my Son of Horus trying to slip through the Iron Warrior lines. My Sicarans didn't create the gap I would have liked, so I felt I had to try and go through the Iron Warriors. Otherwise, I thought they'd pick off my vehicles before I could even get close to their table edge.


This was a four player game with Death Guard and Dusk Raider players mostly going head-to-head. With Sons of Horus and Space Wolves holding the flanks and ambushing.


This message was edited 7 times. Last update was at 2023/04/30 04:30:49

Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


Great shots guys! Love em.

My Blogs -
Hobby Blog
Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

Switching the scale a bit but that's probably fine

Played some nice E:A with NetEA lists today, a brutal showing of combined arms as my artillery and air heavy Crusade marines tore through the Orkoid menace. As the green tide rushed on, artillery prepared the targets with casualties and confusion, lighter infantry took supporting positions and a crushing air assault of terminators struck home like a rain of meteors. Prep, support, smash, repeat. Hopping on board the Hawks and crashing down again later, this methodical eradication of the greenskins concluded in a triumphant victory for the XIV.

#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


 Sherrypie wrote:
Switching the scale a bit but that's probably fine url]
Fine by me!

Never played it, but Epic always looks like a lot of fun and I think represents what a heresy era marine vs marine battle could well look like.

My Blogs -
Hobby Blog
Made in us
Pestilent Plague Marine with Blight Grenade

 Sherrypie wrote:
Games are meant to be seen, indeed.

Some recent games with my Death Guard:

Kicked some iron IV butt. The Falchion almost got scrapped in a massive return volley from the Siege Tyrants, but managed to hold on until the end as the rest of the line crashed against them and drowned that blasted Team Rocket in flames and gas grenades.

2500 p DG vs Mechanicum, tried out the bound daemon brute rules with my failed librarians as a mobile melee element running in front of the terminator wall. They did pretty well, reaving through multiple squads of midsized robots and hanging on there causing havoc until the very end of the game where they finally died to darkfire lances. By this time I had thoroughly won on objectives already. Scoria and two Domitars attempt to take on the whole world at once (and fail, less than surprisingly)

Are those Gal Vorbak painted like Death Guard? What did you play them as?
Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

Snrub wrote:
 Sherrypie wrote:
Switching the scale a bit but that's probably fine url]
Fine by me!

Never played it, but Epic always looks like a lot of fun and I think represents what a heresy era marine vs marine battle could well look like.

It's great, lets you go above the scale of the usual pub-side brawl depicted in Warhammer games

ArcaneHorror wrote:

Are those Gal Vorbak painted like Death Guard? What did you play them as?

As noted in the post, I ran them with bound daemon rules as two squads of five brutes

My force is mostly loyal-ish and usable for various time periods (main project, Echoes of Eisenstein, being a post-Heresy gaggle of survivors rebuilding what was lost at the edge of the Imperium). With these guys the idea is that though Death Guard discarded the librarius initially, towards the late Heresy and beyond what was left would still need psykers to survive even if they detested and bullied them. Most aspirants could not handle the pressure, though, and would end up as twisted grotesques unfit to live, further reinforcing their brothers' disdain for the powers of the Empyrean. Wasting resources is not in the XIV creed, however, so even such unlucky sods would still be put to use and herded towards the heaviest enemy lines in forlorn hope operations. Similar to how Blood Angels would use their death companies, except here there is no noble sacrifice under the Chaplains' guidance but an ignoble end as a tool wielded and spent by the succesful mages until what value remained is finally wrung out at last.

#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

Made in us
Pestilent Plague Marine with Blight Grenade

 Sherrypie wrote:
Snrub wrote:
 Sherrypie wrote:
Switching the scale a bit but that's probably fine url]
Fine by me!

Never played it, but Epic always looks like a lot of fun and I think represents what a heresy era marine vs marine battle could well look like.

It's great, lets you go above the scale of the usual pub-side brawl depicted in Warhammer games

ArcaneHorror wrote:

Are those Gal Vorbak painted like Death Guard? What did you play them as?

As noted in the post, I ran them with bound daemon rules as two squads of five brutes

My force is mostly loyal-ish and usable for various time periods (main project, Echoes of Eisenstein, being a post-Heresy gaggle of survivors rebuilding what was lost at the edge of the Imperium). With these guys the idea is that though Death Guard discarded the librarius initially, towards the late Heresy and beyond what was left would still need psykers to survive even if they detested and bullied them. Most aspirants could not handle the pressure, though, and would end up as twisted grotesques unfit to live, further reinforcing their brothers' disdain for the powers of the Empyrean. Wasting resources is not in the XIV creed, however, so even such unlucky sods would still be put to use and herded towards the heaviest enemy lines in forlorn hope operations. Similar to how Blood Angels would use their death companies, except here there is no noble sacrifice under the Chaplains' guidance but an ignoble end as a tool wielded and spent by the succesful mages until what value remained is finally wrung out at last.

That's a really interesting concept, and it makes sense fluff-wise, as the Death Guard were noted for using weapons that most other Space Marines thought abhorrent. Do these guys stay loyal after the Heresy, or gradually fall to Nurgle as well?
Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

 ArcaneHorror wrote:

That's a really interesting concept, and it makes sense fluff-wise, as the Death Guard were noted for using weapons that most other Space Marines thought abhorrent. Do these guys stay loyal after the Heresy, or gradually fall to Nurgle as well?

Sort of, I like to explore the grey zone themes in-between. I've envisioned them as embittered, involuntary secessionists keeping up the good fight for humanity through the millenia but getting increasingly disillusioned with the Imperium as years roll on. During the Scouring things were still relatively stable, but as the dogma of madness and paranoia of religious fervour spread through the galaxy it became harder and harder to work alongside any larger commands of the Imperium that was doing its best to forget its history. Eventually, this would lead the Echoes into a sort of renegade life on the unlawful outskirts where they could establish their personal recruitment worlds and Mechanicus deals. Unlike their fallen kin in the Eye of Terror who now sneered at the weak like the Barbarusian overlords of old, the Echoes would still wage war in the XIV legion's original tenets to protect those who couldn't do it themselves, even if it increasingly led to them coming to blows with the blind fanatics of the Corpse-Emperor as well. Perhaps even more than their former brothers who've openly embraced the ruinous powers, this force despises the Imperial idiots too blind to see how they're only shooting themselves in the foot time and again

#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

Made in us
Committed Chaos Cult Marine

A few more games of Horus Heresy.

A 2000pt game vs. Alpha Legion where within minutes of starting the game I failed five 3+ Saves on my Recon marines wiping the squad and once again lost a Sicaran Turn 1. My Tactical squads did okay until the Apothecary was sniped. And I'm not sure if my Justaerin under-performed, or I was just expected more from them. Still a fun game, though.


A 1250pt game vs. Death Guard (painted as Dust Raiders), mission: Onslaught, deployment: Dawn of War. My favorite game of HH to date, as my SoH finally felt like the 16th Legion. I used some Veterans with Banestrike Bolters as well as a Warmonger. And while I think they are too expensive, my Tactical Support with Volkite Chargers and Chainswords did really well. But my MVPs were my Apothecaries. They did more than their part to keep far more marines alive than probability should allow.


A 1360pt game vs. Iron Hands, mission: Tide of Carnage, deployment: Dawn of War. Almost thought I won this one until had a closer look and found that vehicles were scoring units, which allowed the Iron Hands to secure the victory. I did manage a successful sweeping advance this game.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/04/30 04:36:35

Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

The Iron Hands attempt a surprise strike on the Death Guard, who are priming a nuclear silo to blow up the whole continent. Though the Tenth bravely trudge through the roiling hellscape of phosphex and chemical clouds, their push is ultimately thrown back by an unyielding wall of terminators. The XIV hold their post doggedly, raise their middle-fingers to the sky and disappear in the mushroom cloud alongside the Iron Hands' hopes of a larger campaign effort.

#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


Loving all these great pics!

Sherrypie, that's an awesome table you've got there and some fantastic looking armies to go on it!

My Blogs -
Hobby Blog
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

Gorgeous shots indeed.

I finally got my first game in and it was a crushing victory for my shooty Death Guard over melee Emperor's Children. Like "he never got into assault range" crushing.

Our table

(The painted minis are all remaining EC by the end of round 2... and the Rhino is wrecked and empty)

We suspect that gakky 5th-7th edition terrain rules are the main culprit as area terrain is entirely transparent and doesn't do jack to cover an advance. I was wondering how everybody else has found the LOS rules and what is your terrain like to make for a meaningful game or if you use house rules. Our HH group is small and casual enough that we might just switch to 4th edition terrain.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/06/04 08:38:28

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in fi
Posts with Authority

 Sherrypie wrote:
The Iron Hands attempt a surprise strike on the Death Guard, who are priming a nuclear silo to blow up the whole continent. Though the Tenth bravely trudge through the roiling hellscape of phosphex and chemical clouds, their push is ultimately thrown back by an unyielding wall of terminators. The XIV hold their post doggedly, raise their middle-fingers to the sky and disappear in the mushroom cloud alongside the Iron Hands' hopes of a larger campaign effort.

I'm liking these photoshops! When the bg of RL is removed, a well painted army and a fab board start looking much more cinematic, something I always love to see

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

Cheers lads.

Terrain rules are very lackluster, yes. My quick and dirty houserule is to consider most area terrain like ruins and woods opaque for LoS purposes, ie. you can't see through them but you can see in and out of them. Without that the game has way too little forced manoeuvre.

#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

Made in hk
Mekboy Hammerin' Somethin'

 Sherrypie wrote:
Cheers lads.

Terrain rules are very lackluster, yes. My quick and dirty houserule is to consider most area terrain like ruins and woods opaque for LoS purposes, ie. you can't see through them but you can see in and out of them. Without that the game has way too little forced manoeuvre.

That's the rule we've always used. Great photos, btw - very atmospheric. The greenish tone suits the Death Guard well.

Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Terry Pratchett RIP 
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

 Sherrypie wrote:
Cheers lads.

Terrain rules are very lackluster, yes. My quick and dirty houserule is to consider most area terrain like ruins and woods opaque for LoS purposes, ie. you can't see through them but you can see in and out of them. Without that the game has way too little forced manoeuvre.

Thanks, we've decided to do that in out next game.

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in us
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols

washington state USA

 lord_blackfang wrote:
 Sherrypie wrote:
Cheers lads.

Terrain rules are very lackluster, yes. My quick and dirty houserule is to consider most area terrain like ruins and woods opaque for LoS purposes, ie. you can't see through them but you can see in and out of them. Without that the game has way too little forced manoeuvre.

Thanks, we've decided to do that in out next game.

Depends on what you like. DUST 1947 uses the 4th ed area terrain rules with a 4" limit instead of 6" like 4th because the entire game is based off a 4x4" grid game system....and the fact Andy Chambers worked on the 3d terrain rules.

However in our retro 40K games i have no problem with 5th ed true LOS terrain (not counting wings banners or anything else that isn't the body of the model). in fact i like the 5th ed terrain rules with one rub tree templates are reverted back to 5+ cover instead of 4+ but that aside we solved the terrain problem by actually using LOS blocking terrain. instead of ruins. there are plenty of 3d printed available terrain specifically for 40K from war scenery (if you want all the dawn of war game buildings) or sacrusmundus for original inspired terrain sets for 40K factions. some examples of said terrain on the table.




GAMES-DUST1947/infinity/B5 wars/epic 40K/5th ed 40K/victory at sea/warmachine/battle tactics/monpoc/battletech/battlefleet gothic/castles in the sky,/heavy gear 
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

Cheers... I actually have a lot of those pieces, but I don't like using a lot of solid bricks that much as they block movement as well and have to be walked around.

But I see even 40k 10th is reintroducing proper area terrian after 15 long years of everything being transparent

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in us
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols

washington state USA

Maybe its the infinity player in me, many of the buildings have interiors that have removable tops so units can go inside or through them...won me a game one time with my scouts taking a shortcut.

GAMES-DUST1947/infinity/B5 wars/epic 40K/5th ed 40K/victory at sea/warmachine/battle tactics/monpoc/battletech/battlefleet gothic/castles in the sky,/heavy gear 
Made in gb
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

That's so cool
Made in gb
Preparing the Invasion of Terra

Went to Warhammer World for two days and forgot to take any pictures
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

 Gert wrote:
Went to Warhammer World for two days and forgot to take any pictures

I assume that means you had a great time tho?

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in gb
Preparing the Invasion of Terra

Oh yeah, it's always good to go down even if it's like trying to get to Mount Doom.
Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


Loving the pics people! Great to see people getting into it.

Haven't had a chance to post images from my last few games. So here's an image dump!

There's a 2500pts doubles (1250pts a piece) event coming up in August, so I've teamed up with another player from my local club and we're running what we think is a pretty effective Dark Angels/Iron Warriors combo. We've been getting in a few practice matches against another pair of blokes and it's been good fun so far.

1st Match: Dark Angels/Iron Warriors vs Iron Hands/Imperial Fists. We only made it to the end of turn two as we were teaching our opponents how to play (Hence quite a bit of proxying). We lost by 1vp in the end as my tactical squad got pushed off the objective at the moment by the enemy despoilers, but it was a good match never-the-less as we learnt a fair bit.

Start of Turn 1. As we quickly discovered, our deployment strategy needed work as we spent both turns tripping over ourselves in the movement phase, which against savvy opponents would have cost us dearly.

After nuking the kratos on a fantastic turn one alpha strike, the sky hunters are brutally pulled apart by a combined effort from the Missile HSS and terminators. For 150 points, they did really well and quickly cemented themselves in my partners list.

End of our turn 2. My tactical squad is all tied up on the objective with the enemy despoilers. I was confident I could see the despoilers off through sheer weight of numbers, but his apothecary pulled his weight and saved every wound, where as I lost about four marines IIRC and subsequently failed my moral check, I won the sweep roll though so didn't get rolled up. The commander of the terminators made a tactical misjudgement here though and shot at my plasma repeater support squad. I fired back and promptly atomised the remaining terminators.

End of opponents turn 2 and the game. On the right is the scene from above. In the middle my partners tactical squad capped an objective and trades fire with a tac squad under the broken bridge. Middle left, a contemptor and leviathan head towards an inevitable confrontation. On the left, an Iron Hands terminators squad Kool Aid Manned their way through the building to assault my tacticals, (not strictly game legal, but too cool not to allow) and after slaughtering 6 of them, the game was over.

Post match review, we decided that if we had gone another turn, we would have regained the right flank as my tacticals would likely have rallied and the remaining despoilers would not have withstood the subsquent shooting from both them and the support squad. Middle objective we had secure, but the left was a bit dicey. What's not shown in the photo is the talon of 3 boxnaughts duking it out with my partners plasma predator. They that would have murdered my tacticals and despoilers given half a chance, so us pushing his tactical squad off the left objective and capping it ourselves was something of a lost cause.

Game 2 was against the same to guys. Again we only made it to turn 2 this time as my partner had to leave early.
We won this time 4-2 as we were playing the mission where you pick a unit type and score VP for killing that unit type.
Only 1 picture from this match as every other one I took was blurry. So this is from the start of Turn 2.

Turn 2 saw my partner take down the kratos again with the jetbikes, the contemptor (behind the big building on the right) got into combat with the levi this time around and won. The top tactical squad and the despoilers combined efforts to deal with the enemy despoiler squad, soundly removing them. The lower tactical squad polished off the two remaining missile launchers before being charged by the terminators who failed their 4inch charge and lost a guy to overwatch. And once again the repeater squad showed how good they are at removing units from existence by jumping up on the landing pad and firing at the tacticals on the building opposite.

Post Match, this game was not in our opponents favour at all. It likely wouldn't have made it past turn 3, even if my partner didn't have to leave. Our initial deployment was much better this time around and that put at in a position to play quite aggressively. We pretty much forwent all shooting in turn 1 (bar a volley from my partners scorpius) to push up to an advantageous position.
It just wasn't looking good for the other team.

And I got in a 1v1 game against the Iron Hands player this week. 1500 points, Tide of Carnage with Ambush deployment.

Turn 1: I split my force 1 tac squad, a contemptor and some interemptors on one side, a 2nd tac squad and a termie brick in the spartan on the other side. I was a touch apprehensive as I was going up against 2 contemptors and levi with only 1 contemptor of my own, but I had a surprise waiting for him in the spartan.

I will tell the tale of this battle in a few separate stories.

The interempors got killed off by the levi on turn 1 and contributed nothing to the game, and the lascannon contemptor immobilised the spartan as well. This was not to plan as it mean the terminators had to slog it on foot.

The left side tactical squad drew the ire of the praetor and a squad of morlocks who hardily charged across open ground. The spartan, though immobilised, could still speak and indeed spoke loudly, dealing 3 wounds to the morlocks. The morlocks then failed their 3inch charge into the tacticals and took a 4th wound for their troubles although surged forth to ensure they wouldn't fail next time.

Turn 2, the tacticals deal another wound in the shooting phase but hold their ground against the praetors charge. Although they deal no wounds, the combat doesn't go disastrously for the tacticals only losing 4, they are forced to fall back, but don't flee off the board.

Next turn the tacticals regroup and then run south away from the morlocks, who slowly give chase gunning down two of the retreating tacticals.

It was at this point though the enemy commander realised he'd been lured into a trap. The Spartan makes it's presence felt once more and removes the final two morlocks after they appeared past the wreckage of the aircraft. The tactical squad, having done their job, turn and face down the enraged praetor.

In a few swift strokes the praetor enacts his revenge on the defiant tactical marines...

...Only to find himself staring down the barrels of the spartan. Which quickly vapourises him with a well placed burst form it's lascannon array.

While that was happening, the spartan had disgorged it's contents into the face of the lascannon toting contemptor who laid it low. 10 terminator led by a Paladin quickly dispatched the offending contemptor, but not before it killed two on overwatch.
(I didn't get any pictures of this bit. )

Having dealt with the threat of one dreadnought. The veterans turn their sights on an even larger monstrosity.

Weathering a hail of storm cannon fire the terminators charge in only to have the Leviathan stomp on two of them before being torn apart by chain and power fists.

With two dreadnoughts to their name now, the remaining terminators turn their attentions to their opposite number, but not before a hail of krak missiles from a top a building end another of their number.

The tide turns against the terminators when overwatch takes down another of the squad numerical odds in favour of the Iron Hands.

Despite the disadvantage, the terminators even the score laying low 3 of the enemy squad. The Paladin, although quite successful against his earlier foes misjudges the Iron Hands sergeant and is killed in a challenge

The final two terminators would avenge their leader, slaying the last of the enemy warriors in a last brutal round of combat.

With the Tactical squad out foxing the praetor on the other end of the battlefield, and the terminators resolutely marching their way across the centre field, the right flank saw dreadnought meet dreadnought on a collision course with only one outcome.

One punishing round of combat later saw both contemptors explode in monstrous fireballs.

With the dust settled on 6 rounds of intense fighting, little remained of the two armies that clashed here. Although the Dark Angels would walk away the victors 5 VP to 1.

Post Match: A really fun match and quite a different outcome then I expected given the rocky start I had. Only 5 models remained on the board at the end of turn 6. Two Heavy Support Squad missile launchers, The spartan and two of my terminators who by that point had marched across half the table!
I couldn't believe my opponent took the bait of chasing the tactical squad with his praetor. I'm also somewhat surprised the spartan manged to have such an impact despite it's less then ideal location. The dread punch up was great fun with a super cinematic ending. Star of the show goes to the terminator brick though. Ate two dreadnoughts, 5 terminators and shot one of the missile launchers off the top of the building. The Paladin is not to be fethed with. For a 30 point upgrade, you get arguably the best non-character beatstick in the game and it really shows. It was actually him doing most of the work on the dreads rather then the power fists. Terranic Great Swords fearsome!
The tale that didn't get told is that of my other tactical squad. They were in the top right building the whole match and didn't do much except distract the HSS for 5 turns. The templates rained down upon them, but the dice were in my favour and I saved more wound on them then I could even count. They were enough of a pest that they pulled the other terminator squad away from my contemptor which is a confrontation that might have gone differently for me if they'd got into combat with it.

My Blogs -
Hobby Blog
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Foxy Wildborne

I had too much fun playing yesterday to remember taking photos!

It was 2k DG vs EC, War of Lies, Ambush with EC in the middle and I, as the objectively faster army, choosing to be the ambusher.

Had a lovely time with my newly powered down list, testing amongst other things 15 Inductii, who won a bolter match (obviously) vs 10 Tacticals and got eaten by a Contemptor. The other side of the table was assaulted by a Spartan, EC unique Veterans and EC unique Terminators, I kept forgetting to pop my faction reaction so I got outmeleed and my Praetor ran off the board as the last survivor of his unit of 15 Assault dudes plus Apothecary. Bet he was personally executed by Mortarion in short order.

I did eventually manage to clear out all his 2+ save 2 wound dudes with a masterful strategy of shooting lascannons while walking them backwards. And the Spartan disappeared in a fine mist as soon as the Kratos's melta turret got into half range.

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40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
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Longtime Dakkanaut

On the gaming front, my pal's recently minted Blood Angels stumbled into the wrong neighbourhood in today's ZoMo and got whacked hard by the inexorable XIV.

#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

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