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2017/02/11 00:15:26
Subject: Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (BFG 18.1.)
Longtime Dakkanaut
Hiyo Dakka!
Been stalking this forum for years, guess it's time to actually post something here.
Having fallen in love with Betrayal at Calth, it dawned on me that I'd have to build a legion of my own. So, as a quick challenge to myself last year, I tried to quickly build something useable to demo the game out. Being the glutton for punishment that I am, this of course meant that those "quick" miniatures would have to be something I am not too ashamed to look at for the rest of my life, scaled to sensible proportions, characterful and balls-to-the-walls conversionfests from the get go. And I needed at least 20 of them done in two weeks time. Bollocks. I've always liked up-scaled marines, though reasonably so, and I was very inspired by Veteran Sergeant's miniatures here on this forum. Taller, closer to human proportions instead of somewhat gorrilla-shaped steroid junkies, embracing the XIV's doctrine of the perfect infantryman loaded up with gear... Yup, right up my alley! This blog will now be my personal motivation tool for getting off my lazy arse and getting something done.
The humble beginnings, stumbling along to get the size right. I used 1 mm plasticard in the shins and near the waist, while also lenghtening the body about 2 mm by putting a bit of plastic sprue between the legs and the torso.
After some evenings of work, bunch of dudes almost ready to get built. You know what's funnier than glueing little men made of dozen pieces together? First slicing them into thirty bits, pinning the bastards in about a dozen places and filing them down to hide stretching before we even get to that phase
And with some arms then:
But, that isn't right. Ye need some gear on you, you blighters. Pockets, packs, ammo, grenades and all sorts of dangly whatnots are going to feature prominently in this army when it inevitably gets finished in 2068 (perhaps).
Checkin' out mah Pokemon GO!: Pidgeotto Boogaloo:
Chucking grenades is always useful, though the guy probably needs to have the bolter too. Lying on some broken masonry, when the base gets done, perhaps?
The second vexilla.
Melta babe.
Plasma gunner.
Basic joe. I personally really like the skull-like visage he's got, especially when taking into account the intimidating effect his scaled height has.
The first sarge. Man this guy is brutal in BaC, his chainsword-powered rampage rips through normal marines like paper when combined with the vexilla's rerolls.
Some heavy ammo there. The melta bomb without the handle is one of my favourite bits, fits about anywhere as some sort of storage device.
Run, Forrest, run!
Just pew pew.
Death Guard doesn't afraid of anything. Forwards!
This one feels pretty sweet to me, calm yet menacing. My diabetic lady is ever so kind as to produce lots of insulin related trash, some of which are very well suited to new life as spare magazines for this heavy bolter.
Some evasive manouvering there, dodging those bullets.
Surveying the battlefield.
Sarge Fist.
Not sure what this guy should lean on. Debate rages on a year later.
"Get douwn if yoo want ta live!"
First paints on, going for a bit more worn and sandy theme here. These paints are not by any stretch of the imagination final, but all I had time for in those two weeks as I had to get the miniatures on the demo table in a convention. Now, in 2017, when I get to it, they are all going to get more leaks in them, armour is getting scratched and chipped, gold parts will be highlighted, armour will get weathered by the dusty radio-active hell they operate in, weapons get more details and legion decals get put in place. Perhaps this blog will motivate to further that goal
Then, something a bit more recent: a sudden burst of activity and in two evenings I made a start for the terminators. And boy do Death Guard love them some terminators.
From left: normal marine, scaled up marine, Space Hulk termie, scaled up termie sarge. As the termie legs are much longer than the tacticals' already, I didn't really feel any need to lenghten those. After all, these are pretty much the same men but in bigger suits. So, I thought it better to mostly pump up the mass sideways, but to get more pleasing proportions I did again put a piece of sprue between the legs and the torso.
I kitted the sarge with an old plastic soldier's MG as a communication antenna and exchanged his huge spade of a sword for the more sleek tac sarge blade. Which is pretty sweet sculpt, I dare say. These cataprachtii also have a boatload of things to carry and since I found a bunch of old kasrkin backbags from my bitzbox, I decided to give them all cute little manbags for their belongings. Since we are Death Guard, we obviously need some exhausts and pipes too, so I fitted them with old smoke launchers as the beginnings of alchemical pipe arrays on their backs. More to come when I get to it, adding cables, breathing apparatus and other DG-trappings to them.
Mr. Flaming Death Man, with a (barely visible) extra bottle of flamer juice in the back.
Some unchained chains and wicked claws here. Man do I love these cataphractii claws, totally badass.
Well, that's a start. Comments and suggestions are welcome, citizens. Perhaps even appreciated
I have some plans in mind for the next tactical team, which could include setting up communications and lots of cable...
This message was edited 199 times. Last update was at 2025/01/18 20:51:12
2017/02/11 04:15:08
Subject: Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - 30k Death Guard ahoy (pic heavy)
Dankhold Troggoth
Wow - it's extremely impressive! The first WIPs look like madness ensuing, and the later pics only confirm it, but the end result is awesome! 32mm bases really make the "lengthened" marines look just right
Only minor quibble - I dislike Roman-esque garb on my space soldiers from another universe. It's only on the sergeants, and probably relevant to the chapter, but darn it I get a quibble don't I
2017/02/11 04:30:32
Subject: Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - 30k Death Guard ahoy (pic heavy)
Dusty Skeleton
I'm happy to see a true-scale project actually getting to the "large number of painted models" stage!
2017/02/18 22:04:36
Subject: Re:Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - 30k Death Guard ahoy (pic heavy)
Longtime Dakkanaut
Dabblin' continues, some more things like rebreathers on the termies and basing tests this time. One inspiration for this project has been a fluff piece from the early black books of Forge World, where the still loyalist legion plunges through a rebelling system's space defences, crashes a battleship on top of their capital, proceeds to murder everyone and then tear all the cities on the planet down before hunting down every last one of the fleeing traitors in the irradiated atomic wastelands of the planet as a warning to others. Thus, dust and broken masonry inbound as the project rolls onwards.
Sarge and his new tubing:
Mr. Claws now has some pneumatic tubes going into his grenade harness, ripped off from a Chaos Marine's backpack:
Same backpacks also worked wonderfully as a source for breather grills:
And boy did they just beg to donate their mid-sections to bulk out the pipes at the cataphracts' backs:
The buggers are almost ready to get painted, if I'd ever have time for that
Then again, I also have this lil' fella pressurizing me to get him done in time for that priming...
C&C very welcome, lads!
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/02/19 11:38:57
2017/02/19 11:44:08
Subject: Re:Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - 30k Death Guard ahoy (pic heavy)
Longtime Dakkanaut
Oh bloody hell with Google and its picture service... Links should be working now, amirite?
RiTides and Asmodai_00: madness is indeed a proper word for this project, as it is eventually going to grow into a full fledged footslogging legion of several hundred miniatures, though it might take a while Automatically Appended Next Post: Dreddy got some love today, sadly the pictures got a bit overlit. Since DG's creed is the ability to do everything with well-prepared infantry, I figured the Contemptor is going to double as a battlefield tractor from time to time, thus the hook on his back. You never know when your brother's Rhino has to be dragged out of the ditch and back into your lines.
Also bugger you, GW, your horribly stiff sculpt ain't going to keep this guy from getting some dynamic action
His arms will probably be separate until I paint them, so he can hoot his wrestling victories 'til then
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/02/19 16:06:35
2017/02/20 12:34:56
Subject: Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - 30k Death Guard ahoy (Contemptor 19.2.)
Dankhold Troggoth
You are just prolific, and man, I really love those terminators! Hope they get something special for paint too
2017/02/20 14:03:53
Subject: Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - 30k Death Guard ahoy (Contemptor 19.2.)
Pious Palatine
These are looking great, some really top notch customisation.
2017/02/21 02:08:50
Subject: Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - 30k Death Guard ahoy (Contemptor 19.2.)
Longtime Dakkanaut
RiTides wrote:You are just prolific, and man, I really love those terminators! Hope they get something special for paint too
Thanks, it's kinda hard not to make these when they take up all the space on my table and prevent me from doing any academic work
Which means it's time to put something on display again!
I was wondering what to make of BaC's termie captain when I stumbled onto some unused Grey Knight bits, including a narthecium, which led to me rummaging through some tartaros bits and cutting the poor sod up. So, here we have the beginnings of a Primus Medicae, as one simply can't have enough apothecaries in the XIV legion. Gotta give those poor terminators some FnP-love too, fragile as they are
Random unscaled marine for scale, ironically.
I've also created some heavily home brewed grenade launchers, so some Grave Wardens may or may not be inbound sooner than later...
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/02/21 02:09:54
2017/02/21 04:34:50
Subject: Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - 30k Death Guard ahoy (Medicae 20.2.)
Sniping Hexa
Love it cant wait to see more!
Hydra Dominatus
World Wide War Winner |
2017/03/27 21:36:36
Subject: Re:Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - 30k Death Guard ahoy (Medicae 20.2.)
Longtime Dakkanaut
Amidst the darkness of teaching physics and writing research plans there isn't always time to crank out some miniatures, but when there is... This time in Death Kino it's Grave Warden time.
There are loads of different grenade launchers out there but I had none, so improvising was once again in the cards. I figured the gas grenades these guys use can't be too large, probably about bolt sized as they have to carry and use them in large volume over prolonged times, so the guns used are not using the largest of calibers. Other than that the theme of "be prepared" continued and the guys are loaded up as usual, up to the point that every one of them has a side arm and a knife. Just in case your grenade launcher jams up, your chainfist refuses to rip and tear and you just have to find a way to open your tune can. Being Grave Wardens, these guys have extra vents on their shoulders to better spray corrosive toxins on their foes (the green stuff is actually much smoother in real life, it just photographs pretty sharply late at night, when it still has some grease on it from the sculpting). Bases and some more tubing to follow, especially on the trio that have poison canisters on their backs, but other than that I think they are done.
Which means that I now have about 20 tacticals, a centurion, 10 termies and a dreadnought built, enough for some Zone Mortalis action! Me and one of my mates have already began the steps of building our own 3d space ship interior for some hot marine on marine boarding action...
But before that there is one final confrontation, the painting! *dramatic drum beats* That will probably start to happen within the next month or so, we'll see. Anyhoo, pics ahoy!
2017/04/15 22:35:45
Subject: Re:Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - 30k Death Guard ahoy (Basing and posing 16.4.)
Longtime Dakkanaut
Yo-ho, a small update on this rad-blasted front seems to be in order. I based my terminators after basecoating them, perhaps the rest of the colours will also follow one of these days. I'm personally very pleased by how the conversions look, now that they meld with the rest of the miniature under the paint. Really wouldn't want to bump into these guys on the streets at night.
Given the brutal, attrition based style of warfare we in the Guard aim for, I needed some sort of rubble to be crushed underfoot. Thus I decided to go with piles of smashed concrete, tons of bricks, torn and bent steel beams and what-nots one might expect when his city is torn asunder. I apologize for the low quality of pictures, I really ought to get a lightbox for proper photographing. Or just stop taking the pics at night
Anyhoo, the bases will mostly be very strictly sepian in their tone, as befits my idea of irradiated ruins amidst raging sandstorms, dying as much as the very world around them under Death Guard's relentless alchemical assault. I imagine the whole army looking like something out of an old and worn photo, with only few specks of colourful life here and there while they march on, like ghosts in the light of day.
Legion Terminators
Grave Wardens
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/04/16 19:45:57
2017/04/16 19:49:33
Subject: Re:Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - 30k Death Guard ahoy (Basing and posing 16.4.)
Longtime Dakkanaut
Dang it with these newfangled systems and their restrictions on sharing links
Well, maybe it works now. I hope.
2017/06/10 08:12:40
Subject: Re:Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - 30k Death Guard ahoy (termies gettin' paint)
Longtime Dakkanaut
Been a while, but this week I've started to work on the terminators. Currently they are maybe half-way done, but I thought I'd still share some preliminary pics as they start to find their shape.
2017/10/15 10:47:11
Subject: Re:Re:Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - 30k Death Guard ahoy (painted squads 15.10.)
Longtime Dakkanaut
Beyond the grave, my Unbroken Blades!
Now that I've actually had about the first weekend after Summer when there was nothing critical to be done, it was painting time. Tacticals have had some mud splattered on 'em and termies got done. The camera is still a potato and eats all the colours, one of these days I'll probably invest some time in a proper background and lighting. But that is not this day. This is the day when I'm a happy little blighter and as I'm flipping through the new Death Guard codex, it feels nice to actually have a fluffy 40k 'dex once again. Yeah, 40k, not 30k, as that's the way local meta goes. Still, I feel this codex is really fun for our still loyal, undaunted bunch of mass murderers with their unrestricted use of biological, chemical and rad weapons of war spilling mortal wounds and debuffs everywhere. Won't be using any daemons and bam, Echoes of Eisenstein are ready to roll.
All the buggers thus far:
Grave Wardens, which will eventually be spread around squads as weapon specialists in the future:
Primus Medicae, or in the grimmer and darker future, a Termie Centurion.
2017/11/12 18:52:04
Subject: Re:Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - 30k Death Guard ahoy (Rhino 12.11.)
Longtime Dakkanaut
Now that I've gotten some games of 8th under my wings, there was a definite need of more armour on the field. My pal plays mostly Guard, which means there's Russes aplenty and I think I might need some tanks of my own to not be the only one who forgot to bring warmachines to a knifefight. So, I dug up a Rhino, a Predator and a Land Raider my cousin gave me some years ago from the dusty depths of Mt. "will be done someday" and got to work. One simply cannot leave models untouched, just can't.
Anyhoo, Rhino was the first to get painted and one mud-splattered afternoon later, here it is:
With mandatory towing hooks and cables too, of course, in case somebody needs a tractor and not an APC. An armoured tractor, even?
This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2017/11/13 08:38:37
2017/11/12 20:58:02
Subject: Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - 30k Death Guard ahoy (Rhino 12.11.)
Homicidal Veteran Blood Angel Assault Marine
Oh man, such a brilliant job on truescaling those minis. The scale looks great, but the poses are awesome!
2017/11/12 21:50:52
Subject: Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - 30k Death Guard ahoy (Rhino 12.11.)
Longtime Dakkanaut
Meph wrote:Oh man, such a brilliant job on truescaling those minis. The scale looks great, but the poses are awesome!
Thanks mate
There's a whole lotta more coming when I get around to them, I got like 70 mk IV and III guys worth of bitz lying in wait, three or four dreadnoughts, some more tanks and what not. But the part that excites me the most right now are some 70+ Perry miniatures WW II germans, which will be used as my cultists / auxiliaries, and since they are pretty realistic in proportions, they work as a lovely contrast for the huge marines
... which means I have my hands full of converting things for the rest of eternity. Bugger.
2017/11/13 00:05:30
Subject: Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - 30k Death Guard ahoy (Rhino 12.11.)
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps
Great stuff! Your scaling works really well - I 'll be interested to see how it works with the germans. Usually 40K works like crap with perry type historicals, but I think you might pull it off as you say. I wasn't sure about the basing but it looks great when finished.
2017/11/13 01:07:41
Subject: Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - 30k Death Guard ahoy (Rhino 12.11.)
Rotting Sorcerer of Nurgle
Those are cool as hell man. Keep up the great work!
2017/11/24 20:00:57
Subject: Re:Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - 30k Death Guard ahoy (Rhino 12.11.)
Longtime Dakkanaut
Pumpin' some more iron, Predator is ready to roll out just in time to claim its first kills next weekend. This one was a bit tricky, as it was given to me as an already built hand-me-down without any sponsons and required some other surgeries too. Especially the left side, which has a huge iron sheet as a tank bandaid and required some trickery to even hold a sponson.
2017/11/30 23:04:40
Subject: Re:Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - 30k Death Guard ahoy (Predator 24.11.)
Longtime Dakkanaut
As promised, the legion is getting some reinforcements in: our morbid fellows are bolstered by their meeker compatriots, eager to bear their part of the burden on the all-consuming fields of war. Enter the culti... brave guerrilla warriors, who'll get the enviable job of rushing to objectives and sitting tight, trying not to explode in the artillery fire while the big boys go hurt things.
First 30:
Perry miniatures are undeniably slender and less buff than GW's, but they are similar in height to their normal humans. And don't look like they've eaten steroids since they were six, like normal Cadians. I personally like it that way, as it also makes the marines look all the more intimidating monsters that they are, when their bulk really shows in contrast. With normal Cadians and jazz it often looks like power armour is made of paper, whereas against these laddies' clothes it looks properly thick and sturdy. And hey, they can use the legion's leftover guns as heavy stubbers
I'll add some razor wires and other things before basing, but the biggest question remains: helmet spikes, yes or no? I'm tempted to go yes, buuut...
2017/12/01 00:22:37
Subject: Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - 30k Death Guard ahoy (Culti... guerrillas 30.11.)
Sniping Hexa
Love all of it ! It rocks!
Hydra Dominatus
World Wide War Winner |
2017/12/13 15:46:55
Subject: Re:Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - 30k Death Guard ahoy (Culti... guerrillas 30.11.)
Longtime Dakkanaut
All right then, a week of erratic painting later and puff, suddenly there's 30 eager if a tad unhinged fellows on my desk. I'll take better pictures later, when I find time and a better backdrop that doesn't eat up all the pixels (one of my spouse's skirts has proven very good at that, as the tanks above can attest).
All 30:
For comparison from left, a non-scaled marine, a scaled legionnaire and a scaled termie showing the little people why TDA truly is a walking tank.
Onwards, for Terra and Mortarion!
2018/02/19 12:14:17
Subject: Re:Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - 30k Death Guard ahoy (a bit of industrial terrain 19.2.)
Longtime Dakkanaut
Up from the depths once more!
This time I've been avoiding real work and exercises in astrophysics by cobbling together some terrain. My partner has diabetes, which tends to produce quite a bit of plastic waste, so in the spirit of recycling and saving the planet yours truly decided to turn it into some heavy gear. With some plywood, bad equipment, cursing and procrastinating these came to be and are now usable in all sorts of games. I had a boring morning and wrote Zone Mortalis rules for 8th just for giggles, perhaps I can try these out with them next weekend.
From this...
... to these. Some are unfinished, though, like the grey canisters, pipes sitting on my window and whatnot. Still undecided how I should do the bases, leave them abstractly black or try to emulate the grey-bluish metal on the Calth tiles...
On the Death Guard front, I managed to get me some Deathshrouds from Forge World. It'll be interesting to see how they'll shape up when I get to them, for they too must be mutilated and built again before they can join my ranks. And gosh those scythes are delicate, it seems like a small wonder they survived this far without snapping!
2018/02/21 11:34:31
Subject: Re:Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - 30k Death Guard ahoy (a bit of industrial terrain 19.2.)
Longtime Dakkanaut
More paint on the grey ones. This time I tried my hand at painting scratches and chips in addition to the flaking rust. Easy steps, as these cuts easily look too cartoonish for my tastes. Just a brown line, with a dark grey line partly on top of it, with a lighter grey line partly on top of that to look like reflecting light. Opinions?
2018/03/02 09:30:31
Subject: Re:Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - 30k Death Guard ahoy (Deathshroud 2.3.)
Longtime Dakkanaut
Entirely by accident I ended up throwing some money to my hobbies, as some nice fellow was selling his Deathshrouds. Being the chronic dabbler that I am, not even these could be spared from rough cutting and restructuring. Or from getting an abdomen. It is funny how much the normal marine physiology resembles a cross between a gorilla and a ball.
Curious to see how they'll perform eventually, given how overcosted they are in the Death Guard codex while also suffering from mere two Wounds. Should be three, me'thinks, as they are slow as molasses and lack any meaningful shooting. Then again, they could be very interesting in Zone Mortalis with proper support characters. Automatically Appended Next Post: And apparently this afternoon was otherwise productive too, as El Capitan chose to get done too. As this is a loyalist force, he's not going to be Typhus himself, but it's nice to have a manreaper lord hanging around in case I wnat to play a Lord of Contagion or counts-as Typhus one of these days.
Also, geez the original FW pose for this guy is bad. I can't for the life of me figure out how you could make him look good without slicing him up. Which I'd do anyway, so no biggie there
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/03/02 14:22:34
2018/03/05 14:12:22
Subject: Re:Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - 30k Death Guard ahoy Contemptor 5.3.)
Longtime Dakkanaut
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2018/03/05 15:01:03
2018/03/18 18:12:18
Subject: Re:Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - 30k Death Guard ahoy (Typhus / Captain 18.3.)
Longtime Dakkanaut
Tally ho, projects are go.
Herr Kapitan has been painted and will probably ruleswise operate as a Lord of Contagion (which is laughably bad) or Typhus (who is sadly a traitor) on the field. Sigh, why can't they just allow Manreapers on normal Chaos Lords... This time I tried to make the green parts a bit more subtle than they were in the Contemptor, though I've also tweaked him a bit since the earlier pictures. Also, since pictures taken with a potato aren't nice to look at, I bashed together a little light box from a candy box. Truly, it makes all the difference.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/03/18 18:39:30
2018/03/18 22:12:00
Subject: Re:Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - 30k Death Guard ahoy (Typhus / captain 18.3.)
Longtime Dakkanaut
What a nice project to stumble upon !
You , Sir have done everything I was planning to do but couldn't quite find time for !
2018/03/18 23:00:09
Subject: Re:Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - 30k Death Guard ahoy (Typhus / captain 18.3.)
Longtime Dakkanaut
Big H wrote:What a nice project to stumble upon !
You , Sir have done everything I was planning to do but couldn't quite find time for !
Thanks mate!
Somehow with time, I've noticed that I get more miniatures done when I ought to be doing something else entirely. Like work
Although as the project rolls onwards I find it takes a lot less diddling about to get a squad up from the scratch. Unified looks help, got a pattern down by this point. Which is why it's always fun to think about new shinies yet untouched, like whence do I scratch my upcoming Scorpius from or what will my non-nurgly Drones be like.
Also, anyone have any ideas about the working principles of Soulburners? I'm contemplating making another Contemptor, this time with dual chainfists and Soulburners for a nasty tankbuster and it got me wondering: what would the non-chaos worshipping weapon be like? I'm picturing some chemical containers and radiation signs bolted on the fists, but not sure yet.