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Sherrypie's forays to Tall Scaling - Death Guard, Titans and terrain (tallying 2024, 5.1.)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

Time for some more terrain it seems.

I built a bunch of stuff maybe a year ago at the club, but didn't find time to paint them until now. Still a bit of a rush job, but works pretty well I think. It was also really fun to try using posters, weathering those was simply delightful.

Arska and Pera for scale, taking you on the tourist trip to our friendly local bunker tour which just might end up at an angry caretaker's face. And at the wrong end of an assault cannon, whoops.
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#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

Been a while since I posted here, but this week saw some more building going on. I was bummed about my lacking collection of fortifications and siege equipment, so after a small rummage in the kitchen I discovered that some dairy products came in very handily scaled packages. I had also been wondering for some time how to incorporate insulin tubes somewhere, as they make pretty rad artillery pieces, so...

Today I got the turrets of the famed Arla pattern painted

Then, to the bunkers!

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This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/05/11 19:24:55

#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Great blog, I love the WWII guard, and recycled terrain.

Posters are ace too!

Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Great blog, I love the WWII guard, and recycled terrain.

Posters are ace too!

Thanks Kid

Recycling is the word of the day, 'innit? Helps with the trash, saves the planet and allows one to buy more plastic crack later on... #TitanicusHype

#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

To the bunkers, then! Test piece C3 is done and while I might still add water lines or dead vegetation in flock form over it in the future, it is now sufficiently good looking to get on the table this weekend. Only problem is painting five more like it before Saturday

*gets back to swinging the brush*
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#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

Made in fr
Longtime Dakkanaut

Hum dum.

It is funny how the greatest urge to fiddle with things comes when one cannot do so. Here I am at CERN for the whole summer and my modeling projects languish at home on the other side of the continent, bwah! Well, at least I have time to think about what I want to do when I get back to the frozen wastelands of Finland from this horrid heat.

Destroyers! The current Death Guard codex for 40k let's plague marines go pretty nuts with weapon customisation, so obviously I also need pure melee loadouts with axes, chainswords, picks, maces, scythes and what not, supported by alchemical flamethrowers and phosphe... I mean biochemical grenade volleys from hell. I've been thinking about mk III armour for those troops, as it was the thickest and most protective choice when boarding or assaulting entrenched positions.

Here's some sketches on the look I'll be going for.

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#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

6 foot underwater

Great blog Some nice conversions, sensibly thought out, and lovely use of scrap for terrain.

cyborks & flyboyz : http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/300067.page
heretical ramblings : http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/302773.page
imperial preachings : http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/303365.page
Da Waaagh-ky Races : http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/325045.page
Briancj: You have the Mek Taint, MT, and the only thing we can do is watch in horror/amazement.

Made in fr
Longtime Dakkanaut


Aim is to leave no model unconverted, or it wouldn't really be my very own and personal army.

#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

Hello Dakka, long summer no see. It was exciting to work at CERN but boy is it nice to be back at home again, away from the constant 30 C heat. And at my work table!

Having barely gotten out of the plane, I went and dropped all the cash to get Adeptus Titanicus GME. Gimme dem sweet God-Machines, yo, I need them yesterday! So that'll take over this blog for a while.

I'm going for a sinister, archaic legio with autumnal colours. Lots of browns, red and bonelike parchments. The first Warlord is a bit regal, whereas the second will be a walking ossuary that instills mortals with an acute sense of their passing insignificance. Moar inbound as we get to the green stuff phase
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#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

Sculpting trudges on, pretty proud of that skull on the shin guard.
[Thumb - DSC_1147.JPG]

#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

Made in us
Rotting Sorcerer of Nurgle

Jacksonville, NC

Fantastic work here! Keep it up

Check out my P&M Blog!
Check out my YouTube channel, Heretic Wargaming USA: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLiPUI3zwSxPiHzWjFQKcNA
Latest Tourney results:
1st Place Special Mission tourney 12/15/18 (Battlereps)
2nd Place ITC tourney 08/20/18 ( Battlerep)
3rd Place ITC Tourney 06/08/18(Battlereps
Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Zid wrote:
Fantastic work here! Keep it up

Thanks, intending to!

The base will be a little diorama, as this little guy stands in awe before the God-Machine, having dropped his gun on the ground.
[Thumb - DSC_1148.JPG]

#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

First titan base getting some paint. Painting roads is surprisingly fun
[Thumb - DSC_1149.JPG]

#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

And so begins the work on the plates. Trying out some red as a spot colour ala old Blanche paintings.
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#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

Made in us
Rotting Sorcerer of Nurgle

Jacksonville, NC

Love that base man, so awesome!

Check out my P&M Blog!
Check out my YouTube channel, Heretic Wargaming USA: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLiPUI3zwSxPiHzWjFQKcNA
Latest Tourney results:
1st Place Special Mission tourney 12/15/18 (Battlereps)
2nd Place ITC tourney 08/20/18 ( Battlerep)
3rd Place ITC Tourney 06/08/18(Battlereps
Made in gb
Beast of Nurgle


Those marine conversions are just incredible, I am in awe. Bravo.

Death Guard Painting Log
Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

Thanks fellas!

Also, I might have made mistakes in my life. I started doing the titans' metals with NMM out of the blue without prior experience... This may get weird.
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#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

Never forget the leg day.
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Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

The trim, all the trim...
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#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

Bit by bit she comes together. *sigh* If only one had more hours in a day...
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#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

Damn this thing takes time, the Warhounds are almost upon us and I'm still dillying about the first machine

At least the end result will be pretty, when we'll eventually reach it in 2030...
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#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

Damage and weathering to go, otherwise the body is about done. Just the weapons then
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#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

Ho boy, it's time: Legio Favilla walks! Tremble before the Ashen Gods!

Finally the first titan is done. Well, in the sense that it's reasonably table-ready and I should get the others to the same point before spending yet more hours on freehanding the banners and so forth. I'm reasonably pleased with the NMM for a first try, the rest should be quicker now that I actually have an idea about what the hell I'm doing.

Some knights next, then, got to get things ready for a game in ten days
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#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

Made in gb
Executing Exarch

London, UK

That colour scheme is gorgeous, very well done and I love the base! The NMM looks good too, I should try that at some point...

Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Tyranid Horde wrote:
That colour scheme is gorgeous, very well done and I love the base! The NMM looks good too, I should try that at some point...

Thanks! I had fun trying to evoke that baroque blend of red and browns, heavy shadows and stark metals with a reasonably limited palette.

Also, bases might just be the best thing about this scale, really let's one to have small dioramas there.

#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

That titan looks incredible! The whole colour scheme just blends together so well, very regal looking

Great work on the base as well, though I do feel sorry for the poor guy's apartment that just got turned to rubble!

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Cracking scheme and excellent execution, as you say that red and brown almost reaching black at points is really fitting for the Titans. The broken pavement, building and figures for scale are brilliant as well. Have you got a Warlord lined up and any intention of getting some Warhounds?

Painting Warhammer 40,000 Conquest a P and M blog : https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/763491.page 
Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

ListenToMeWarriors wrote:
Cracking scheme and excellent execution, as you say that red and brown almost reaching black at points is really fitting for the Titans. The broken pavement, building and figures for scale are brilliant as well. Have you got a Warlord lined up and any intention of getting some Warhounds?


Yeah, the second Warlord and six knights are primed and waiting for the weekend. There's also three Reavers in their boxes, not yet built, and I'm going to order at least four Warhounds in a few days. It's nice to have a game with so few models yet enough variety to still carry itself ruleswise.

#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

And knights we go! A weekend's worth of effort and ready they are, sans some small details here and there (like pipes, banners and such).
[Thumb - DSC_1292.JPG]

#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

Well blimey if it isn't time to base some titans instead of being productive.

Got to try some splashy effects with that pool of the Warhounds step into :3
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This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/10/22 18:00:55

#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

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