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How many wargames do you play / have in collection?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in it
Evil man of Carn Dûm


I love to discover new games and read rule manuals. 3d wargaming is probably my main hobby.

Often, when I find an interesting ruleset, I start collecting a force or two of that game. I like to propose new game to my fellow friends.

How many of you have the same attitude? And how many "playable" wargames (I.e. you have enough miniatures of that game to play it) do you have in you collection?

These are mine (the number in brackets shows my vote about it from 1 - don't like it at all - to 10 - love it).

Middle-earth SBG (9)
Bushido (8)
Oathmark (8)
Adeptus Titanicus (7)
Age of Sigmar 3rd ed. (5)
Warhammer 40k 9th ed. (5)
Kings of War 3rd ed. (7)
Conquest The Last argument of Kings (7)
Necromunda 2017 (7)
S.P.Q.R. (6)
The Battle of five Armies GW (8)
Warmaster GW (8)
Chronopia 2nd ed, waiting for 3rd (7)
Confrontation (7)
Dark Age 2013 (7)
Fallout Wasteland Warfare (6)
Star Wars Legion (6)
Forgotten World (6)
Frostgrave 2nd (7)
Mordheim (8)
Warhammer Fantasy Battle 6th to 8th (7)
Runewars Miniatures game (7)
Shadow War Armageddon (6)
Test of Honour (6)
Kill Team (6)
War of the Ring (7)
Warcry GW (5)
Warlord of Erehwon (8).
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

I'm a rules connoisseur, I've read almost everything (oddly, excepting a few mainstream classics like Battletech), I even buy garage pdfs on Wargames Vault.

To make the list managable here's just the games I currently consider myself actively playing ( = had or plan on having a game this year) roughly sorted by playing frequency

Dystopian Wars
Turnip 28
Horus Heresy
Forbidden Psalm
The Last War
Kings of War
One Page Age of Fantasy
This is Not a Test
Man o War
Battlefleet Gothic
Dracula's America

I have a lot more than this in my collection.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2023/04/23 07:57:58

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

NE Ohio, USA

Let's see....

Adeptus Titanicus (90's version)
Titan Legions
Space Marine
Epic (2 versions)
WHFB 3e - 8e
Age of Sigmar 1e/2e/3e
Warhammer 40k RT through 10e
Kings of War 2e I think
Necromunda 1e + all expansions
Star Wars - WoTC collectable minis version
Kill Team current version
Warcry 1e & 2e
Blood Bowl current version
Dungeon Bowl current version
Space Hulk orignial version + expansions & the edition with the unique BA sculpts
Man-O-War + expansions
100 Kingdoms
Battle Cars - ancient GW Car wars/race type game
Car Wars
X-Wing 1e + 2e conversion kits
Sail Power
Blood & Plunder
Black Seas
Cruel Seas
Bolt Action 2e
Blue Max
Wings of War/Glory
Marvel Crisis Protocol
Flames of War WWII: 2e/3e/4e, WWI: 2e, Team Yankee 2e, Oil Wars, 'Nam 2e, Fate of a Nation (Arab/Israeli wars) 2e
What a Tanker
Battlegroup WWII rules by the Plastic Soldier Company
BattleTech 80s - present
Dust 1e
Play-Dough Wars
Battle Fleet Gothic
Epic Battles Warlord games Napoleonics
Dragon Lords - a really crappy dragon dogfighting game by Grenadier
Drop Ship/Fleet Commander
● Moonstone
●Konflikt 47
● Horus Heresy 2.0
Legion Imperiales
The Old World

I know I'm forgetting something....
●Some of these get played more frequently than others. (40k/Sigmar/KT/Battletech/Bolt Action/Flames if War WWII 3e & 4e)
●Several are only played with certain people/or when at various game conventions. (mostly the various historical boat & airplane games)
●A few haven't been played in years. (Dust/Leviathans/Dragonlords/100 Kingdoms)

And my BFG? It's never even been out of the shrink wrap!
it was bought for a combo 40k/BFG campaign ages ago. I had to work the evening BFG was being taught to the others (I already knew the game).
The others HATED it & refused to use it. Several weeks later the campaign itself imploded.
My box went into storage.
Over the years at various shops there's been occasion talk of playing BFG. Nothing ever comes of that talk, so my MIB copy keeps sitting in storage - its buried so deep that i am NOT investing the effort to exhume it unless at least 1 other person actually puts some ships on the table fist.

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2024/05/18 16:51:34

Made in us
Commanding Lordling

Warhammer Fantasy 8th
Horus Heresy

Pike & Shott
Bolt Action
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Here's my current list:

Sees Regular Play
Marvel Crisis Protocol

Armies Ready for Play on Demand
Warhammer 40k

Upcoming Games
Star Wars: Shatterpoint

Packed Up/Very Rarely Played
Guild Ball
Star Wars: X-Wing
Star Wars: Legion
Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika
Warhammer: Age of Sigmar
Relic Knights
Song of Ice and Fire
Arena Rex
The Other Side
DC Universe
Riot Quest
Warhammer: Underworlds
World of Warcraft Miniatures

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/05/11 15:25:17

Made in us
Ultramarine Terminator with Assault Cannon

Warhammer 40,000
Space Hulk (if you want to count it - to me it's a board game)
Dreadfleet (this is actually an incredible game; I wish more people would have given it a chance)

That's it. That's all I'm willing to devote time to.

I still have playable collections for...
Kill Team (Ork Commando's)
Age of Sigmar (Stormcast)

...But I no longer participate in these games or have any desire to do so.

Sold every last bit of my Horus Heresy stuff.

Made in us
Commanding Lordling

Oh yeah, forgot I have Age of Sigmar too.
Made in it
Evil man of Carn Dûm


I see some really impressive collection here!
Made in gb
Perfect Shot Black Templar Predator Pilot

The Dark Imperium

What constitutes a wargame? Do digital wargames count or is this just tabletop?

Made in us
Gore-Soaked Lunatic Witchhunter

Marvel Crisis Protocol, Dystopian Wars, Infinity, Warmachine, Armada, X-Wing, Legion, Malifaux, Black Powder, Bolt Action/K'47, Black Seas, Flames of War/Team Yankee, 9th Age/WHFB, Underworlds, Necromunda, 40k, 30k, Lord of the Rings, Adeptus Titanicus, Aeronautica Imperialis, Epic, Warmaster, Mordheim, Age of Sigmar.

Many of these can (and have!) been used for other systems, that's just what the models were originally for.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/04/25 03:32:59

Balanced Game: Noun. A game in which all options and choices are worth using.
Homebrew oldhammer project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/790996.page#10896267
Meridian: Necromunda-based 40k skirmish: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/795374.page 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

NE Ohio, USA

 Adeptekon wrote:
What constitutes a wargame? Do digital wargames count or is this just tabletop?

Physical stuff only.
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Games that I played in the last 12 months are:

Aeronautica Imperialis V1
Homer's Heroes
Poseidon's Warriors
Kill Team
Restless Stars
Restless Sun
Men of Bronze
Blood Bowl
Castles in the Sky
Wars of the Republic
Fury of the Northman
White Star/Red Star
Under the Martian Yoke

I have stuff for other games, but that is what I played in the last 12 months.

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in us
Perfect Shot Black Templar Predator Pilot

The Dark Imperium

ccs wrote:
 Adeptekon wrote:
What constitutes a wargame? Do digital wargames count or is this just tabletop?

Physical stuff only.

I asked because that's pretty much dakka, but I think that needs to change, because it's the evolution of the wargame, and really it's just a different platform.

In my opinion if you're going to exclude a platform then this should be titled Tabletop only.

Edit: Does Risk count?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/04/26 19:35:31

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Myrtle Creek, OR

My last 12 months included:
Space Weirdos
One Page Rules skirmish for fantasy & scifi
Battletech Alpha Strike
Blood Bowl Sevens
Song of Blades and Heroes

Thread Slayer 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Seattle, WA USA

Too many to list, lol. So, I'll think back on those I've played the last 12 months...

* Moonstone
* Battletech (Classic mostly, but some Alpha Strike)
* Fantastic Battles (new to me, but 10mm addiction now)
* Kings of War Armada
* Bloodbowl
* Frostgrave
* Twilight (Chronicles of Anyaral)

Other than that, I do have a big pile of 40k, AOS, Warmachine/Hordes from way back, Wild West Exodus, a bunch of rulebooks for all kinds of indie games, and a mess of old Kickstarter stuff (such as Gangs of the Undercity, Wrath of Kings from eons ago, Fallen Frontiers, even Relic Knights), and an uncountable collection of random blisters/boxes of models.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/04/26 21:52:57

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

play on a half regular basis

- Middle Earth SBG

have played this year (in addition)

- 02 Hundred Hours
- Horus Hersey 2
- Adeptus Titanicus
- Necromunda
- Kill Team
- Strength & Honour
- Chain of Command
- Sharpe Practice
- Star Fleet Battles
- Federation and Empire
- Battletech
- Battletech: Alpha Strike
- Flames of War (4th)

Also owned but not played recently

- 40k (have 8th, nothing newer, do have 1st edition though somewhere)
- GDWs Battle Rider
- GDWs Brilliant Lances
- Flames of War (2nd & 3rd)
- Team Yankee
- Mortem et Gloriam
- Age of Sigmar (have a game of this this week coming)
- WHFB (3rd, 7th & 8th)
- Dark Future
- Mighty Empires
- Black Powder
- Pike & Shotte
- Hail Caeser
- The Men Who Would Be King
- Pikemans Lament
- Infamy Infamy
- Stargrave

there will be more, there always are, and far too few days to actually play them

my better half drops unsubtle hints I may have too many games
Made in us
Oozing Plague Marine Terminator

Grimdark Future (OPR), actually replaced 40K mostly as a rules system
Star Trek Attack Wing
40K Apokalypse
War of the Ring

Not a huge list but I'm lucky if I get to play a game of each/ year these days. MESBG and Attack Wing just wait for my daughter to become old enough, though
Made in ie
Sinister Chaos Marine

I have enough random stuff to play Age of Sigmar if I was ever inclined.
Blood Bowl soon.

Made in gb
Stubborn Dark Angels Veteran Sergeant


Play regularly:

F28: War Always Changes. This is what I build 40K style armies for now, and it's the most popular wargame at my usual gaming venue... my home. All five of us play it!

Probably the second most popular one at home.

Memoir '44

Star Wars: Rebellion. These last two are kinda boardgame / miniatures wargame hybrids; they do have miniatures, ish. Again super popular here especially if there's only 2 players who are keen.

Own / Play occasionally:

Kings of War. Haven't played 3rd edition yet but we played a few games of 2nd. Building an army for 3rd.

Frostgrave. Kind of fell out of favour with us because it felt like Relicblade scratched a lot of the same itch but with less setup time and more dynamic games.

Warcry. Wanna get back into it but the reliance on GW minis is a bit of a pain, honestly.

Infinity. Play this every few years but it just feels like the learning curve is too steep unless you make it your sole game.

A Song of Blades and Heroes. Used to play this a lot. I backed a KS for the advanced game and then hated the graphic design and layout of the physical edition, which I found almost unreadable. Meh.

Own / unplayed as yet:
Saga. This is probably top of my list to want to play.

Space Station Zero. Also high on the list. Most of the household have now made crews.


Own / used to play / sold / selling:
40K, 5th to 9th ed
Dragon Rampant
Ghost Archipelago
Rogue Stars
(might actually keep this for some of the random tables)

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/04/28 20:57:07

My painting & modelling blog: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/699224.page

Serpent King Games: Dragon Warriors Reborn!

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

At one time I owned more than 100 wargames (mostly boardgames). I've since sold 80% of them.

The games I play most often are:

40k 2nd ed.
Conqueror: Fields of Victory
West End's R.A.F.
Avalon Hill's Kingmaker
Avalon Hill's Civilization

Want a better way to do fantasy/historical miniatures battles?  Try Conqueror: Fields of Victory.

Do you like Star Wars but find the prequels and sequels disappointing?  Man of Destiny is the book series for you.

My 2nd edition Warhammer 40k resource page. Check out my other stuff at https://www.ahlloyd.com 
Made in ca
Grumpy Longbeard


I feel comfortable saying that I actively play:
Kings of War
Historical ancients (mostly ADLG, with occasional DBA).

Historical ancients doesn't fit the paradigm of "having models for a game". I have a collection of 15mm ancients figures, which will let me play any rules that include my period and scale.

I can say something similar about mini agnostic fantasy skirmish games in general, but I'm not getting into any of those games anytime soon.

I have had to cut back recently, immigration plus parenthood has been rough.
I dropped Infinity and Malifaux because they take a lot of "hobby bandwidth".
I'm done with GW games in general too.

Nightstalkers Dwarfs
Holy Roman Empire  
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

 DarkBlack wrote:

I have had to cut back recently, immigration plus parenthood has been rough.
I dropped Infinity and Malifaux because they take a lot of "hobby bandwidth".
I'm done with GW games in general too.

I've stepped WAY back from Malifaux just because of game length, though I will say I find it a lot less daunting since 3rd Edition let me effectively focus my collection around keywords instead of factions. Very off the competitive treadmill locally and I think its been better overall.
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


I have many games. Many are played on at least an annual basis. I feel at this point cataloguing them would a) destroy the mystique and b) be an information security risk. That which is not counted can't be criticised as too much and motions to sell pursued.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/05/02 17:42:32

Made in us
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer


I collect a large amount, but I'm more an RPGer so I rarely play wargames.

The ones I do have forces for and have played (rating):

40K (3)
Adeptus Titanicus (New - 5)
40K Epic (5)
WHFB/Kings of War (2/6)
Chainmail (90's version - 2)
Runewars (8)
Battlesystem (3)
Battletech (Classic - 6, Cliks - 7)
Dust (4)
Wings of War (9)
Star Trek Attack Wing (3)
X-Wing (10 - the gold standard)
Car Wars (Old - 6, New 8)
Bolt Action (8)
Flames of War (5)
Interceptor (5)
Crimson Skies (6)
Heroes of Normandie (9)
Monsterpocalypse (7)
WarmaHordes (6)
FASA Star Trek Starship (2)
What A Tanker (7)
Tide of Iron (7)

I have several more that I have models for, but haven't played yet:

Blood & Plunder all the ships & English privateer crew)
AT-43 (Karman army)
AVP (large Alien & Colonial marine army)
Battlefleet Gothic (though I played the old Space Fleet)
Beyond the Gates of Antares (a mix of starter forces)
CAV (It's what I want BT Alpha Strike to be, but the lore nor models grab me - I have only 1 model)

It never ends well 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

I have in terms of armies/warbands

1) WM/H - not currently playing until end of the year and I can work out if Mk4 is a disaster or not and of there is anything like a community to come back to

2) Malifaux - Ressers and 10 Thunders factions. Loving the game

And thats it...... lol
Made in au
Anti-Armour Swiss Guard

Newcastle, OZ

5 or 6 rulesets that I actually play.

Another 10 or so that are abandoned, orphaned or just from bygone daze.

I'm OVER 50 (and so far over everyone's BS, too).
Old enough to know better, young enough to not give a ****.

That is not dead which can eternal lie ...

... and yet, with strange aeons, even death may die.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Aside from WFB?

Been playing Battletech since the mid-80s.
Ogre's always fun.

And then there's Star Fleet Battles, which is quite the hefty game.

My job here is done. 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Vulcan wrote:
Aside from WFB?

Been playing Battletech since the mid-80s.
Ogre's always fun.

And then there's Star Fleet Battles, which is quite the hefty game.

Aren't the supplements measured by the foot?

Want a better way to do fantasy/historical miniatures battles?  Try Conqueror: Fields of Victory.

Do you like Star Wars but find the prequels and sequels disappointing?  Man of Destiny is the book series for you.

My 2nd edition Warhammer 40k resource page. Check out my other stuff at https://www.ahlloyd.com 
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

New Orleans, LA

I only own and play:

Warhammer 40k
Horus Heresy

I have various models for Age of Sigmar and Lord of the Rings, but I use them for Dungeons and Dragons. Dwarves, orks, Goblins, lizardmen, etc.

Made in ca
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator


Games I own currently and play regularly (with ratings 1-10, with one being awful and 10 being great).

Battletech Alpha Strike (9)
Warhammer Underworlds (only play Rivals- 8)

Games I own and would like to play more:
Relicblade (8)
Kill Team 2021 (7)
Blitz Bowl Ultimate Edition (8)
Warcry (7)

Games I am own but either have not played in years or haven’t very much
Mordheim (9)
Forbidden Psalm (7 only played solo)

Games I am looking forward to:
Warhammer 10th Combat Patrol
Trench Crusade

Used to have a lot more, but cleaned house the last couple years.

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