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Made in id
Beard Squig

Ey Ya gitz and respectable Nobs!!
Me name is More Axe, been learning the humies way for long, was educated in skulla promethium best of da best.

Currently working on a book, hopefully to get into the black library, am here to gather more knowledge and more inspiration for da damn book.

See ya on any sides of this forum... 🙂👍

Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Leicester, UK

Hiya mate, whats the bok about? orks?

Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

Welcome on board!
Made in id
Beard Squig

 PaddyMick wrote:
Hiya mate, whats the bok about? orks?

Is about an ork hitch hiking on a rogue trader ship, being cunning thinking that he fool the trader into his bidding, but we know how it works... 😆

Made in us
Lord of the Fleet

Seneca Nation of Indians

 MoreAxe wrote:
 PaddyMick wrote:
Hiya mate, whats the bok about? orks?

Is about an ork hitch hiking on a rogue trader ship, being cunning thinking that he fool the trader into his bidding, but we know how it works... 😆

Many gits ded and loot for all?

Fate is in heaven, armor is on the chest, accomplishment is in the feet. - Nagao Kagetora
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