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[Dropzone Commander] Looking for the best place for rules clarifications etc  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

United Kingdom

I've been hunting around on the internet and to be honest this was one of the more active places for TTCombat's Dropzone Commander in terms of forums, so I've created an account in the hope of finding a place to ask questions and (hopefully) get something akin to authoritative answers. I did send an email with several questions I had to TTCombat's support address but have not received a reply (sent a few weeks ago, no idea how many work there or what they're busy with these days).

I bought the Resistance Starter Army set and a couple of flyers, currently busy building and painting, played one game locally so far vs Shaltari (it didn't go well - they just nabbed the objectives and were gone by the end of turn two), after re-reading the rules I discovered all sorts of inconsistencies in the rules that are available, printed vs pdf, both vs the FAQ, the rules situation seems to be here there and everywhere so it's little wonder we got a few things wrong (or my opponent may have been playing to different rules than I was!) I've since noted all of the FAQ Erratas in my printed rulebook and corrected the many errors / out of date stats on the Starter Army quick play card, I noticed the same was true for the Shaltari. Hopefully the next time we play it will be to the same rules with the same stats version (currently v2.4 according to the FAQ), just weird and disappointing that there doesn't seem to be an updated v2.4 rulebook even as a PDF, and there's no version numbers for the stats sets, e.g. 'these are all of the stats relevant to v2.1' etc (the printed rulebook).

Hoping someone out there in Dakka Dakka land is willing to help!
Made in gb
Moustache-twirling Princeps

United Kingdom

DZC is a bit of a mess. Rulebook & FAQ are here or here, and the Army Builder should have the up-to-date stats, points, etc.

There are a couple of semi-official FB groups, but proper 'official' support is lacking - as mentioned in the News & Rumors thread TT seem more interested in throwing out new models than fixing the rules.
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


I’ll second the FB groups to get a consensus of where most players feel the game is. There is also a discord, but I don’t know how active it is.

Does the fandom wiki still maintain a tactics page for DZC? That might be a good resource for the most recent rules changes.

Personally, I think TTCombat and Dave both stopped taking the game seriously after they shoved in the titans.

Made in us

Austin, TX

I used to get answers from TTC via email, but the guy they had doing it quit. I think it just gets ignored now. There was a decently active thread over at SomethingAwful up until about last year, but it's gone silent. The subreddit (I'm the admin of it) gets about two posts a week, but there's only maybe two dozen active users. The thread here has about the same dozen people talking to each other.There's exactly one blog left posting about it. I haven't seen a post on other platforms in years. The Discord used to be decently active, but haven't been on it in a couple years seeing as I got booted for complaining about the inconsistent stat problem too much (excessive negativity).

The Facebook groups are official, no matter what TTCombat might say about them, because the owner of TTCombat and a couple of employees are admins of it. Employees aren't particularly active, unless swinging a ban hammer around. Also after they closed their blog, it's the only place they post stuff on the net anymore.

The guys that ran the tournament at Adepticon had this link for clarifications and fixes - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1o8fIfp_3wREIDeRw4o1t0PFFC9U2PalB

Most of the people playing are using houserules of one kind of another, and/or older editions, so don't concern yourself too much with official answers.

Shaltari is hard to learn the game with, considering how they're the lone exception to many rules and systems. If you played "Targets of Opportunity", which it sounds like you did, that's also a really badly designed scenario for the current edition. I tried arguing with the game designer for years to modify it or replace it, because 'game was over turn 2' is a regular problem with it, both for new and experienced players. "Survey and Control" is a much better scenario from the core rules.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/04/05 03:02:26

Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

United Kingdom

Thank you for the replies, very useful! I'm downloading those tournament bits to see what's relevant to our casual games, and will check out the FB page.

With the lack of official interest in keeping the stats and rulebooks up to date, I don't suppose there's going to be much official opposition to me posting my edited PDFs of the quick start army cards, rulebook, etc? They are free downloads anyway, all I've done is updated them where I can (because editing PDFs is a pain) to reflect the v2.4 FAQ / Errata. Is there a good place to post such documents?
Made in us
Moustache-twirling Princeps

United Kingdom

They announced at Salute that the next version is coming soon (possibly September), so it might be worth waiting.
Made in us

Austin, TX

They announced Behemoths would be coming soon, and it took 3 years from that post.

Make the game fun and playable now, don't wait on this bozo company to do it for you. The best DZC is the one you hack yourself, and has been since 2019 through the forseeable future.
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