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ToW simply with old base sizes?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in de
Daring Dark Eldar Raider Rider


this might be an incredibly stupid question...
I have many, many old models and will not be rebasing any. Having bought some adapter trays for those, it suddenly occured to me:
if all the bases just got a bit bigger for aesthetic reasons - why not just let everything as is and play with the old base sizes?
Is there any real reason, ruleswise, to rebase?
Not interrested in tournaments and all my buddies are old school gamers too with no desire to rebase.
I am sure it is possible to use the old base sizes, but am not deep enough in the rules to see if there would be any noticeable effect?
Sorry if this has been discussed already, it is so simple and somehow flew over my radar...

Human ambassador of Cats on earth. All hail our feline overlords!!! 
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

In general, if everyone's using the same base sizes it's not a problem. If there's a mix it's often still fine. One interesting problem we've discovered with sticking to old base sizes is that the "official" base sizes make units quite a bit wider, which can affect how some armies interact with terrain and deployment zones. Infantry heavy armies deployed in 6-wide formations, for example, can get quite a lot wider when using the official base sizes compared to the old ones.

If nobody wants to rebase you should be absolutely fine. A side-benefit of using movement tray convertors is now all my units actually rank up properly, instead of squeezing in next to one another.
Made in se
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon


Blast templates are pretty bad against the new bases (although I think this is a rules design error, maybe the old bases work more as intended). Prepare to get more damage done with blast templates against the classic bases.

You could argue it's fair anyways since it affects both sides. But it might be different of only one side uses template weapons/spells.

I don't think the game is balanced enough for such things to matter, but that is subjective.

Brutal, but kunning!  
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Converter trays have been really handy, and you can get them without an extra 'lip' (which will always be there for proper size bases on a tray), so can actually be slightly more 'accurate', though it might be worth marking down with lines where the base divisions are meant to be.

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

Yea just get converter trays

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Made in gb
Hungry Ork Hunta Lying in Wait

The problem with converter trays is you can't reform your ranks, so base converters would a better option if you needed to use official base sizes.

But as others have said, if you're all using old sizes it won't be a problem.
Made in us
Nasty Nob

Cary, NC

The older, smaller bases will be slightly more maneuverable but also more vulnerable to templates.

Given that everyone in the engaged rank fights, even if they aren't themselves in base contact, you won't get more attacks by having more models in base contact, but your forces will be a bit more concentrated (you might be able to fit, say, three units into a battleline where larger bases would only fit two).

I feel the pain. I have a HUUUUGE orc & goblin army and am just not energized to rebase it (even though I do think the models will look better not being so jammed in together). I am doing a new O&G army of the Nomadic Waaagh just so I can do new models on new bases, and figure out that if I like the game enough, then maybe I will think about rebasing.

Made in se
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon


You also loose all backward compatability. Say your club wants to try 6th ed or 8th. Well then you messed up by rebasing

Brutal, but kunning!  
Made in de
Daring Dark Eldar Raider Rider


Good point on the templates, totally forgot about them...
From what I've seen from the army stats, the damage and rules stayed pretty much the same for template weapons, breath attacks, etc.? So they effectively got nerfed.
We all play WHF for 20+ years and have dozends of armies. Rebasing is a no-no and the converter bases get expensive quickly, as you need lots of them.
As it seems, we'd just give it a go with regular bases and see if it feels odd.
ToW seems like a great way to show newer players the beatuty of rank and file fantasy wargaming, but I really like 6th edition and don't know if ToW will overtake this.
Thanks y'all!

Human ambassador of Cats on earth. All hail our feline overlords!!! 
Made in de
Battlefield Tourist


It'd be much easier to scale templates down if it bothered you than rebasing all your miniatures.

Made in es
Regular Dakkanaut

 Garfield666 wrote:
Good point on the templates, totally forgot about them...
From what I've seen from the army stats, the damage and rules stayed pretty much the same for template weapons, breath attacks, etc.? So they effectively got nerfed.

Really? have you checked the points costs of all those units?
Made in ca
Knight of the Inner Circle

Montreal, QC Canada

If everyone is using the old base sizes, especially if you just want to try out the game, I dont really see an issue. You'll be experiencing the same negative effect across the board. I'm still working on getting movement trays for my armies as I do not want to rebase, but I'll play with my old bases just to help learn the new rules.

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Made in nl
Regular Dakkanaut

Da Butcha wrote:

Given that everyone in the engaged rank fights, even if they aren't themselves in base contact, you won't get more attacks by having more models in base contact,

Until you run into unit with A2, extra handweapon, frenzy etc

Going from 3 attack per model to 1 hurts.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Belthanos wrote:
Da Butcha wrote:

Given that everyone in the engaged rank fights, even if they aren't themselves in base contact, you won't get more attacks by having more models in base contact,

Until you run into unit with A2, extra handweapon, frenzy etc... Going from 3 attack per model to 1 hurts.

That's right, forgot about that. Wish I had remembered this in my last battle! I got charged by 10 Chaos Forsaken (2 ranks of 5) who barely clipped the front arc of my big unit of Sea Guard (only in base contact with 1 of my models). With Furious Charge and D3 attacks they ended getting 3 attacks each, with re-roll to hit, for all 5 models in the front line because I forgot about this!
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Edgewood, Washington state

 Garfield666 wrote:
this might be an incredibly stupid question...
I have many, many old models and will not be rebasing any. Having bought some adapter trays for those, it suddenly occured to me:
if all the bases just got a bit bigger for aesthetic reasons - why not just let everything as is and play with the old base sizes?
Is there any real reason, ruleswise, to rebase?
Not interrested in tournaments and all my buddies are old school gamers too with no desire to rebase.
I am sure it is possible to use the old base sizes, but am not deep enough in the rules to see if there would be any noticeable effect?
Sorry if this has been discussed already, it is so simple and somehow flew over my radar...

Playing ToW with old base sizes is perfectly fine. If you're just playing with friends and not playing competitively, it's fine. There's a section in the base size page of the rulebook that states this. I feel you, I have an Orc army and a Skaven army. I'm not going to rebase nor buy special movement trays just to play ToW. I still play WHFB 6th edition.
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