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Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

How do!

As I’ve just finished assembly on my LI terrain, it occurs to me that being such a different scale to GW’s usual offerings, anyone looking to invest into the game is gonna need their own terrain collection. Which can be daunting. I mean, how much terrain do you need? How much might that cost?

And here’s my take on it. What you’re seeing is one box of GW’s Civitas Imperialis Administratum Sector, plus a bit more* (left over from an abortive attempt to get into ST), and the contents of two boxes of GW’s Civitas Ruins.

Total RRP cost is £197.50, though I bought at around a 15% discount. Even then, not gonna present this route a cheap.

And it’s displayed on my Magic Box O’Stuff, which measures 44” x 24”. So around a third of your standard 6’x4’ gaming area. As you can see, it’s pretty densely packed, certainly far too dense for practical gaming.

Double it for 4’ x 4’ for smaller games? And you’ve plenty there. But for 6’ x 4’ you should be good to go, but I concede it may be a little too sparse.

There’s also a variety of building heights for all sort of LoS blocking fun.

Not pictured is the plethora of left over bits and bobs and odds and ends, not to mention “scatter terrain” which came in the Ruins. That stuff will be added to in-game created ruins, to decorate plasticard footprints of the full buildings for when they get demolished by a stroppy Titan.

If I was to expand it further, I think I’d grab the industrial sector box, add a wee bit of visual variety.

Anyways. That’s mine, show us yours. Any scale appropriate terrain counts, as this is intended as a resource for beginners. Even better if you can include a link to where it might be found, be it 3rd Party, STL or whatever.
[Thumb - IMG_5117.jpeg]

Made in au
Speed Drybrushing

Newcastle NSW

Just started on my first building. Used about half a sector box, got two more on order. About ten more floors to go on this one

Not a GW apologist  
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Tall building is tall!

Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

Don't mind if I do.

Plenty of pics like the above under spoilers, just table overviews. Check my gallery for more detailed shots on each game.


#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

Made in gb
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk


Nice looking boards there, exceptional work.
Made in gb
Villanous Scum

Fantastic looking boards! Going to have to dug mine out and see how they fit the new scale.

On parle toujours mal quand on n'a rien à dire. 
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Sherrypie, most of us have only kitchen surfaces to play on while you knock out boards that bring back very fond memories of...


...and dammit I love your coastal board. My Knight house has such themed bases and would be right at home!

Casual gaming, mostly solo-coop these days.

Made in se
Pulsating Possessed Space Marine of Slaanesh


Cool stuff, dudes/dudettes!

I am doing industrial ATM, but the way terrain rules work I need to base a lot of ruins and industrial, as you have to be IN rather than behind (unless you're a Knight/Titan) in LI in order for terrain to affect your durability. Also feel I want ruin bases w roughly the foot print of whole buildings, for when they collapse.

Epic30k: IH, IW, Mechanicum, House Coldshroud, Legio Interfector
30k: EC, IW, AL
40k: Orks, EC/CSM
Made in gb
Villanous Scum

Could only be bothered to dig out 1 of my 25 boards, it was designed for 6mm gaming not LI, do people think it works?

On parle toujours mal quand on n'a rien à dire. 
Made in fi
Longtime Dakkanaut

 ingtaer wrote:

Could only be bothered to dig out 1 of my 25 boards, it was designed for 6mm gaming not LI, do people think it works?

Of course it does, since they are the same (with classic 6mm umbrella already covering stuff between 1:300 and 1:250)

#ConvertEverything blog with loyalist Death Guard in true and Epic scales. Also Titans and killer robots! C&C welcome.

Do you like narrative gaming? Ongoing Imp vs. PDF rebellion campaign reports here:

Made in gb
Villanous Scum

Fair, will just keep the 1980s buildings in the box!

On parle toujours mal quand on n'a rien à dire. 
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Been building my Industrial terrain today.

Where the Civitas can do footprints with aplomb, this kit does some solid height. And so the two should provide some interesting battlefields between them.

[Thumb - IMG_5285.jpeg]

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