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Made in us
Mysterious Techpriest

We know Emperor's Children are coming soon, so they'll be taken care of.

It looks like Grey Knights are in desperate need of an upgrade. I was trying to think of any army that would compete for a slot that needs to be updated or revitalized. But I'm drawing a blank.

What do you think?

 BorderCountess wrote:
Just because you're doing something right doesn't necessarily mean you know what you're doing...
Warhammer 40k Poetry(Updated Frequently)メカ
SamusDrake wrote:
If unpainted models are good enough for Zeus, then they're good enough for me.
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

The go-to answer to this was “Eldar” for a very long time. But with what they have on the radar, they can take a seat for now.

Off the cuff I’d go with Dark Eldar. They have had a number of options cut over the years that could make a return. I’d like to see them get the OpFor side of the 11th starter and a massive shot in the arm kits wise.

Made in ca
Longtime Dakkanaut

Somewhere in Canada

Drukhari and GK are about equal in need.

Corsairs could use a few more units- ie get them to where Harlequins are right now.

Harlequins and Ynarri can both use more units too.

Custodes (and in particular, the SOS side) could use more units.

World Eaters need new units.

Basically, until EVERY faction has 100 units (and not FW resin units), they all need something more than Space Marines do.
Made in us
Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle

In My Lab

 Nevelon wrote:
The go-to answer to this was “Eldar” for a very long time. But with what they have on the radar, they can take a seat for now.

Off the cuff I’d go with Dark Eldar. They have had a number of options cut over the years that could make a return. I’d like to see them get the OpFor side of the 11th starter and a massive shot in the arm kits wise.
I could be selfish and say "Nurgle Daemons" and while I would LOVE more unit variety...

Dark Eldar need it a lot more than I do.

Clocks for the clockmaker! Cogs for the cog throne! 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Denison, Iowa

Let's not forget Leagues of Votann. They barely have enough units to have any real variation in 2,000 point lists.

And for the love of God, can we please move away from armies having "generic brand" power weapon as an option? If marines can have different rules for fists and swords, then so can other armies.
Made in us
Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle

In My Lab

 cuda1179 wrote:
Let's not forget Leagues of Votann. They barely have enough units to have any real variation in 2,000 point lists.

And for the love of God, can we please move away from armies having "generic brand" power weapon as an option? If marines can have different rules for fists and swords, then so can other armies.
Can you meaningfully differentiate a Power Sword, Axe, Maul, and Lance?

I'm all for options, but they have to be MEANINGFUL. The 8th and 9th system for Power Swords/Axes/Mauls was just a math problem to be solved, and even if you didn't get it right, they didn't vary that much to begin with.

Clocks for the clockmaker! Cogs for the cog throne! 
Made in us
Mysterious Techpriest

Dark Eldar and Grey Knights? That's it?

I feel like we are missing someone.

 BorderCountess wrote:
Just because you're doing something right doesn't necessarily mean you know what you're doing...
Warhammer 40k Poetry(Updated Frequently)メカ
SamusDrake wrote:
If unpainted models are good enough for Zeus, then they're good enough for me.
Made in us
Tzeentch's Fan Girl

Southern New Hampshire

 Lathe Biosas wrote:
Dark Eldar and Grey Knights? That's it?

I feel like we are missing someone.

Space Wolves, but they're apparently already on-deck, too.


"There are no problems that cannot be solved with cannons." - Chief Engineer Boris Krauss of Nuln

Kid_Kyoto wrote:"Don't be a dick" and "This is a family wargame" are good rules of thumb.

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Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle

In My Lab

 BorderCountess wrote:
 Lathe Biosas wrote:
Dark Eldar and Grey Knights? That's it?

I feel like we are missing someone.

Space Wolves, but they're apparently already on-deck, too.
Space Wolves have the entire Marine range at their disposal, just about.

They don't need more minis.

Clocks for the clockmaker! Cogs for the cog throne! 
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

It’s not that SM don’t have things they could use, but they are not due.

There are gaps to fill, old units that could use a refresh, some monobuld/push-fits that could use a full kit. A lot of chapter specific characters and units.

And I’m sure we will get all of them and more in time.

But there are a lot of other armies that need more stuff a lot worse.

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Chaos Daemons.

The biggest chunk of their units have been around since before 40K was a twinkle in the milkman’s eye. And in the intervening 40 years? Really haven’t received much in the way of New.

Without checking, it’s the Plague Flies, Slaaneshi Chariots, Tzeentch Chariots and Chunky Flamers, plus a handful of character Daemons, named and generic. And that’s yer lot. Oh, and that single Daemon Engine.

Now, are the existing models looking good? Sure. Nothing egregiously old, but said Daemon Engine, like the Defiler could do with a facelift.

But come on. Give us MORE DAEMONS. Becuase if you want to play monotheistic Daemons? You don’t get much variety at all at all.

Fed up of Scalpers? But still want your Exclusives? Why not join us?

Hey look! It’s my 2025 Hobby Log/Blog/Project/Whatevs 
Made in us
Confessor Of Sins

Tacoma, WA, USA

If by upgrade you mean refresh of existing models then, Grey Knights need all their Infantry replaced with newer sculpts to match the modern 40K Kits in scale. Craftworld Eldar still have so many resin and very old plastic kits that need to be refreshed as well.

If you are talking about range expansion, then World Eaters, Leagues of Votann, and Druhkari all need love.

Dishonorable mention to all the Space Marine Chapters that lack chapter-specific Primaris kits beyond a character or two.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Ignoring Imperials (cause I really don't pay enough attention to them); and also ignoring New armies or beefing up existing models into a new sub-army (eg Yinnari, Corsairs, Kroot/Tau allies etc); this is my impression on where Xenos are right now:

Tyranids. For the most part pretty much all modern kits now. One or two are still very functional but could do with a full update/refresh; but otherwise its mostly down to adding back in some FW kits that were lost and unique heroes that were also lost (or never got a model)

Warriors - need wings.
Carnifex - refresh (older kit starting to wear and not going together as neatly - gaps in armour)

Red Terror unique model
Doom unique model - you know that unique psy model that eats Elve..Eldar!
Heiroduels (duel kit with guns or scything)

Necrons: Much like Tyranids its mostly modern and in need of updated heroes and bringing back some FW models.

Destroyer lord
Named heroes to plastics

Replaements for lost FW models (ark, doom bomber, centepede canoptek, wasp canoptek)

Dark Eldar. Feel like most of what they have today is modern kits. They 100% need to have a bunch of named hero models added back into their roster.
Otherwise feeling pretty solid

Craftworld Eldar. Once the next wave comes out most of their core will be solid modern models. A few, like the Vyper, Support Weapon and Falcon could do with modernising and generally updating. A few hints that a new vyper is somewhere in the works.
I'd love to see the Wasp, lynx and a few other FW models brought back (those ghosty aspect warriors too). I wouldn't expect to see the superheavies return in plastics.

Harlies honestly if they are going to remain part of Craftworld I think they are in a good position to not need a big update. Same for Corsairs.

Genestealer Cults - not a bad army roster overall and they have added room in being able to splice in some IG models for more variety.

Orks - I honestly don't pay attention to them enough but they've had some meaty updates over the last few years and my impression is they are in a very solid spot right now

Tau - like Orks I don't keep the best eye on them (heck I still feel like they are the "new army" even though they aren't). That said they appear to be a good spot*

Votann - honestly with only 16 listings I agree that they are probably in the best position now in Xenos for being the next army for a BIG update. Every other army is mostly down to heroes, one or two mainline models and FW options returning in plastic (and the FW returning is never a guarantee that it will ever happen).

*Save for suffering like tyranids in having a good few multi-weapon models that GW are going nuts for killing off weapon choices and options in this edition. Which could be a long term product strategy or just the new thing for 10th that vanishes with 11 or 12...

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in gb
Killer Klaivex

The dark behind the eyes.

Dark Eldar are in dire need of a refresh.

They've had 0 new units in the last thirteen years, whilst losing units and options left, right, and centre.

They've also got a pile of fineca$h units just waiting for the axe.

What's especially depressing is that GW released a new unit of Mandrakes not so long ago. The sort of unit that could easily have built not only a unit but multiple HQs as well. Except that it was a Kill Team unit and thus can't possibly have any rules in regular 40k. Nor can it be sold normally - it had to be a special release that was sold out roughly 6 milliseconds after going on sale. Sigh.

Bonus points to Corsairs as their "army" currently consists of all of 2 units. They were my favourite army in 7th. Now they're 2 units. And if you have the temerity to take them in a Dark Eldar list then they're not even allowed Transports. Or abilities. Not that I'm bitter or anything.

 blood reaper wrote:
I will respect human rights and trans people but I will never under any circumstances use the phrase 'folks' or 'ya'll'. I would rather be killed by firing squad.

 the_scotsman wrote:
Yeah, when i read the small novel that is the Death Guard unit options and think about resolving the attacks from a melee-oriented min size death guard squad, the thing that springs to mind is "Accessible!"

 Argive wrote:
GW seems to have a crystal ball and just pulls hairbrained ideas out of their backside for the most part.

 Andilus Greatsword wrote:

"Prepare to open fire at that towering Wraithknight!"

Akiasura wrote:
I hate to sound like a serial killer, but I'll be reaching for my friend occam's razor yet again.

 insaniak wrote:

You're not. If you're worried about your opponent using 'fake' rules, you're having fun the wrong way. This hobby isn't about rules. It's about buying Citadel miniatures.

Please report to your nearest GW store for attitude readjustment. Take your wallet.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


You mean these mandrakes

Not going to lie £47 for a 10 man single option unit feels REALLY steep; but it is there.

For pulled models that aren't heroes the big one I can see missing are the Beastmaster which pulled a bunch of models out; then there's the Grotesques. Otherwise it seems its still mostly leaders/heroes they lost more than troops?

That said at 25 listings there is room there for more when you've other armies running around with much bigger rosters. Still I'd probably put Votann ahead of them if just a bit.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Made in ca
Longtime Dakkanaut

Somewhere in Canada

I predict that DE will get:

A court box with one of each (as per datacard)

A Beast Box with 1 Beastmaster, 1 Fiend, 2 Khymerae and 3 Razorwing flocks, as per datacard

And Grotesques.

I think that gets all the resin out of the range, and unfortunately, that's probably all we're getting. Heck, we might only get one or two of those- given the size of the Craftworld release, GW might be afraid of "too much elf."

At the same time, the return of Fulgrim requires elf hands of all flavours on deck.

So if we're wishlisting DE:

Archon on Jetbike/ Succubus on Jetbike Dual build
Duke Sliscuss (synergizes with Corsairs as well as DE)
Baron Sathonyx (to make that beast kit act as a prototype for a new skyboard; dual kit for skyboard generic succubus)
Lady Malys (yeah, I know, Yvraine was supposed to be Malys... But surely they can design another classy elf lady badass)
Kheradruahk- a four-armed monster of a Mandrake HQ
A Scourge HQ
Asdrubael Vect and the Dias (custom Tantalus)

Blood Brides

Tantalus in plastic

All Harlequins need is a Great Harlequin model, and maybe a Wraithlord.

Corsairs need a generic HQ leader- maybe a dual build with Yriel? All Falcon chasis and Drukhari aircraft (Venom, Razorwing, Voidraven) need to be keyworded to work with Corairs. And they could use a jump unit. Keywording as Anrathe so that Corsairs include Rangers and Shroudrunners also helps.

Oh, and did someone say Exodites? I thought I heard someone say Exodites.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2025/01/14 03:31:21

Made in us
Resolute Ultramarine Honor Guard

 JNAProductions wrote:
 BorderCountess wrote:
 Lathe Biosas wrote:
Dark Eldar and Grey Knights? That's it?

I feel like we are missing someone.

Space Wolves, but they're apparently already on-deck, too.
Space Wolves have the entire Marine range at their disposal, just about.

They don't need more minis.

Their bespoke stuff needs a refresh. Some of the characters, the Claws, and Hunters.

Edit to Add: Most of this refresh should just be an addon sprue i.e. Buy Assault Intercessors, add/replace these decorative bits to create Blood Claws, Ditto with Long Fangs, and Grey Hunters. But those units and many of their characters should be upscaled and Rubicon'ed - especially as many of those units are direct replacements for Codex SM stuff - because they have Grey Hunters they can't take Tacs (Upscale them then add Intercessors), Blood Claws - Add Assault Intercessors, Upscale the Terminator Characters so they "fit" Visually - Logan, Njall. etc.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2025/01/14 04:56:50

My WHFB armies were Bretonians and Tomb Kings. 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

NE Ohio, USA

 vipoid wrote:

What's especially depressing is that GW released a new unit of Mandrakes not so long ago. The sort of unit that could easily have built not only a unit but multiple HQs as well. Except that it was a Kill Team unit and thus can't possibly have any rules in regular 40k. Nor can it be sold normally - it had to be a special release that was sold out roughly 6 milliseconds after going on sale. Sigh.

What are you talking about?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Overread wrote:
You mean these mandrakes

Not going to lie £47 for a 10 man single option unit feels REALLY steep; but it is there.

That's not a terrible price per model. And you get enough to field either 1 big squad or 2 small squads in one go.
If I didn't already have all the Mandrakes I want this would've been a great box. Unfortunately GW dropped this one a year to late....

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2025/01/14 04:55:12

Made in pl
Been Around the Block

Łódź, Poland

Unpopular opinion: I wanna see more inquisition models, most of their army You can build will be taken from Grey Knights at the moment. I really think they should get some light infantry box

"From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me'' 
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


 PenitentJake wrote:

Oh, and did someone say Exodites? I thought I heard someone say Exodites.

I mean if we go into the realm of armies that don't exist I'd mention them, but I stuck away from that cause its just dreaming.

What's really odd about Exodites is GW haven't stopped talking about them and they aren't an off-shoot of an existing army with different colours (like most other marine chapters). Exodites are that one specific army of Eldar that GW keeps mentioning as if teasing us that one day they'll give us space elves rising space dinosaurs with lasers on their heads.

Honestly I'd prefer them over a lot of other options being added to various armies because visually and creatively they add a lot of new unique ideas that you just don't really have anywhere else in the game (esp since the Kroot chicken isn't a model right now).

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Grey Knights are the obvious one. Their infantry is badly out of scale with the exception of crowe and voldemort, and the dreadknight could use another design pass.

The only competing faction that comes to mind is Dark Eldar, and more specifically their haemonculus coven units.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2025/01/14 12:05:25

Made in fr
Regular Dakkanaut

Space Wolves to answer Fulgrim's "return" at the end of 10th edition (early 2026).
Drukhari as the 11th edition Starter Set "bad guys" refresh.
Grey Knights during 11th

Then it is anyone's guess, as all factions still have units that need refresh (CSM, Tyranids, Tau, notably), or expansions to existing roster (Chaos, Votann, Custodes, Dark Angels...).
But the massive range refresh that started with the Primaris release will be mostly done, so GW will either :

- enter maintenance mode and small scale releases (unlikely given the focus on creating buzz to generate massive sales)
- release new factions (rumored Exodites, Dark Mechanicum more Chaos/SM Primarchs)
- Refresh the early Primaris releases ala Age of Sigmar

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2025/01/14 12:11:22

Made in gb
Nasty Nob

Dorset, England

I'm surprised people are saying Dark Eldar, those models are pretty nice! But agree they could have more unit options.

Zoats and Exodites are the only old armies they have left to reinvent in the modern era I think? Would be cool to see what's done with those.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


From what I recall Exodites haven't actually had a 40K model ever - maybe one or two Rogue Trader ones? Otherwise I think old Titan Legions had the Bright Stallion which was basically a 4 legged wraithlord (which in epic scale also meant tiny)

So yeah Exodites have always been a bit like Cathay or Nippon in Old World - mentioned enough that you know they are there in the setting, but never actually developed into an army despite decades of talking about them.

Zoats HAVE been teased for 2 Christmases with James Workshop mentioning Codex Zoats and they did have a model line of a few models in the old Tyranid army way back in 2nd ed; and they did get a Black Fortress model semi-recently too.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Overread wrote:
From what I recall Exodites haven't actually had a 40K model ever - maybe one or two Rogue Trader ones? Otherwise I think old Titan Legions had the Bright Stallion which was basically a 4 legged wraithlord (which in epic scale also meant tiny)

So yeah Exodites have always been a bit like Cathay or Nippon in Old World - mentioned enough that you know they are there in the setting, but never actually developed into an army despite decades of talking about them.

Zoats HAVE been teased for 2 Christmases with James Workshop mentioning Codex Zoats and they did have a model line of a few models in the old Tyranid army way back in 2nd ed; and they did get a Black Fortress model semi-recently too.

They had some conversions and profiles in the 2nd Edition dex.

The thing about 40k is that no one person can grasp the fullness of it.

My 95th Praetorian Rifles.

SW Successors

Made in ca
Storm Trooper with Maglight


Some have said Dark Eldar, and I say hell no.

Kabalites and wyches are among the last poseable models in any GW game, dating back to before GW went full mono-pose in a deliberate effort to discourage kitbashing and customization.

As far as I'm concerned, GW's neglect of the Dark Eldar model range has been a blessing, and I hope it continues.


Cadians, Sisters of Battle, Drukhari

Read my Drukhari short stories: Chronicles of Commorragh 
Made in gb
Witch Hunter in the Shadows

 Magos Nintendus wrote:
Unpopular opinion: I wanna see more inquisition models, most of their army You can build will be taken from Grey Knights at the moment. I really think they should get some light infantry box
Their line is pretty much toast at the moment. A box of six figures that don't really fit anywhere, a few straggers from board games, and ?five? character models.

No death cultists outside of the starstriders models, no crusaders, the coteaz model is in serious need of updating. They don't even sell the monkey anymore.
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

A.T. wrote:
 Magos Nintendus wrote:
Unpopular opinion: I wanna see more inquisition models, most of their army You can build will be taken from Grey Knights at the moment. I really think they should get some light infantry box
Their line is pretty much toast at the moment. A box of six figures that don't really fit anywhere, a few straggers from board games, and ?five? character models.

No death cultists outside of the starstriders models, no crusaders, the coteaz model is in serious need of updating. They don't even sell the monkey anymore.

Not sure what the problem is. Inquisition is not a military faction with its own equipment. They command their respective Ordos forces (Deathwatch, Grey Knights, Sisters). Inquisition doesn't need more models, they are fine.
Made in de
Oozing Plague Marine Terminator

-Guardsman- wrote:
Some have said Dark Eldar, and I say hell no.

Kabalites and wyches are among the last poseable models in any GW game, dating back to before GW went full mono-pose in a deliberate effort to discourage kitbashing and customization.

As far as I'm concerned, GW's neglect of the Dark Eldar model range has been a blessing, and I hope it continues.


Well, DE could be lucky and keep some of their 5th Edition models like Orks kept their superior old boyz (from 3rd edition no less) despite new boyz appearing...
But overall I get your sentiment, if failcast gets replaced - good for DE, if the flawless plastics are hit by monoposes, that would be sad.
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