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Ridiculous things you've heard from people in 40K  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Land Raider Pilot on Cruise Control


So, what ridiculous things have you heard from people in 40K, and how do you deal with it? Asking for advice is okay, too.
If this belongs elsewhere, I apologise. I'm sure "General Discussion" is the right place.

Here's mine;
Ridiculous/silly thing: People in my local GW still insist that a psyker arriving from reserve may cast a blessing(s), despite being shown otherwise because "it's all simultaneous, so it doesn't matter that they did arrive from reserve." essentially saying that the rule has no use...
How I deal with it: I don't know how, honestly. I haven't played against anyone trying to insist otherwise since I found this rule, yet. Any advice would be appreciated on how to handle this if it comes up. I don't like coming off as a ****.)

Ridiculous/silly thing: Some of the guys call you a "rules lawyer/Nazi" for following the rules in your own game, and correct rules in your game but hate it and yell at you for doing it to them. I'm fine with people correcting other people mid-game, but it's kinda hypocritical and ridiculous when they yell at you for it.
How I deal with it: ... I don't I have serious issues with not wanting to come off as "that guy". Advice would be nice.

If I sound like I'm being a condescending butthole, I'm not. Read my reply as neutrally as possible, please and thank you. 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Alexandria, VA

"Well, even if it in the rules like that, it makes more sense if...."

Fill in the blank.
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

When people claim a rule is right that hasn't been right for 2ed's then start yelling and getting angry because I disagree with them.

I point them to the rule book show them they're wrong then wait for some other absurd rule that they claim is right to pop up.
Made in au
Tea-Kettle of Blood

Adelaide, South Australia

People who say army tiers are completely fictional and all armies have an equal chance of winning, only the skill of the player matters.
How I deal with it: laugh and leave them to their silly delusions as I stomp their terribly made Blood Angels army.

 Ailaros wrote:
You know what really bugs me? When my opponent, before they show up at the FLGS smears themselves in peanut butter and then makes blood sacrifices to Ashterai by slitting the throat of three male chickens and then smears the spatter pattern into the peanut butter to engrave sacred symbols into their chest and upper arms.
I have a peanut allergy. It's really inconsiderate.

"Long ago in a distant land, I, M'kar, the shape-shifting Master of Chaos, unleashed an unspeakable evil! But a foolish Grey Knight warrior wielding a magic sword stepped forth to oppose me. Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in space and flung him into the Warp, where my evil is law! Now the fool seeks to return to real-space, and undo the evil that is Chaos!" 
Made in au
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan

 PrinceRaven wrote:
People who say army tiers are completely fictional and all armies have an equal chance of winning, only the skill of the player matters.
How I deal with it: laugh and leave them to their silly delusions as I stomp their terribly made Blood Angels army.


P.S.A. I won't read your posts if you break it into a million separate quotes and make an eyesore of it. 
Made in us
Rogue Grot Kannon Gunna

My absolute favorite/most repugnant thing that I hear is "permissive rule set".

I know that this will cause a row. It was not my intention. It is the thing that gives me most amusement while simultaneously offending me to the core.

Meks is da best! Dey makes go fasta and mo dakka!  
Made in au
Tea-Kettle of Blood

Adelaide, South Australia

Misuse of the term "permissive ruleset" also gets my goat.

 Ailaros wrote:
You know what really bugs me? When my opponent, before they show up at the FLGS smears themselves in peanut butter and then makes blood sacrifices to Ashterai by slitting the throat of three male chickens and then smears the spatter pattern into the peanut butter to engrave sacred symbols into their chest and upper arms.
I have a peanut allergy. It's really inconsiderate.

"Long ago in a distant land, I, M'kar, the shape-shifting Master of Chaos, unleashed an unspeakable evil! But a foolish Grey Knight warrior wielding a magic sword stepped forth to oppose me. Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in space and flung him into the Warp, where my evil is law! Now the fool seeks to return to real-space, and undo the evil that is Chaos!" 
Made in us
Hellish Haemonculus

Boskydell, IL

"Melee is dead."

"Codex selection is more important than player skill."

"Space Marines aren't competitive."

"Drop Pods aren't competitive." (This one just makes me laugh!)

"[Insert latest publication from Games Workshop] ruined the game."

"If Games Workshop doesn't do [insert business action proposed by a waiter at a Garfield's with no practical business experience whatsoever] then they're going to go under. You'll see."

"In X years, [insert random new miniature game] will completely devour Games Workshop."

I used to argue with stupid opinions, but eventually I realized that at some point you have to let otherwise smart people hold their stupid opinions. Or just let stupid people be stupid. At this point, the only time I bother to argue with someone at all is if I have enough respect for them to give them the opportunity to change my mind. And there's damn few people on that list.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/04/19 06:37:43

Welcome to the Freakshow!

(Leadership-shenanigans for Eldar of all types.) 
Made in au
Automated Rubric Marine of Tzeentch


haha the in x years..... its soo true... its not just this though, everyone wants the latest to topple the king.

i read plenty of daft stuff, i hear less of it though because most people i deal with are level headed... the one that i get the BEST laugh out of is

"reckon we should use mysterious terrain and objectives" me and opponent usually look each other in the eye and as we start putting models on the table.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/04/19 06:43:42

CSM 20,000 Pts
Daemons 4,000 (ish)
WoC over 10,000
6000+ Pts

Made in us
Judgemental Grey Knight Justicar

New Orleans

My 1st game ever my opponent told me, " I am your elder and your better. You don't argue with me. The rules go how I say they go."

I had to drag the shop owner over to get the guy to play fair. He doesn't even play at this shop anymore. He was very upset a 1st time player beat him.

01001000 01101001 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00101110  
Made in us
Shrieking Traitor Sentinel Pilot

"You have to add this, this, and the other thing to your army. You can't run it that way."

Note that this was not a matter of violating the force org chart or the guy trying to give friendly advice. He was TELLING me that my perfectly legal, decently performing, themed army needed to be completely revamped because it was different from the army lists that were all the rage on the internet. It's MY army, sweety. As long as I'm not breaking any rules, I can run it however I want to.

40k is 111% science.
Made in gb
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord

 Idolator wrote:
My absolute favorite/most repugnant thing that I hear is "permissive rule set".

Um, why? Would you prefer to pay for a rulebook of even more brobdingnagian proportions that is full of telling you what you can't do?

Games Workshop Delenda Est.

Users on ignore- 53.

If you break apart my or anyone else's posts line by line I will not read them. 
Made in cz
Stalwart Veteran Guard Sergeant

Czech Republic

Ridiculous: "Without massive home rules is basic WH40K unplayable!"
How I deal with it: I play 40K with their delirious whining "but, but, you cant do that!" behind my back.

Ridiculous: "The lasgun doesnt have AP? Geez, without plasmavets its completely useless, why do you play it, its meatshiled for the one lascannon?"
How I deal with it: FRFSRF...please, roll 46 armor saves for your mighty ten space marines.

Ridiculous (well, rather annoying): "I see, you must make a lot of money to play Guard and buying Knight. You like pay to win?"
Response: Dunno. I find it difficult to just start to explain I have a job and I can spend money on hobby I like. Even apologizing that I dare to spend more money than him? Heck. By the way, I want even playing the Knight, just buying the model to paint him for another year.

Being optimistic´s worthless if it means ignoring the suffering of this world. Worse than worthless. It´s bloody evil.
- Fiddler 
Made in gb
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord

 UlrikDecado wrote:
Ridiculous: "Without massive home rules is basic WH40K unplayable!"
How I deal with it: I play 40K with their delirious whining "but, but, you cant do that!" behind my back.

So, you use EVERYTHING from the rulebook including mysterious terrain and objectives (or whatever it is). If not...


So, yeah.

Games Workshop Delenda Est.

Users on ignore- 53.

If you break apart my or anyone else's posts line by line I will not read them. 
Made in us
Blood-Drenched Death Company Marine

Little Rock, Arkansas

ridiculous statement: "the game SHOULD be all about shooting. Assault shouldn't even be in it!"

response: roll eyes and talk to someone else.

ridiculous statement: Any claims that riptides are not undercosted by a wide margin.

response: Same as first.

ridiculous statement: Anyone using the "tactics" buzzword to back up their claims that melee hasn't been relegated to the domain of a handful of units that can get to melee range with either hilarious speed or survivability, if not both. Usually they personally use at least one of those units while making this claim.

response: Yep, same again.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Grimtuff wrote:

So, you use EVERYTHING from the rulebook including mysterious terrain and objectives (or whatever it is). If not...


My group does. We do everything straight from the book, including terrain density, mysterious terrain/objectives, etc.
We have very few complaints.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/04/19 11:26:07

20000+ points
Tournament reports:
Made in cz
Stalwart Veteran Guard Sergeant

Czech Republic

 Grimtuff wrote:
 UlrikDecado wrote:
Ridiculous: "Without massive home rules is basic WH40K unplayable!"
How I deal with it: I play 40K with their delirious whining "but, but, you cant do that!" behind my back.

So, you use EVERYTHING from the rulebook including mysterious terrain and objectives (or whatever it is). If not...


So, yeah.

Yes, I usually do, but even if not, I wouldn consider it massive homerules. But you remind me some of those whiners who just cant bear someone has fun without insisting how broken everything is ))

Being optimistic´s worthless if it means ignoring the suffering of this world. Worse than worthless. It´s bloody evil.
- Fiddler 
Made in us
Rogue Grot Kannon Gunna

 Grimtuff wrote:
 Idolator wrote:
My absolute favorite/most repugnant thing that I hear is "permissive rule set".

Um, why? Would you prefer to pay for a rulebook of even more brobdingnagian proportions that is full of telling you what you can't do?

AAAAAND, thanks for showing everyone why.

Meks is da best! Dey makes go fasta and mo dakka!  
Made in il
Warplord Titan Princeps of Tzeentch

niv-mizzet wrote:

ridiculous statement: Any claims that riptides are not undercosted by a wide margin.

That claim is true though, the problem does not lay in the riptide itself, but spesifically in the ion accelerator.
A HBC riptide is a fair deal.

can neither confirm nor deny I lost track of what I've got right now. 
Made in de
Decrepit Dakkanaut

 PrinceRaven wrote:
People who say army tiers are completely fictional and all armies have an equal chance of winning, only the skill of the player matters.
How I deal with it: laugh and leave them to their silly delusions as I stomp their terribly made Blood Angels army.

Unnecessarily offending others is unnecessary. And offensive.

@topic: "Riptides aren't overpowered, they are strong but expensive."

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/04/19 18:28:43

Made in us
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

 BoomWolf wrote:
niv-mizzet wrote:

ridiculous statement: Any claims that riptides are not undercosted by a wide margin.

That claim is true though, the problem does not lay in the riptide itself, but spesifically in the ion accelerator.
A HBC riptide is a fair deal.

It's still too durable for the price as well.
Made in gb
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord

 Idolator wrote:
 Grimtuff wrote:
 Idolator wrote:
My absolute favorite/most repugnant thing that I hear is "permissive rule set".

Um, why? Would you prefer to pay for a rulebook of even more brobdingnagian proportions that is full of telling you what you can't do?

AAAAAND, thanks for showing everyone why.

Nope, still not following you. You're seriously saying you'd rather have a rulebook that resembles this:


Games Workshop Delenda Est.

Users on ignore- 53.

If you break apart my or anyone else's posts line by line I will not read them. 
Made in ca
Veteran Inquisitorial Tyranid Xenokiller

 UlrikDecado wrote:

Ridiculous: "The lasgun doesnt have AP? Geez, without plasmavets its completely useless, why do you play it, its meatshiled for the one lascannon?"
How I deal with it: FRFSRF...please, roll 46 armor saves for your mighty ten space marines.

A GW store (that is now closed) employee told me something in that vein when he learned I was starting a Guard army.

"Imperial Guard? That army sucks! Lasguns are only good against Kroots, because they have no armour save! Why don't you buy *points to marine starter set" waaayy better!"

Made in us
The Hammer of Witches

A new day, a new time zone.

 Grimtuff wrote:
 Idolator wrote:
 Grimtuff wrote:
 Idolator wrote:
My absolute favorite/most repugnant thing that I hear is "permissive rule set".

Um, why? Would you prefer to pay for a rulebook of even more brobdingnagian proportions that is full of telling you what you can't do?

AAAAAND, thanks for showing everyone why.

Nope, still not following you. You're seriously saying you'd rather have a rulebook that resembles this:


Just let it go. Just because people play games doesn't meant hey have clue 1 as to how games actually work.

"-Nonsense, the Inquisitor and his retinue are our hounoured guests, of course we should invite them to celebrate Four-armed Emperor-day with us..."
Thought for the Day - Never use the powerfist hand to wipe. 
Made in us
Rogue Grot Kannon Gunna

 Grimtuff wrote:
 Idolator wrote:
 Grimtuff wrote:
 Idolator wrote:
My absolute favorite/most repugnant thing that I hear is "permissive rule set".

Um, why? Would you prefer to pay for a rulebook of even more brobdingnagian proportions that is full of telling you what you can't do?

AAAAAND, thanks for showing everyone why.

Nope, still not following you. You're seriously saying you'd rather have a rulebook that resembles this:


HEE-Hee! This is why I find it sooo fun as well as revolting.

Everyone that is married/devoted/enslaved into calling it a "permissive ruleset" refuses, absolutely refuse to acknowledge that it is anything else. It's especially funny since there is no such thing as a PERMISSIVE RULESET. The term doesn't even exist outside of some dudes devoted internet ramblings. Add to that, his given definition of permissive rule set is the text book definition of a restrictive rule. Literally, the text book definition of restrictive rule.

Meks is da best! Dey makes go fasta and mo dakka!  
Made in us
Androgynous Daemon Prince of Slaanesh

Norwalk, Connecticut

"40K is the best game out there."

Pretty sure I've seen that on here more than once. Amusing, for sure.

Reality is a nice place to visit, but I'd hate to live there.

Manchu wrote:I'm a Catholic. We eat our God.

Due to work, I can usually only ship any sales or trades out on Saturday morning. Please trade/purchase with this in mind.  
Made in cy
Dakka Veteran

Cyprus and London

 PrinceRaven wrote:
People who say army tiers are completely fictional and all armies have an equal chance of winning, only the skill of the player matters.
How I deal with it: laugh and leave them to their silly delusions as I stomp their terribly made Blood Angels army.

That's cold man

Only through chaos can peace be obtained,
Destruction is our future but we shall not fall from it, We will rise up stronger than ever before and stand together united as one, 
Made in au
Tea-Kettle of Blood

Adelaide, South Australia

 Sigvatr wrote:
 PrinceRaven wrote:
People who say army tiers are completely fictional and all armies have an equal chance of winning, only the skill of the player matters.
How I deal with it: laugh and leave them to their silly delusions as I stomp their terribly made Blood Angels army.

Unnecessarily offending others is unnecessary. And offensive.

I don't find it offensive that some people are ignorant of the gross imbalance between 40k armies.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/04/20 01:32:16

 Ailaros wrote:
You know what really bugs me? When my opponent, before they show up at the FLGS smears themselves in peanut butter and then makes blood sacrifices to Ashterai by slitting the throat of three male chickens and then smears the spatter pattern into the peanut butter to engrave sacred symbols into their chest and upper arms.
I have a peanut allergy. It's really inconsiderate.

"Long ago in a distant land, I, M'kar, the shape-shifting Master of Chaos, unleashed an unspeakable evil! But a foolish Grey Knight warrior wielding a magic sword stepped forth to oppose me. Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in space and flung him into the Warp, where my evil is law! Now the fool seeks to return to real-space, and undo the evil that is Chaos!" 
Made in ca
Master Sergeant

Ridiculous thing? When someone says 40K is a well made, balanced game and GW is a good gaming company. Then we try to wrest the kool-aid from his hands (not usually successful I'm afraid).
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Las Vegas

 Ond Angel wrote:
So, what ridiculous things have you heard from people in 40K, and how do you deal with it? Asking for advice is okay, too.
If this belongs elsewhere, I apologise. I'm sure "General Discussion" is the right place.

Here's mine;
Ridiculous/silly thing: People in my local GW still insist that a psyker arriving from reserve may cast a blessing(s), despite being shown otherwise because "it's all simultaneous, so it doesn't matter that they did arrive from reserve." essentially saying that the rule has no use...
How I deal with it: I don't know how, honestly. I haven't played against anyone trying to insist otherwise since I found this rule, yet. Any advice would be appreciated on how to handle this if it comes up. I don't like coming off as a ****.)

Ridiculous/silly thing: Some of the guys call you a "rules lawyer/Nazi" for following the rules in your own game, and correct rules in your game but hate it and yell at you for doing it to them. I'm fine with people correcting other people mid-game, but it's kinda hypocritical and ridiculous when they yell at you for it.
How I deal with it: ... I don't I have serious issues with not wanting to come off as "that guy". Advice would be nice.

The other player starts yelling at me and verbally abusing me, then goodbye, game over, FOAD.
Made in us
Blood-Drenched Death Company Marine

Little Rock, Arkansas

Martel732 wrote:
 BoomWolf wrote:
niv-mizzet wrote:

ridiculous statement: Any claims that riptides are not undercosted by a wide margin.

That claim is true though, the problem does not lay in the riptide itself, but spesifically in the ion accelerator.
A HBC riptide is a fair deal.

It's still too durable for the price as well.

This. The riptide wouldn't be all that awesome if all those weapons were on a broadside body, ready to drop to the first melta/lascannon to land a hit. It's mainly that you get your preferred load out of weaponry on an agile platform that is comparable to land raiders and small super heavies in durability.

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