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Made in ie
Norn Queen

Dublin, Ireland

Based upon their individual abilities, tank choices and army synergies, who do you think is the best tank commander:
Pask, Chronus or Longstrike?
Have I missed anyone else?

Dman137 wrote:
goobs is all you guys will ever be

By 1-irt: Still as long as Hissy keeps showing up this is one of the most entertaining threads ever.

"Feelin' goods, good enough". 
Made in gb
Lieutenant Colonel

Somewhere in warp space

I personaly would say Pask purely because of how good the Pasknisher combo is, plus his ability to give orders as well.

Black Consuls 1750pts
High Elves 1500pts
Imperial Guard 1000pts
Inquisitorial Allies WIP
Vampire Counts WIP

Creator of the First Piston and Sticky Piston on Dakka Minecraft!

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Made in us
Imperial Guard Landspeeder Pilot

On moon miranda.

Pask is certainly the most versatile with the greatest array of abilities (as he also have Tank Commander orders and a Warlord trait), though also the most expensive. Pricey, but probably able to perform against any foe as desired.

Longstrike is too expensive unless facing an IG army, in which case he comes an auto-include.

Chronus is ho-hum, his abilities are nice, but most of what you're paying for is that BS upgrade, which is pricey for the marginal benefit you get.


New Heavy Gear Log! Also...Grey Knights!
The correct pronunciation is Imperial Guard and Stormtroopers, "Astra Militarum" and "Tempestus Scions" are something you'll find at Hogwarts.  
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


I don't know what past and longstrike do.

Chronus has BS 5 so you're only missing on 1's and he also has ignore crew shaken and stunned results.

Chronus also gives his tank the "it will not die" special rule.

Chronus can be put in any tank in the ultramarines chapter at 50 points. With all those benefits. I think it's a mandatory decision to take Chronus


Perils of the Wallet - YouTube Channel 
Made in ca
Gargantuan Gargant

Johnnytorrance wrote:
I don't know what past and longstrike do.

Chronus has BS 5 so you're only missing on 1's and he also has ignore crew shaken and stunned results.

Chronus also gives his tank the "it will not die" special rule.

Chronus can be put in any tank in the ultramarines chapter at 50 points. With all those benefits. I think it's a mandatory decision to take Chronus

The main problem is that there isn't any SM tanks really worth putting him into as putting him in a vindicator wastes his BS5 on a single-shot blast template platform that is very vulnerable to side shots that WILL get through because of its short ranged weaponry and putting him in a Predator inflates its cost (which is its main strong point) and doesn't enhance its damage output or defense which means it's easier and more cost-effective to just add another Predator to your list. Sadly, the Land Raider chassis should be one of the best choices for him since it has high enough HP and AV for his IWND to actually play a role in keeping it in the game but Land Raiders by their mixed nature as transports make his gun-boat powers largely wasted since its weapons options are either completely wasted with things like Redeemer's Flamestorm cannons since they don't use BS or his BS5 is used on weaponry that is already twin-linked and readily available in cheaper units in the army.

You also have to factor in that if you just take Iron hands Chapter Tactics that you can already have a Land Raider with IWND for no extra cost so it invalidates Chronus to a good degree.

In contrast to this, the Leman Russ chassis is far more robust than the Predator with a variety of guns whose roles cannot be easily be replicated unlike the Predator and Pask only furthers this with his additional abilities in increasing the offensive capabilities of the Russ tenfold. Pask also gets the increased survivability aspect of being able to squadron with other Russes so they take the hits for him instead.

Similarly, Longstrike also brings in the unique ability to overwatch multiple times with other Tau units and greatly enhance the reliability and damage output of the dreaded Railgun (which is, again a weapon unique to the Hammerhead) to singularly focus down vehicles. He's held back mainly because of the Leman Russ chassis simply having more options and capabilities with Pask's buffs being more versatile than Longstrike given that he can shoot 20 S5 rending shots.

So for me it would be Pask, then Longstrike, then Chronus.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/04/21 22:49:19

Made in ca
Commander of the Mysterious 2nd Legion

I've always been somewhat dissastified with the SM tanks. I'd dearly love to see some sort of MBT based on a Land raider Chassis.

Opinions are not facts please don't confuse the two 
Made in us
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?

Fort Worth, TX

I'm gonna have to go with Maximillian Weisemann. His Baneblade laughs at your puny tanks.
Or Captain Obadiah Schfeer, just for coolness.

"Through the darkness of future past, the magician longs to see.
One chants out between two worlds: Fire, walk with me."
- Twin Peaks
"You listen to me. While I will admit to a certain cynicism, the fact is that I am a naysayer and hatchetman in the fight against violence. I pride myself in taking a punch and I'll gladly take another because I choose to live my life in the company of Gandhi and King. My concerns are global. I reject absolutely revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method... is love. I love you Sheriff Truman." - Twin Peaks 
Made in us
Imperial Guard Landspeeder Pilot

On moon miranda.

BrianDavion wrote:
I've always been somewhat dissastified with the SM tanks. I'd dearly love to see some sort of MBT based on a Land raider Chassis.

Well, to be fair, they're not supposed to be a "tank army", the tanks are there to support the super soldier infantry who do a majority of the work, unlike with say, IG, where the tanks do the heavy lifting and are supported by underwhelming infantry.


New Heavy Gear Log! Also...Grey Knights!
The correct pronunciation is Imperial Guard and Stormtroopers, "Astra Militarum" and "Tempestus Scions" are something you'll find at Hogwarts.  
Made in br
Fireknife Shas'el

Lisbon, Portugal

Longstrike is good because of almost limitless overwatch. PE (IG/AM) is a nice bonus, but not the main reason to take him
Pask is very good. IA1e2 has more tank commanders for IG/AM
The only tank I'd put Chronus in would be a Tri-las Pred

BrianDavion wrote:
I've always been somewhat dissastified with the SM tanks. I'd dearly love to see some sort of MBT based on a Land raider Chassis.

Closest thing SM have is the Sicaran, in the IA2e2. Very good tank (don't know if you can put Chronus in one)

AI & BFG: / BMG: Mr. Freeze, Deathstroke / Battletech: SR, OWA / Fallout Factions: BoS / HGB: Caprice / Malifaux: Arcanists, Guild, Outcasts / MCP: Mutants / SAGA: Ordensstaat / SW Legion: CIS / WWX: Union

 Unit1126PLL wrote:
"FW is unbalanced and going to ruin tournaments."
"Name one where it did that."

 Shadenuat wrote:
Voted Astra Militarum for a chance for them to get nerfed instead of my own army.
Made in us
Archmagos Veneratus Extremis

On the Internet

Johnnytorrance wrote:
I don't know what past and longstrike do.

Chronus has BS 5 so you're only missing on 1's and he also has ignore crew shaken and stunned results.

Chronus also gives his tank the "it will not die" special rule.

Chronus can be put in any tank in the ultramarines chapter at 50 points. With all those benefits. I think it's a mandatory decision to take Chronus

Mandatory in Apoc especially. BS5 Superheavy tanks!

In normal games they all have their strengths and weaknesses. Pask is pretty much a monster in his own right thanks to the majesty of the mighty Leman Russ, but Chronus and Longstrike are also good.

And Longstrike can overwatch with a Railgun multiple times in a row in the same shooting phase. That's kind of epic.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Saratoga Springs, NY

The problem with Longstrike is that he has a special rule that does absolutely nothing. He has preferred enemy (Imperial Guard). There is no army called Imperial Guard in the game. Untll they re-name it in a FAQ to preferred enemy (Astra Militarium) it's completely useless...

That said I will still always take him with a Railgun. Someday I will kill something with that railgun on overwatch...then I will laugh. I put a wound on a Carinfex once, but it wasn't the last wound sadly :(

Like watching other people play video games (badly) while blathering about nothing in particular? Check out my Youtube channel: joemamaUSA!

BrianDavion wrote:
Between the two of us... I think GW is assuming we the players are not complete idiots.

Rapidly on path to becoming the world's youngest bitter old man. 
Made in us
Powerful Phoenix Lord

Buffalo, NY

 ClockworkZion wrote:
Johnnytorrance wrote:
Chronus can be put in any tank in the ultramarines chapter at 50 points. With all those benefits. I think it's a mandatory decision to take Chronus

Mandatory in Apoc especially. BS5 Superheavy tanks!

Query. How does Chronus get in a Super-heavy?

He can only get in Tanks, and Super-heavy vehicles are technically not Tanks.

Greebo had spent an irritating two minutes in that box. Technically, a cat locked in a box may be alive or it may be dead. You never know until you look. In fact, the mere act of opening the box will determine the state of the cat, although in this case there were three determinate states the cat could be in: these being Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious.
Orks always ride in single file to hide their strength and numbers.
Gozer the Gozerian, Gozer the Destructor, Volguus Zildrohar, Gozer the Traveler, and Lord of the Sebouillia 
Made in br
Fireknife Shas'el

Lisbon, Portugal

 dementedwombat wrote:
The problem with Longstrike is that he has a special rule that does absolutely nothing. He has preferred enemy (Imperial Guard). There is no army called Imperial Guard in the game. Untll they re-name it in a FAQ to preferred enemy (Astra Militarium) it's completely useless...

That said I will still always take him with a Railgun. Someday I will kill something with that railgun on overwatch...then I will laugh. I put a wound on a Carinfex once, but it wasn't the last wound sadly :(

maybe tampering with Ion Cannon and the FW options for the overwatch? 3 S7 AP3, 4 S6 AP2 or 4 S7 AP4 (TL) could be interesting - everything that charges infantry would be hurt by those weapons (except Ironclads regarding the plasma cannons).

AI & BFG: / BMG: Mr. Freeze, Deathstroke / Battletech: SR, OWA / Fallout Factions: BoS / HGB: Caprice / Malifaux: Arcanists, Guild, Outcasts / MCP: Mutants / SAGA: Ordensstaat / SW Legion: CIS / WWX: Union

 Unit1126PLL wrote:
"FW is unbalanced and going to ruin tournaments."
"Name one where it did that."

 Shadenuat wrote:
Voted Astra Militarum for a chance for them to get nerfed instead of my own army.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Saratoga Springs, NY

 Vector Strike wrote:
 dementedwombat wrote:
The problem with Longstrike is that he has a special rule that does absolutely nothing. He has preferred enemy (Imperial Guard). There is no army called Imperial Guard in the game. Untll they re-name it in a FAQ to preferred enemy (Astra Militarium) it's completely useless...

That said I will still always take him with a Railgun. Someday I will kill something with that railgun on overwatch...then I will laugh. I put a wound on a Carinfex once, but it wasn't the last wound sadly :(

maybe tampering with Ion Cannon and the FW options for the overwatch? 3 S7 AP3, 4 S6 AP2 or 4 S7 AP4 (TL) could be interesting - everything that charges infantry would be hurt by those weapons (except Ironclads regarding the plasma cannons).
Could be a thing. I just hate the fact that the forge world turrets are 2 weapons when we lost the ability to fire like fast vehicles. Being able to nudge my tank an inch and get a 4+ cover save with the disruption pod is too good to pass up! Also BS5 S10 Tank Hunter is pretty dang good. People say Tau have a problem with AV 14, Longstrike with a railgun is my ace in the hole against that.

Like watching other people play video games (badly) while blathering about nothing in particular? Check out my Youtube channel: joemamaUSA!

BrianDavion wrote:
Between the two of us... I think GW is assuming we the players are not complete idiots.

Rapidly on path to becoming the world's youngest bitter old man. 
Made in us
Archmagos Veneratus Extremis

On the Internet

 Happyjew wrote:
 ClockworkZion wrote:
Johnnytorrance wrote:
Chronus can be put in any tank in the ultramarines chapter at 50 points. With all those benefits. I think it's a mandatory decision to take Chronus

Mandatory in Apoc especially. BS5 Superheavy tanks!

Query. How does Chronus get in a Super-heavy?

He can only get in Tanks, and Super-heavy vehicles are technically not Tanks.

There are plenty of Super Heavies that have the vehicle type Tank as part of what they are. At least the ones FW likes to put out (like the Fellblade!).
Made in us
Powerful Phoenix Lord

Buffalo, NY

 ClockworkZion wrote:
 Happyjew wrote:
 ClockworkZion wrote:
Johnnytorrance wrote:
Chronus can be put in any tank in the ultramarines chapter at 50 points. With all those benefits. I think it's a mandatory decision to take Chronus

Mandatory in Apoc especially. BS5 Superheavy tanks!

Query. How does Chronus get in a Super-heavy?

He can only get in Tanks, and Super-heavy vehicles are technically not Tanks.

There are plenty of Super Heavies that have the vehicle type Tank as part of what they are. At least the ones FW likes to put out (like the Fellblade!).

Fellblade - Unit Type: Super-heavy Vehicle
Typhon Heavy Siege Tank - Unit Type: Super-heavy Vehicle
Cerberus - Unit Type: Super-heavy Vehicle

There are Super-heavy Vehicles, Super-heavy Flyers and Super-heavy Walkers. It's only in older publications will you still find Super-heavy tanks.

Greebo had spent an irritating two minutes in that box. Technically, a cat locked in a box may be alive or it may be dead. You never know until you look. In fact, the mere act of opening the box will determine the state of the cat, although in this case there were three determinate states the cat could be in: these being Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious.
Orks always ride in single file to hide their strength and numbers.
Gozer the Gozerian, Gozer the Destructor, Volguus Zildrohar, Gozer the Traveler, and Lord of the Sebouillia 
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

 dementedwombat wrote:
The problem with Longstrike is that he has a special rule that does absolutely nothing. He has preferred enemy (Imperial Guard). There is no army called Imperial Guard in the game. Untll they re-name it in a FAQ to preferred enemy (Astra Militarium) it's completely useless...

Made in us
Archmagos Veneratus Extremis

On the Internet

 Happyjew wrote:
 ClockworkZion wrote:
 Happyjew wrote:
 ClockworkZion wrote:
Johnnytorrance wrote:
Chronus can be put in any tank in the ultramarines chapter at 50 points. With all those benefits. I think it's a mandatory decision to take Chronus

Mandatory in Apoc especially. BS5 Superheavy tanks!

Query. How does Chronus get in a Super-heavy?

He can only get in Tanks, and Super-heavy vehicles are technically not Tanks.

There are plenty of Super Heavies that have the vehicle type Tank as part of what they are. At least the ones FW likes to put out (like the Fellblade!).

Fellblade - Unit Type: Super-heavy Vehicle
Typhon Heavy Siege Tank - Unit Type: Super-heavy Vehicle
Cerberus - Unit Type: Super-heavy Vehicle

There are Super-heavy Vehicles, Super-heavy Flyers and Super-heavy Walkers. It's only in older publications will you still find Super-heavy tanks.

Horus Heresy Betrayal: Fellblade: Tank, Super-heavy and so forth.

It's the only one of these I've got right now so forgive me for not being aware of the change when they didn't issue an errata to do just that. My current bank seems to be really anti-out of country purchases so I've given up on trying to get the others lately. I doubt I'm the only one in that kind of boat either of not having the most recent book and older things not being updated properly.
Made in us
Member of the Ethereal Council

I think, with IG hitting the tournament scene, Longstrike might be making a comeback in my lists.

5000pts 6000pts 3000pts
Made in us
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

I'm partial to Creighton Abrams, but GUderian was also great....

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/04/22 05:29:07

.Only a fool believes there is such a thing as price gouging. Things have value determined by the creator or merchant. If you don't agree with that value, you are free not to purchase. 
Made in ca
Commander of the Mysterious 2nd Legion

 dementedwombat wrote:
The problem with Longstrike is that he has a special rule that does absolutely nothing. He has preferred enemy (Imperial Guard). There is no army called Imperial Guard in the game. Untll they re-name it in a FAQ to preferred enemy (Astra Militarium) it's completely useless...

Between the two of us... I think GW is assuming we the players are not complete idiots.

Opinions are not facts please don't confuse the two 
Made in us
Douglas Bader

 Tannhauser42 wrote:
I'm gonna have to go with Maximillian Weisemann. His Baneblade laughs at your puny tanks.


 ClockworkZion wrote:
Horus Heresy Betrayal: Fellblade: Tank, Super-heavy and so forth.

Those rules are obsolete, since they're from before the current Apocalypse expansion made major changes to the superheavy vehicle rules. They're no longer tanks (and the current 40k rules for them reflect this change), and even if they were Chronus can only be added to an Ultramarines detachment and a Fellblade is a separate LoW detachment. The only way to get him into a Fellblade would be in a game where your fellow players agree to let you do something cool for fluff reasons even if it's not technically legal.

There is no such thing as a hobby without politics. "Leave politics at the door" is itself a political statement, an endorsement of the status quo and an attempt to silence dissenting voices. 
Made in se
Glorious Lord of Chaos

The burning pits of Hades, also known as Sweden in summer

Fluffwise probably Chronus. Gamewise it's the Paskisher.

I should think of a new signature... In the meantime, have a  
Made in ca
Heroic Senior Officer

Krieg! What a hole...

Pask is the man who brings down Titans using lascannon in the fluff, don't think Chronus can match that.

Member of 40k Montreal There is only war in Montreal
Primarchs are a mistake
DKoK Blog:http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/419263.page Have a look, I guarantee you will not see greyer armies, EVER! Now with at least 4 shades of grey

Savageconvoy wrote:
Snookie gives birth to Heavy Gun drone squad. Someone says they are overpowered. World ends.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

 dementedwombat wrote:
The problem with Longstrike is that he has a special rule that does absolutely nothing. He has preferred enemy (Imperial Guard). There is no army called Imperial Guard in the game. Untll they re-name it in a FAQ to preferred enemy (Astra Militarium) it's completely useless...

Sure, I'll play it that way. And at the same time, they don't get any allies, as there is no Astra Militarum on the allies chart, just Imperial Guard, and they don't exist any more. So no Inquisitors for you.
Made in ca
Commander of the Mysterious 2nd Legion

 Bobthehero wrote:
Pask is the man who brings down Titans using lascannon in the fluff, don't think Chronus can match that.

No, in the fluff the Ultramarines apparently use devesatator Squads for that

Opinions are not facts please don't confuse the two 
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

In a straight up duel between Pask and Longstrike, while Pask is way more likely to Pen AND hit (Bs4 TL > BS5) in the first place, the 4+ cover save from longstrike nudging is probably the saviour there.

(rough odds - 5/6*(1/3+(2/3*1/3))*1/2 chance to kill for Longstirke = 25/108 or ~25%, assuming Pask doesnt do the shoot then smoke order having gone first, and isnt in cover of his own. Pask has (2/3+(1/3*2/3))*~70% to pen *1/2 cover *1/3 destroy = ~9%)
Made in dk
Servoarm Flailing Magos


BrianDavion wrote:
 Bobthehero wrote:
Pask is the man who brings down Titans using lascannon in the fluff, don't think Chronus can match that.

No, in the fluff the Ultramarines apparently use devesatator Squads for that

Marbo does it with his knife, but no one bothered to write about such an uneven match-up with such a foregone conclusion.

Made in us
Archmagos Veneratus Extremis

On the Internet

 Peregrine wrote:
 Tannhauser42 wrote:
I'm gonna have to go with Maximillian Weisemann. His Baneblade laughs at your puny tanks.


 ClockworkZion wrote:
Horus Heresy Betrayal: Fellblade: Tank, Super-heavy and so forth.

Those rules are obsolete, since they're from before the current Apocalypse expansion made major changes to the superheavy vehicle rules. They're no longer tanks (and the current 40k rules for them reflect this change), and even if they were Chronus can only be added to an Ultramarines detachment and a Fellblade is a separate LoW detachment. The only way to get him into a Fellblade would be in a game where your fellow players agree to let you do something cool for fluff reasons even if it's not technically legal.

Yeah, as has been pointed out to me already, I was just explaining where I got it making you late to the party on this one. And in Apoc they'd be in the same detachment.
Made in us
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot

killeen TX

Chronos knows how to jump out a vehicle when it is getting destroyed. The only one of the three with legs.

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2,000 points

265 point detachment

Imperial Knight detachment: 375

Iron Hands: 1,850

where ever you go, there you are 
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