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Made in au
Battle-tested Knight Castellan Pilot


If your running that many HD's, I've found a triarch stalker is disgustingly efficient with them. Making them hit on 2's RR, backed up by its own HGC, makes a very angry little pocket of shooting.

But its best to post lists in the section dedicated for them friend

Made in us
Loyal Necron Lychguard

Yeah the only issue with running that many HDs is that you're putting a massive number of points into low number of shots. One shot per model is such a problem against a lot of armies. Sure you'll be pretty good at sniping off like, maybe some MSU or MCs, but a lot of stuff needs a much higher volume.
Made in ie
Deranged Necron Destroyer

Tbh, I would rather chat army lists and tactics in this thread due to how much knowledge this thread has. But I can see your point :p. I can see the Triarch is a good buff with +1 BS buff but wouldnt that limit atleast 1 H destroyer from move and running 2d6?

I can see your point with the lack of units. But I have 6 Wraiths that can most fast, 10 warriors in Ghost Ark that can move fast, Cryptek with 10 warriors that can deepstrike and have buffs via the cryptek.

All HDs and Pylon will DS in so that they can be as useful as possible.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/04/05 20:08:04

I have a Youtube. Rage Against The Imperium. Here is the link if you are interested - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0WxDMsMyI7WcChiSfApB4Q

Necrons - Legion of The Silent King - [756-809 PL, 15038-16076pts]

Unbound Army (Faction) (Necrons)
Anrakyr the Traveller
Catacomb Command Barge
Selections: Gauss Cannon, Warscythe - 3
Selections: Canoptek Cloak, Staff of Light - 2
Selections: Chronometron, Staff of Light - 3
Destroyer Lord
Selections: Warscythe
Destroyer Lord
Selections: Staff of Light
Illuminor Szeras
Imotekh the Stormlord
Selections: Warscythe
Nemesor Zahndrekh
Orikan the Diviner
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Voidscythe
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Warscythe - 3
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Staff of Light
Selections: Hyperphase Sword, Resurrection Orb
Trazyn the Infinite
Vargard Obyron


Selections: Gauss Blaster, 15x Immortal
Selections: 15x Immortal, Tesla Carbine
Necron Warriors
Selections: 100x Necron Warrior
Necron Warriors


C'tan Shard of the Deceiver
C'tan Shard of the Nightbringer
Canoptek Tomb Stalker
Selections: 25x Deathmark
Flayed Ones
Selections: 20x Flayed One
Selections: Hyperphase Sword and Dispersion Shield, 10x Lychguard
Selections: 6x Lychguard, Warscythe
Triarch Praetorians
Selections: Rod of Covenant, 10x Triarch Praetorian
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Heat Ray*
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Particle Shredder*
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Twin Heavy Gauss Cannon*

Fast Attack

Canoptek Scarabs
Selections: 63x Canoptek Scarab Swarm
Canoptek Scarabs
Canoptek Tomb Sentinel
Canoptek Wraiths
Selections: 3x Canoptek Wraith
Canoptek Wraiths
3x Canoptek Wraith w/ Transdimensional Beamer
Selections: 3x Transdimensional Beamer
6x Canoptek Wraith w/ Whip Coils
Selections: 6x Whip Coils
5x Destroyer
Selections: 5x Gauss Cannon
5x Destroyer
Selections: 5x Gauss Cannon
Tomb Blades
Selections: Shadowloom, Shieldvanes
Two Gauss Blasters - 9
Heavy Support
Annihilation Barge
Selections: Gauss Cannon - 3*
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Doomsday Ark
Doomsday Ark
3x Heavy Destroyer
Tesseract Ark
Two Tesla Cannons
Selections: 2x Tesla Cannon
Transcendent C'tan

Doom Scythe - 4*
Night Scythe - 4*

Dedicated Transport
Ghost Ark - 3*

Lord of War
Gauss Pylon

* - This unit is magnetized so can be either model e.g. Doomscythe or Nightscythe
Made in jp
Proud Triarch Praetorian

When we made​ this list before it included a couple Stalkers and a Void Shield Generator. Spread the HDs out with a Stalker on each of your own sides of the table, all within range of the VSG. Vehicles were pretty much gone the first turn.
It included 2 MSUs of Wraiths to tie up combat units, with 4 MSU Immortals going after objectives.
Never played it, as I didn't have enough HDs to physically create the list, but on paper it made sense... wish I could find it again.

Made in us
Tail-spinning Tomb Blade Pilot

My ancient "lab"

You guys keep talking about pylons and stuff, is the FW cron stuff worth it? Should I buy FoO and the like for competitive lists?

My Necron Blog! http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/693066.page
My Screw-Around Blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/701938.page
My personal favorite YT WH40K channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnHCy9ID33sHp6Quirb1-XA

Made in jp
Proud Triarch Praetorian


But yes, "Pylon-star" is our most competitive build... but it still can't usually beat other armies most competitive builds.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

 skoffs wrote:
When we made​ this list before it included a couple Stalkers and a Void Shield Generator. Spread the HDs out with a Stalker on each of your own sides of the table, all within range of the VSG. Vehicles were pretty much gone the first turn.
It included 2 MSUs of Wraiths to tie up combat units, with 4 MSU Immortals going after objectives.
Never played it, as I didn't have enough HDs to physically create the list, but on paper it made sense... wish I could find it again.

+++ S9 Spam 2.0 (1849pts) +++

++ CAD 1 ++

+ HQ (75pts) +
Lord [Staff of Light, The Veil of Darkness] (75pts)

+ Elites (135pts) +
Triarch Stalker [Heavy Gauss Cannon] (135pts)

+ Troops (170pts) +
5x Immortals [Gauss] (85pts)
5x Immortals [Tesla] (85pts)

+ Fast Attack (260pts) +
4x Wraiths (160pts)
1x Heavy Destroyer (50pts)
1x Heavy Destroyer (50pts)

+ Heavy Support (150pts) +
1x Heavy Destroyer (50pts)
1x Heavy Destroyer (50pts)
1x Heavy Destroyer (50pts)

++ CAD 2 ++

+ HQ (50pts) +
Lord [Staff of Light] (50pts)

+ Elites (135pts) +
Triarch Stalker [Heavy Gauss Cannon] (135pts)

+ Troops (430pts) +
5x Immortals [Gauss] [Night Scythe] (215pts)
5x Immortals [Gauss] [Night Scythe] (215pts)

+ Fast Attack (194pts) +
4x Tomb Blades (4x Beamers, 4x Scopes, 3x Shields) (94pts)
1x Heavy Destroyer (50pts)
1x Heavy Destroyer (50pts)

+ Heavy Support (150pts) +
1x Heavy Destroyer (50pts)
1x Heavy Destroyer (50pts)
1x Heavy Destroyer (50pts)

++ Fortification ++
Void Shield Generator [3x Void Shields] (100pts)
Made in us
Tail-spinning Tomb Blade Pilot

My ancient "lab"

 skoffs wrote:

But yes, "Pylon-star" is our most competitive build... but it still can't usually beat other armies most competitive builds.

Fall of Orpheus is what I meant. I assume it hold all of the special stats for our FW units. You'll have to forgive me, i've only been playing for a couple years now and am still new to the idea of death stars. How is this one built, and what other kinds of "stars" do we have in our arsenal?

My Necron Blog! http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/693066.page
My Screw-Around Blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/701938.page
My personal favorite YT WH40K channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnHCy9ID33sHp6Quirb1-XA

Made in jp
Proud Triarch Praetorian

col_impact wrote:
 skoffs wrote:
When we made​ this list before it included a couple Stalkers and a Void Shield Generator. Spread the HDs out with a Stalker on each of your own sides of the table, all within range of the VSG. Vehicles were pretty much gone the first turn.
It included 2 MSUs of Wraiths to tie up combat units, with 4 MSU Immortals going after objectives.
Never played it, as I didn't have enough HDs to physically create the list, but on paper it made sense... wish I could find it again.

+++ S9 Spam 2.0 (1849pts) +++

++ CAD 1 ++

+ HQ (75pts) +
Lord [Staff of Light, The Veil of Darkness] (75pts)

+ Elites (135pts) +
Triarch Stalker [Heavy Gauss Cannon] (135pts)

+ Troops (170pts) +
5x Immortals [Gauss] (85pts)
5x Immortals [Tesla] (85pts)

+ Fast Attack (260pts) +
4x Wraiths (160pts)
1x Heavy Destroyer (50pts)
1x Heavy Destroyer (50pts)

+ Heavy Support (150pts) +
1x Heavy Destroyer (50pts)
1x Heavy Destroyer (50pts)
1x Heavy Destroyer (50pts)

++ CAD 2 ++

+ HQ (50pts) +
Lord [Staff of Light] (50pts)

+ Elites (135pts) +
Triarch Stalker [Heavy Gauss Cannon] (135pts)

+ Troops (430pts) +
5x Immortals [Gauss] [Night Scythe] (215pts)
5x Immortals [Gauss] [Night Scythe] (215pts)

+ Fast Attack (194pts) +
4x Tomb Blades (4x Beamers, 4x Scopes, 3x Shields) (94pts)
1x Heavy Destroyer (50pts)
1x Heavy Destroyer (50pts)

+ Heavy Support (150pts) +
1x Heavy Destroyer (50pts)
1x Heavy Destroyer (50pts)
1x Heavy Destroyer (50pts)

++ Fortification ++
Void Shield Generator [3x Void Shields] (100pts)

Ah, my mistake.
One Wraith unit and one Tomb Blade unit... Hmm, could probably drop a NS to get another Stalker in there.

Thanks for the reminder.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
On second thought, no, two Stalkers are fine. Having three mobile ObSec units would be better.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/04/06 03:27:44

Made in ie
Deranged Necron Destroyer

I never used a Void Shield Generatir. How does that work?

For an 1850 list I would be tempted to drop the lsit from 10 HDs down to 6 and instead field 2 units of 4 TBs and 2 4 Units of Wraiths as well to get more fast moving models and more durable ones as well. 2 stalker to benefit the HDs but might also put an immortals near a stalker as well depending on the placement of objects. Do pylons get the +1BS if within 6" of a stalker? If so that could be broken.

I would still run atleast 1 D Lord to put with a unit of wraiths and the cryptek with the 10 warriors. I think 3 units of immortals is enough of "dedicated" object scores. TBs and anything DS can get the rest across the table.

*I would built a list but I do not have access to an army builder atm so will update this post when I have the above idea in a list*

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/04/06 06:46:34

I have a Youtube. Rage Against The Imperium. Here is the link if you are interested - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0WxDMsMyI7WcChiSfApB4Q

Necrons - Legion of The Silent King - [756-809 PL, 15038-16076pts]

Unbound Army (Faction) (Necrons)
Anrakyr the Traveller
Catacomb Command Barge
Selections: Gauss Cannon, Warscythe - 3
Selections: Canoptek Cloak, Staff of Light - 2
Selections: Chronometron, Staff of Light - 3
Destroyer Lord
Selections: Warscythe
Destroyer Lord
Selections: Staff of Light
Illuminor Szeras
Imotekh the Stormlord
Selections: Warscythe
Nemesor Zahndrekh
Orikan the Diviner
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Voidscythe
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Warscythe - 3
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Staff of Light
Selections: Hyperphase Sword, Resurrection Orb
Trazyn the Infinite
Vargard Obyron


Selections: Gauss Blaster, 15x Immortal
Selections: 15x Immortal, Tesla Carbine
Necron Warriors
Selections: 100x Necron Warrior
Necron Warriors


C'tan Shard of the Deceiver
C'tan Shard of the Nightbringer
Canoptek Tomb Stalker
Selections: 25x Deathmark
Flayed Ones
Selections: 20x Flayed One
Selections: Hyperphase Sword and Dispersion Shield, 10x Lychguard
Selections: 6x Lychguard, Warscythe
Triarch Praetorians
Selections: Rod of Covenant, 10x Triarch Praetorian
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Heat Ray*
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Particle Shredder*
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Twin Heavy Gauss Cannon*

Fast Attack

Canoptek Scarabs
Selections: 63x Canoptek Scarab Swarm
Canoptek Scarabs
Canoptek Tomb Sentinel
Canoptek Wraiths
Selections: 3x Canoptek Wraith
Canoptek Wraiths
3x Canoptek Wraith w/ Transdimensional Beamer
Selections: 3x Transdimensional Beamer
6x Canoptek Wraith w/ Whip Coils
Selections: 6x Whip Coils
5x Destroyer
Selections: 5x Gauss Cannon
5x Destroyer
Selections: 5x Gauss Cannon
Tomb Blades
Selections: Shadowloom, Shieldvanes
Two Gauss Blasters - 9
Heavy Support
Annihilation Barge
Selections: Gauss Cannon - 3*
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Doomsday Ark
Doomsday Ark
3x Heavy Destroyer
Tesseract Ark
Two Tesla Cannons
Selections: 2x Tesla Cannon
Transcendent C'tan

Doom Scythe - 4*
Night Scythe - 4*

Dedicated Transport
Ghost Ark - 3*

Lord of War
Gauss Pylon

* - This unit is magnetized so can be either model e.g. Doomscythe or Nightscythe
Made in jp
Proud Triarch Praetorian

Odrankt wrote:
I would built a list but I do not have access to an army builder atm so will update this post when I have the above idea in a list*

This does the job well enough, if you just need a quick list built.

Made in us
Loyal Necron Lychguard

 JustaerinAtTheWall wrote:
You guys keep talking about pylons and stuff, is the FW cron stuff worth it? Should I buy FoO and the like for competitive lists?

Be wary about buying FW Necron stuff. It hasn't been updated in a long time (so some places don't even allow it), and with the rules overhaul coming with 8th we may see them re-release the rules shortly after. They redid all their Fantasy stuff for AoS, so I'd put a pin in it until after the new edition.
Made in jp
Proud Triarch Praetorian

Speaking of the new rules, I wonder how these are going to affect us?

1- Okay.
2- We don't have much template weapons, so probably no big deal. If anything, it may help, giving us a reason to take Doomsday Arks.
3- Might be good. Wonder how Gauss will work now?
4- See above. Just hope my precious Destroyers are still good.
5- Cool.
6- Alright.
7- Well, the only vehicles we've got are open topped already but the transport version can only take Warriors, so no big deal there... unless they shake things up for the data slates and allow anyone to get into Ghost Arks, in which case Lychguard will finally have the party bus they've always wanted.

Made in ie
Deranged Necron Destroyer

This does the job well enough, if you just need a quick list built.

Thank you for the link. I was able to create the list. Here it is anyway.



Destroyer Lord The Nightmare Shroud, Phase Shifter, Warscythe


Triarch Stalker w Heavy Gauss

Triarch Stalker w Heavy Gauss


5 Immortals

5 Immortals


4 Tomb Blades, Shield Vanes, Nebuloscope 3 w/ Gauss 1 w/ P Beamer

4 Tomb Blades, Shield Vanes, Nebuloscope 3 w/ Gauss 1 w/ P Beamer

4 Tomb Blades, Shield Vanes, Nebuloscope 3 w/ Gauss 1 w/ P Beamer


Heavy Destroyer

Heavy Destroyer

Heavy Destroyer


Void Shield Generator,3 Shields


Cryptek w/ Chronometron, Phase Shifter, Veil of Darkness, Staff of Light


5 Immortals

10 Warriors


5 Wraiths w/ Coils


Heavy Destroyer

Heavy Destroyer

Heavy Destroyer

All for 1845pts

I have a Youtube. Rage Against The Imperium. Here is the link if you are interested - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0WxDMsMyI7WcChiSfApB4Q

Necrons - Legion of The Silent King - [756-809 PL, 15038-16076pts]

Unbound Army (Faction) (Necrons)
Anrakyr the Traveller
Catacomb Command Barge
Selections: Gauss Cannon, Warscythe - 3
Selections: Canoptek Cloak, Staff of Light - 2
Selections: Chronometron, Staff of Light - 3
Destroyer Lord
Selections: Warscythe
Destroyer Lord
Selections: Staff of Light
Illuminor Szeras
Imotekh the Stormlord
Selections: Warscythe
Nemesor Zahndrekh
Orikan the Diviner
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Voidscythe
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Warscythe - 3
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Staff of Light
Selections: Hyperphase Sword, Resurrection Orb
Trazyn the Infinite
Vargard Obyron


Selections: Gauss Blaster, 15x Immortal
Selections: 15x Immortal, Tesla Carbine
Necron Warriors
Selections: 100x Necron Warrior
Necron Warriors


C'tan Shard of the Deceiver
C'tan Shard of the Nightbringer
Canoptek Tomb Stalker
Selections: 25x Deathmark
Flayed Ones
Selections: 20x Flayed One
Selections: Hyperphase Sword and Dispersion Shield, 10x Lychguard
Selections: 6x Lychguard, Warscythe
Triarch Praetorians
Selections: Rod of Covenant, 10x Triarch Praetorian
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Heat Ray*
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Particle Shredder*
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Twin Heavy Gauss Cannon*

Fast Attack

Canoptek Scarabs
Selections: 63x Canoptek Scarab Swarm
Canoptek Scarabs
Canoptek Tomb Sentinel
Canoptek Wraiths
Selections: 3x Canoptek Wraith
Canoptek Wraiths
3x Canoptek Wraith w/ Transdimensional Beamer
Selections: 3x Transdimensional Beamer
6x Canoptek Wraith w/ Whip Coils
Selections: 6x Whip Coils
5x Destroyer
Selections: 5x Gauss Cannon
5x Destroyer
Selections: 5x Gauss Cannon
Tomb Blades
Selections: Shadowloom, Shieldvanes
Two Gauss Blasters - 9
Heavy Support
Annihilation Barge
Selections: Gauss Cannon - 3*
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Doomsday Ark
Doomsday Ark
3x Heavy Destroyer
Tesseract Ark
Two Tesla Cannons
Selections: 2x Tesla Cannon
Transcendent C'tan

Doom Scythe - 4*
Night Scythe - 4*

Dedicated Transport
Ghost Ark - 3*

Lord of War
Gauss Pylon

* - This unit is magnetized so can be either model e.g. Doomscythe or Nightscythe
Made in us
Loyal Necron Lychguard

I'm calling bunk. At the very least, #2 is bull since the new Shadow War: Armageddon box set just shipped with blast and flamer templates, along with rules referencing them. And the unit profiles in that look suspiciously like the unit profiles you might see in a new edition of 40k, so I'm inclined to think that they're not going anywhere. They could be, but I'd be really surprised if they were gone.

June/July also seems really early, to be honest.
Made in ie
Deranged Necron Destroyer

Codexs aren't "gone" but will be more like AoS Battletombs. They won't be necessary if you have the "40K Generals Handbook". But it will be for people who will want to know the fluff, formations and new "warscrolls".

If we go by Shadow War: Armageddon.
Necrons have the Shred special rule for their guns instead of Gauss. Siince Gauss auto-pens on 6s and these rumours say armour will be gone it looks like we will have Shred instead of Gauss rule for our weapons. Which might actually be more devastating. But, army might be points heavy though to balance that rule if it is on every gun.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/04/06 16:54:35

I have a Youtube. Rage Against The Imperium. Here is the link if you are interested - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0WxDMsMyI7WcChiSfApB4Q

Necrons - Legion of The Silent King - [756-809 PL, 15038-16076pts]

Unbound Army (Faction) (Necrons)
Anrakyr the Traveller
Catacomb Command Barge
Selections: Gauss Cannon, Warscythe - 3
Selections: Canoptek Cloak, Staff of Light - 2
Selections: Chronometron, Staff of Light - 3
Destroyer Lord
Selections: Warscythe
Destroyer Lord
Selections: Staff of Light
Illuminor Szeras
Imotekh the Stormlord
Selections: Warscythe
Nemesor Zahndrekh
Orikan the Diviner
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Voidscythe
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Warscythe - 3
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Staff of Light
Selections: Hyperphase Sword, Resurrection Orb
Trazyn the Infinite
Vargard Obyron


Selections: Gauss Blaster, 15x Immortal
Selections: 15x Immortal, Tesla Carbine
Necron Warriors
Selections: 100x Necron Warrior
Necron Warriors


C'tan Shard of the Deceiver
C'tan Shard of the Nightbringer
Canoptek Tomb Stalker
Selections: 25x Deathmark
Flayed Ones
Selections: 20x Flayed One
Selections: Hyperphase Sword and Dispersion Shield, 10x Lychguard
Selections: 6x Lychguard, Warscythe
Triarch Praetorians
Selections: Rod of Covenant, 10x Triarch Praetorian
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Heat Ray*
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Particle Shredder*
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Twin Heavy Gauss Cannon*

Fast Attack

Canoptek Scarabs
Selections: 63x Canoptek Scarab Swarm
Canoptek Scarabs
Canoptek Tomb Sentinel
Canoptek Wraiths
Selections: 3x Canoptek Wraith
Canoptek Wraiths
3x Canoptek Wraith w/ Transdimensional Beamer
Selections: 3x Transdimensional Beamer
6x Canoptek Wraith w/ Whip Coils
Selections: 6x Whip Coils
5x Destroyer
Selections: 5x Gauss Cannon
5x Destroyer
Selections: 5x Gauss Cannon
Tomb Blades
Selections: Shadowloom, Shieldvanes
Two Gauss Blasters - 9
Heavy Support
Annihilation Barge
Selections: Gauss Cannon - 3*
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Doomsday Ark
Doomsday Ark
3x Heavy Destroyer
Tesseract Ark
Two Tesla Cannons
Selections: 2x Tesla Cannon
Transcendent C'tan

Doom Scythe - 4*
Night Scythe - 4*

Dedicated Transport
Ghost Ark - 3*

Lord of War
Gauss Pylon

* - This unit is magnetized so can be either model e.g. Doomscythe or Nightscythe
Made in us
Loyal Necron Lychguard

Odrankt wrote:
Codexs aren't "gone" but will be more like AoS Battletombs. They won't be necessary if you have the "40K Generals Handbook". But it will be for people who will want to know the fluff, formations and new "warscrolls".

If we go by Shadow War: Armageddon.
Necrons have the Shred special rule for their guns instead of Gauss. Siince Gauss auto-pens on 6s and these rumours say armour will be gone it looks like we will have Shred instead of Gauss rule for our weapons. Which might actually be more devastating. But, army might be points heavy though to balance that rule if it is on every gun.

Shadow Wars "spoiler"
Army wide Shred would be a massive power spike imo. We're getting almost 50% more wounds against most opponents if not more.

Bespoke move rules is potentially a massive boost to certain units - could you imagine Flayed Ones if they got higher than average movement? Or suddenly Tomb Blades were 14", maybe Destroyers like 8"?
Made in ie
Deranged Necron Destroyer

Shadow Wars "spoiler"
Army wide Shred would be a massive power spike imo. We're getting almost 50% more wounds against most opponents if not more.

Bespoke move rules is potentially a massive boost to certain units - could you imagine Flayed Ones if they got higher than average movement? Or suddenly Tomb Blades were 14", maybe Destroyers like 8"?

Even our basic warriors would be units of mass destruction. If we do get Shread instead of Gauss I could definatly see Necrons being Top Teir unless other armies get crazier buffs (Eldar).

I could see Tomb Blades keeping thier 12" movement but maybe only to move a further 8" if thet do not shoot instead of moving 12". I could see Destroyers moving a basic 6 inches and then 6+d3/6 by using the thrusters. Would make for a better movement mechanic. Warriors will be slow AF. Probably 4" movement, Immortals, Lynch, Deathmarks will probably move 6" due to them being a class above warriors. Flayed Ones would be deadly if they could move 8" and still have infiltrate and deepstrike.

I won't how our vehicles will change. I hope the Doomsday ark isn't open topped anymore so that it cant be destroyed as easily(although if it has wounds and not armour then "open-topped" doesnt matter anymore).

Do you think our HQs will all have different movement stats?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/04/06 19:01:16

I have a Youtube. Rage Against The Imperium. Here is the link if you are interested - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0WxDMsMyI7WcChiSfApB4Q

Necrons - Legion of The Silent King - [756-809 PL, 15038-16076pts]

Unbound Army (Faction) (Necrons)
Anrakyr the Traveller
Catacomb Command Barge
Selections: Gauss Cannon, Warscythe - 3
Selections: Canoptek Cloak, Staff of Light - 2
Selections: Chronometron, Staff of Light - 3
Destroyer Lord
Selections: Warscythe
Destroyer Lord
Selections: Staff of Light
Illuminor Szeras
Imotekh the Stormlord
Selections: Warscythe
Nemesor Zahndrekh
Orikan the Diviner
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Voidscythe
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Warscythe - 3
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Staff of Light
Selections: Hyperphase Sword, Resurrection Orb
Trazyn the Infinite
Vargard Obyron


Selections: Gauss Blaster, 15x Immortal
Selections: 15x Immortal, Tesla Carbine
Necron Warriors
Selections: 100x Necron Warrior
Necron Warriors


C'tan Shard of the Deceiver
C'tan Shard of the Nightbringer
Canoptek Tomb Stalker
Selections: 25x Deathmark
Flayed Ones
Selections: 20x Flayed One
Selections: Hyperphase Sword and Dispersion Shield, 10x Lychguard
Selections: 6x Lychguard, Warscythe
Triarch Praetorians
Selections: Rod of Covenant, 10x Triarch Praetorian
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Heat Ray*
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Particle Shredder*
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Twin Heavy Gauss Cannon*

Fast Attack

Canoptek Scarabs
Selections: 63x Canoptek Scarab Swarm
Canoptek Scarabs
Canoptek Tomb Sentinel
Canoptek Wraiths
Selections: 3x Canoptek Wraith
Canoptek Wraiths
3x Canoptek Wraith w/ Transdimensional Beamer
Selections: 3x Transdimensional Beamer
6x Canoptek Wraith w/ Whip Coils
Selections: 6x Whip Coils
5x Destroyer
Selections: 5x Gauss Cannon
5x Destroyer
Selections: 5x Gauss Cannon
Tomb Blades
Selections: Shadowloom, Shieldvanes
Two Gauss Blasters - 9
Heavy Support
Annihilation Barge
Selections: Gauss Cannon - 3*
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Doomsday Ark
Doomsday Ark
3x Heavy Destroyer
Tesseract Ark
Two Tesla Cannons
Selections: 2x Tesla Cannon
Transcendent C'tan

Doom Scythe - 4*
Night Scythe - 4*

Dedicated Transport
Ghost Ark - 3*

Lord of War
Gauss Pylon

* - This unit is magnetized so can be either model e.g. Doomscythe or Nightscythe
Made in us
Tail-spinning Tomb Blade Pilot

My ancient "lab"

If we're shifting over to a simpler ruleset with less army-specific rules, i'd wager the power level of all armies would increase slightly, albeit some more than others. I'm curious as to see how they do Living Metal, as if they're doing wounds, the "repair a hull point/wound" will either increase with the inflation of wounds on a model, such as D6 wounds repaired, or it becomes a less useful rule overall.

My Necron Blog! http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/693066.page
My Screw-Around Blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/701938.page
My personal favorite YT WH40K channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnHCy9ID33sHp6Quirb1-XA

Made in jp
Proud Triarch Praetorian

Requizen wrote:
June/July also seems really early, to be honest.
5th released in July,
6th released in June,
7th in May.
A June/July release window for 8th sounds perfectly reasonable to me (they probably want them out before summer hits, to get all that school kid free time money)

Has anyone heard anything more about the data slates?
Like, are they just going to be what's in the codex, copy/pasted with a movement value tacked on, or are they going for a full everything fix across all armies?

Made in ie
Deranged Necron Destroyer

5th released in July,
6th released in June,
7th in May.
A June/July release window for 8th sounds perfectly reasonable to me (they probably want them out before summer hits, to get all that school kid free time money)

I am hoping for a release in May tbh. I know its only a month away but I wouldnt be surprised if GW just announced it before Mays White Dwarf so that they can reveal more info before 8th edit. drops.
I would say June would be the "best" month to release due to primary/secondary schools starting their summer break meaning more money for GW meaning June might be the release of 8th edit.

Has anyone heard anything more about the data slates?
Like, are they just going to be what's in the codex, copy/pasted with a movement value tacked on, or are they going for a full everything fix across all armies?

I think more like the AoS data slates; Models stats, attacks, brief info paragraph, models powers (if in a unit of X, each model gets +1 to thier attacks) Optional weapons info (one paragraph for Gauss and one paragraph for Tesla) special buffs and some info on formations.

I saw a few data slates for Space Marines, Nurgle, Khorn and Orkz but not sure if they are fake or just mock-ups but they looked pretty good. I could try and find them?

I have a Youtube. Rage Against The Imperium. Here is the link if you are interested - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0WxDMsMyI7WcChiSfApB4Q

Necrons - Legion of The Silent King - [756-809 PL, 15038-16076pts]

Unbound Army (Faction) (Necrons)
Anrakyr the Traveller
Catacomb Command Barge
Selections: Gauss Cannon, Warscythe - 3
Selections: Canoptek Cloak, Staff of Light - 2
Selections: Chronometron, Staff of Light - 3
Destroyer Lord
Selections: Warscythe
Destroyer Lord
Selections: Staff of Light
Illuminor Szeras
Imotekh the Stormlord
Selections: Warscythe
Nemesor Zahndrekh
Orikan the Diviner
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Voidscythe
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Warscythe - 3
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Staff of Light
Selections: Hyperphase Sword, Resurrection Orb
Trazyn the Infinite
Vargard Obyron


Selections: Gauss Blaster, 15x Immortal
Selections: 15x Immortal, Tesla Carbine
Necron Warriors
Selections: 100x Necron Warrior
Necron Warriors


C'tan Shard of the Deceiver
C'tan Shard of the Nightbringer
Canoptek Tomb Stalker
Selections: 25x Deathmark
Flayed Ones
Selections: 20x Flayed One
Selections: Hyperphase Sword and Dispersion Shield, 10x Lychguard
Selections: 6x Lychguard, Warscythe
Triarch Praetorians
Selections: Rod of Covenant, 10x Triarch Praetorian
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Heat Ray*
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Particle Shredder*
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Twin Heavy Gauss Cannon*

Fast Attack

Canoptek Scarabs
Selections: 63x Canoptek Scarab Swarm
Canoptek Scarabs
Canoptek Tomb Sentinel
Canoptek Wraiths
Selections: 3x Canoptek Wraith
Canoptek Wraiths
3x Canoptek Wraith w/ Transdimensional Beamer
Selections: 3x Transdimensional Beamer
6x Canoptek Wraith w/ Whip Coils
Selections: 6x Whip Coils
5x Destroyer
Selections: 5x Gauss Cannon
5x Destroyer
Selections: 5x Gauss Cannon
Tomb Blades
Selections: Shadowloom, Shieldvanes
Two Gauss Blasters - 9
Heavy Support
Annihilation Barge
Selections: Gauss Cannon - 3*
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Doomsday Ark
Doomsday Ark
3x Heavy Destroyer
Tesseract Ark
Two Tesla Cannons
Selections: 2x Tesla Cannon
Transcendent C'tan

Doom Scythe - 4*
Night Scythe - 4*

Dedicated Transport
Ghost Ark - 3*

Lord of War
Gauss Pylon

* - This unit is magnetized so can be either model e.g. Doomscythe or Nightscythe
Made in jp
Proud Triarch Praetorian

Minor topic diversion:
Deathmarks in one unit of 10 or two units of 5?
Make sure target unit is super hurt, or spread the hurt between two units?

Made in au
Battle-tested Knight Castellan Pilot


Unless your going against a deepstrike heavy army where there would be multiple different units that would need Ethereal Interception, one big squad would be preferable?

If they are hunting for meltas, then MSU would be pref, but if its a deathstar/one singular big threat (Yncarne for example) then I'd go with one big squad.

I've run them against the deepstriking tyranid monsters (Tervigons?), and found that the big squads were more effective.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/04/10 07:45:17

Made in ie
Deranged Necron Destroyer

I would go for a full unit of 10, if they Deepstrike in the rignt place you can then get rapid-firw shoots wounding on 2+ On their 1st turn of Deepstriking.

2 units of 5 would be better against horde armies or armies with lots of bodies.

If you have the number of models I would run 2 units of 8. Can act like the 2 units of 5 but nearly do as much damage as a unit of 10 which will give you better coverage in taking down your opponents army.

Are you playing a game in the near future or are you just wondering what most people would consider better?

I have a Youtube. Rage Against The Imperium. Here is the link if you are interested - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0WxDMsMyI7WcChiSfApB4Q

Necrons - Legion of The Silent King - [756-809 PL, 15038-16076pts]

Unbound Army (Faction) (Necrons)
Anrakyr the Traveller
Catacomb Command Barge
Selections: Gauss Cannon, Warscythe - 3
Selections: Canoptek Cloak, Staff of Light - 2
Selections: Chronometron, Staff of Light - 3
Destroyer Lord
Selections: Warscythe
Destroyer Lord
Selections: Staff of Light
Illuminor Szeras
Imotekh the Stormlord
Selections: Warscythe
Nemesor Zahndrekh
Orikan the Diviner
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Voidscythe
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Warscythe - 3
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Staff of Light
Selections: Hyperphase Sword, Resurrection Orb
Trazyn the Infinite
Vargard Obyron


Selections: Gauss Blaster, 15x Immortal
Selections: 15x Immortal, Tesla Carbine
Necron Warriors
Selections: 100x Necron Warrior
Necron Warriors


C'tan Shard of the Deceiver
C'tan Shard of the Nightbringer
Canoptek Tomb Stalker
Selections: 25x Deathmark
Flayed Ones
Selections: 20x Flayed One
Selections: Hyperphase Sword and Dispersion Shield, 10x Lychguard
Selections: 6x Lychguard, Warscythe
Triarch Praetorians
Selections: Rod of Covenant, 10x Triarch Praetorian
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Heat Ray*
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Particle Shredder*
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Twin Heavy Gauss Cannon*

Fast Attack

Canoptek Scarabs
Selections: 63x Canoptek Scarab Swarm
Canoptek Scarabs
Canoptek Tomb Sentinel
Canoptek Wraiths
Selections: 3x Canoptek Wraith
Canoptek Wraiths
3x Canoptek Wraith w/ Transdimensional Beamer
Selections: 3x Transdimensional Beamer
6x Canoptek Wraith w/ Whip Coils
Selections: 6x Whip Coils
5x Destroyer
Selections: 5x Gauss Cannon
5x Destroyer
Selections: 5x Gauss Cannon
Tomb Blades
Selections: Shadowloom, Shieldvanes
Two Gauss Blasters - 9
Heavy Support
Annihilation Barge
Selections: Gauss Cannon - 3*
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Doomsday Ark
Doomsday Ark
3x Heavy Destroyer
Tesseract Ark
Two Tesla Cannons
Selections: 2x Tesla Cannon
Transcendent C'tan

Doom Scythe - 4*
Night Scythe - 4*

Dedicated Transport
Ghost Ark - 3*

Lord of War
Gauss Pylon

* - This unit is magnetized so can be either model e.g. Doomscythe or Nightscythe
Made in au
Battle-tested Knight Castellan Pilot


I feel its reliant on what army you are facing. I don't run them often unless I know my opponent runs a deep-strike heavy army (GK, my friends tyranids etc) as I personally hate having a strategy relying on reserve rolls and their etheral interception rule allows me to bypass the randomness and guarantees they come on when I need them to.

Do you plan on running them in deepstrike reserve as throw away assassin squads? If so I feel two squads of 5 increase the chance of at least one of them coming on T2 and trying to put the hurt on a critical unit. If both come on, great, double the damage, and gives more flexibility on what to hurt.

They also have a smaller footprint, which can help when deepstriking into their backlines as they might still have lots of models there.

If you are using them for etheral interception then a squad of 10 is the go, as there will probably be less clutter for their footprint to mishap on (they are following something else that is DS in, so the other unit will be much further up the board than the rest of their army). Additionally, whatever the opponent is DS is usually going to be a big scary capable of dishing out lots of hurt, so killing it before it hits lays it out saves your army, while also freeing up other units to do other things in the game.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/04/10 11:45:28

Made in jp
Proud Triarch Praetorian

Just an idea for a list. Got 10, don't know how to best utilize them... though I liked that two-units-of-8 idea. I'd need to get some more guys. Perhaps one more box, so I can try two units of 7, at least.

Made in ie
Deranged Necron Destroyer

Ebay and Facebook Wargaming trade pages are your best friend if you want to snag up models you want at low prices.

I have a Youtube. Rage Against The Imperium. Here is the link if you are interested - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0WxDMsMyI7WcChiSfApB4Q

Necrons - Legion of The Silent King - [756-809 PL, 15038-16076pts]

Unbound Army (Faction) (Necrons)
Anrakyr the Traveller
Catacomb Command Barge
Selections: Gauss Cannon, Warscythe - 3
Selections: Canoptek Cloak, Staff of Light - 2
Selections: Chronometron, Staff of Light - 3
Destroyer Lord
Selections: Warscythe
Destroyer Lord
Selections: Staff of Light
Illuminor Szeras
Imotekh the Stormlord
Selections: Warscythe
Nemesor Zahndrekh
Orikan the Diviner
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Voidscythe
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Warscythe - 3
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Staff of Light
Selections: Hyperphase Sword, Resurrection Orb
Trazyn the Infinite
Vargard Obyron


Selections: Gauss Blaster, 15x Immortal
Selections: 15x Immortal, Tesla Carbine
Necron Warriors
Selections: 100x Necron Warrior
Necron Warriors


C'tan Shard of the Deceiver
C'tan Shard of the Nightbringer
Canoptek Tomb Stalker
Selections: 25x Deathmark
Flayed Ones
Selections: 20x Flayed One
Selections: Hyperphase Sword and Dispersion Shield, 10x Lychguard
Selections: 6x Lychguard, Warscythe
Triarch Praetorians
Selections: Rod of Covenant, 10x Triarch Praetorian
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Heat Ray*
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Particle Shredder*
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Twin Heavy Gauss Cannon*

Fast Attack

Canoptek Scarabs
Selections: 63x Canoptek Scarab Swarm
Canoptek Scarabs
Canoptek Tomb Sentinel
Canoptek Wraiths
Selections: 3x Canoptek Wraith
Canoptek Wraiths
3x Canoptek Wraith w/ Transdimensional Beamer
Selections: 3x Transdimensional Beamer
6x Canoptek Wraith w/ Whip Coils
Selections: 6x Whip Coils
5x Destroyer
Selections: 5x Gauss Cannon
5x Destroyer
Selections: 5x Gauss Cannon
Tomb Blades
Selections: Shadowloom, Shieldvanes
Two Gauss Blasters - 9
Heavy Support
Annihilation Barge
Selections: Gauss Cannon - 3*
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Doomsday Ark
Doomsday Ark
3x Heavy Destroyer
Tesseract Ark
Two Tesla Cannons
Selections: 2x Tesla Cannon
Transcendent C'tan

Doom Scythe - 4*
Night Scythe - 4*

Dedicated Transport
Ghost Ark - 3*

Lord of War
Gauss Pylon

* - This unit is magnetized so can be either model e.g. Doomscythe or Nightscythe
Made in au
Battle-tested Knight Castellan Pilot


Building a deathstar for an upcoming battle, and have a thought.

I am running at base

D/lord w/ scythe
Lord w/ solar staff

O/lord w/ scythe
5 s&b lychguard

I had phase shifters on everything that is present, but then I had a thought. A shifter is 25 points, which is the exact same amount of points as a lychguard.

You want shifters for challenges, as most things that challenge have AP2, but I have enough ancillary characters that can be fed to challenges (lord once his staff is popped, Zandrekh and obryn once his mantle is popped) that will keep the PE and RR 1's alive for much longer, and the 50 points adds two whole lychguard, which can LOS and tank for the unit, with a 3++ instead of a 4++, adds more wounds to the whole unit, more attacks etc. seems like a good trade off in this regard?

If there were less characters then shifters would be necessary, but I'm going to run this next week and see how it goes.

I think Im up against a Cawl Convo, or a Cawl deathstar in a CAD so im not really worried about too many challenges, and my deathstar should be more choppy while also more survivable than his. But whatever Im against Im against I know there wont be many challenges.

Made in ie
Deranged Necron Destroyer

If your against a Cawl Convo you might need weapons that are AP 3/2. If your opponent is using a IK then you will need Heavy Destroyers and Stalkers to deal with it "comfortably". Also the Dunecrawler can have a Neutron Laser that is strength 10 ap 1 range 48" blast weapon that will rip-through anything we have. So be wary of those units. Also kataphon breachers/destroyers are a pretty good unit and can dish out lots of damage as well.

So your making a Deathstar via CAD HQs and a "royal court" via a Decurion. I would swap the lord for a Cryptek. Extra +1 RP and if you get an instadeath situation then your RP will still stay 4+ due to the Cryptek and Orikan. Or, you could drop the Lord to get another 2-3 Lynchguard.

Droping a Shifter for a 3++ Lynchguard isn't a bad trade. Even though they cost 5pts more due to the Sword&Shield


Off topic;

I was on a thread for Necron list and suggested someone put an O lord with Flayed Ones and have them infiltrate. Another user then replied to me with this information


Page 166
– Independent Character, Independent Characters and Infiltrate Change this sentence to read:

‘An Independent Character without the Infiltrate special rule cannot join a unit of Infiltrators during deployment, and vice versa.’

So does that mean that our HQs cant Infiltrate anymore? Have I been playing the game wrong? I is very confused

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/04/11 13:32:07

I have a Youtube. Rage Against The Imperium. Here is the link if you are interested - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0WxDMsMyI7WcChiSfApB4Q

Necrons - Legion of The Silent King - [756-809 PL, 15038-16076pts]

Unbound Army (Faction) (Necrons)
Anrakyr the Traveller
Catacomb Command Barge
Selections: Gauss Cannon, Warscythe - 3
Selections: Canoptek Cloak, Staff of Light - 2
Selections: Chronometron, Staff of Light - 3
Destroyer Lord
Selections: Warscythe
Destroyer Lord
Selections: Staff of Light
Illuminor Szeras
Imotekh the Stormlord
Selections: Warscythe
Nemesor Zahndrekh
Orikan the Diviner
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Voidscythe
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Warscythe - 3
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Staff of Light
Selections: Hyperphase Sword, Resurrection Orb
Trazyn the Infinite
Vargard Obyron


Selections: Gauss Blaster, 15x Immortal
Selections: 15x Immortal, Tesla Carbine
Necron Warriors
Selections: 100x Necron Warrior
Necron Warriors


C'tan Shard of the Deceiver
C'tan Shard of the Nightbringer
Canoptek Tomb Stalker
Selections: 25x Deathmark
Flayed Ones
Selections: 20x Flayed One
Selections: Hyperphase Sword and Dispersion Shield, 10x Lychguard
Selections: 6x Lychguard, Warscythe
Triarch Praetorians
Selections: Rod of Covenant, 10x Triarch Praetorian
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Heat Ray*
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Particle Shredder*
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Twin Heavy Gauss Cannon*

Fast Attack

Canoptek Scarabs
Selections: 63x Canoptek Scarab Swarm
Canoptek Scarabs
Canoptek Tomb Sentinel
Canoptek Wraiths
Selections: 3x Canoptek Wraith
Canoptek Wraiths
3x Canoptek Wraith w/ Transdimensional Beamer
Selections: 3x Transdimensional Beamer
6x Canoptek Wraith w/ Whip Coils
Selections: 6x Whip Coils
5x Destroyer
Selections: 5x Gauss Cannon
5x Destroyer
Selections: 5x Gauss Cannon
Tomb Blades
Selections: Shadowloom, Shieldvanes
Two Gauss Blasters - 9
Heavy Support
Annihilation Barge
Selections: Gauss Cannon - 3*
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Doomsday Ark
Doomsday Ark
3x Heavy Destroyer
Tesseract Ark
Two Tesla Cannons
Selections: 2x Tesla Cannon
Transcendent C'tan

Doom Scythe - 4*
Night Scythe - 4*

Dedicated Transport
Ghost Ark - 3*

Lord of War
Gauss Pylon

* - This unit is magnetized so can be either model e.g. Doomscythe or Nightscythe
Made in au
Battle-tested Knight Castellan Pilot


The lord is the solar staff delivery unit, cheaper than a cryptek and points are tight. The majority is in the decurion, so 4+++ normally, and with Orikan its always going to stay at 4+++, and the only two characters not in the decurion are the D/lord (who will never be getting doubled out, and a lord whose fate does not bother me after the staff is popped.

Im bringing two death ray sentry pylons, wanna see what they can do on in a full sized battle. So I figure between them and the warscythes in the deathstar I can comfortable take out the dunecrawlers, as a single pylon took out two in a 500pt game.

Yea I'd say if the HQ doesn't have the rule, then they cant. Obviously it was ambiguous, as there had to be an FAQ to fix the problem. So looks like you cant add a HQ to the FO's

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