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Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

Please tell me I'm not hallucinating, but it looks like everything changed font size or something without any input or settings change from me. I remember when everything got bigger and it took some getting used to, but now it looks like we've gone back to smaller text? And it seems like it's not just the text, but everything on the site.

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/1/23, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~15000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Adeptus Custodes: ~1900 | Imperial Knights: ~2000 | Sisters of Battle: ~3500 | Leagues of Votann: ~1200 | Tyranids: ~2600 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 13 | Current main painting project: Dark Angels
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


Perhaps you need to switch your theme?

Every now and then I have to switch my theme back to Dakka Orange 2012 or whatever because the site automatically reverts to Dakka Phone Friendly (which is actually harder to read in a phone).

Made in us
President of the Mat Ward Fan Club

Los Angeles, CA

 ZergSmasher wrote:
Please tell me I'm not hallucinating, but it looks like everything changed font size or something without any input or settings change from me. I remember when everything got bigger and it took some getting used to, but now it looks like we've gone back to smaller text? And it seems like it's not just the text, but everything on the site.

In addition to the above suggestion (which is a good one, btw), please note that browsers are able to change the size of font independently of a site. Sometimes this is a setting you have to go into the browser and change, but other times you're able to accidentally do this, for example when holding down the 'control' key and scrolling up or down your mouse wheel (on some computers/browsers).

I play (click on icons to see pics): DQ:70+S++G(FAQ)M++B-I++Pw40k92/f-D+++A+++/areWD104R+T(D)DM+++
yakface's 40K rule #1: Although the rules allow you to use modeling to your advantage, how badly do you need to win your toy soldier games?
yakface's 40K rule #2: Friends don't let friends start a MEQ army.
yakface's 40K rule #3: Codex does not ALWAYS trump the rulebook, so please don't say that!
Waaagh Dakka: click the banner to learn more! 
Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

 yakface wrote:
 ZergSmasher wrote:
Please tell me I'm not hallucinating, but it looks like everything changed font size or something without any input or settings change from me. I remember when everything got bigger and it took some getting used to, but now it looks like we've gone back to smaller text? And it seems like it's not just the text, but everything on the site.

In addition to the above suggestion (which is a good one, btw), please note that browsers are able to change the size of font independently of a site. Sometimes this is a setting you have to go into the browser and change, but other times you're able to accidentally do this, for example when holding down the 'control' key and scrolling up or down your mouse wheel (on some computers/browsers).

Thanks, I fixed it by doing the control key thing. Probably how I goofed it up in the first place. Can't believe I didn't figure that out myself!

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/1/23, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~15000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Adeptus Custodes: ~1900 | Imperial Knights: ~2000 | Sisters of Battle: ~3500 | Leagues of Votann: ~1200 | Tyranids: ~2600 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 13 | Current main painting project: Dark Angels
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
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