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Decrepit Dakkanaut


 Kanluwen wrote:
I doubt it. They made it clear early on that the Ash Wastes weren't for everyone, at least in my opinion. Just like how they talked about the Nomads not really being designed or fluffed about for fighting in the Underhive proper.

Well yes because by that stage of releasing things the budget was already spent and things in production/development already.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Richmond, VA

leopard wrote:
still wonder why GW doesn't have a few "generic civilian vehicle" kits, usable as terrain, as the basis for ork looting, for PDF and militia faction stuff with minimal upgrades

in effect a couple of sprues that can be packaged up several times and built in different ways (e.g. wheels, tracks, enclosed, flat beds etc)

then perfect for times like this when all they have to do is maybe release a couple of resin crew figures

Agreed. This would be the perfect use for it.
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Moustache-twirling Princeps

United Kingdom

The Beastmasters of Necromunda Return With a Big Rat Problem

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Well those are fab! Really liking the Beastmaster.

Made in gb
Stonecold Gimster

Yeah, looking pretty damn good. (except for the unecessary skull on the rat spine spike).

I'm going to assume FW expensive resin, rather than plastic. I double read the article to make sure I didn't miss it saying which.

My (out of date) Painting Blog: http://gimgamgoo.com/
Currently most played: Silent Death, Xenos Rampant, Mars Code Aurora and Battletech. 
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Foxy Wildborne


Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in gb
Moustache-twirling Princeps

United Kingdom

 Gimgamgoo wrote:
I'm going to assume FW expensive resin, rather than plastic. I double read the article to make sure I didn't miss it saying which.
The article doesn't say, but resin is a fair bet.

The article does say this:
There are three individual Wasteland Giant Rat sculpts incoming to Necromunda – the multi-headed monstrosity that comes with a Beastmaster, and two more available in a booster pack for gangs who really want to drown their foes in a tide of rodents.
Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

Awesome minis! Two headed one is my favourite.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Considering Skaven are set for a release this mid-year the booster-pack is certainly being done with "and skaven players will want them too." in mind.

Heck the twin headed one is wearing a freaking "pestilens" hood on one head

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in de
Aspirant Tech-Adept

The Beastmistress looks like... a Ratskin!
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Tangentville, New Jersey

^ Keeping the left hand is also a Ratskin thing. In the original Outlanders, there was fluff about a Ratskin Renegade chief who was slaughtering hivers and always taking their left hand, as you need your left hand for your soul to leave your body upon death.

Made in gb
Using Object Source Lighting

At this point, it's rather disappoint to see so many individual miniatures for necromunda, locked into resin only from old FW.

Made in gb
Mighty Vampire Count


Nice stuff - reminds me of the old James Herbert novels - Rats, Lair, Domain

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/03/11 16:26:58


"Unimaginably ancient xenos artefact somewhere on the planet, hive fleet poised above our heads, hidden 'stealer broods making an early start....and now a bloody Chaos cult crawling out of the woodwork just in case we were bored. Welcome to my world, Ciaphas."
Inquisitor Amberley Vail, Ordo Xenos

"I will admit that some Primachs like Russ or Horus could have a chance against an unarmed 12 year old novice but, a full Battle Sister??!! One to one? In close combat? Perhaps three Primarchs fighting together... but just one Primarch?" da001


A Bloody Road - my Warhammer Fantasy Fiction 
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Been Around the Block

Based on that one rat that is entirely supported by its front paws, there is a decent chance that these are plastic minis.

I know they are likely to be resin, but that one rat will break pretty fast if they are.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/03/11 16:32:50

Made in de
Aspirant Tech-Adept

 NAVARRO wrote:
At this point, it's rather disappoint to see so many individual miniatures for necromunda, locked into resin only from old FW.

Well, there're only two options for this kind of specialist game miniatures: resin models or no models at all. Plastic would be far too expensive for single releases of niche models even inside their own game.
Made in gb
Using Object Source Lighting

 Dryaktylus wrote:
 NAVARRO wrote:
At this point, it's rather disappoint to see so many individual miniatures for necromunda, locked into resin only from old FW.

Well, there're only two options for this kind of specialist game miniatures: resin models or no models at all. Plastic would be far too expensive for single releases of niche models even inside their own game.

Theres other options just look at underworlds.

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Underworlds is a whole game of its own though. To do the same with Necromunda would require the core game to sell REALLY well and then for GW to create a smaller Necromunda game within that to do Underworlds sets with.

It might also fail to market since Necromunda is already a "one box gets you a crew" type game to start with. So it would just be diluting the game in itself marketing wise.

In the end the only way to get more plastics is vastly increased sales which results in more resources allotted to the game. Even then there might be other limits such as a slots for mould production being limited so resin is the fastest ways to get this kind of model out.

Also the other option is just get FW resin models. The new new FW stuff is good; most of the issues are with really old kits that are likely both showing their age and perhaps aren't getting enough sales for staff to justify reworking the moulds/masters enough to fix those issues. Plus big flat armour panels and parts that show up weaknesses in resin casing much more so than smaller infantry and so forth.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in de
Aspirant Tech-Adept

 NAVARRO wrote:
 Dryaktylus wrote:
 NAVARRO wrote:
At this point, it's rather disappoint to see so many individual miniatures for necromunda, locked into resin only from old FW.

Well, there're only two options for this kind of specialist game miniatures: resin models or no models at all. Plastic would be far too expensive for single releases of niche models even inside their own game.

Theres other options just look at underworlds.

Every Underworlds band is a fully playable faction, like the Necromunda gangs (on top of that you need every single model). Hangers-on are just more or less seldom taken options.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


 Dryaktylus wrote:
 NAVARRO wrote:
 Dryaktylus wrote:
 NAVARRO wrote:
At this point, it's rather disappoint to see so many individual miniatures for necromunda, locked into resin only from old FW.

Well, there're only two options for this kind of specialist game miniatures: resin models or no models at all. Plastic would be far too expensive for single releases of niche models even inside their own game.

Theres other options just look at underworlds.

Every Underworlds band is a fully playable faction, like the Necromunda gangs (on top of that you need every single model). Hangers-on are just more or less seldom taken options.

Heck some won't even appear unless you're playing a campaign or mission where your home base is being attacked. Otherwise they exist mostly to give you background boosters and bonuses and you wouldn't want to take them over a regular ganger.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut


Overread wrote:You know part of me wonders if the vehicle expansion for Necromunda started with a bigger budget and then got it cut down at some stage which wound up meaning some factions didn't get vehicles and that more generic ones got canned as well.

Considering that we know different departments and projects have to battle for resources and that the specialist games have erupted with more popularity and yet still have to compete with resources for the main games; then it could be that Necro just saw reduced investment from planned.

Because it does seem odd to have a whole expansion focused around vehicles and then to not give certain factions, major ones, their own vehicle.

What major faction didn't get a vehicle, besides Delaque? Heck, even the Squats got a vehicle and they're not a major faction, IMNSHO anyway.

F - is the Fire that rains from the skies.
U - for Uranium Bomb!
N - is for No Survivors... 
Made in gb
Moustache-twirling Princeps

United Kingdom

 SgtEeveell wrote:
What major faction didn't get a vehicle, besides Delaque? Heck, even the Squats got a vehicle and they're not a major faction, IMNSHO anyway.
None of the main House Gangs - Corpse Grinder Cult? (Oucasts & Redemptionists?)

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/03/11 17:09:06

Made in gb
Using Object Source Lighting

Not sure about the sales numbers, no one aside GW has access to the data.
Im equally not sure the individual resins that they sell will be a good indication of popularity. I mean the price alone is too high, not even considering the fragility of the material or the reputation FW resins has in the community.

What Im saying is underworlds sells box sets with very low numbers of minis in plastic, Im just talking about miniatures not rulesets since rules can be accommodated to any marketing plan they desire. So if they sold a box set with say a beast master, 2 or 3 beasts and medic or other specialist etc... that would be about the same volume of minis per box. They did do weapons packs in plastic and most war bands have 2 sets of minis so a 3rd set with a collection of specialist for each faction would be potentially a possibility.

The way its done today there is a ever growing number of resins for FW but if your are not into those you simply miss out the Necromunda hype and popularity does tend to fade away.

Theres probably more reasons why GW does not go there and I do not pretend to know all the options on the table. GW products SKUS have increased by a large amount for specialist games.

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Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator

Exeter, UK

 Dryaktylus wrote:
The Beastmistress looks like... a Ratskin!

The Caller's daughter!!!
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Sales are hard to estimate since a lot of shops don't carry Necromunda.

I can say I've not see many Ash Wastes vehicles in the Dakka Gallery or on various FB groups.

Made in be
Regular Dakkanaut

As Adepticon will tease new Necromunda stuff, I'm willing to bet it is going to be a new Boxset featuring Delaque and their vehicles alongside another faction with their vehicles.

I'm going either a new Genestealer Cult faction or something related to House Aranthus, seeing as both became important plothooks in the Aranthian Succession books. Delaque currently kept itself distant from the conflict, and seemingly dissapeared after House Aranthus took control.
Made in us
Brainy Biophagus Brewing Potent Chemicals

i was thinking new box set, but i'm not sure if they would be dropping that so soon after releasing two new specialist games

would appreciate dedicated necromunda genestealers especially if we're not getting anything in 40k. Delaque vs GSC with vehicles would be a pretty cool box

i don't play necromunda yet since i'm waiting until i move in with my girlfriend later this year and we can play irl, but a dedicated GSC box would definitely be appreciated since it would be coming out right in time for when i would want to be picking something up for the game

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/03/11 18:48:39

i have played games of the current edition 
Made in gb
Moustache-twirling Princeps

Gone-to-ground in the craters of Coventry

 Kanluwen wrote:
Don't the vehicle cards include faction specific upgrades for the generic vehicles too?

Maybe that's what Delaque gets?
I assume not, as Van Saar got a (single) run of factional vehicle cards.
I got ta refund on that, as it didn't appear, and we all know it isn't coming back.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/03/12 15:06:42

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"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." - George Bernard Shaw (probably)
Clubs around Coventry, UK 
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Regular Dakkanaut


The faction upgrades for generic vehicles was in the Apocrypha Necromunda book.

F - is the Fire that rains from the skies.
U - for Uranium Bomb!
N - is for No Survivors... 
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User


So I hear (ie rumor) the new box set is Hive Secundus which will be touched on in Adepticon next week. Will contain Squats, Genestealers and new scenery with a future release of a plastic box set of feral humans (similar to the old 'Ratskins', but now PC).
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut


Well, the last time we saw a Necromunda roadmap, there was supposed to be another box set coming up after three books.
Presumably those were the Aranthian Succession.

F - is the Fire that rains from the skies.
U - for Uranium Bomb!
N - is for No Survivors... 
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