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Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit


xerxeskingofking wrote:
usmcmidn wrote:
Would it be overboard if I made a SOB army using necromunda (particularly Van Saar equipment) and saying they are the priory from Necromunda? I made a couple test miniatures and they came out pretty well thus far.

Do it!

thats 100% fine in my book, and as long as you stick to GW parts, im pretty sure it would be GW tourney legal as well.

So long as I, your opponent, can tell unit types apart and they are consistent (ie, your battle sister squads all look simmilar, but look different form form you Repentia squads, etc), then I would have no problem with such a labour of love.

So this is my idea, I have a bunch (around 40, of the OOP old school forgeworld Cadian respiratory helmets). I am combining them with necromunda Van Saar bodies and adding plastic card, green stuff, etc… to make them more bulky. The bolters are sadly third party because van Saar doesn’t have a bolter line…. Still in the process of making them more feminine.

[Thumb - IMG_7013.jpeg]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/10/29 11:39:04

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Why not make an Imperial Guard army instead of Sisters?

We know that Van Saar members are inducted/conscripted, and seem to keep at least some of their gang-styled equipment (3rd ed. Codex: Imperial Guard).
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Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit


 Lord Damocles wrote:
Why not make an Imperial Guard army instead of Sisters?

We know that Van Saar members are inducted/conscripted, and seem to keep at least some of their gang-styled equipment (3rd ed. Codex: Imperial Guard).

I have a guard army already. I have always wanted a SOB army and I enjoy Necromunda. Trying to combine the two games in lore. There seems to be a coven on Necromunda so I think it would be cool to explore that more. Especially with logistic and manpower concerns due to the rift I think I could make it somewhat fluffy. Just need to make sure my toy soldiers look more like SOB and not just Van Saar with bolters.

Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

usmcmidn wrote:
Would it be overboard if I made a SOB army using necromunda (particularly Van Saar equipment) and saying they are the priory from Necromunda? I made a couple test miniatures and they came out pretty well thus far.

First, they're your models. Do whatever you want with them. Probably none of us will ever play with you, so why ask?

Second, if you want to be lore accurate?
It would be weird. The Ecclesiarchy outfits the Sororitas, not the Munitorum nor the Noble Houses or whatever. They make a big deal about outfitting the Sororitas with powered armour.
The Van Saar's equipment is also highly specialized, requiring the usage of the STC that's killing them.
Made in us
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit


 Kanluwen wrote:
usmcmidn wrote:
Would it be overboard if I made a SOB army using necromunda (particularly Van Saar equipment) and saying they are the priory from Necromunda? I made a couple test miniatures and they came out pretty well thus far.

First, they're your models. Do whatever you want with them. Probably none of us will ever play with you, so why ask?

Second, if you want to be lore accurate?
It would be weird. The Ecclesiarchy outfits the Sororitas, not the Munitorum nor the Noble Houses or whatever. They make a big deal about outfitting the Sororitas with powered armour.
The Van Saar's equipment is also highly specialized, requiring the usage of the STC that's killing them.

Oh right I forgot about the radiation aspect. Like I said they were test bed models. Any idea what color scheme? Or just stick with the SOB black scheme? I have been trying to do some research on the color scheme but their is rly limited information on them.

Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

Black, red, and white are the colors to think about for Ecclesiastical units.

If you wanted to add a Newcromundan flair? Add some Cawdor elements for Priests and the like.
Made in us
Shadowy Grot Kommittee Memba

The Great State of New Jersey

Loosely on the topic - what would a Guard regiment (or perhaps PDF regiment?) recruited from Necromunda look like? Lord Damocles said some of the Van Saar members keep their equipment, is that true of the other gangs? Would you have Delaque snipers and Cawdor guys using their explosive crossbow things as grenade launchers/mortars?

CoALabaer wrote:
Wargamers hate two things: the state of the game and change.
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

Likely none of it. Planetary Defence Forces fall under the auspices of the Munitorum for armaments.

You'd see that stuff on conscripted militias, not the PDFs.
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Preparing the Invasion of Terra

Necromunda specifically? You'll see marks of former gang affiliation but unless it was something like a personal backup gun like a pistol or combat weapon I'd be surprised to see massive variations.
Head swaps or maybe using a ganger as the unit leader or something but none of the really unique stuff like giant crossbows or radiation cannons.
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The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

The iconic RT regiment was the necromundan spiders. We’ve seen cannon guard from there.

Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

 Nevelon wrote:
The iconic RT regiment was the necromundan spiders. We’ve seen cannon guard from there.

We've also seen Necromundan Spiders as of now.

Or at least we've seen elements of the Spiders.
Made in us
Shadowy Grot Kommittee Memba

The Great State of New Jersey

Oh, I didn't realize that that was representative of the actual Necromundan regiments uniform. Neat design. Would be cool to see GW release a kit that has some cross-compatibility as Necromundan military unit called in to suppress gang uprisings on Necromunda or a distinct unit for 40k Astra Militarum.

CoALabaer wrote:
Wargamers hate two things: the state of the game and change.
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

chaos0xomega wrote:
Loosely on the topic - what would a Guard regiment (or perhaps PDF regiment?) recruited from Necromunda look like? Lord Damocles said some of the Van Saar members keep their equipment, is that true of the other gangs? Would you have Delaque snipers and Cawdor guys using their explosive crossbow things as grenade launchers/mortars?

The 3rd ed. Codex: Imperial Guard shows what is clearly just a Van Saar model, and also a Ratskin riding a horse.

The depiction of the 8th Spider in 'Famous Regiments of the Imperial Guard' from White Dwarf was equipped basically as a then Cadian.

As depicted in Rogue Trader, they looked like the then generic Guardsmen.

The Helmawr troops from Kal Jericho: Above and Beyond look a bit like the Elucidian Starstrider models.

The 6th (?) ed. Rulebook mentions a drop troop regiment called the Spirehawks.
[Thumb - GR44zw9.jpg]

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[Thumb - Screenshot 2023-10-29 205055.jpg]

[Thumb - Screenshot 2023-10-29 205220.jpg]

[Thumb - Screenshot 2023-10-29 205313.jpg]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/10/29 21:01:24

Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

The Van Saar is described as a conscript...
Made in gb
Calculating Commissar



Shouldn't have left this post sitting ready to go, everything has been said above better already

A final point is that the Necromundan PDF is supposed to be a single, massive, state-sponsored "gang"- the Spiders.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Kanluwen wrote:
The Van Saar is described as a conscript...

Yup. More accurately it would probably be used as hive militia. Not much distinction, but conscripted gangs are recognised as effective tactical units off the bat.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2023/10/29 21:38:54

 ChargerIIC wrote:
If algae farm paste with a little bit of your grandfather in it isn't Grimdark I don't know what is.
Made in us
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit


Thanks for all the replies guys. I enjoy Necromunda and 40k. I like combining the lore and appreciate all the info and critiques you all have given.

Made in be
Regular Dakkanaut

I have finally got my hands on the latest book. For those who want to know how it ends, I put the info in spoiler tags. I urge you however on getting the book.

Ruins of Jardlan marks the ending of House Helmawr, with the titular Squat stronghold being the place where Haera Helmawr tries and fails to muster any form of loyal forces to her side. House Helmawr is lost, with five known living members currently roaming the world(?)
1. Haera herself, who almost dies by the hands of Asun'ghar, the Lady of Ash.
2. Her brother Tamino, who saves his sister from certain death. Clothed in a Malcadon Hunting Rig, he and Haera vanish into the shadows of Hive Secundus.
3. Kal Jericho, who in the second book absconds with the comatose body of...
4. Lord Gerontius Helmawr.
5. Asun'ghar, who reveals to Haera she is her sister.

Ozostium Aranthus succeeds in taking over Necromunda and claiming its throne. Backed by Lady Credo and his army of fanatical redemptionists, his plan succeeds completely and he stands unopposed atop Hive Primus. The Aranthian quickly gets to work to cement his rule, planting loyal servants to become the representatives of the Adeptus Terra on Necromunda, and weeding out those still loyal to Helmawr. He gains the support of all Houses, and gives the Clan Houses a greater voice in the house hierarchy. Only Delaque didn't show up, and the House is currently missing in action. Ozostium's Psychic abilities also help in the take over, going as far as to manipulate the Astropathic Choir to send out an "All is Well" signal to the wider Imperium. This last thing ties very well into 8th Edition lore, since officially, Necromunda "stopped revolting", while in truth, the revolt succeeded in taking control.

Life on Necromunda returns to "normal" as the open war relegates back to being fought in the shadows. The gangs and factions still loyal to Haera flee into the Wastes or the Underhive; biding their time to figure out any way to fight back. The Revolt lasted in total more than two Terran years.

Yet a new threat emerges. The Dust Wall fails! Genestealer Cults breach the quarantine zone around Hive Secundus and spread out into the Wastes. Lord Aranthus doesn't care and is seemingly oblivious of the threat, even after alarm systems warn of a breach in the cordon.

Yeah... Very happy about the way this concluded. I'm hoping that this heralds much more to come.
Made in us
Terrifying Rhinox Rider

The house greim bodyguard model link

Appears to wear armour based on the classic greatcoat illustration link

Which is might be retroactively linking cool stuff back to just one place. It’s nice to have something like it though

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/11/04 23:29:11

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

 Segersgia wrote:
I have finally got my hands on the latest book. For those who want to know how it ends, I put the info in spoiler tags. I urge you however on getting the book.

Ruins of Jardlan marks the ending of House Helmawr, with the titular Squat stronghold being the place where Haera Helmawr tries and fails to muster any form of loyal forces to her side. House Helmawr is lost, with five known living members currently roaming the world(?)
1. Haera herself, who almost dies by the hands of Asun'ghar, the Lady of Ash.
2. Her brother Tamino, who saves his sister from certain death. Clothed in a Malcadon Hunting Rig, he and Haera vanish into the shadows of Hive Secundus.
3. Kal Jericho, who in the second book absconds with the comatose body of...
4. Lord Gerontius Helmawr.
5. Asun'ghar, who reveals to Haera she is her sister.

Ozostium Aranthus succeeds in taking over Necromunda and claiming its throne. Backed by Lady Credo and his army of fanatical redemptionists, his plan succeeds completely and he stands unopposed atop Hive Primus. The Aranthian quickly gets to work to cement his rule, planting loyal servants to become the representatives of the Adeptus Terra on Necromunda, and weeding out those still loyal to Helmawr. He gains the support of all Houses, and gives the Clan Houses a greater voice in the house hierarchy. Only Delaque didn't show up, and the House is currently missing in action. Ozostium's Psychic abilities also help in the take over, going as far as to manipulate the Astropathic Choir to send out an "All is Well" signal to the wider Imperium. This last thing ties very well into 8th Edition lore, since officially, Necromunda "stopped revolting", while in truth, the revolt succeeded in taking control.

Life on Necromunda returns to "normal" as the open war relegates back to being fought in the shadows. The gangs and factions still loyal to Haera flee into the Wastes or the Underhive; biding their time to figure out any way to fight back. The Revolt lasted in total more than two Terran years.

Yet a new threat emerges. The Dust Wall fails! Genestealer Cults breach the quarantine zone around Hive Secundus and spread out into the Wastes. Lord Aranthus doesn't care and is seemingly oblivious of the threat, even after alarm systems warn of a breach in the cordon.

Yeah... Very happy about the way this concluded. I'm hoping that this heralds much more to come.

Interesting to see Spyrers mentioned.

The thing about 40k is that no one person can grasp the fullness of it.

My 95th Praetorian Rifles.

SW Successors

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Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

I agree it was a nice ending to the first narrative trilogy set on Necromunda.

And from a background point of view, it serves to help demonstrate that provided your Tithe is met, on time, every time, The Imperium really doesn’t care all that much.

Funnily enough, whilst being slobbered by his Doggy (very good boy, 17278/10, will fuss again!) random bloke in the pub recognised my Bugman’s Hoodie, and was talking about Necromunda.

In hindsight, I should’ve got his email or something, as whilst I’ve a poo load of terrain to paint first, I’m well set to run a campaign at the local FLGS.

He’s clearly a regular at that pub, so will bring it up next time I go there. Probably next week.

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Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit


So who or what is Ozostium Aranthus.

And how are the enforcers taking the new rule? Or are they disbanded?

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

So…he’s possibly a Terran born former ruler of Necromunda. I can’t recall if that’s pre-Imperium, or perhaps the first post compliance Imperial Governor.

Installed in a robotic body.

Whether he’s objectively a good or bad thing for the wider planet and it’s tithe obligations is……kinda unknown at present.

And as with all violent coups? The Palanites are split in terms of loyalty.

Made in gb
Calculating Commissar


Really? My understanding is the following.

I thought Ozostium was the former head of Clan House Aranthus, the "Lost House". House Aranthus was one of the major Clan Houses alongside Houses Escher, Goliath, Orlock, Van Saar, Cawdor, and Delaque, before it was struck by a major plague. Noble House Hel'mawr quarantined Aranthus and left it to die, but some of the rulers of Aranthus managed to survive in stasis and never forgave Hel'mawr, plotting their revenge. The Aranthian Succession is that revenge finally coming to fruition.

I initially mixed up Aranthus with the Araneus Continuity, which are the pre-Imperial rulers of the planet deposed when Necromunda was brought into Imperial Compliance by the Imperial Fists diring the Great Crusade. The Ash Waste Nomads are descended from the remnants of the Araneus Continuity loyalists.

 ChargerIIC wrote:
If algae farm paste with a little bit of your grandfather in it isn't Grimdark I don't know what is.
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

I’d need to read all three again.

But, given now names have drifted over time on Necromunda, Araneus could’ve become Aranthus

Made in gb
Calculating Commissar


 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
I’d need to read all three again.

But, given now names have drifted over time on Necromunda, Araneus could’ve become Aranthus

It is possible, but I didn't think there was anything to suggest Aranthus was unusual as a house prior to their fall. On the other hand, the Araneus remnants continued a significant insurgency for millennia that threatened Imperial rule over the planet on more than one occasion. Whilst it is possible they created a legitimate proxy as a cover, it seems unlikely and I feel the more mundane answer makes more sense.

For a start, the newly ascendant House Aranthus does not appear to have ambitions to seceed from the Imperium, instead going to efforts to signal that Necromunda remains loyal to the wider empire.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/11/07 11:41:59

 ChargerIIC wrote:
If algae farm paste with a little bit of your grandfather in it isn't Grimdark I don't know what is.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

I imagine that as long as no imperial facilities or supply routes are damaged the necromundans can fight amongst themselves as much as they want.

It might even be encouraged by the imperium, a complacent leader might be an unproductive one
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