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Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

London, UK

As requested by HighLordUlrik, how did you get in to wargaming?

Check out our new, fully plastic tabletop wargame - Maelstrom's Edge, made by Dakka!
Made in gb
Sneaky Sniper Drone

Thames Valley, UK

I was actually introduced by Peter Stringfellows grandson (I'm kinda proud of that ) when I was about 10.

Proud Member of the Dakka Dakka Casual Gamer Mafia - 'Our way is the only way!

Boris Johnson wrote:Voting Tory will cause your wife to have bigger breasts and
increase your chances of owning a BMW M3.

95% of teens would go into a panic attack if the jonas brothers were about to jump off the empire state building copy and paste this if you are the 5% who would pull up a lawn chair grab some popcorn and yell JUMP BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Made in us
Shas'ui with Bonding Knife


it was a mix for me.... i was (and still am) a lord of the rings fan.

i saw on E-bay they had minis for it, picked some up to paint... later found the game for it.

from Lord of the rings i went to 40k because that is what the local legue played....

the rest is history.
Made in us
Crazed Spirit of the Defiler

Durango, Colorado

Definitely the Lord of the Rings. I've gone from painting hordes of Mordor Orcs to hordes of Imperial Guardsmen...
so many figures...gah!

Let us paint your models! You've got games to win!
Check out my blog at http://Smellslikewargaming.blogspot.com
Check out my portfolio! http://smellslikewargaming.blogspot.com/p/commissions.html
Proud Sponsor of the Independent Characters Podcast. 
Made in us
Executing Exarch

Odenton, MD


Battle Masters by Milton Bradly! (models by citadel)

I love this game! to bad the expansions never made it to the states.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/07/04 16:45:18

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

dead account

I needed something to get me out of the house.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Las Vegas

Introduced? Ha! My older brothers 'forced' me to play with them. I was so young, so innocent!

I was the little kid that got chosen for teams last simply because they needed an even amount of bodies.

Made in us
Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle

Georgia,just outside Atlanta

I had a 2 part introduction,first,While visiting a friend I noticed his Chaos & SM armies,talked about playing then,but money was very tight so I had to pass.
2 years later an ex-girlfriends brother bought 2 of the 3rd ed starter boxes and gave me the Dark Eldar,I've been hooked ever since.

"I'll tell you one thing that every good soldier knows! The only thing that counts in the end is power! Naked merciless force!" .-Ursus.

I am Red/Black
Take The Magic Dual Colour Test - Beta today!
<small>Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.</small>

I am both selfish and chaotic. I value self-gratification and control; I want to have things my way, preferably now. At best, I'm entertaining and surprising; at worst, I'm hedonistic and violent.
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

San Diego, CA

While I loved browsing through Battletech Tech Readouts in the bookstore when I was little, I never actually got into wargaming (well, miniature painting, really) around 2002, when I got a copy of Heavy Gear 2 in a software bundle. I was really impressed, so I checked out Dream Pod 9's website. I was even more impressed, so I bought some minis to paint, and have been hooked on the hobby ever since!

Bernard, float over here so I can punch you. 
Made in us
Ambitious Space Wolves Initiate

Long Island

I actually started reading BL books first. I read Angles of Darkness and then Space Wolf and just fell in love with the game. I've been playing and painting ever since.

Made in us
Devestating Grey Knight Dreadknight

I went to a local gaming event to play dungeons and dragons and ended up playing a game of epic 40k, (which at the time was just called Space Marine I think) and I watched a game of WHF. I ended up buying a copy of White Dwarf the next day and the rest is history.


Made in us
Crazed Spirit of the Defiler

Two Rivers, WI

I walked into a hobby town one day picked up a warhammer fantasy box set. My dad said he would learn how to once I got all the guys assembled and painted. I never expanded on that box set and instead moved on to 40k. A 1,000 dollars later I'm still waiting on my dad to play.

Made in us

Deep in the heart of the Kerensky Cluster

1979, Christmas, AD&D... I was 12. So I guess my mom's fault.

It was all downhill from there. SFB, Car Wars, Traveller, Civ, Panzer Leader

Talion Charter
Clan Steel Viper
Neu Swabian League
Iron Warriors

Join NJ's Finest Gamers at http://www.hqtc.org/joomla 
Made in us
Pewling Menial


For me it was other. There was no true "introduction" for me. I was born into it, albeit I was born into older-style wargaming like Squad Leader, Risk. Stratego, Battle Cry, etc. The stone that broke the camel's back for miniatures was a convergence of my love for Star Wars, DnD, and military history. The rest sorta wrapped up together from there, especially after playing HeroQuest at home and around the time I tried HeroScape at a game convention.
Clthomps wrote:
Battle Masters by Milton Bradly! (models by citadel)

Dude! I have a copy of that too! Bought it after it was well-loved, though (some missing, some brken, some painted poorly). I still use the minis for DnD and I use those hedges for picture embellishment. One of those mohawk guys is in my gallery.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/07/05 01:12:06

Everything's under control, situation normal... uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction, but uh... everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?  
Made in us
Raging Ravener

Pittsburgh, PA

I got sucked into minis when I played a demo of Space Hulk at a gaming convention (it was new at the time). A friend & I split on a copy and I've been hooked since.

We all love getting gallery votes...

City Terrain!
Greensteela Kult!
"If God fought Satan in real life, people would still switch channels twenty minutes in, even if God attacked with sharp rainbows and the Devil with exploding porn."
-Sam Strange
Made in us
Lead-Footed Trukkboy Driver

Auburn, CA


I've always enjoyed board games, particularly those that feature direct conflict. After I started getting in to board game as a hobby I naturally gravitated towards more traditional board wargames because they looked like loads of fun.

My first foray in to tabletop miniature wargaming was with LotR SBG. I quit though because even though I loved the models I thought the ruleset was boring. I took up 40K later because it seems more fun. I'm getting in to War of the Ring now because I think GW has finally written a really solid ruleset with a lot of mechanics I like. Over the course of my foray in to tabletop miniatures I have of course still continued to purchase board games and board wargames.

Waagh! Lagduf
Sons of Vulkan
Cadian Mountain Division
Made in ca
Devious Space Marine dedicated to Tzeentch

Creston, BC

My first taste of the game came through a four page spread in a Dragon magazine. I don't think I've ever been more sucked in by any ad since.

Made in us
Rough Rider with Boomstick

Western Washington State, U.S.A.

I had an uncle stationed in germany when I was about 9 years old. He mailed me a photocopy version of rouge trader and a real version of WFRP. I made cardboard disc space marines and orks to play 40k and used the role playing info to do 40k role playing. Good times.

"All of the whining pisses me off... Somewhere some whiny girlyman reinterpreted sportsmanship to reflect the build and not the player. The build has nothing to do with sportsmanship and getting docked as such is ludicrous." -Inigo Montoya
That being said, I'll still give you a 0 if you bring more than 5 eldar skimmers. Don't be that guy.
Also, strippers. 
Made in nl
Spawn of Chaos


My dad used to build model railroads and one day some 15 years ago he brought me to the modelling store. They had five boxes of weird short bearded guys with big hats in bright colours. (I've never been able to get my hands on more chaos dwarfs ever since sadly). Kept playing ever since...

There are no stupid questions, just stupid people.
Da Wulff Den

===== Begin Dakka Geek Code =====
===== End Dakka Geek Code =====

Made in gb
Sniveling Snotling

United Kingdom

it wasn't me i tell ya ! I - I - I didn't see nufin' , I swear it, please sir don' be takin me away on them b-b-black shipss,, it was when i was young they started tellin me stuff, at school, there was a club i think i dont know i was so small and inosent, one of the teachers was doing it, doing it to us all, filling our fragile little minds with talk of space hulks and rouge trader...no no NOOOOO !

do you hear the voises too ?

Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

Surrey - UK

oooh a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away...

I grew up in Ireland and GW was just starting up, when I was in my late teens I moved to London and visited the GW in Hammersmith when it opened on its first day.

Got to know some great drinking buddies there over the years and thats really when the hobby stuck in

-STOLEN ! - Astral Claws - Custodes - Revenant Shroud

Made in us
Twisting Tzeentch Horror

New Jersey

10 years ago I went to a friends house and he asked me if I wanted to try out a new game. So I used his Dark Eldar vs his Space Marines. After getting masacred I was hooked.
Made in us
Unhealthy Competition With Other Legions

Indianapolis, Indiana

Im telling you man some gw reps could get you to sell your soul! Oh Crap! To late

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2009/07/07 07:40:22

"Victory needs no explanation,Defeat allows none."

Made in au
.. .-.. .-.. ..- -- .. -. .- - ..

Toowoomba, Australia

A friend at boarding school had RT book and marines.

2024: Games Played:6/Models Bought:187/Sold:519/Painted: 166
2023: Games Played:0/Models Bought:287/Sold:0/Painted: 203
2020-2022: Games Played:42/Models Bought:1271/Sold:631/Painted:442
2016-19: Games Played:369/Models Bought:772/Sold:378/ Painted:268
2012-15: Games Played:412/Models Bought: 1163/Sold:730/Painted:436 
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Hudsonville, MI

I was playing a TCG and my friends had been playing warhammer before. At one point i bought a rhino and painted it to see what i could do. Then bought a space marine squad with the same intent. As that happened I got hooked and now about 4 years later i have a large Space Marine Army and new IG army, Warriors of Chaos, and possibly another one on the way.

This game is fun and very addicting.
Made in au
Gore-Soaked Lunatic Witchhunter

Australia (Recently ravaged by the Hive Fleet Ginger Overlord)

...I don't...remember...

...All I saw was...a light...at the end of the tunnel...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/07/15 10:36:33

Smacks wrote:
After the game, pack up all your miniatures, then slap the guy next to you on the ass and say.

"Good game guys, now lets hit the showers"
Made in gb
Avatar of the Bloody-Handed God

Inside your mind, corrupting the pathways

Sadly enough I started 40K because I was into Micro Machines and thought that the Warhammer models would be cool to go with my toy cars (I was quite small ).

I then had a period of about 5 years where I didn't really do anything with the 20 or so really rubbish Space Orks you got with the starter kit back in those days, then I decided what the hey, and bought a couple of the Ork stand alone game boxes that they were selling off when they were being phased out.

Then I more or less forgot about it for a couple more years until I was at university and went kind of crazy and bought loads of IG, CSM, and Tyranids.

Then my GF expressed an interest in painting some Wood Elves, so I bought her an army, and got myself some (ie lots) of Vampire Counts to play against her if I could ever convince her to play.

Most of it is unpainted, though I am trying to forge through it all and get it all painted. Currently part way through (and progressing very slowly though my CSM).

Made in gb
Coastal Bliss in the Shadow of Sizewell

Suffolk, where the Aliens roam.

My memory is hazy here, it was either getting A Dragonlance game in 1988 that pulled me fully into fantasy then wargamming. Or it was seeing a mates mag with Adepticus Titanicus (Epic) in it during a art class in mid 1988. Which opened my eyes to the fact there where actual games I could play based around wargames. Might have been a mixture of the two tbh, I did get into RPGs around 89/90 as well.

Anyways before then I used to set up plastic german/British or US soldiers on bedsheets drapped over stuff to create scenery, and then hid them behind toy trucks etc.
Then used a dice or marble to throw at the figures, taking turns with my slightly younger brother. As time had passed we added movement rules etc, but hitting those lying down ones hidden behind a truck was murder. Hehe.
Moving onto to actual games with proper rulesets appealed to me, but I do think the toy soldiers game I created with my Bro was an indication I'd eventually find wargamming.

From there I grabbed lots of stuff, Blood Bowl, Space Hulk, Heroquest, spiralled into 3rd ed Warhammer and Rogue Trader and that was me hooked.

Well apart from that silly dropping out phase for 11months between 97 and 98.

"That's not an Ork, its a girl.." - Last words of High General Daran Ul'tharem, battle of Ursha VII.

Two White Horses (Ipswich Town and Denver Broncos Supporter)
Made in us
Unhealthy Competition With Other Legions

Indianapolis, Indiana

I saw some kids in elimentry playing mageknights so i wanted to play then one day lokking for a wizards of the coast my mom pointed to a gw i walked in and i saw a cool marine v marine one had some bikers playa game (don't ask me how i remember htat but not anyhting else) and then i said i think this is dumb i want to find my wiz of the coast store then after yugioh and magic i finaly found warhammer again.

"Victory needs no explanation,Defeat allows none."

Made in au
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

Tau Player

A friend made me buy Battle for Macragge after watching a couple of people play it at our first "club meeting". Never assembled a single model. I've got one of the genestealers being squished underfoot by a broadside, for base decoration, but that's it.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/07/19 09:20:07

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