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[Campaigns] Into the Jaws of Hell (a Deathwatch/40k/Spacehulk campaign)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

"Brothers, we all understood the risks when we made our pacts with the Deathwatch. Routine or not, our missions are sacred undertakings and the promises we made must be kept at all costs. No matter that we have found ourselves lost in this forgotten system, torn from the Immaterium by the abomination our new Admech allies call the [++Redacted++]. No matter that we have no choice but to plunge into the nightmare depths of this derelict hulk to thwart our otherwise inevitable descent into hell with it. And no matter that some of us may die fighting the innumerable horrors we will find within it. We have sworn oaths to destroy the enemies of Mankind wherever they may be found. Let us fulfill our promises of destruction and return the Emperor's light to this forsaken place that we may carry our hatred anew, to dark places yet undiscovered. For we are the Angels of Death and the Deliverers of the Emperor's Grace. Let none stand in our path and live. Let nothing stay our wrath."

-Watch Captain Erophon formerly of the Flesh Tearers, to the Deathwatch contingent aboard the Frigate Intolerance, Hour 14


This is a campaign for two or more players using a slightly modified version of the 40k rules. It plays best when one player takes on the role of "GM" and the remaining players take on the role of the space marines of the Deathwatch. I've taken inspiration from the many MiniWarGaming campaigns, the FFG Deathwatch roleplaying game, the various incarnations of the Space Hulk game by Games Workshop, and my own ideas. The campaign follows a group of Deathwatch marines on board the Gladius Frigate Intolerance after it has been blown way off course and dragged from the Immaterium into an uncharted system by the formation of a "brand new" Space Hulk. Here they find Admech forces that have been trapped here since the middle of the Great Crusade, waiting for a rescue that would never come. From these Mechanicus the Deathwatch learns that at the heart of this growing hulk is a device of ancient design that's drawing ships and debris from both realspace and the warp and adding it to its mass. According to them it's only a matter of time before the hulk reaches critical mass and drags everything into the warp with it. Unless, of course, the Deathwatch can reach the device in time before then and stop it. It's a race against time and the multitude of horrors within. But is everything exactly as it seems? And will your forces be able to unravel the mystery before it unravels you?

I'll be posting rules, scenarios, and background to this thread as I finish writing them. It should be noted that this campaign has not been playtested, so if you decide to run it, feedback is appreciated.

This campaign has seen significant revisions to its Squad Creation rules, Skill rules, and some Talent Trees. These Revisions can be found starting on page.6 of this blog.

This message was edited 9 times. Last update was at 2022/06/29 07:46:52

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Adversaries and "Allotment"

There are three levels of Adversaries. These are Minion, Miniboss, and Boss Monster. Minions have 1 or 2 Wounds each, Minibosses can have 3 to 5 Wounds each, and Boss Monsters have a minimum of 6 Wounds each. In each Mission decription there is an "Allotment" number. This is a guideline for GMs to control the difficulty of the opposition in each mission.

Each Adversarial level corresponds to a different cost in Allotment.

- Minions are cheap and cost 1 Allotment each.

- Mini Bosses are meant to be a slight challenge and so cost 5 Allotment to deploy.

- Boss Monsters are game changers with a level of lethality not possessed by lesser adversaries and so cost 30 Allotment.

GMs are allowed to tweak the adversaries a player or players will encounter in a given scenario based on their collections of models.

Minions often deploy in groups, flocking together for safety much like schools of fish do. On the tabletop, Minions will always move in the direction of the nearest enemy model in their line of sight. If there are no enemies in line of sight, Minions move towards the closest allied model on the table. If equipped for hand to hand combat, Minions will attempt to charge enemy models in range. If they are equipped with ranged weapons such as lasguns or fleshborers, Minions will move towards cover and attempt to shoot at player models. Unless otherwise noted, Minions of the same Faction and type (such as Ork Infantry, Eldar Cavalry, and Tyranid Jump Infantry) will tend to stick together, forming groups of at least 5 individuals when deployed. Adversary Minions that remain within 2" of another model of their same Faction gain +1 to their Morale rolls when forced to roll. Remember that models can only be Shaken or Pinned when failing their Morale tests, unlike normal 40k (see posts below for rules).

Minibosses often have more daring than Minions and only have to move towards allied models if there is also a Boss Monster in line of sight. Otherwise, they may move as the GM wants. However, Minibosses will always charge enemy models that come within range, even if they are not armed for hand to hand combat.

Boss Monsters always move however the GM wishes, with total freedom of will, attacking or hiding as the GM thinks is appropriate.

For example, if a Mission has an Allotment of 30, a GM may opt for 30 Minions or 25 Minions and a single Miniboss or 6 Minibosses or 1 Boss Monster or 3 Minibosses and 15 Minions or any combination that adds up to 30.

Allotment 2.0
Place holder for better writing, but essentially

Fodder: these are models with no more than 1 wound and a Toughness of 2 or less.
These cost 1 Allotment for 3 models.

Minions: these are models with 1 or 2 wounds and a minimum Toughness of 3.
Minions with 1 Wound cost 1 Allotment per model.
Minions with 2 Wounds cost 2 Allotment per model.

Elites: these models have a minimum of 3 Wounds, but may have up to 5.
These models cost 5 Allotment per model.

Minibosses: these models have a minimum of 6 Wounds, but may have up to 12.
These models cost 12 Allotment per model.

Boss Monsters: these models have a minimum of 13 Wounds, but may have up to 20.
These models cost 20 Allotment per model.

True Monsters: these models have 21 or more Wounds.
These models cost 30 Allotment per model.

-Fodder clusters together, forming enormous hordes that act as one gigantic unit. For every 10 models in a horde of Fodder, add +1 to its base Leadership. If this brings it to 12 or more, the horde is effectively Fearless until reduced in size to lower that score. This category is meant to represent cultists, grots, ship dead, conscripts, and the like.

-Minions cluster in groups of 5 to 20, at the GM's discretion.

-Elites sometimes act independently and sometimes in groups of 3-10, at the GM's discretion.

-Minibosses, Boss Monsters, and True Monsters always act independently, but may join other units as per the 40k rules for Independent Characters.

-True Monsters always have the Terrifying Trait for free.

-Fodder, Minions, and Elites all count as Minions for the purposes of XP and Renown gains.

-Minibosses are still Minibosses

-Boss Monsters and True Monsters count as Boss Monsters for the purposes of XP and Renown gains.

The "Doom Clock"

This is a simple mechanic for advancing the story and generating a sense of urgency in the campaign. GMs ought to keep the details of this clock secret, but it's okay if players figure out that something is going on with it. Principally this is a tool for the GM.

When the [++Redacted++]'s warp drive imploded and the resulting cascade activated the ancient vessel's Arcane Gellar Field, the DoomClock started its countdown (countup?). This was hour 0. Within the first few moments two whole vessels within the system were dragged into the growing hulk's mass. These ships were the Admech surveyor frigate Delta Epsilon and an inert organic vessel the Admech call the Zayex Organism. Along with these two vessels there was also untold billions of tons of rock, wreckage, and ice debris dragged into the hulk's mass as well. At every interval of 9 hours on the DoomClock, another vessel will be dragged out of the warp and added to the hulk's mass.

In fact, it is at hour 9 that the players' ship - the Intolerance - is dragged from the warp by this very phenomenon. At this stage the [++Redacted] had not yet reached an inescapable mass and the crew of the Space Marine frigate were able to steer clear of the growing hulk to the relative safety of the surrounding space. Subsequent vessels and/or wreckage dragged from the warp or from within the system itself will either be unmanned or the mass of the [++Redacted++] will be too great to escape by the time they get close enough to be absorbed. In other words, no future vessels will be as lucky as the players.

The DoomClock assumes that it will take the Deathwatch vessel & its crew roughly 5 hours to make contact and rendezvous with the Adeptus Mechanicus forces in the system & to establish that both factions are trapped here with the [++Redacted++] because of a warpstorm that may or may not have been created by the space hulk itself. The game's first mission briefing, therefore, begins at hour 14.

Every Mission undertaken by the Deathwatch will advance the DoomClock a minimum of 1 hour, pass or fail. The first hour of every Mission assumes briefing, arming, and deployment. The second hour is most of the Mission itself and the last hour is extraction and debriefing. Sometimes this means that a new vessel will impact with the hulk mid-mission, causing hulk-quakes, hull breaches, explosions, and other deadly hazards. Some may block off a line of retreat and add hours of fruitless exploration to a Mission. Each individual event and its effects will be described in full so that GMs can keep track of what's going on. Some Missions might also have options that are safer for the marines, but add significant time to the length of the Mission. Always make players aware of the extra time, but don't actually reveal to them why it's significant. Let them figure it out for themselves as the hordes they face grow larger and more desperate to stop their exploration and advance.

When the DoomClock reaches hour 18, hour 27, hour 36, hour 45, hour 54, hour 63, hour 72, and hour 81, there will be one or more Events Of Significant Magnitude. Additionally, after every 3 hours, the Allotment of every future mission increases by 1. This is a cummulative gain, which means that when the game begins all missions are already at a +4 Allotment and that after Mission 1: Hulk Breach, at hour 17, Allotment will have increased to +5 and will be on the verge of advancing to +6.

Allotment increases take effect at the hour they become available. Sometimes this will increase in the middle of a Mission and sometimes it will take effect during briefing or debriefing.

"Mundane" Events

Not all missions suffer from Events. In missions that do call for Events roll D6 at the start of every Turn. On a 1, roll another D6 and consult this table. If a vessel impacts the [++Redacted++] during a Briefing or a Mission, an Event is automatically triggered every Turn. Roll at the start of every Turn to determine what it is. If a Mission already uses Events when a vessel impacts during a Briefing or Mission, roll on this table at the start of each Player's Movement Phase instead of the start of the Turn.

0 or less) No catastrophic event: you lucked out, the damage has already been done. Treat all open terrain on the table as Dangerous this Turn: if a model moves through it, roll a D6. On a 1, they suffer a single wound with no AP.

1) Hulk Quake: the whole structure begins to shake and shudder, the creak and whine of failing bulkheads echo across the battlefield, threatening to collapse the entire compartment. All models on the table must make a Strength test at the start of their Movement Phase on the Turn the Quake begins, and every turn until the Quake ends, or become Pinned. The GM should also roll a D6 for every room and length of corridor revealed on the table. On a 1, that section suffers catastrophic damage. Models inside it suffer D6 wounds with a -2 AP. Survivors must use their next Movement Phase to exit the area. If they cannot move clear in one turn, remove them as casualties. After which, treat that section as Impassable terrain. If the section in question contained the Objective, the Mission counts as a failure. Quakes end if another Event is rolled.

2) Explosive Decompression: an outer hull plate fails and all the atmosphere in this section violently races into space, dragging whatever isn't nailed down out with it. Roll to randomly decide which table edge the decompression originates from, where a 5 indicates a hole in the floor and 6 indicates a hole in the ceiling. Roll a D6 for each closed door on the table. On the roll of a 1, the door fails and is destroyed. Doors that hold and close off a section away from the direction of the Decompression, create a Safe Zone, retaining the atmosphere behind it until it is opened. Do not apply any of the following effects to Safe Zones until it is breached. All scatter terrain is removed from decompressed areas. Make a Strength test for each model on the table. Each model that fails suffers D3 Mortal wounds. If the model survives, move it 3D6" towards the decompression table edge by the most direct path possible. If this takes the model off the table, remove them as a casualty. Holes in the floor and holes in the ceiling count as being in the center of the table or terrain layout.

3) Implosion: with barely a shudder precipitating, the entire compartment collapses. Roll a D6 for every model on the table. It suffers this many wounds with no AP. Any models that survive must pass a Toughness test or become Pinned. Subtract -1 from all subsequent rolls on this table.

4) Partial Collapse: there's a sudden, shocking crack as whole sections of the Hulk begin to disintegrate. With luck the compartment or tunnel you are in survives. Roll a D6 for every room and length of corridor on the table. In scenarios where the whole map is not immediately revealed, only roll for the rooms and corridors already discovered. On a 1, 2, or 3 that area collapses causing D3 Mortal Wounds to every model in it. Models in collapsed areas must spend their Movement Phases to get out of that area. Once all surviving models have escaped the collapsed area, treat that room or corridor as impassable terrain for the remainder of the Mission. If the section in question contained the Objective (and it isn't possible for a marine to physically remove it because it isn't an object), the Mission counts as a failure.

5) Warp Rift: with an inhuman hissing, a tear forms in the very fabric of reality, pouring forth ectoplasm and malevolence. Roll a scatter die or spin an arrow and roll 3D6. For each 6 rolled, roll an additional D6 and add it to this pool. For each 1 rolled reduce the pool by that much. Measuring from the center of the table (or the central-most region of a partially revealed layout) and in the direction indicated by the scatter die or arrow spin, place a Warp Rift marker (a die will do) a number of inches away equal to the die pool. A Warp Rift opens here. Models within or models that move to within 9" of this Rift suffer +1 Corruption (more on this later) at the start of their Movement Phase. Psychic powers manifested within 9" of the Rift automatically inflict 1 Mortal Wound on the Psyker who used it. Additionally, if the GM has the models for it, the Warp Rift generates 9 Allotment every turn that can only be spent on Daemons. At the end of every Psychic Phase starting on the turn after the Rift opens roll 2D6. On the roll of a 9+, the Rift closes. Models that enter the Rift are removed from play and count as having the maximum number of Wound Tokens for the purposes of Recovery (more on this later).

6) Conduit Overload: there's a massive power surge and what little light there may be flickers out while ghostly arcs of electricity crackle from exposed wiring and terminals. Roll a D6 for every model within 1" of a wall, terminal, or generator. On a 1 or a 6, that model is struck by a single Strength 6 AP -1 hit. Unless the model is equipped to see farther, sight distance for the remainder of the mission is reduced to 8".

This message was edited 22 times. Last update was at 2023/03/11 04:15:15

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Unit/Character Creation
As the GM, you have two options when having your players create their units. First, if you only have 1 or 2 players, you might want them each to create one whole unit of 3-10 marines. Alternatively, if you have 3 or more players, you have the option to encourage them each to create their own individual marine character. In this way you don't need every player to show up for every game, as unit compositions literally become just whoever showed up for game this time. But it's your game, use whichever of these two options better suit your needs.

Method 1: Whole Units
Each unit consists of between 3 and 10 models. There are minimum requirements and some restrictions to how many of each specialty a player may take for their unit. A player is given 15 "points" to work with and each Specialty costs a number of these points. No starting unit can exceed their allotted "points". Alternatively, your group could opt for "Hard Mode", with only 10 points or "Easy Mode" with 20 points.

The following is a list of Specialties, their minimum and/or maximum limit per unit, and their "point cost". Note that every unit must contain at least 1 Tactical marine.

Limit : Specialty : Cost
0-2 : Apothecary : 3
0+ : Assault Marine : 2
0-1 : Champion : 5
0-1 : Chaplain : 6
0+ : Devastator Marine : 2
0-1 : Librarian : 6
0-1 : Primaris Intercessor : 4
1+ : Tactical Marine : 1
0-2 : Techmarine : 3
0-1 : Terminator : 5

Method 2: Individual Marines
With this method, each player makes a single, individual Marine "character". There are no "points" per se, but the overall Unit has restrictions on how many of each Specialty there may be in total.

With this method of Unit creation there may be no more than 1 of each of the following Specialties: Chaplain, Librarian, Primaris Intercessor, and Terminator. There may be any number of the following Specialties as long as each player only uses 1 model each: Apothecary, Assault Marine, Devastator, Tactical Marine, Techmarine. Note that with this method, the Champion specialty is not an option.

In campaigns where there are 3 or fewer players, each model begins the campaign with 5 wounds each. If you have 4-5 players, each model begins play with 4 Wounds, and if you are using this method with 6 or more players, each model begins play with 3 Wounds each. Terminators and Primaris Intercessors get +1 starting Wound in all cases.

Each model in the Deathwatch squad is a Character, and operates on the tabletop by all the rules associated with that <keyword>. An individual marine is defined by his Specialty and his Chapter of origin. Players select one from each category for each marine when making their squads. Take note of any restrictions imposed by a Chapter.

I highly recommend every squad has at least 1 model with the Tech Skill and 1 with the Medic Skill. Your players will get the most out the Campaign if both of these criteria are fulfilled.

Optional Rule:
Command Points
In this Campaign, the rules for generating Command Points work differently than in standard 40k, as the players' "army" consists solely of individuals and not units. These rules are optional; discuss amongst yourselves (GM and players, both) if you want to use them, come to a consensus, and stick to it. There will be a list of unique Stratagems available in each Mission for both the players and the GM, but these can also be purchased with Renown or Allotment if you decide not to use Command Points.

For players: some of the Specialties generate Command Points at the start of each Mission. Where noted as "per", this means that for each model of that Specialty in the squad, increase the overall starting Command Points by the number indicated. If there is a flat bonus, then as long as there is 1 or more of that Specialty in the squad, the starting Command Points increase by that amount. Note that many of the Specialties provide no Command Point bonus at all.

To start, player squads gain 1 Command Point just for showing up to play. In games where there are multiple players and 1 player's model has been designated the Squad Leader, only that player may use Command Points.

For GMs: for every 10 Minions or single Miniboss, the GM generates 1 Command Point. For every Boss Monster, the GM generates 2 Command Points. The GM begins with a pool of 0 Command Points.

Marine Specialties
There are 10 Specialties to choose from, each with their own load out, Skills, and abilities. Aside from the number of wounds and weapon options available, each of these specialties has the same profile for this campaign as they do in their corresponding Codex or Index. Every Specialty, except the Terminator, is armed with an Astartes Knife (negligible weight), 2 Frag and 2 Krak Grenades (collectively 01 Capacity), a Bolt Pistol (01 Capacity), and 4 Pistol Reloads (collectively 01 Capacity). Total weight: 03. Each of the Specialties are also armed with additional weapons and gear. As models gain in XP and Renown, their options for armament and load out increase. Note also, that every Specialty begins with the Cohesion 0 talent and some may begin the campaign with a skill or another upgrade. Except for Primaris Intercessors and Terminators, all Specialties begin play with 3 wounds, unless you are using the Individual Marines system for Unit creation.

The following is a list of Specialties and a description of their starting armaments, skills & their ratings, and starting Renown.

Apothecary: Capacity: 08; Specialist Gear: Reductor (negligible weight; may be used in close combat instead of knife or bolt pistol; counts as a close combat weapon with Strength as User, AP -2, and Damage 1), Narthecium (01 Capacity; may be used once per Turn to re-roll a failed Medic skill check, or add +2" to the range of a Medic Skill application, or to apply the effects of a dose of combat Stim; holds up to 3 doses of Stim), Deathwatch Pattern Bolter (03 Capacity), 4 Bolter Reloads (collectively 01 Capacity); Total Load Out Weight: 08; Specialist Skill: Medic1; Renown: 1 (Command Points: +1)

Assault Marine: Capacity: 08; Specialist Gear: Chainsword (02 Capacity; may be used in close combat instead of knife or bolt pistol), 4 Additional Pistol Reloads (collectively 01 Capacity), Jump Pack (01 Capacity); Total Load Out Weight: 07; Specialist Skill: Intimidate1; Renown: 1 (Command Points: +1 per); Assault Marines must pay Quadruple Cost to equip any weapon on the Heavy list

Champion: Capacity: 08; Specialist Gear: Astartes Sword (01 Capacity; may be used in close combat instead of knife or bolt pistol), 4 Additional Pistol Reloads (collectively 01 Capacity); Total Load Out Weight: 05; Specialist Skill: Intimidate1; Renown: 15 (Command Points: 0)

Chaplain: Capacity: 08; Specialist Gear: Rosarius, Crozius Arcanum (01 Capacity); Total Load Out Weight: 04; Specialist Skill: Inspire1; Specialist Bonus: *Reduce Corruption; Renown: 1 (Command Points: 0)

Devastator Marine: Capacity: 08; Specialist Gear: Heavy Bolter (04 Capacity), Backpack Ammo Supply (01 Capacity); Total Load Out Weight: 08; Specialist Skill: Demolition1; Renown: 1 (Command Points: +1 per); Devastators pay only half Cost for many Heavy weapons, see the appropriate wargear lists for eligible items

Librarian: Capacity: 08; Specialist Gear: Force Sword (01 Capacity), Psychic Hood (01 Capacity); Total Load Out Weight: 05; Specialist Skills: Psychic Sense1, Psychic Power: Smite; Renown: 1; A Librarian may attempt to manifest a single Psychic Power per Turn and Deny a single enemy Power per Turn (Command Points: 0)

Primaris Intercessor: Capacity: 08; Specialist Gear: Bolt Rifle (02 Capacity), 4 Bolt Rifle reloads (collectively 01 Capacity); Total Load Out Weight: 06; Specialist Skill: none; Specialist Bonus: Starting Wounds 4; Renown: 1 (Command Points: +1)

Tactical Marine: Capacity: 08; Specialist Gear: Deathwatch Pattern Bolter (03 Capacity), 4 Bolter Reloads (collectively 01 Capacity); Total Load Out Weight: 07;Specialist Skill: Command1; Renown: 1 (Command Points: +2 per); Tactical Marines pay half Cost for many Longarm weapons, see the appropriate wargear lists for eligible items

Techmarine: Capacity: 08; Specialist Gear: Deathwatch Bolter (03 Capacity), 4 Bolter Reloads (collectively 01 Capacity), Servo Arm, Mechanicus Frame; Total Load Out Weight: 07; Specialist Skill: Tech1; Renown: 1 (Command Points: +1)

Terminator: Capacity: 10; Specialist Gear: Deathwatch Pattern Stormbolter (04 Capacity), 2 Stormbolter Reloads (collectively 01 Capacity), Terminator Armor, Powerfist (04 Capacity); Total Load Out Weight: 09; Specialist Skill: none; Specialist Bonus: Starting Wounds 4; Renown: 15* (Command Points: 0); Terminators may only equip weapons from the Terminator Only wargear lists

*may only take Wargear designated for Terminators

*Roll a D6 at the end of every Mission for every marine that deployed (as long as the Chaplain deployed with them). On a 6, that marine reduces their overall Corruption by 1.

This message was edited 30 times. Last update was at 2020/11/25 09:34:20

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Chapter Bonuses and Restrictions

In addition to their Specialties, each Marine model is also defined by their Chapter of origin. There are no restrictions on the number of marines in a unit that can be from the same Chapter, except as their Chapter might restrict certain Specialties. Select one Chapter for each Marine model in the Unit. For every 5 models from the same Chapter in a single Unit, decrease the cost of Cohesion upgrades for those models by 1XP, but increase the cost of Cohesion upgrades for all Marines from a different Chapter in that same Unit by 2XP. If more than 1 Marine in any given Unit is from the same Chapter, none of those Marines gain Renown for personal deeds.

Space Wolves: Bonus (player's choice): Acute Senses (in Missions where visibilty is limited, Space Wolves add 6" to their visibility range) or, Legendary Ferocity (at the start of the Players' turn of Close Combat roll a Toughness test for this model; if they pass they gain +1 Renown, if they fail they gain +1 Strength until the end of the players' Turn), Devastators also gain Wisdom (once per Mission, this model may use the Command or Tactics Skill whether they have Ratings in it or not, without expending a Rating and succeeding on a 4+ regardless of their actual Skill Stat), Assault Marines also gain Reckless (if an enemy model moves to within 8", this model must attempt to charge it. If they subsequently win that Close Combat they gain +1 Renown); Restriction Cannot be Apothecary; Gear Space Wolf Terminators may take an Assault Cannon without having to meet the Renown Threshold (although they must still pay the Cost); every Space Wolf model gains Wolf Talismans (re-roll the first failed armor save of every Mission)

Blood Angels: Bonus Blood Frenzy (after making their first kill in Close Combat in a Mission, this model must take a Toughness test. If they fail, the model gains +1 to their Attacks on their profile until the end of the Mission. If they pass they count as Shaken for the remainder of the Turn; in either case, they also gain +1 Renown just for having to take the test), The Thirst (roll a Toughness test at the start of every Movement phase. If the model fails they must move towards the nearest visible enemy model. If there are no visible enemy models, the model counts as having passed the test) Restriction none; Gear every Blood Angels model gains Sanguinary Pendants (as long as the model has caused an unsaved wound on an enemy model this Mission, the Pendant may be used to re-roll a single die once per Mission)

Dark Angels: Bonus Hatred [Traitor Marines] (re-roll failed to hit rolls in the first round of Close Combat when fighting against Chaos Space Marines), Chaplains also gain Intimidate1 that can only be used against Chaos Space Marines, Tactical Marines and Devastators also get Legendary Stubbornness (in any situation where this model stands either at the vanguard [frontmost position] or rearguard [backmost position] between all enemy forces and all allied forces, they become immune to being Shaken or Pinned and when standing still in this position, may fire 1 additional shot from whatever weapon they are carrying in any firing Mode without expending any extra bullets); Restriction none; Gear Tactical Marines may take Plasma guns and Primaris Intercessors may take Plasma Incinerators without having to meet the Renown Threshold (although they must still pay the Cost), every Dark Angels model gains Fragment of Caliban (this may be used to re-roll the first failed Characteristic test, Leadership test - if this model is the Mission Leader - or Skill test of every Mission, player's choice)

Ultramarines: Bonus Authority of Guilliman (once per mission may add +6" to the range of any Skill or Talent); Restriction none; Gear Tactical Marines may replace their Deathwatch Pattern Bolters with Guilliman Pattern Bolt Rifles without having to meet the Renown Threshold (although they must still pay the Cost). Additionally, all Ultramarines gain a Copy of the Codex (re-roll the first failed Skill check of every Mission)

*in case it isn't clear, the Ultramarine above and the Ultramarines Tyrannic War Veteran below are 2 different options. Pick one or the other. However, both options count as Ultramarines and therefore count towards the "marines of the same Chapter" rules detailed in the first paragraph of this post. It's also the reason there's only one illustration for both options.

---Ultramarines Tyrannic War Veterans: Bonus Veterans of Macragge (versus Tyranids and Genestealer Cult Infantry, improve the AP of any shooting or Close Combat attacks by 1); Restriction Cannot be Primaris Intercessors; Gear Any Specialty may take Hellfire Ammo without having to meet the Renown Threshold, all Ultramarines gain a Copy of the Codex (re-roll the first failed Skill check of every Mission)

Black Templars: Bonus Hatred [Agents of the Ruinous Powers] (re-roll failed to hit rolls in the first round of Close Combat when fighting against Chaos forces), Reckless Zealotry (if this model's Unit fails a Morale test caused by enemy Shooting or Psychic powers, this model must immediately move D6" in the direction of the closest enemy model, stopping just out of Close Combat range) Restriction Cannot be Librarians; Gear all Black Templars models gain Penitent Chains (as long as this model has already failed a Characteristic test this Mission, the Chains may be used to re-roll a single die for any reason once per Mission)

Iron Hands: Bonus Mechanicus Frame (a prerequisite for a variety of unique upgrades), Metal Over Flesh (whenever this model must roll on the Injury Recovery table, they may reduce the die roll by 1 for every cybernetic or Mechanicus upgrade they have acquired - the Mechanicus Frame bonus detailed above and the Cybernetic Hand detailed below do not count towards this bonus), Techmarines may select any 1 Tier 1 Technological Talent for free instead of an additional Mechanicus Frame; Restriction none; Gear all Iron Hands models gain a Cybernetic Hand (this model gains ignore a Wound on a 4+] for the first Wound suffered in every Mission); Special: once an Iron Hands Marine has gained 3 or more cybernetic upgrade Talents it gains the following - More Machine than Man (grants Ignore a Wound on a (6+)), this improves to Ignore a Wound on a (5+) if the Iron Hands Marine takes 8 or more Cybernetic Talents)

Imperial Fists: Bonus Sons of Dorn (if this model is the Mission Leader, they gain +1 Leadership while in cover. If they are not the Mission Leader they become immune to being Shaken while in cover), Bolter Drill (when using a bolt pistol, bolter, bolt rifle, assault bolter, heavy bolter, stormbolter, or the bolter component of a combi-weapon, this model may re-roll shooting to-hit rolls of 1); Restriction none; Gear all Imperial Fists models gain a Scrimshaw Momento (the first unsaved wound this model suffers in every Mission generates a Wound Token, but does not reduce the model's Wound total)

Salamanders: Bonus Forged in Flames (all flame weapons treat their strength as being 1 lower when used against this model and all flame weapons used by this model treat their strength as 1 higher when rolling to wound); Restriction none; Gear at character creation, all Salamanders marines may upgrade one of their weapons to Exceptional Quality permanently for free; all Salamanders models gain an Anvil Pendant (once per Mission, this model may use this Pendant to re-roll a failed hit roll with any weapon).

Lamenters: Bonus Lamentation (after inflicting their first unsaved Wound in Close Combat per Mission, this marine must pass a Toughness test at the beginning of their next turn. If they fail, they add +1 to their Attack stat for the remainder of the Mission. If they pass, they immediately gain +1 Renown), Penitent (Lamenters marines gain +1 Renown any time they inflict the last wound on a Miniboss or Boss Monster in Close Combat. If there is a Miniboss or Boss Monster on the table, in line of sight, and within Charge distance, the Lamenters marine must charge that model); Restriction none; Gear all Lamenters gain the Tears of Lamentation (if this model is the Mission Leader, they may re-roll their first failed morale check of the Mission. If this model is not the Mission Leader, they may ignore the effects of the first failed morale check of the Mission)

Nova Marines: Bonus Righteous Indignation [Aliens] (re-roll failed to-wound rolls in the first round of Close Combat when fighting against any Xenos forces); Restriction none; Gear all Nova Marines gain Trophies (xenos enemies must pass a Toughness test when charging or when they are charged by this marine. If they fail, treat their Weapon Skill as 1 worse than what it actually is until the start of the Nova Marine's next Turn)

White Scars: Bonus Huntsman (at the start of a Mission, before the first turn begins, this marine can designate one type of enemy model [ork infantry, tyranid monster, and eldar vehicle are examples]. Against his designated target type, he may re-roll to-hit rolls of 1. GMs, it is on you to include at least 5 Allotment worth of enemies of the type designated by this player's marine. Don't be a jerk. Make sure their choices mean something; Players, if you are this marine and you know that all you've been fighting in this section of the Hulk has been Tyranids and Admech, don't be a jerk by declaring your target type as Eldar Vehicle. Come on, man, pay attention to the narrative); Restriction cannot be Devastator Marine; Gear any White Scars model may take a Jump Pack without having to meet the Renown Threshold, any White Scars model may replace their Astartes Knife with an Astartes Spear for free.

Crimson Fists: Bonus Hatred [Orks] (re-roll failed to hit rolls in the first round of Close Combat when fighting against Orks), Bolter Drill (when using a bolter, bolt rifle, heavy bolter, stormbolter, or the bolter component of a combi-weapon, this model may re-roll shooting to-hit rolls of 1); Restriction none; Gear any Crimson Fists marine can equip a powerfist without needing to meet the Renown Threshold, all Crimson Fists models gain Memories of Rynn's World (when outside Cohesion range, this model adds a D6 to the Mission Leader's Morale tests and takes the best roll. If they are the Mission Leader, the entire squad benefits from this effect. If they are not the Mission Leader only this model counts the better score - meaning they may avoid being Pinned if their die roll would've meant a passed test)

Raven Guard: Bonus all Ravenguard begin with the Skill: Stealth1; Restriction cannot be Devastator Marine; Gear any Raven Guard model may take Lightning Claws without having to meet the Renown Threshold, although they must still pay the Cost, all Raven Guard models gain Crow Skull Talisman (re-roll the first failed armor save or invulnerable save per Mission)

Flesh Tearers: Bonus Frenzied (after the first model in line of sight suffers an unsaved wound per Mission, this model adds +1 to the number of Attacks on its profile for the remainder of the Mission. If an enemy model is within 8" of this marine at the start of his movement phase, the Flesh Tearer must charge it), Render of Flesh and Bone (in any Close Combat where there are living and non-living opponents, the Flesh Tearer will ignore non-living models [such as necrons, automata, and cyborks] in favor of living opponents, using all of their attacks against the living first. In addition, against living opponents, Flesh Tearers melee attacks improve their AP by 1); Restriction none; Gear all Flesh Tearers replace their Astartes Knife with a Chainsword, all Flesh Tearers models gain Enemy Scalps (as long as the model has caused an unsaved wound on an enemy model during any Assault Phase this Mission, the Scalps may be used to re-roll a single die for any reason once per Mission)

Howling Griffons: Bonus Personal Oath (as long as the player who controls this model makes a statement about what he swears to do in the upcoming Mission [kill more enemy models than any other allies, achieve more Objectives than any other allies, or accomplish the whole Mission without firing a shot] and the model achieves this goal, this Howling Griffons marine gains +1 Renown on top of any other bonuses at the end of the Mission. A Howling Griffons marine cannot make the same Oath 2 Missions in a row. If the Howling Griffons marine fails to achieve their Oath, but another marine does, that other marine earns the +1 Renown bonus); Restriction none; Gear any Howling Griffon model except Devastator Marines may take a Jump Pack without having to meet the Renown Threshold, all Howling Griffons models gain Heraldry of Valor (the moment this model first earns Renown during the course of a Mission, they also earn a single die re-roll that can be used for any reason until the end of the Mission)

Red Scorpions: Bonus Hatred[Mutants] (re-roll failed to hit rolls in the first round of Close Combat when fighting against Genestealer Cults, Chaos Cultists, Astra Militarum Ratlings or Ogryns, or Chaos Spawn), all Red Scorpions models gain the Skill: Medic1, Red Scorpions Apothecaries instead replace their Medic1 with Medic2; Restrictions none; Gear all Red Scorpions gain a Genome Relic (as long as the model has suffered at least one unsaved Wound this Mission, they may re-roll failed Medic tests for the remainder of the Mission)

Carcharodon Astra: Bonus Bloodshed Upon Bloodshed (after inflicting an unsaved Wound in Close Combat, this model may immediately make another attack against the same or another opponent. If this extra attack also causes an unsaved Wound, the Carcharodon may make another extra attack); Restriction none; Gear a Carcharodon Astra model may equip Preheresy Armor instead of whatever other type of armor his Specialty normally comes with (reduce the number of Wounds suffered from Events by 1 to a minimum of 0, but their Save is reduced to 4+ when the attack comes from behind this model); all Carcharodons Astra gain a Fang of the Maw (once per Mission, this model may force an enemy model it is engaged in close combat with to re-roll a successful Armor Save)

Minotaurs: Bonus Hatred [Human Infantry] (re-roll failed to hit rolls in the first round of Close Combat when fighting against Astra Militarum, Chaos Cultists, or Human Auxilliaries of the Tau), Hatred[Xenos Infantry] (re-roll failed to hit rolls in the first round of Close Combat when fighting against Orks, Eldar, Tyranid, or Tau Infantry); Restriction none; Gear all Minotaurs gain access to a Storm Shield which they may take as wargear without having to meet the Renown Threshold and without having to pay the Renown Cost; all Minotaurs gain an Icon of the Bull (once per Mission, this model may voluntarily become Pinned in order to remove 1 Wound Token from their total. This ability has no effect if the model has no Wound Tokens)

Raptors: Bonus Very Determined (when within Cohesion range of an Objective, this model is immune to being Shaken); Restriction none; Gear any Raptors marine may equip a Holopictor Device for 5 Renown (if this model survives a Mission, it and all marines who deployed with it gain an additional 1XP), all Raptors gain a Raptor's Talon (once per Mission, they may re-roll their Advance distance)

Sons of Medusa: Bonus all Sons of Medusa marines gain the Skill: Tech1, Techmarines instead replace their Tech1 skill with Tech2; Restriction none; Gear all Sons of Medusa gain a Cog Icon (once per Mission the Sons of Medusa model may forfeit their turn to Regenerate D3 Wounds)

Black Wasps: Bonus Born of Black Ships (any Black Wasps Specialty may attempt to Deny a single enemy psychic Power per Turn, not just Librarians), Librarians replace their Psychic Sense1 with Psychic Sense2, Chaplains gain Hatred [Psykers] (re-roll failed to hit rolls in the first round of Close Combat when fighting against any model that can use Psychic Powers); Restriction none; Gear any Black Wasps marine may replace their Astartes Knife with a Wasp's Sting (counts as generic close combat weapon that always wounds on a 4+, regardless of the target's Toughness), all Black Wasps gain a Shard of the Silver Collar (once per Mission they may re-roll a single failed characteristics test [such as a Toughness or Strength test])

Heralds Bonus Presumed Authority (once per Mission may add +6" to the range of any Skill or Talent), additionally, Techmarines gain Friends of Mars (allows one weapon of choice to be upgraded to Exceptional quality each Mission. This need not be the same weapon every Mission. Weapons do not retain their quality Mission to Mission, a new choice must be made every time); Restriction none; Gear all Heralds gain the Heraldry of Rulership (once per Mission, when called upon to make a Characteristics test or Morale test, this model may roll 2 dice instead of 1 and take the more favorable result)

Adjudicators: Bonus Awash in the Blood of Heroes (whenever an Adjudicator would normally gain 1 or more Corruption, they may ignore the gain on a 6+. Adjudicators do not benefit from a Chaplain's Reduce Corruption ability unless the Adjudicator marine also has Cohesion3 or more, in which case this ability gives them a +1 bonus to that roll); Restrictions Cannot be Chaplain; Gear an Adjudicators Assault Marine or Champion may replace their chainsword or sword respectively, with an Adjudicator's Gavel (counts as a Close Combat weapon with Strength as User +2, no AP, enemy models hit with the Gavel one or more times must pass a Toughness test or treat their WS as 6+ in their following turn), all Adjudicators gain a Rememberance of Betrayal (once per Mission, may re-roll a single die for any reason; in Missions where there are any Chaos Space Marine adversaries they may use this ability twice)

Knights Amethyst: Bonus Mechanicus Frame (a prerequisite for a variety of unique upgrades)/Knights Amethyst Techmarines instead gain any 1 Tier 1 Tech Talent for which they meet the prerequisites for free, More Machine than Man (grants Ignore a Wound on a (6+)), Inheritor of Mars (once per Mission any marine in Cohesion range of the Knights Amethyst model may re-roll a failed Tech Skill roll. The model who re-rolls may be the Knights Amethyst model himself); Restriction Cannot be Apothecaries; Cannot be Librarians; Gear Devastator Marines upgrade their heavy weapons to Exceptional quality for free, all Knights Amethyst gain a Memento of Flesh (ignore the first unsaved Wound in every Mission)

Brotherhood of the Bolter: Bonus Icon of the Chapter (Brotherhood of the Bolter space marines never have to meet the Renown Threshold for any bolter, bolt pistol, bolt rifle, storm bolter, or heavy bolter or any relic version of same in order to equip it. They still need to pay the Renown Cost, however); Restrictions Cannot be Terminators; Gear all Brotherhood of the Bolter marines gain Expanded Magazines (doubles the Primary Magazine if using "Bullets" method or allows a model to ignore its first Ammo Check if using the "Dice Rolls" method for Ammo) for their bolt pistols, bolters, storm bolters, and bolt rifles

Blood Ravens: Bonus One Foot in the Veil (Blood Ravens never need to meet the Threshold for Tainted Relics. They still must pay the Cost for these items, however), Champions also gain Tenacious Resolve (at the end of any Mission where this model has equipped a Tainted Relic roll a D6. On a 4+, reduce this marine's overall Corruption by D3 to a minimum of 0. On a 1-3, instead increase this marine's overall Corruption by an additional 1 point); Restriction none; Gear all Blood Ravens gain an Icon of Devotion (once per Mission, if the model would normally gain a point of Corruption, they may roll a D6. On the roll of a 6, they ignore the gain. If the opportunity for gain is at the end of the Mission and there is a Chaplain deployed with this marine, he may resist the gain on a 5+ instead)

Black Dragons: Bonus Adamantium Scythes (Black Dragons often encase their bone spurs in adamantium sheaths and sharpen them to use in Close Combat. All Black Dragons gain an additional Attack in Close Combat with the following profile - Strength as User, AP-); Restriction none; Gear all Black Dragons gain a Ritual Tattoo (once per Mission, this marine may choose to automatically pass a morale test caused by losing a Close Combat)

Red Hunters: Bonus Hatred[Traitor Legions] (re-roll failed to hit rolls in the first round of Close Combat when fighting against Thousand Sons, Emperor's Children, World Eaters, Deathguard, Iron Warriors, Alpha Legion, or Black Legion Chaos space marines), Legendary Enemies (in Missions where Thousand Sons, Emperor's Children, World Eaters, Deathguard, Iron Warriors, Alpha Legion, or Black Legion Chaos space marines are the adversaries, this model gains an additional D3 Renown if they survive the Mission. GMs, if you don't plan on using any of the mentioned chaos marines in your campaign, tell your players before they select this Chapter. Don't let someone play a character whose abilities won't have any effect on the outcome of the game unless they understand exactly what that means. Alternatively, if a player is determined to play this Chapter, make sure one or more of these Traitor Legions takes a place of prominence in your list of Adversaries.); Restriction none; Gear all Red Hunters gain a Seal of the Inquisition (once per Mission, this model may nominate 1 Miniboss or Boss Monster on the tabletop at any point in the Mission. If a Red Hunters space marine scores the killing blow on this enemy, they gain an additional +1 Renown on top of any other gains for doing such)

Star Phantoms: Bonus Only the Dead (Star Phantoms may ignore the restriction against shooting into Close Combat, randomizing their hits between all participants when they do); Restriction none; Gear all Star Phantoms gain a Funerary Token (if this Model is the Mission Leader they may chose to automatically pass 1 Morale test per Mission. If they are not the Mission Leader, they instead ignore the effects of the first failed Morale test of the Mission)

Black Shield: Bonus Unknown Providence (Black Shields of any Specialty may purchase Ratings in any Skill not normally available to them for 20XP per Rating), Secret Mission (Black Shields begin the campaign with an additional 10 Renown), Feared and Mistrusted (Black Shields must always pay double XP to purchase Cohesion Talents); Restriction there may only ever be 1 Black Shield; Gear all Black Shields may select a single item of Wargear worth 15 Renown or less and add it to their Standard gear for free. The Black Shield does not have to meet the Threshold of this item.

This message was edited 91 times. Last update was at 2020/06/07 20:15:31

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought


Renown is a measure of a marine's fame and reliability; his ability to get the things he has promised to do done and a consistency to go above and beyond. Marines earn or lose Renown through direct action. Renown is a commodity, but not a currency. In order to equip the best weaponry and gear, or to command the respect of more capable peers, a marine must earn Renown. Each marine earns Renown individually, but some rewards grant Renown to everyone in a unit, whether the marine participated directly or not. In cases where Renown is awarded to a Unit, each marine originally deployed in that mission earns the same amount.

For example, if a mission says "+1 Renown if the Unit completes every Objective", then every marine deployed on that Mission earns 1 Renown each. Similarly, if a mission says "+2 Renown if the Unit stops the Ritual before it is complete", then every marine deployed on that Mission earns 2 Renown each.

Earning Renown
There are many ways to earn Renown, but only one way to lose it. Failing any mission results in a Unit-wide loss of D3 Renown. Roll once and apply the same result to each marine deployed. The lowest that Renown can be reduced to is 0, so if a loss would otherwise reduce a marine's Renown to less than zero, it remains instead at 0.

Any Renown gains listed with an asterisk count as "personal deeds".

The following actions each earn the marine performing that action +1 Renown. These are universal ways to earn.

Scoring a hit on a Boss Monster that inflicts 1 or more unsaved Wounds*
Removing the last Wound on a MiniBoss*
Removing the last Wound on a Boss Monster*
Surviving a Battleround in the Fight Phase*
Charging a MiniBoss or Boss Monster*
Surviving a Mission
Personally completing a Primary Objective

Additionally, each space marine specialty can earn Renown in its own unique way. These are unique to each specialty. Each of the following actions earns the marine of that specilaty +1 Renown.

Specialty: Action
Any Ultima Founding Marine: Is the last allied model to exit a mission where extraction is an Objective*
Apothecary/Primaris Apothecary: Successfully use Medic skill to heal 1 or more Wounds to an allied model*
Apothecary/Primaris Apothecary: Extract Progenoids from a fallen marine
Assault Marine/Reiver: Inflict Wounds on the Adversaries' Turn in the Fight Phase*
Champion: remove an enemy model as a casualty in the Fight Phase*
Chaplain/Primaris Chaplain: Whenever an ally turns a failed roll into a successful one because of your abilities*
Devastator Marine/Aggressor: Every 10 enemy models removed as a casualty because of your direct action (shooting, melee, explosives, etc)*
Intercessor/Inceptor: When outnumbered in the Fight Phase, remove every enemy combatant as a casualty (awarded at the end of any Battleround where the model is no longer in Engagement Range because all Adversary models that had been surrounding them have been removed as casualties)
Librarian/Primaris Librarian: remove an enemy model as a casualty with a psychic power*
Librarian/Primaris Librarian: Deny an enemy psychic power
Model in Terminator or Relic Terminator Armor: Make a successful Save versus a Strength 7+ hit*
Model in Terminator or Relic Terminator Armor: Survive after taking one or more Mortal Wounds
Model in Terminator or Relic Terminator Armor: Survive a Battleround in the Fight Phase while outnumbered at least 3 to 1*
Scout/Neophyte: Achieve any Objective without the aid of another model
Scout/Neophyte/Riever: Remove the last Wound from a Mini Boss or Boss Monster that allied models have also Wounded
Tactical Marine: Rally a Pinned or Shaken ally*
Tactical Marine/Primaris Lieutenant: All allied models survive the Mission
Techmarine/Primaris Techmarine: Repair a machine with Tech Skill*
Techmarine/Primaris Techmarine: Gain information using the Tech skill*

Lastly, if every Mission Objective is completed, each marine deployed on the Mission earns an additional +1 Renown.

GMs be aware that your players will earn Renown like crazy. They will use their Renown to equip themselves to earn even more. This is a good thing. Honestly, this is the point. Space Marines are like gods of war; paladin knights of impossible heroism. The fluff talks about Space Marines surviving suicide missions against the kinds of odds that would easily slaughter whole armies of lesser men that had had time to dig in and prepare. Your objective in this game is not to kill your players' marines. Your objective is to convince your players that their marines are invincible and that the enemies arrayed against them are as chaff; wheat to be scythed with righteous fury. Facilitate this and you are running this campaign correctly.

Spending Renown

Renown is a commodity, but not a currency. This means that while Renown is "spent" on gear and cohort upgrades at the start of a Mission, it is not therefore permanently depleted. Spent Renown replenishes at the start of the next Mission.

For example, Belphegor is as blood thirsty as Flesh Tearers come, and has attained a Renown of 34 in his bid to chainsword every xenos he comes across to death. At the beginning of his next Mission, he opts to spend 15 Renown on an eviscerator, 15 to upgrade that Eviscerator to Exceptional quality, and 3 of his remaining 4 Renown on 3 extra frag grenades. While this looks like he only has 1 Renown left, at the start of his very next Mission, provided he does not fail this one, he will still have 34 Renown. In fact, it's likely he'll have even more as he chainsaws enemies of the Emperor to pieces with his mighty Eviscerator.


Some wargear has what is called a Threshold. This is the minimum Renown a model must have in order to equip the item. Often the Threshold is a different number than the actual Cost of an item. Models are required to meet the Threshold for any item they wish to equip for a Mission (unless otherwise specified by their Chapter bonus or a specific Talent), but always pay the Cost to equip it.

For example, Hellfire Ammo normally costs 4 Renown per 4 extra reloads, but has a Threshold of 5. This means a marine needs to have at least 5 Renown if they want to equip any hellfire. A marine with only 4 Renown could not equip any Hellfire Ammo reloads at all.

Similarly, the relic bolter Carnage has a Threshold of 15, but costs 30 Renown to equip. This means that a marine with only 15 Renown cannot equip Carnage, as he doesn't have enough Renown to cover the Cost requirement, but if a Talent grants them bonuses or if they have access to extra Renown that adds up to 30, they can equip this item.

This message was edited 27 times. Last update was at 2023/01/20 03:46:28

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Earning XP

Earning XP is easy. Keeping track of it is the responsibility of both the players and the GM. The GM should use the table below to have a basic idea of how many potential XP will be available to earn per Mission (after all, it's the GM who determines who the adversaries are). If you have a basic idea of potential, you will have a good handle on how quickly your players' marines will improve.

For instance if a Mission has 30 Allotment, 2 tech terminals, and 3 Objectives, then a GM knows there's the potential for at least 35XP to be gained. Bear in mind this number will be spread across all the marines in the Unit, so with an average of 5 marines, this is 7XP per marine, not including the survivor bonus.

For the GM, it's useful to know how your players' models are improving and at what rate, but there's no need to watch your players every move (unless they have a history of being jerks about stuff like this).

For each of the following actions, a model will earn 1XP
Every enemy model removed as a casualty*
Scoring a hit on a Boss Monster that inflicts 1 or more unsaved Wounds*
Scoring a hit on a Miniboss that inflicts 1 or more unsaved Wounds*
Removing an enemy model as a casualty with Overwatch fire*
Surviving a Mission
Personally completing any Objective
Surviving the Fight Phase (awarded at the end of any Battleround where the model was in Engagement Range and ends the Battleround no longer in Engagement Range)
Successfully using a Skill
Manifesting a Psychic Power
Denying an enemy Psychic Power

*an observant person might notice that many of these actions overlap - such as "every enemy model removed as a casualty" and "removing an enemy as a casualty with overwatch fire". In all instances of overlap, a model will always earn XP that they qualify for. Therefore, removing an enemy with overwatch is worth 2XP - 1 for removing it and 1 for doing it with overwatch


Corruption is a measure of the Ruinous Powers' influence over a marine. Onboard the [++Redacted++] the Deathwatch will be exposed to constant dissonant whispers, secret promises of power, and the raw, unbridled essence of the Immaterium as it spills forth from the tear in real space made by its malfunctioning Gellar Field. There are many ways to "earn" Corruption, but few ways to shed it. If any marine accumulates just 10 Corruption, they immediately fall prey to their own hubris and forsake their oaths, making Chaos their new Master forever. Remove them from the Unit roster and add them to the pool of "Reoccurring Adversaries". If they succumb in the middle of a Mission, the controlling player must move them towards the closest table edge in every Movement Phase, but they otherwise act as normal. If the model reaches a table edge, remove them from play. If the model attains 10 Corruption at the end of the Mission, they simply fail to teleport home; treat them as killed for the purposes of determining whether or not the whole unit survived a Mission.

Each of the following circumstances imposes 1 Corruption on the marine in question
Surviving a Mission on board the [++Redacted++]
Equipping a Tainted Relic
Every Turn on the Tabletop where a Chaos Ritual is being performed in line of sight
Every Turn on the Tabletop in the presence of the [++Redacted++]'s malfunctioning Gellar Field reactor

Shedding Corruption
Gaining Corruption is easy. Getting rid of it requires dedication and effort. If a marine spends 5XP, they may reduce their total Corruption by 1. If a Unit contains a Chaplain, roll a D6 at the end of every Mission for every marine that deployed (as long as the Chaplain deployed with them). On a 6, that marine reduces their overall Corruption by 1. Some Talents can also reduce Corruption.

This message was edited 9 times. Last update was at 2021/10/18 19:04:58

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Replacing Casualties and Expanding the Squad

Replacing Casualties

Inevitably, during the course of the campaign, space marines are going to get taken out of action or even killed. When you're playing a game with an entire squad, casualties hurt, but when you're playing a game with just one space marine per player, losses can be potentially devastating, both emotionally and tactically. Luckily, death need not be the end for a player's participation. There are many options.

First, there is the Talent Marine Cohort. This Talent allows a player to spend Renown on another standard marine to fight alongside him. In the event of the primary marine's death, the player may elevate the Cohort to character status and continue the mission. Afterwards, the Cohort is added to the squad roster and can continue on as that player's character.

Second, when a marine dies (as in takes so many wounds that recovery is simply not possible), the controlling player may, if you have used the Individual Marines method of squad generation, simply create a new marine character following the same rules and restrictions as any other starting player. However, while there may still be restrictions on what Specialties are available to the player, all the restrictions and caveats of Chapter are lifted. In addition, the new marine character begins with the same number of Renown as the dead marine he is replacing. If you are using the Whole Units method of squad generation, then the Chapter restrictions remain and the new marine starts with half the Renown of the fallen marine he is replacing. Additionally, if the fallen marine was the only Tactical marine in the unit, the replacement must also be a Tactical marine.

Third, if you have used the Whole Units method and have already expanded your unit size, then fallen marines are not replaced, but rather their Renown is first divided by 10 (rounding up) and then split as evenly as possible between all the remaining space marines in the squad. If there is not enough to go around, the controlling player decides how much gets assigned to whom.

For example, Thulgir the Long Fang has fallen in battle. At the time of his death, he had accumulated 35 Renown. Because he belonged to a squad generated using the Whole Units method of squad creation, and that unit had already added Xert - a Devastator of the Knights Amethyst - to its roster, Thulgir's Renown is divided by 10. Rounding up we get 4 (3.5). There are 6 other marines in Thulgir's squad - Xert, Skipio of the Ultramarines, Nathaniel of the Dark Angels, Stagadegg of the Black Wasps, Belerophon of the Blood Angels, and Zamot of the Sons of Medusa. The controlling player divides 4 Renown as evenly as possible, granting 1 each to Zamot, Nathaniel, Skipio, and Belerophon.

Expanding the Squad

While there is no upward limit to just how many marines can be in a single unit, it is most practical to keep that number to 10 or fewer. This is mostly due to the fact that many Missions have a limited deployment of 10 marines. Having more models means having more options, but generally also means all members of the squad advance in both XP and Renown slower. Some Skills, Talents, or Missions do allow you to field more models than 10 in certain situations, but generally speaking this is not the norm. Think carefully on this.

There are three ways to add models to an existing squad. The first is with Cohorts (which is a Talent that will be described in more detail in a subsequent post, but for now you need only know that it allows the marine who has it to bring along another marine). This option is universal, regardless of which method you used to create units. The second is by having every member in the existing squad spend an amount of XP equal to 5 times the "point cost" of the Specialty type they wish to recruit. The model is added to the roster with no XP and no Renown. This option is unique to the Whole Units method. The third and final way is unique to the Individual Marines method as it simply requires a new player to show up and express interest in participating. Just have the player make a character, following all the restrictions outlined in the Individual Marines method and then take the average of all the Renown accumulated by the rest of the squad and assign that number as the starting Renown of the new player's character.

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 2018/08/30 05:53:31

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Ways in Which This Campaign Differs From Standard 40k

And They Shall Know No Fear...But They'll At Least Act Sensibly Under Fire

An entire squad of Deathwatch marines deployed during any given Mission will typically number between 3 and 10 models, but multiple squads can be deployed per Mission. If any member of a squad takes any Wounds during the course of the Battleround, the player that controls the Mission Leader model must roll versus the Mission Leaser model's Leadership during the Morale Phase or at the end of the current Turn, if you are using a rule system that does not have a Morale Phase in it. Simply roll the D6, and add the total number of Wounds suffered by the whole squad this Turn to the number rolled. If this total is equal to or less than the Mission Leader's Leadership the test is passed. If the total is greater than the Mission Leader's Leadership, the test is failed.

If the model that was designated the Mission Leader has been removed as a casualty and no new Mission Leader has been selected, instead use the Leadership of the model with the highest Command Skill Rating currently deployed on the table (models that have been disabled for any reason do not count as eligible; if there is a tie, the model with the highest Renown breaks the tie; if there is still a tie, instead use the lowest Leadership of all remaining allied Astartes models, as the squad clearly hasn't found their coherency yet).

If the test is a failure, then models that are in Cohesion Range of the Mission Leader or their Squad Leader are Shaken and models outside Cohesion Range of the Mission Leader or their Squad Leader are Pinned.

Shaken player-controlled models suffer -1 to hit in the Shooting Phase and Fight Phase until the end of their following Turn, when they automatically recover from this effect.

Pinned player-controlled models suffer -1 to hit in the Fight Phase and cannot Move, Advance, Shoot, or Charge until an allied model Rallies them using the Command Skill (see the "Using Skills" section for more details on how this works).

Pinned models will always defend themselves and so can participate in the Fight Phase if they are Charged or are still in Engagement Range from a previous Fight Phase. These models cannot be used to interrupt the normal order of Attacks in a Fight Phase and must always be chosen last, if there is the option to choose.

*Note that this changes how Morale works from normal 40k. Failed Morale tests result in individual, player-controlled models either suffering the Shaken or the Pinned conditions described here.

To Suppress Our Foes
Player-controlled models can attempt to Suppress enemy models by declaring that they are Suppressing during any of their Shooting Phases. There is no need to roll to hit. Simply pick an enemy model in line of sight and in range of the weapon being used to Suppress. The Rate of Fire of the weapon determines how many enemy models can be Suppressed. A model must have a weapon capable of Burst or Autofire Modes, and can only Suppress using one of these two Modes of firing.

The model selected as the target and a number of additional enemy models, up to the total number of shots fired, and within 4" of the original target, gain the Suppression condition. Models suffering the effects of Suppression have a -1 modifier to all of their Shooting Attacks and cannot Move, Advance, or Charge until the Suppression effect is lifted by having an allied model with a higher Leadership and the <Character> keyword end their Movement Phase within 6" of the affected model.

If using the "Dice Rolls" method for Ammo tracking, the model must make an Ammo Check after using the Suppression effect.

If using the Ammo and Grenades method for Ammo tracking, the model must expend a number of shots from their current Magazine equal to number of target models they just used Suppression on.

A model cannot shoot to kill and Suppress on the same Turn, unless a weapon, ammunition type, Relic, or Talent they may have says otherwise.

Let The Enemies of Mankind Quake Before Us in Terror

Enemies of the Imperium do not act sensibly in the face of firepower. If Adversary models are in cohesive groups of 5 or more, each within 2" of another friendly Faction model when forced to take Morale tests (they test for the same reasons Marines do), they gain +1 to their Leadership for the purposes of that roll only. Just like Marines, they may become Pinned - if any member of their Unit is further away than 3" from a Miniboss or further away than 6" from a Boss Monster - or Shaken - if any member of their Unit is within 3" of a Miniboss or within 6" of a Boss Monster. If Minions are not deployed in cohesive units, treat all Minions deployed on the tabletop as 1 massive unit for the purposes of Morale and instead use the normal 40k Morale rules. If Minibosses or Boss Monsters have the ability to share their Leadership, Minions can test against it instead of their own. All Minibosses and Boss Monsters deployed on the tabletop, unless otherwise specified, count as individual models and so never have to test Morale.

Injury, Recovery, and Death


When a Deathwatch model is reduced to 0 Wounds, after any mitigating effects have been made (such as the ability to Ignore a Wound granted by some Traits, Talents, or Wargear), place the model on its side and roll on the following table to determine the effects. Add a modifier to the die roll equal to the number of accumulated Wound Tokens. Eventually, a battered marine will fall. If a model takes Wounds in excess of what it had left, add a number of Wound Tokens to the model's total equal to the remaining Damage.

For example, if a model has 1 Wound and takes 6 Damage, reduce their Wounds to 0 and add +5 Wound Tokens to their Injury roll on the table below.

Injury Table
D6 Roll / Effect
1-2 / Shake it off (stand the model back up with 1 Wound)
3-4 / The bleeding will stop itself (stand the model back up with 1 Wound and +1 Wound Token)
5 / That's going to leave a lasting mark (the model is Pinned with 1 Wound and gains +2 Wound Tokens)
6 / The physiology of the Astartes cannot be understated (the model is Pinned with 1 Wound and gains +3 Wound Tokens)
7-8 / Even for a space marine that's catastrophic damage (if the Teleportarium is functioning for this Mission, remove the model as a casualty. Otherwise, the model stays where it is and becomes an Objective for both his allies and his adversaries. Whichever side reaches the marine first determines if he escapes or dies. If his allies reach him first they must carry him to the extraction point or win the Mission in base to base contact with his model. If his enemies reach him first or if the criteria for his rescue outlined previously are not met, treat it as if you rolled a 9+, as detailed below)
9+ / All that remains is the Chapter's Due (if the Teleportarium is functioning for this Mission, remove the model as a casualty and it gains an additional Wound Token. Even if the marine somehow miraculously survives, he must purchase the Cyborg upgrade and if he cannot*, he is entombed in a stasis sarcophagus until such time as a dreadnaught body can be made available for him. If the Teleportarium is not functioning for this Mission, the marine dies where he lays and becomes a Dead Marine Objective. If there is an Apothecary on the table that reaches the corpse before the end of the Mission and successfully uses the Medic effect "The Chapter's Due", he counts as extracting the Progenoids. See the Skill description for more on what this means. If any other marine reaches the corpse they must drag the body to the Exfiltration point or otherwise end the Mission in base to base contact with the body in order to count the Objective as completed)

*If the model already has the Cyborg Talent, they must instead sacrifice 5XP.

This message was edited 36 times. Last update was at 2023/11/27 21:13:10

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Recovery and Death

After each Mission, roll a D6 for every model that has accumulated Wound Tokens during the course of the game to determine how well, if at all, it recovers from its injuries. Models removed as casualties via the Teleportarium or models that end the game without any Wound Tokens left (because of recovery or applications of the Medic Skill) may reroll the results of this test. Add to this roll a number equal to the Wound Tokens a model currently has. Models that survive a game without being removed from the table as a casualty reduce their accumulated Wound Tokens by 1 before making this roll.

Models that suffered Wounds, but never accumulated any Wound Tokens automatically recover their full ]Wounds at the end of the Mission and do not have to roll on this chart. Models that suffered Wounds, accumulated Wound Tokens during the course of their last Mission, but shed them or otherwise ended their last Mission without any Wound Tokens must still (technically) roll on this Recovery chart, but considering they cannot score greater than a 6, they automatically make a Full Recovery (lucky them).

Recovery Table
D6 Roll / Effect
1-6 / Full recovery (remove all Wound Tokens and restore the model to its full Wounds)
7-10 / Light wounds (remove all but 1 Wound Token (unless the model's total is already 0 or less for other reasons) and restore the model to its full Wounds. For the next Mission, this model reduces its Move by half and is -1 Weapon Skill)
11-14 / Heavily wounded (reduce the model's Wound Tokens by 2 and restore the model to 1 less than maximum Wounds. If you chose to deploy this model next Mission, reduce its Move by half and all of its other characteristics [except armor save] by -1. If you choose not to deploy him next Mission, he automatically reduces his condition to Light wounds at the end of that Mission)*
15+ / Record his name (unless the model has a Talent to mitigate this, he is dead. All that is left is to remember his name)

*if a reduction in Wound Tokens brings a model's total to 0 or less, treat this recovery result as Light wounds instead

Dead marines can be replaced in the ways already outlined.

This message was edited 21 times. Last update was at 2023/01/20 04:08:50

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Ammo and Grenades

You'll notice that every Specialty comes with a number of extra magazines and a limited number of grenades. This is because, unlike regular 40k, guns and equipment aren't bottomless vats of infinite destruction. Oh no.

When it comes to these commodities (ammo and explosives) there are two options. Your choice between these options is largely dependent on your desire for paperwork, as one involves keeping track of how many shots you've taken and of what type and from what source while the other is principally concerned with how often you can roll a 6 while shooting at someone.

Method 1: Bullets

With this method two things happen. First, all of your weapons have a magazine capacity that defines how many shots it can fire before needing a reload. Second, all of your weapons gain 3 modes of fire: Standard (the bog standard version of your weapon), Burst (which adds an extra shot to its rate of fire, but halves the weapon's range), and Auto (which doubles its Burst rate of fire, but changes its type to Heavy unless it was already). Some weapons - like lascannons - won't have a Burst or Auto setting, while others - like the Heavy Bolter - lack a Burst setting, but this will be noted in its entry in the Wargear list. Backpack Ammo supplies work differently with this method as they're essentially just gigantic magazines brimming with bullets.

When a model has fired its last round (or energy blast, rokkit, etc.), it must reload. Unless the weapon is Heavy, this takes no action. Just tick off that you've used one of the model's reloads. If the weapon in question is Heavy, the marine carrying the weapon must spend its next Close Combat, Movement, or Shooting Phase (player's choice) to reload.

If it seems like this method is a surefire way of never running out of ammo, because what game lasts that long, then you are partially right. Mostly, this is a fun method for keeping track of specialized ammo types (of which each model is likely to have only a very limited supply) and for those rare Missions that last for more than 6 turns. Additionally some Talents allow a model to take multiple shooting phases in a Turn and so they are likely to burn through ammo at a much faster rate.

Magazine capacity and rates of fire/modes of shooting for each weapon available will be listed in the Wargear section presented later.

Method 2: Dice Rolls

With this method, every time you roll a 6 when shooting you must make what is called an "Ammo check". This works exactly like it does in GW's Shadow War: Armageddon except that a reload allows you to autopass a failed check rather than just re-roll it. If you have a copy of that game, you'll have a list of the target numbers for virtually all weapons in the 40k universe. If you don't have the book, I'm not going to reproduce the list here because that's copyright infringement. Drop some cash or ignore this rule (and also all the reloads for each Specialty).


Grenades are simply limited. Once thrown or otherwise used (for instance to boobytrap a doorway with the Demolition Skill), a grenade is gone. You can use Renown to equip more. They're generally pretty cheap.

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2018/08/30 05:55:56

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Skills and What They Do

The Extra Phase

If you opt to use the Skills presented here, they add an additional phase to the very beginning of a player's turn, just before Movement. Skills which have a lingering effect will have one of 2 durations, as stated in the Skill's description. They'll either last until triggered or they'll last until the next Skill phase.

As an alternative method, you can opt to tack the "Skill Phase" onto the Psychic Phase and allow models with Skills to use them during this Phase, before or after Psychic Powers happen.

For example, the Inspire Skill has an effect that grants +1 to a marine's next to-hit roll. This triggers as soon as the marine rolls to hit with a shooting or close combat attack (whichever comes first) and then ends.

Likewise, the Medic Skill has an effect that grants +1 Toughness to target marines until the start of the next Skill Phase. This effect endures throughout the entire turn, including the enemy's turn and only ends at the start of the next Skill Phase.

Each model can attempt to use 1 of their Skills during this Phase.

The Skill Stat and Using Skills
(It struck me that I was using 7th edition rules for leadership and morale, so I have adjusted the Skill rules to reflect the new edition)

Each model has a Skill Stat that they roll against when attempting to use their Skills. This Skill Stat works in the same way as Ballistic Skill & Weapon Skill and for every Marine Specialty it begins at 5+. Scouts and Neophytes start with a Skill Stat of 6+. To use a Skill, select one of the effects from that Skill's list and then make a Skill test using the model's own stat. If the test is passed, the effect happens. If the test is failed, the effect does not happen. In either case, pass or fail, rolling the dice counts as a use of the Skill.

A model can improve their Skill Stat by spending XP. Models can never have a base Skill Stat better than 2+, although there is a Talent that can bend even this rule.

Skill Ratings

You'll likely have noticed that all Skills have been written with a corresponding number, such as Tech1. This number is what's referred to as the Skill's Rating. Ratings dictate the exact number of times a Skill can be used per Mission. If a model has Tech1, they may use it once per Mission. If they have Tech2, they can use it twice per Mission, and so on. No matter what, a Skill can only be used once per Skill Phase, unless the model has a Talent that says otherwise.

If a Skill has an application before a Mission begins, only 1 use of 1 Skill per model may be used.

Skill Range

The range of a Skill's effect is dependent on the Target's Cohesion* rating. Some Skills do not require range. There are also some Talents, such as the Ultramarines' Authority of Guilliman and the Heralds' Presumed Authority that can extend the range of their Skills and other Talents. These increases are added to the base range dictated by the Target.

The default Cohesion for enemy models is 2.

The default Cohesion for inanimate objects is 0.

*this info will be repeated in the section on Talents, but it's worth mentioning here, for clarity's sake, that Cohesion range is simply 6" times a model's Cohesion rating. So, a model with Cohesion0 has a range of 0". Or put another way, base to base contact only.

For example, Brother Daedilus is attempting to use Command to rally a Pinned ally - in this case it's another space marine named Brother Dmetrius. Dmetrius has Cohesion1. Therefore, as long as he is 6" or closer to Daedilus, his Battlebrother can attempt to rally him. If Dmetrius was 7" away, Daedilus would not be able to affect him.

Now, let's take a similar scenario with two other marines. Chaplain Claudius of the Ultramarines and Brother Asteroth of the Blood Angels. Let's say that Asteroth has Cohesion2, but is 13" away from Claudius. If Claudius wanted to affect Asteroth with his Inspire Skill, he would either have to move closer or activate his once per Mission Authority of Guilliman ability. This would add +6" to the range dictated by Asteroth's Cohesion. If there were another marine 13" away, but with only Cohesion1, even the Authority of Guilliman would not help to reach him, as the base range is always determined by the target.

Brother Tigerion wants to Intimidate an enemy cultist. As default enemy Cohesion is 2, that cultist needs to be within 12" of Tigerion in order for him to make the attempt. If Tigerion was either an Ultramarine or a Heralds and his target was 13" or more away, he would have the option of activating his once per Mission ability to extend his range.

The Authority of Guilliman and the Presumed Authority abilities both add +6" to the base range of any Skill or Talent that relies on Cohesion. In effect, it turns Cohesion0 from base to base range to 6" range; Cohesion1 from 6" to 12"; Cohesion2 from 12" to 18" and so on.

Lastly, Brother Ediv is a Techmarine and he wants to interact with a nearby terminal. Because the default Cohesion of inanimate objects is 0, unless Ediv has a Talent that mitigates this, he must be in base to base contact with that terminal in order to use his Tech Skill.

Skill List

There are 10 Skills in this Campaign. These are Command, Demolition, Forbidden Knowledge, Inspire, Intimidate, Medic, Psychic Sense, Stealth, Tactics, and Tech. Some are granted for free to specific Specialties and some are earned with XP. Not every Specialty has access to every Skill and not every Specialty pays the same XP cost to purchase each Skill. The upgrade trees presented later will detail these exceptions and costs.

Each Skill has 5 different possible effects. When attempting to use a Skill, a player simply chooses 1 of their Skill's effects and rolls a die versus their Skill Stat. If they are successful, that effect happens. If they fail, the effect does not happen, but they must still mark off that they have used 1 of their Skill Ratings. There are some Talents that allow players to select more than 1 effect with each successful Skill use. In these cases, additional effects do not need to be chosen before dice are rolled. A player need only select the effect they are rolling against and, if they are successful, may select additional effects from those available to them after the die is cast. If a model gains a bonus to using a particular effect, they may choose that as their primary effect to roll against and it is perfectly legal when they also tack on additional effects using their Talents that allow such. A model may never ignore the effect they are rolling for. Skill effects must be situationally relevant. One cannot use the "Get on your feet!" effect if there are no allies in Cohesion range that are either Pinned or Shaken just to expend a Rating. That's what we call cheating.

The following is a list of Skills and their effects:

Command: Whether you are inspiring, intimidating, or effecient is irrelevant in the face of battle. All that matters is that others look to you for guidance when the shooting and the bloodshed begins.
"Fire on my target" (after this model shoots at an enemy model in the Shooting Phase, all friendly models in Cohesion Range of this model who also Shoot at the same enemy target may reroll 1 wound roll against it)
"Get on your feet!" (Pinned or Shaken friendly models in Cohesion range automatically recover and may act as normal this Turn)
"Avenge the Fallen!" (After an allied model is reduced to 0 Wounds, all remaining friendly models gain +1 Attack until the next Skill Phase)
"For the Emperor!" (if there are more enemy models than friendly models in line of sight of this model, all other friendly models in Cohesion range become immune to being Shaken until the start of the next Skill Phase)
"Sworn Brothers, With Me!" (all friendly models in Cohesion range may reroll their Charge distance until the start of the next Skill Phase)

Demolition: Structures have weaknesses. So, too, with flesh. You know the correct ratio of explosives to effect. As powerful as needed to collapse a deck or as focused to assassinate a single enemy. You are the grenade whisperer.
"Its All in the Arm, Brother" (until the next Skill Phase, all friendly models in Cohesion range double the range of their thrown grenades)
"And When They Step Through, BOOM" (instead of throwing a grenade in the Shooting Phase, this model may place it as a boobytrap anywhere on the tabletop within 3". Place a Marker to note this. Any enemy model that moves within 3" of this Marker activates the grenade, taking the full brunt of the blast. Any grenade type currently equipped by this model can be used for this boobytrap, so long as the model still has at least 1 left. GMs, Minion adversaries will always move towards these boobytraps. Even if the boobytrap is placed way off in a remote area, away from the main fighting, it's on you to have at least 1 Minion wander over there to "try to figure out what that marine was up to". Minibosses and Boss Monsters are not dumb enough to fall for this trick, but will still trigger any boobytraps they wander into. Once triggered, remove the Marker.)
"I Rigged These Special" (until the start of the next Skill Phase, all grenades used by friendly models in Cohesion range have their effects maximized. If they would cause a variable number of Wounds, they automatically cause the maximum amount. If they have a variable Strength or AP, they automatically have the highest possible Strength and the best AP.)
"Strike There, Where it is Weakest!" (until the start of the next Skill Phase, friendly models in Cohesion range improve their AP by 1 versus targets with the Vehicle or Monster tag)
"First the Green Wire, Then the Red" (If this model is in Cohesion range of an emplaced explosive or booby trap Marker, that Marker is removed without taking effect)

Forbidden Knowledge: Perhaps through the secret work of your Chapter or your experiences fighting strange and myriad enemies, you have gleaned tidbits of otherwise proscribed information. Careful you don't raise suspicions, brother. One of the effects of this Skill may be used before a Mission begins. Players should declare that they are using the Skill during the Mission Briefing. GMs, during the Mission briefing, ask your players if any of them have the Forbidden Knowledge Skill and if so, ask them if they want to use it before they arm for the Mission.
"I Know These Cyphers" (before the Mission begins, have the GM identify the Faction or Factions [orks, tyranids, tau, necron, chaos, humans, eldar] that the adversaries in the upcoming Mission will have. Additionally, the GM will tell you how many of those adversaries will be Minions, Minibosses, and/or Boss Monsters, but does not have to reveal exactly what models those categories will be. For example, a GM might tell you that you'll be up against orks and chaos & that there will be 30 minions and a Boss Monster. They don't have to be any more specific than that.)
"Strike for the Heart of the Beast" (choose an adversary faction and type [such as "ork infantry" or "tyranid monster" or "eldar vehicle"] that is currently in line of sight. Until the start of the next Skill Phase, all friendly models in Cohesion range may reroll their first failed wound roll against the designated enemy)
"There, Brother, Take It!" (place an additional Tertiary Objective Marker at least 12" away from any friendly model. Any model other than the one who placed the Marker who secures it gains an additional +1 Renown for doing so)
"This is All Too Familiar" (during Exploration Missions, gain a descriptive narration of the hulk's interiors. According to the Mission this description may add additional time to its duration, but will also allow the squad to roll on an appropriate "treasure table" to glean extra intel, Relics, or munitions. In any case, when you use this effect, all models deployed on this Mission gain an additional +1 XP)
"My Chapter has had Extensive Experience With This Subject" (according to the Mission, gain narrative insight as to the Faction of origin for the vessel or wreck the squad is currently deployed in. This insight allows the player to do 1 of the following on the next Mission. 1.) place an additional Objective Marker anywhere on the table that is at least 12" from any table edge or deployment zone [in Missions where the layout is obscured until explored, the Marker can only be placed after 3 sections have been revealed]. This Objective is a Relic chosen by the GM from those listed for the vessel in question; 2.) force the GM to spend Allocation on a Boss Monster. If the Faction or Factions are known to the players, they may dictate the type of Boss Monster to be deployed. In any case, this Boss Monster is worth double XP and double Renown to the marine who forced it to be there)

Inspire: Keeper of Catechism and Battle Crier, your faith sustains your brothers and carries them upward to new heights of impossible heroism. Your's is the wisdom of the ancients and the temerity of the Astartes incarnate.
"Brothers in Arms" (all friendly models in Cohesion range gain +1 to hit on their next Shooting or Close Combat attack [whichever comes first])
"Kill Them All" (all friendly models in Cohesion range gain +1 to wound on their next Shooting or Close Combat attack [whichever comes first])
"Fidelis Ultra Mortem" (in the next Morale Phase, the squad may reroll its Morale test)
"Arise my Invincible Knights" (until the start of the next Skill Phase, all friendly models in Cohesion range may reroll failed Characteristic tests [such as Strength or Toughness tests])
"Pour Your Fury Unto the Enemy" (until the start of the next Skill Phase, all friendly models in Cohesion range may reroll wound rolls of 1)

Intimidate: Let the enemies of Mankind tremble before you. Whether by deed or dirge, your very presence on the battlefield is enough to make weak-minded foes question their courage. But even the strong-willed can be undermined with the correct application of threat or promise.
"Let the Enemies of Man Fall" (choose an enemy model in Cohesion range. That model immediately becomes Shaken)
"I Challenge You!" (choose an enemy model this marine is in Close Combat with. That model must immediately take a Toughness test. If they pass, they must concentrate all of their attacks on this model. If they fail, they treat their Weapon Skill as 6+ until the start of the next Skill Phase)
"The Age of the Emperor is Upon You!" (choose an enemy model in Cohesion range. That model must immediately take a Toughness test. If they pass, they must concentrate all of their Shooting attacks on this model. If they fail, they treat their Ballistic Skill as 6+ until the start of the next Skill Phase)
"Show Me What Passes for Fury Amongst Your Misbegotten Kind!" (choose an enemy model in Cohesion range. That model must immediately take a Toughness test. If they pass, they must concentrate all of their attacks on this model for the duration of their Turn, Shooting and Charging if able. If they fail, they must immediately move 2D6" away from this model and towards the nearest table edge. If they reach the table edge before the start of their next Turn, remove them as a casualty - they count as being slain for the purposes of XP and Renown)
"Tremble Before He Who has Sworn to End You!" (choose an enemy Miniboss or Boss Monster in Cohesion range. That model must immediately take a Toughness test. If they pass, there is no effect. If they fail, they lose any special rules or abilities affecting them until the start of the next Skill Phase)

Medic: The anatomies of humans and space marines are not dissimilar, although the former are by far the more durable. You have the ability to coax wounds to heal and, when your administrations can do nothing even for an Astartes, the ability to end a brother's suffering & extract what's due his Chapter.
"I am the Miracle Worker" (all friendly marines in Cohesion range immediately remove 1 Wound Token. This has no effect on marines without Wound Tokens)
"The Chapter's Due" (if this model is in base to base contact with a Dead Marine Objective, it may remove the Progenoids and gain +1 Renown. In situations where there is this sort of Objective, players have 2 choices. 1.) they may leave the body behind and so long as they have the Progenoids, it still counts as completed or 2.) they may carry the body out as well and in which case count as completing 2 Objectives instead of 1)
"These Wounds Speak their Secrets Unto Me" (gain narrative insight from battle damage on terrain or injuries sustained during a Mission that help identify the Factions and preferred tactics/weapons of adversaries in upcoming Missions. This model gains +1 Renown and may redeploy itself next Mission after enemy models have been placed, but before the first Turn of the game begins)
"As a Bulwark we Stand" (all friendly marines in Cohesion range gain +1 Toughness until the start of the next Skill Phase)
"Let Chem and Ceramite Gird Us" (all friendly marines in Cohesion range gain the effects of any Stim this model has equipped in its Narthecium until the start of the next Skill Phase)

Psychic Sense: Your mind is open to the Maelstrom of the Immaterium. This is both a blessing and a curse.
"And I Shall Know My Enemy" (determine the type and Faction of psychic adversaries deployed on the Mission, if any [such as ork weirdboy or tyranid zoanthrope] and their location on the tabletop, even if not in line of sight)
"To Pierce the Veil" (nominate a friendly model in line of sight. All friendly marines on the table count as being in Cohesion range of this model until the start of the next Skill Phase)
"None Shall Break My Resolve" (until the start of the next Skill Phase, this model gains +D3 to any attempts to Deny enemy psychic powers)
"All Things Weak and Corrupt" (against a known* Psychic enemy and until the start of the next Skill Phase, this model may reroll all to-wound rolls)
"For My Eyes See" (chose any 1 known* Psychic enemy and "mark" them. If any marine kills this "marked" model, the Psyker who placed the "mark" earns an additional +1 Renown. If the "marked" model escapes or is otherwise unkilled at the end of the Mission, it is on the GM to spend Allotment on that same "marked" adversary every Mission, until a marine kills it)

*knowing whether or not an enemy is psychic requires 1 of 2 things to have happened. 1.) having previously successfully used the "And I Shall Know My Enemy" application of this Skill or 2.) having that psychic enemy manifest a psychic power in line of sight of any friendly marine model

Stealth: An artform largely forgotten by the hulking Astartes, Stealth can be a useful asset against foes who expect their targets to be visible. And in front of them.
"I am as Shadow" (until the start of the next Skill Phase, this model cannot be the target of enemy Shooting attacks or Charges)
"I am at One With the Terrain" (until the start of the next Skill Phase, this model gains an additional +1 to its saves from being in cover. If this model is in the open, it still gains the +1 save modifier as if it were in cover)
"Death is my Trade" (choose an enemy model within Cohesion range. Until the start of the next Skill Phase, it must reroll its successful Armor Saves against Wounds inflicted by this marine)
"Silence is Virtue" (if this model does not Shoot this Turn, it is not affected by failed Morale tests until the start of the next Skill Phase)
"And lo, Death Comes for Thee" (if this marine is in Close Combat, it may forfeit 1 of its Attacks to strike first)

Tactics: Through careful study of the Codex Astartes and/or the lessons gleaned across countless battlefields on countless worlds, you have honed the art of war to a razor's edge. You may find advantage in the most hopeless situation and pull victory from the jaws of defeat. Several of the effects of this Skill may be used before a Mission begins. Players should declare that they are using the Skill during the Mission Briefing. GMs, during the Mission briefing, ask your players if any of them have the Tactics Skill and if so, ask them if they want to use it before they arm for the Mission.
"A Better Defense in the Assault" (place up to 4 Markers anywhere on the tabletop [or anywhere on the revealed sections of terrain in a Mission where that happens]. Friendly models in cover within 3" of any Marker gain an additional +1 to their armor saves)
"We Shall Envelope Them" (before the Mission begins, nominate another friendly marine. That marine is held in Reserve and may deploy via Deep Strike along any table edge on any Turn after the 1st)
"Like They Don't Even Know it's There" (before the Mission begins, but after terrain has been placed, this player may place 1 additional Tertiary Objective (Seize Territory) anywhere at least 12" from a table edge)
"To Face Our Foes" (before the Mission begins, this player may select 1 item from the Wargear list and either reduce its Threshold by 5 or its Cost by 10 [both to a minimum of 1]. After this Mission, Thresholds and Costs return to normal. If multiple models have this same skill, they may each use this ability once and can use them on different items or in tandem [i.e. 2 marines reduce both the Threshold and Cost of the same item or both marines reduce the Threshold of a single item])
"There is Another Way" (before the Mission begins, this player may change the Deployment zone parameters to any Option available)

Tech: You have an intimate working knowledge of the Machine God's will. It aids you in coaxing recalcitrant machine spirits to obedience and resurrecting long dormant engines to new life. The default Cohesion of inanimate objects, like terminals and keypads, is 0.
"Let It Speak Its Name to Me" (extract information from a tech terminal in Cohesion range. The GM will tell you a tidbit of insight based on a list of subjects relevant to the terminal's type, location, and origin of manufacture [such as Xenos, Imperial, or Infernal]. Any information gained will be useful and may be narrative pieces to larger mysteries or clues to the types of adversaries and Objectives the squad has yet to face. This use of Tech is also used to interface with Generators, Keypads, and Security Systems. The Missions will describe how these objects function once successfully interacted with)
"Arise From Your Aeonic Slumber" (increase the Power Level of a machine in Cohesion range by 1 step. The GM will tell you how the machine in question has relevance to the Mission at hand. This counts as an external Power source)
"All Supplication to the Omnissiah" (repair a damaged machine in Cohesion range. Sometimes this application of Tech will be required to succeed at a Mission Objective)
"And at the Threshold, I Command Thee" (open or lock any undamaged door in Cohesion range)
"We Whisper and It Hears" (while in Cohesion range of a tech terminal, remotely activate, deactivate, open, or lock any piece of revealed tech on the table, regardless of actual distance from this model)

This message was edited 44 times. Last update was at 2022/03/19 19:17:21

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Upgrade Trees by Specialty

Apothecary: Apothecaries gain a discount on Survival and Skill Talents equal to their Tier. Tier1 Talents in these categories therefore cost 9XP, Tier2 cost 18XP, and Tier3 cost 27XP. Apothecaries may purchase additional Ratings for their Medic Skill at 3XP per additional Rating. Apothecaries may also purchase the Command, Forbidden Knowledge, Inspire, Intimidate, Tactics, and/or Tech Skills at 6XP per Rating.

Assault Marines: Assault Marines gain a discount on Melee Talents equal to their Tier times 2. Tier1 Talents in this category therefore cost 8XP, Tier2 cost 16XP, and Tier3 cost 24XP. Assault Marines may purchase additional Ratings for their Intimidate Skill at 3XP per additional Rating. Assault Marines may also purchase the Forbidden Knowledge, Inspire, Stealth, and/or Tactics Skills at 6XP per Rating.

Champion: Champions gain a discount on Survival and Melee Talents equal to their Tier. Tier1 Talents in these categories therefore cost 9XP, Tier2 cost 18XP, and Tier3 cost 27XP. Champions may purchase additional Ratings for their Intimidate Skill at 3XP per additional Rating. Champions may also purchase the Command, Forbidden Knowledge, Inspire, Stealth, and/or Tactics Skills at 6XP per Rating.

Chaplains: Chaplains gain a discount on Miscellaneous and Melee Talents equal to their Tier. Tier1 Talents in these categories therefore cost 9XP, Tier2 cost 18XP, and Tier3 cost 27XP. Chaplains may purchase additional Ratings for their Inspire Skill at 3XP per additional Rating. Chaplains may also purchase the Command, Forbidden Knowledge, Intimidate, and/or Tactics Skills at 6XP per Rating. Space Wolf Chaplains may also purchase the Medic Skill at 9XP per Rating.

Devastator Marines: Devastators gain a discount on Survival and Shooting Talents equal to their Tier. Tier1 Talents in these categories therefore cost 9XP, Tier2 cost 18XP, and Tier3 cost 27XP. Devastators may purchase additional Ratings for their Demolition Skill at 3XP per additional Rating. Devastators may also purchase the Forbidden Knowledge, Intimidate, and/or Tactics Skills at 6XP per Rating.

Librarian: Librarians gain a discount on Miscellaneous and Skill Talents equal to their Tier. Tier1 Talents in these categories therefore cost 9XP, Tier2 cost 18XP, and Tier3 cost 27XP. Librarians may purchase additional Ratings for their Psychic Sense Skill at 3XP per additional Rating. Librarians may also purchase the Forbidden Knowledge, Intimidate, Stealth, Tactics, and/or Tech Skills at 6XP per Rating.

Primaris Intercessors: Intercessors gain a discount on Shooting Talents equal to their Tier times 2. Tier1 Talents in this category therefore cost 8XP, Tier2 cost 16XP, and Tier3 cost 24XP. Intercessors may purchase any Skill except Forbidden Knowledge at 6XP per Rating. Intercessors may also purchase the Forbidden Knowledge Skill for 9XP per Rating.

Tactical Marines: Tacticals gain a discount on Morale and Shooting Talents equal to their Tier. Tier1 Talents in these categories therefore cost 9XP, Tier2 cost 18XP, and Tier3 cost 27XP. Tacticals may purchase additional Ratings for their Command Skill at 3XP per additional Rating. Tacticals may also purchase the Demolition, Forbidden Knowledge, Inspire, Intimidate, Stealth, and/or Tactics Skills at 6XP per Rating.

Techmarines: Techmarines gain a discount on Skill and Technological Talents equal to their Tier. Tier1 Talents in these categories therefore cost 9XP, Tier2 cost 18XP, and Tier3 cost 27XP. Techmarines may purchase additional Ratings for their Tech Skill at 3XP per additional Rating. Techmarines may also purchase the Demolition, Forbidden Knowledge, Intimidate, and/or Tactics Skills at 6XP per Rating. Knights Amethyst Techmarines may also purchase the Medic Skill at 9XP per Rating.

Terminators: Terminators gain a discount on Miscellaneous and Morale Talents equal to their Tier. Tier1 Talents in these categories therefore cost 9XP, Tier2 cost 18XP, and Tier3 cost 27XP. Terminators may purchase the Command, Forbidden Knowledge, Inspire, Intimidate,, and/or Tactics Skills at 6XP per Rating. Terminators may also purchase the Demolition Skill at 9XP per Rating.

Black Wasps: any Specialty except Librarians and Chaplains from this Chapter may purchase the Psychic Sense Skill at 9XP per Rating.

Adjudicators, Blood Ravens, Dark Angels, Minotaurs, Red Hunters, and Red Scorpions
: any Specialty with access to the Forbidden Knowledge Skill that is also from one of these Chapters receives a 1XP discount per Rating for that Skill.

Scouts: Scouts may purchase the Stealth Skill at 4XP per Rating, and the Demolition, Intimidate, and/or Tactics Skills at 8XP per Rating. Scouts may also purchase the Command and/or Medic Skills at 12XP per Rating.

Neophytes: Neophytes may purchase the Intimidation Skill at 4XP per Rating, and the Command, Demolition, and/or Tactics Skills at 8XP per Rating. Neophytes may also purchase the Forbidden Knowledge and/or Inspire Skills at 12XP per Rating.

This message was edited 20 times. Last update was at 2020/11/25 09:38:43

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Talents by Category and Tier

Any Specialty may purchase Talents from any Tree, provided they meet the prerequisites, if there are any. Before any discounts provided by Specialty or other Talents, all Talents cost a number of XP to purchase equal to 10 times their Tier. Therefore, a Tier 1 will cost 10XP while a Tier 2 will cost 20XP, and so forth.

Unless otherwise stated, no Talent may be taken more than once. The annotation Faction refers to an adversary's army <Faction> keyword. The annotation Type refers to an adversary's model type keyword, such as <Infantry>, <Monster>, <Vehicle>, etc.

In all cases, the effects of Talents stack

Melee Talents

Tier 1 Talents

Assassin: this model may trade 2 of its Attacks for 1 that strikes at the start of its Fight Phase, before models are chosen to fight with.

Brawler: this model gains +2 Attacks if it fights without any weapons.

Contempt [Faction Type]: this model may re-roll 1 failed hit roll in the 2nd Battleround of Engagement when fighting against [Faction Type]. This Talent may be taken multiple times. Each time select a different [Faction Type].

Crippling Attack: roll to Wound as normal. For each unsaved Wound, this model may instead opt to worsen one of its opponent's WS by 1. No opponent's WS may be made worse than a 6+ in this way. Each penalty reduces the number of Wounds inflicted by 1.

Deadly Opponent: increase this model's Attacks by +1.

Deadly Strike: this model may trade 3 of its Attacks for 1 that causes a single Mortal Wound in addition to its normal Damage, if it hits.

Detestation of the [Faction Type]: this model may re-roll 1 failed Wound roll in the 2nd Battleround of Engagement when fighting against [Faction Type]. This Talent may be taken multiple times. Each time select a different [Faction Type].

Disarming Strike (prerequisite: WS 2+): this model may swap 2 Attacks for 1 that, if it hits, allows the attacker to remove 1 weapon or item from the targeted opponent's possessions. The item in question drops to the ground where it can be picked up by another model or by whomever wins the Fight.

Frenzy: after inflicting a Wound in the Fight Phase, this model doubles the number of Attacks on its profile for the remainder of the Engagement. If this model performs a Fall Back Move or it wins the Engagement, this bonus is lost.

Fury: this model gains +1 Strength on its Turn, the first time it Charges or is Charged per Mission.

God Among Giants: increase this model's Strength by +1.

Hatred [Faction Type]: this model may re-roll 1 failed hit roll in the 1st Battleround of Engagement when fighting against [Faction Type]. This Talent may be taken multiple times. Each time select a different [Faction Type].

Mauler: when attacking with any weapon with the word "Chain" in it or an Eviscerator, this model rolls twice the number of dice to Wound and takes the best score. If they score 2 hits, they roll 4 dice and take the 2 best rolls.

Mayhem: this model gains +1 Attack on its Turn, the first time it Charges or is Charged per Mission.

Melee Adept: this model gains +1 Attack when there are 2 or more Adversaries within 2" of it in the Fight Phase.

Nimble Fighter: this model gains a 6+ Invulnerable Save against the first Wound it suffers in every Turn of the Fight Phase.

On Guard: this model gains +1 Armor Save on the enemy's Turn, the first time it Charges or is Charged per Mission.

Parry: whenever an opponent rolls their Attacks in the Fight Phase, this model's controlling player may also roll 1 die. If this model's die roll is greater than any of their opponent's die rolls, they may negate 1 of their opponent's hits. A Parry cannot negate an Attack roll of a 6.

Righteous Indignation [Faction Type]: this model may re-roll 1 failed Wound roll in the 1st Battleround of Engagement when fighting against [Faction Type]. This Talent may be taken multiple times. Each time select a different [Faction Type].

Shield Strike: if the model is armed with a Storm Shield or Combat Shield, they may make 1 additional Attack in the Fight Phase with the following profile: Strength as user, AP -, Damage 1.

Show Off: if this model is outnumbered 3:1 during any Fight Phase in a Mission and survives with at least 1 Wound remaining at the end of the Mission, they gain an extra +1 Renown.

Skilled Fighter: change this model's WS to 2+.

Strong Martial Tradition: this model's unarmed Attacks ("the marine's own fists") are either +1 Strength, 1 better AP, or +1 Damage; player's choice must be made after hits, but before Wounds are rolled.

Sucker Punch: this model may make 1 unarmed Attack that strikes at the start of its Fight Phase, before models are chosen to fight with.

Sure Strike: treat this model's first Attack on each of its Turns in the Fight Phase as +1 Strength and 1 better AP.

Swift and Sure: increase this model's Attacks by +1

Tunnel Fighter (prerequisite: only usable when this model is armed with an Astartes Sword, Relic Blade, Power Sword, Astartes Spear, or Power Spear, or any Relic version of those weapons): if this model is in a corridor (defined as a space up to 4" wide and at least 6" long, connecting 2 or more rooms or other corridor sections), they may Engage enemy models in the Fight Phase from up to 3" away. Additionally, if this model is also equipped with a shield, they grant a 5+ Invulnerable Save versus enemy Shooting attacks to any allied models behind them.

Violent: this model must Charge if able. This model gains +1 Damage to all Wounding hits in the Fight Phase of the first Battleround.

Tier 2 Talents

Abhoration of the [Faction] (prerequisite: any Detestation [Faction Type] Talent): one Wound roll in the 2nd Battleround of Engagement gains +1, when fighting against [Faction]. This Talent may be taken multiple times. Each time select a different [Faction].

Absolute Contempt [Faction] (prerequisite: any Contempt [Faction Type] Talent): one hit roll in the 2nd Battleround of Engagement gains +1, when fighting against [Faction]. This Talent may be taken multiple times. Each time select a different [Faction].

Berserker: if this model is outnumbered in the Fight Phase, it gains +1 Attack and +1 Strength until this model Disengages.

Blade Dancer: if the model is armed with a Sword, Power Sword, Chainsword, Astartes Spear, or Power Spear (or any Relic version of these weapons), they may make 1 additional Attack in the Fight Phase with that weapon.

Blood Frenzy (prerequisite: any Blood Angels successor Chapter): after removing an enemy model as a casualty in the Fight Phase, this model doubles the number of Attacks on their profile until the end of the Mission. While under these effects, this model cannot voluntarily Fall Back, but it can Charge on the same Turn it Advances. Lastly, if this model can draw line of sight to an enemy model, they must Move towards it, Charging if able. If this model survives the Mission with at least 1 Wound remaining, they gain an additional +1 Corruption and +1 Renown.

Burning Hatred [Faction] (prerequisite: any Hatred [Faction Type] Talent): one hit roll in the 1st Battleround of Engagement gains +1, when fighting against [Faction]. This Talent may be taken multiple times. Each time select a different [Faction].

Deadly Foe (prerequisite: Deadly Opponent Talent): increase this model's Attacks by +1.

Defensive Fighter (prerequisite: Parry Talent): when this model is armed with any melee weapon that has the ability to be used defensively, it may roll 2 dice when Parrying and, if they roll well enough, may negate 2 enemy hits. A Parry cannot negate an Attack roll of a 6.

Ecstatic Fighter: this model gains an additional +1 Attack on the Turn it Charges.

Furious Attacker: this model gains +1 Attack on its Turn, on every Turn it Charges or is Charged.

Gain Control (prerequisite: Disarming Strike Talent): when using the Disarming Strike Talent, the item disarmed passes to the attacker's possession instead of falling on the ground.

Guarded Fighter (prerequisite: On Guard): this model gains +1 to its Armor Saves on enemy Turns during the Fight Phase.

Hammer Blow: the last Attack this model makes on each of its Turns in the Fight Phase is resolved at +1 Strength, and 1 better AP.

Head Taker: if this model removes the last Wound from a Miniboss or Boss Monster in the Fight Phase and takes on a 01 Capacity object (their enemy's head), they gain +D3 Renown if they are still carrying it at the end of the Mission. This counts as taking a Trophy.

Killing Blow: this model's unmodified hit rolls of 6 in the Fight Phase automatically Wound. Additionally, unless the Attack has a better AP, this hit has an AP -3.

Light-footed (prerequisite: Nimble Fighter Talent): increase this model's Nimble Fighter Invulnerable Save to 4+.

Mace Master if this model is armed with a Maul, Hammer (or Gavel), Thunderhammer, Heavy Thunderhammer, Crozius Arcanum, or other Mace-like weapon, they may make 1 additional Attack in the Fight Phase with that weapon.

Mangler (prerequisite: Mauler Talent): when attacking with any weapon with the word "Chain" in it or an Eviscerator, this model improves the AP of their weapon by 1 and may re-roll half (rounding down) of their Wound rolls.

Rampager (prerequisite: Violent): this model gains +1 Damage to the first Wounding hit of every Fight Phase.

Reactive Strike: if this model suffers 1 or more hits in the Fight Phase, but before enemies roll to Wound them, this model may immediately make a single Attack against the enemy model that hit it. If this Reactive Strike hits, roll to Wound. If the Reactive Strike kills the enemy model, do not roll to Wound for the enemy's hits.

Swift and True (prerequisite: Swift and Sure Talent): increase this model's Attacks by +1.

Sword and Board: only usable if the model is armed with a Seige, Storm, or Combat Shield in one hand and a Melee weapon in another hand. During the Fight Phase, this model improves their Armor Save by +1. If the model is equipped with a Combat Shield or a Storm Shield, this Talent instead improves this model's Invulnerable Save by +1. Seige Shields normally provide a 2+ Armor Save and a 6+ Invulnerable Save versus Attacks that come from the front. With this Talent it becomes a 1+ Armor Save. A Storm Shield normally provides a 3+ Armor Save and a 4+ Invulnerable Save. With this Talent the provided Invulnerable Save becomes 3+. A Combat Shield normally provides a 4+ Armor Save and a 5+ Invulnerable Save. With this Talent the provided Invulnerable Save becomes 4+.

Sworn Indignation [Faction] (prerequisite: any Indignation [Faction Type] Talent): one Wound roll in the 1st Battleround of Engagement gains +1, when fighting against [Faction]. This Talent may be taken multiple times. Each time select a different [Faction].

Wrath: this model gains +1 Strength during the Fight Phase on its own Turns.

Tier 3 Talents

Agile Fighter (prerequisite: Light-footed): this model may use their Nimble Fighter save versus every Wound inflicted on it in the Fight Phase.

Alien Hunter [Xenos Faction] (Novamarines count this Talent as Tier 2): all hits inflicted on [Xenos Faction] models in the Fight Phase automatically cause 1 Mortal Wound in addition to any other Damage they may cause.

Daemon Slayer (Black Templars count this Talent as Tier 2): all hits inflicted on Daemon and Daemon Engine models in the Fight Phase automatically cause 1 Mortal Wound in addition to any other Damage they may cause.

Dangerous Fighter (prerequisite: WS 2+): this model may be chosen to Fight with an additional time in each Fight Phase.

Deft Combatant (prerequisite: Sword and Board): any time this model rolls a successful Armor or Invulnerable Save in the Fight Phase, they may make a single bonus Attack at the end of the Battleround, provided they still have at least 1 ]Wound left.

Ferocity Incarnate (prerequisite: Carcharodons Astra only): whenever this model Charges, enemy models within 6" of their Target must take a Toughness test. If they pass, they must immediately Move D6" away from this model by the most direct path possible. If they fail, they count as Pinned until a Miniboss or Boss Monster Moves to within 6" of them or the Carcharodons Astra model is removed as casualty, whichever happens first.

Fury of the Righteous: +1 Attack for every Battlebrother in Cohesion Range of this model and +1 Strength in the Fight Phase.

Haymaker: this model gains a cumulative +1 Attack in the Fight Phase, at the start of each of its Turns after the first. If this model Disengages from enemy models these cumulative Attacks are lost.

Honor or Death: if this model is reduced to 0 Wounds in the Fight Phase, they may immediately make a single Attack with their best weapon against the enemy model that took their last Wound, but before they roll on the Injury Table to determine what happens to this model.

Melee Master: (prerequisite: Parry Talent) this model gains +1 to all Parry attempts. Additionally, any successful Parry adds +1 Attack to this model's next Turn in the Fight Phase as long as any enemy models are still in Engagement range. Lastly, this model may Parry an enemy Attack roll of a 6, provided this model also rolls a 6.

Potent Fighter: this model gains +1 Attack until the end of the Mission for every enemy model it removes as a casualty.

This message was edited 40 times. Last update was at 2023/02/28 18:03:32

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in ca
Longtime Dakkanaut

Why not use the RPG from FFG? Still plenty of copies kicking around. Easily one of my fav rpg's of all time. Can still use mini's if you want too represent distances ect.
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

 Gamgee wrote:
Why not use the RPG from FFG? Still plenty of copies kicking around. Easily one of my fav rpg's of all time. Can still use mini's if you want too represent distances ect.

You're welcome to use that if you want. I'm writing this because I want to. No one is forcing you to use it.

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Technological Talents

Tier 1 Talents

Artificer's Eye (1) (prerequisite: at least 1 Rating in Tech): this model may re-roll a number of failed Shooting hit rolls per Mission equal to this Talent's Rating.

Binary Technonoise (prerequisite: Sons of Medusa, Knights Amethyst, and Iron Hands Chapter or Techmarine only): add +1" to this model's Cohesion Range for every model in the squad with this Talent (including this model).

Black Blood*: at the start of any Turn where this model currently has less than its maximum Wounds, roll a D6. On a 6, this model regenerates 1 Wound. [counts as a cybernetic implant]

Blessing of the Machine*: increase this model's maximum Wounds by +1.

Cortex Implant* (prerequisite: at least 1 Rating in Tech): once per Mission, this model may choose to automatically pass its test when using its Tech Skill.

Craftsman's Blessing (1) (prerequisite: at least 1 Rating in Tech): this model may re-roll a number of failed Armor Saves per Mission equal to this Talent's Rating.

Craftsman's Blessing (+1) (prerequisite: Craftsman's Blessing (1)): this model may re-roll a number of failed Armor Saves per Mission equal to this Talent's Rating.

Cyber Locomotion (Level 1)*: add +1" to this model's base Move. [counts as a cybernetic implant]

Cyber Strength (Level 1)*: this model gains +1 Capacity. [counts as a cybernetic implant]

Cyborg: grants this model Ignore an unsaved Wound on a (6+) or improve an ability with the same effect the model already has by 1. [counts as a cybernetic implant]

Enhanced Optics: in Missions where visibilty is limited, this marine adds +2D6" to its visibility range (roll whenever the lights go out).

Forgemaster's Hand* (prerequisite: at least 1 Rating in Tech): reduce the Cost of the Exceptional Quality upgrade by -1 Renown for 1 item in this model's Load Out every Mission.

Forgemaster's Privilege* (prerequisite: Forgemaster's Will): reduce the Cost of all Exceptional Quality upgrades for any item in all squad member models' Load Outs by -1 in every Mission.

Forgemaster's Will* (prerequisite: Forgemaster's Hand): reduce the Cost of all Exceptional Quality upgrades for any item in this model's Load Out by -1 in every Mission.

Interface Plug*: as long as this model is in base to base contact with a Tech Terminal, it may add +1 to its Tech Skill roll.

Internal Power Supply*: this model may re-roll its Skill test when attempting the "Arise From Your Aeonic Slumber" effect of Tech. [counts as a cybernetic implant]

Magnetic Levitation Implants*: this model may Fall from a height of up to twice its Toughness in inches without the need to test Toughness to avoid damage.

Martian Blood* (prerequisite: Cyborg or Black Blood Talent): increase this model's Ignore an unsaved Wound ability by 1. If it was (6+) before, now it's (5+). If this model did not have an ability like this before, it has it now at (6+).

Respirator Implant: this model may re-roll its Toughness tests versus vacuum and gas attacks. [counts as a cybernetic implant]

Servo Rig (1)*: this is a prerequisite implant for any Mechadendrite other than a Servo Arm. A Servo Rig can manipulate a number of different Mechadendrites simultaneously equal to its Rating.

Soul of the Machine: this model may extract 2 tidbits of information when using the "Let It Speak Its Name to Me" effect of the Tech Skill.

*When these 3 Talents are combined, they stack. Meaning Forgemaster's Hand and Forgemaster's Will make all of this model's Exceptional Quality upgrades cost 9 Renown and 1 of those upgrades cost 8 Renown. Having all 3 of these Talents means that your squad mates' Exceptional Quality upgrades all cost 9 Renown, all of this model's cost 8 Renown and a single item assigned to this model can be upgraded for 7 Renown.

Tier 2 Talents

Artificer's Eye (+1) (prerequisite: Artificer's Eye (1)): this model may re-roll a number of failed Shooting hit rolls per Mission equal to this Talent's Rating.

Craftsman's Blessing (+1) (prerequisite: Craftsman's Blessing (+1)): this model may re-roll a number of failed Armor Saves per Mission equal to this Talent's Rating.

Data Spike* (prerequisite: Interface Plug): if this model is within 3" of a Tech Terminal, it may add +1 to its roll when using the Tech Skill.

Cyber Locomotion (Level 2)*: add +2" to this model's Move.

Cyber Strength (Level 2)*: this model gains +2 Capacity.

Enhanced Internal Comms (prerequisite: Binary Technonoise): add +2" to this model's Cohesion Range for every model in the squad with this Talent (including this model).

Enhanced Limbs (prerequisite: Cyborg Talent): this model may sacrifice 1 of its Attacks in the Fight Phase to improve its own Armor Save by 1 versus enemy Melee Attacks in the Fight Phase.

Integrated Displacer: this model is -1 to be hit. Roll a D3 at the start of this model's Fight Phase. On a 3 this model may Fight as normal, otherwise reduce this model's number of Attacks by the amount rolled (to a minimum of 0).

Integrated Refractor: this model gains a 5+ Invulnerable Save versus enemy Shooting.

Machine God's Lure (prerequisite: Magnetic Levitation Implants): during the Shooting Phase, this model's controlling player selects 1 non-Daemon, non-Tyranid enemy model in Cohesion Range. That model must make a Strength test at -1. If they fail, this model's controlling player chooses 1 weapon the target was carrying; that weapon is disarmed from the enemy model and is placed as a Marker 4' from the original owner towards this model. If that would bring the item to or past this model, it instead comes into this model's grasp. Anyone can pick up a weapon otherwise dropped.

Mnemonic Interface* (prerequisite: Cortex Implant): at the start of every Mission, during the Briefing Phase, this model may chose any Skill it does not currently have and grant itself 1 Rating in it. [counts as a cybernetic implant]

Reactive Ceramite Integration: this model gains +1 Armor Save in the Fight Phase.

Robotic Enhancement*: increase this model's Strength by +1 and it no longer suffers the effects of Vacuum or Drowning.

Servitor (Apothecaries, Primaris Apothecaries, Primaris Techmarines, and Techmarines treat this Talent as Tier 1): this model gains a Servitor companion, who follows this model and their commands on every Mission. If the model who purchased this Talent is removed as a casualty or moves so that their Servitor is no longer in line of sight, the Servitor becomes inert, no longer acting or reacting to stimuli except to defend itself if Attacked in the Fight Phase. So long as the controlling model survives to return to line of sight, their Servitor will resume normal function. Servitors come equipped with Cybernetic Implants which grant them a 5+ Armor Save, a human hand that can be used to pick up small items, carry small items such as an Auspex, a severed head, or a sample container, and/or manipulate levers and buttons on electronic or machine devices, plus one of the following cyberlimb options: Medical Mechadendrite, Macro Mechadendrite, Heavy Bolter & Box Mag, or Plasma Cannon with 2 Power Cells. Servitors have the Cohesion1 Talent and the Tech1 Skill.*

Servo Rig (+1)* (prerequisite: Servo Rig (1)): this is a prerequisite implant for any Mechadendrite other than a Servo Arm. A Servo Rig can manipulate a number of different Mechadendrites simultaneously equal to its Rating.

Servo Rig (+1)* (prerequisite: Servo Rig (2)): this is a prerequisite implant for any Mechadendrite other than a Servo Arm. A Servo Rig can manipulate a number of different Mechadendrites simultaneously equal to its Rating.

Synaptic Failsafe (prerequisite: Cyborg Talent and Toughness 5 or better): the first time this model suffers the Recovery Table result 15+: Record His Name after taking this Talent, instead of dying, this model becomes Incapacitated. An Incapacitated model must sit out its next Mission and thereafter roll a D6 at the start of the following Mission. On the roll of a 4+ the model progresses to Heavily Wounded. Otherwise, this model remains Incapacitated and must continue to sit out Missions until it progresses to Heavily Wounded. This Talent may be purchased multiple times; each time saving this model from Death just once.

Tactical Cortex* (prerequisite: Cortex Implant Talent): whenever an allied model within Cohesion Range of this model removes the last Wound from a Mini Boss or Boss Monster, this model generates +1 CP.

TechnoMason (prerequisite: Tech1): this model gains +1 to Skill tests when using Tech.

Techno Whispers*: this model adds +3" to the Cohesion Range of inanimate machines.

Telemetry Adjustment (prerequisite: BS 2+): whenever an allied model within Cohesion Range shoots any weapon with the word "missile" in its name, this model grants that shot +1 to hit if it is at a target more than half the weapon's maximum range distant.

Tier 3 Talents

Additional Servitor (restriction: Techmarines and Apothecaries only, prerequisite: the Servitor Talent): : this model gains a Servitor companion, who follows this model and their commands on every Mission. If the model who purchased this Talent is removed as a casualty or moves so that their Servitor is no longer in line of sight, the Servitor becomes inert, no longer acting or reacting to stimuli except to defend itself if Attacked in the Fight Phase. So long as the controlling model survives to return to line of sight, their Servitor will resume normal function. Servitors come equipped with Cybernetic Implants which grant them a 5+ Armor Save, a human hand that can be used to pick up small items, carry small items such as an Auspex, a severed head, or a sample container, and/or manipulate levers and buttons on electronic or machine devices, plus one of the following cyberlimb options: Medical Mechadendrite, Macro Mechadendrite, Heavy Bolter & Box Mag, or Multimelta with Melta Canister. Additional Servitors have the Cohesion1 Talent and the Tech1 Skill.*.

Artificer's Eye (+2) (prerequisite: Artificer's Eye (+1)): this model may re-roll a number of failed Shooting hit rolls per Mission equal to this Talent's Rating.

Cyber Locomotion (Level 3)*: add +3" to this model's Move.

Cyber Strength (Level 3)*: this model gains +3 Capacity.

Craftsman's Blessing (+2) (prerequisite: Craftsman's Blessing (+1)): this model may re-roll a number of failed Armor Saves per Mission equal to this Talent's Rating.

Emergency Displacement Field: whenever this model suffers a hit from a weapon that does more than 1 Damage, roll a D6. On a 4+ the GM moves this model D6" further away from the Shooter and this model negates all hits from that source.

Noospheric Interface* (prerequisite: Tactical Cortex Talent and Leadership 10 or better): during the Command Phase, this model generates an extra +1 CP for the squad or, if this model is the Mission Leader, an extra +2 CP for the squad.

Prophet of Mars*: this model adds +3" to the Cohesion Range of inanimate machines.

Servo Rig (+1)* (prerequisite: Servo Rig (3)): this is a prerequisite implant for any Mechadendrite other than a Servo Arm. A Servo Rig can manipulate a number of different Mechadendrites simultaneously equal to its Rating.

Subsonic Disruptor Frequency (prerequisite: Respirator Implant or Cyborg and Iron Hands, Knights Amethyst, Sons of Medusa, or Techmarine only): in addition to Shooting, once per Turn, this model may target all enemy models within 3" of itself. Each model targeted suffers a single hit with a Strength equal to their strongest Shooting weapon's Strength -1, AP-, and Damage 1, as their magazines spontaneously self-detonate.

Target Acquisition System (prerequisite: Enhanced Optics): if this model is armed with a weapon that has more than 1 shot, it may use each shot on any enemy in line of sight, not just models 4" away from the first target.

*these Talents all require the Mechanicus Frame as a prerequisite
*Servitors use their controlling model's Skill Stat to determine the success or failure of their Skill use.

This message was edited 36 times. Last update was at 2023/02/14 19:11:37

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Shooting Talents *many of the Talents assume you are using the "Bullets" method for Ammo. If you aren't, ignore these Talents.

Tier 1 Talents

Accurate: if this model moved half its Move or less and didn't Advance, enemy models must reroll successful Armor Saves versus its Shooting attacks during its 1st Shooting Phase.

Arsonist (prerequisite: Flame Craft): when using Hand Flamers, Flamers, and Heavy Flamers, this models adds an additional +1 to the number of hits inflicted.

Balanced Blades (prerequisite: Knife Thrower): any Astartes Knives this model is equipped with increase their Thrown Range by +2" and may re-roll 1 failed hit roll per Shooting Phase.

Bandoleer of Blades (prerequisite: Knife Thrower): this model's Standard Load Out now includes 2 additional Astartes Knives with no Weight increase. For every 3 Astartes Knives they equip beyond these, increase their overall Weight by +1.

Bolt Adept*: all bolt weapons (bolt pistol, bolter, storm bolter, bolt rifle, heavy bolter, the bolter portion of combi-weapons, and all Relic versions of same) used by this model roll 1 extra die when rolling to Wound, taking the best scores, up to the maximum number of hits scored. If this model hits a target 2 times, they roll 3 dice and take the best 2 results. If this model hits 4 times, it rolls 5 dice and takes the best 4, etc.

Bomberman: this model may throw 2 grenades instead of just 1 every Shooting Phase, provided it has enough grenades to throw. The two grenades thrown do not need to be the same type and can be thrown at different targets.

Conservationist*: this model adds +1 to the Primary Magazine of all of its weapons.

Crack Shot: Shooting attacks made by this model that roll a 6 to hit, cause +1 Damage if they Wound.

Deadly Aim: this model may make a single shot with any ranged weapon into Close Combat. Name their target, then roll the dice. If they hit, roll to Wound as normal. If they miss, roll a D6. On a 5+ , randomize a hit against one of the other combatants instead.

Defender: when this model uses a Pintle-mounted weapon, increase that weapon's Rate of Fire by +1

Fire From the Hip*: when this model shoots with a weapon in Burst Mode, do not half its range, but impose a -1 penalty to hit rolls.

Flame Craft: when using Flamers and Heavy Flamers, this model adds +1 to the number of hits inflicted.

Gunlugger: if equipped with 2 assault weapons, this model may fire both in its 1st Shooting Phase.

Gunslinger: if equipped with 2 pistols, this model may fire both in each of its Shooting Phases.

Hammer that Position (prerequisite: Tactics2): choose one ally in Cohesion Range. When that model Shoots this Turn, their weapon attacks improve their AP by 1.

Heat Miser: when using any weapon with the word "melta" or the word "inferno" in its name, this model may re-roll failed Wound rolls.

Juggernaut (prerequisite: Strength 5 or more): this model may Move and Shoot with Heavy Weapons without suffering the -1 to hit rolls.

Knife Thrower: this model may make a Shooting Attack with one of its Astartes Knives, with the following profile:
6" Range Pistol Strength as user AP- Damage 1
Using this ability destroys the model's Knife.

Let it Bleed (prerequisite: Knife Thrower): this model's Thrown Melee Weapons gain the Bleed Quality if they didn't already have it.

Long Shot: if this model remains stationary during its Movement Phase, it may Shoot its Ranged Weapon in Standard Firing Mode at double the Weapon's range.

Marksman (prerequisite: Weight of Fire): improve the AP of all shots in this model's 2nd Shooting Phase by 1.

Master of Ordnance: once per Mission this model may re-roll a single shot with a Heavy Weapon.

Pacifier Doctrine: when firing at groups of 3 or more enemy models, where each model is no more than 2" apart from any other model with the same Faction keyword, this model gains +1 to its Rate of Fire in all Firing Modes.

Plasma Specialist: once per Mission re-roll a single shot with any weapon with the word "plasma" in its name.

Point Blank: if this model Shoots with a Pistol at half range or less, improve that Weapon's AP by 1.

Precise Targeting: the first hit of every Shooting Phase for this model treats its Strength as +1 or its AP as 1 better, player's choice. The player must make the decision before the dice are rolled for Wounds.

Prize Shooter: if this model causes 1 or more Wounds when using the Calculated Trajectories, Shred the Floor, Trick, Trickier, or Trickiest Shot Talents, it gains an additional +1 Renown.

Purifier Doctrine: when using Hand Flamers, Flamers, Heavy Flamers, and their Relic equivalents, this model may re-roll Wound rolls of 1.

Right Tool for the Job: this model recieves a -1 Renown Cost reduction on all ranged weapons.

Sharpshooter: if this model does not Move or Advance this Turn, they add +6" to their shooting weapon's range.

Shootist: if this model has 2 or more Shooting Phases, all shots in their Shooting Phases after their first gain -1 AP if this model fires on the same Type and Faction models as it did with its 1st Phase. This effect lasts until the end of the model's Turn. If a model shot at Ork Infantry in its 1st Shooting Phase, it would gain this benefit if it also shot at Ork Infantry with its 2nd and 3rd Shooting Phases. Shooting at different target types and Factions in the 2nd Shooting Phase doesn't negate this bonus for the 3rd Shooting Phase.

Shred the Floor: when Shooting with any weapon with the word "Bolt" in its name, this model may nominate a point on the floor, walls, or other terrain feature within range as one or more of its targets. Roll to hit as normal. If a hit is scored, all models within 3" of the point of impact suffer D3 hits with the following profile: Strength 3, AP-, Damage 1. If the weapon being used to fire this special shot is a Heavy Bolter, it instead causes D3+1 hits at Strength 4, AP-1, Damage D2.

Sniper: if this model does not Move or Advance this Turn, they may re-roll their failed to Wound rolls during their 1st Shooting Phase. Additionally, this model may target Tiny models without suffering the hit penalty normally imposed by that Trait.

Steady: change this model's Ballistic Skill to 2+.

Swift Reload*: when reloading a Heavy weapon, this model simply ticks off one of its reloads rather than having to take the extra Phase to do it.

Trick Shot*: this model may attempt to hit 2 targets with 1 bullet, provided both targets are less than 2" apart from each other. Roll to hit both targets, suffering a -1 to hit modifier on both shots. This may only be attempted with Ranged Weapons that fire a single shot in Standard Firing Mode and may only be used in Standard Firing Mode.

Vendetta [Faction Type]: this model may re-roll one missed shot in each of its 1st Shooting Phases per Turn, when firing at the specified [Faction Type].

Vengeance [Faction Type]: this model may re-roll one failed Wound in each of its 1st Shooting Phases per Turn, when firing at the specified [Faction Type].

Volume Fire: if this model remains stationary during its Movement Phase, it may Shoot its Ranged Weapon in Autofire Mode at double the Weapon's range.

Walking Fire: this model may sacrifice 1 shot from its weapon's Rate of Fire to target another enemy model up to 8" away from its original target. Weapons with fewer than 3 shots gain no benefit from this Talent.

Wall of Knives (prerequisite: Knife Thrower): this model may Throw up to 3 Astartes Knives per Shooting Phase, provided they have enough to do so.

Waste Not (prerequisite: Knife Thrower): Throwing their Astartes Knife does not destroy this model's Astartes Knife if it hits its target. Instead, place a Marker at the feet of the hit Target. If this model Moves within 1" of this Marker they get their Astartes Knife back. If this model ends the Mission with the same number of Astartes Knives it started with, it gains +1 Renown.

Well-Placed Blade (prerequisite: Knife Thrower): unmodified rolls of 6 to hit with a Thrown Astartes Knife becomes AP -1.

Tier 2 Talents

Ace (prerequisite: Bullet Storm): improve the AP of all shots in this model's 3rd Shooting Phase by 1.

Anti-Tanker: when this model shoots at a vehicle that started the Mission with 10 or more Wounds, improve their Weapon's AP by 1.

Blast Furnace (prerequisite: Heat Miser Talent): when using any weapon with the word "melta" or the word "inferno" in its name, this model increases that weapon's Rate of Fire in all Firing Modes by +1.

Blast Master (prerequisite: Bomberman): when using grenades that cause a variable number of Wounds or hits, this model adds +1 to either roll.

Bolt Master (prerequisite: Bolt Adept): this model treats all bolt weapons (bolt pistol, bolter, storm bolter, bolt rifle, heavy bolter, the bolter portion of combi-weapons, and all Relic versions of same) as having +1 Rate of Fire in all modes.

Calculated Trajectories: when this model kills an enemy model while using a Ranged weapon with the word "bolt" in its name, all models within 2" of the killed target suffer a single automatic hit with the following profile: Strength 2, AP-, Damage 1. If the weapon being used was a Heavy Bolter the auto-hit is instead Strength 3, AP-, Damage D2. If the original target's Armor Save was 3+ or 4+, improve these hits' AP to -1.

Death from Below: when this model shoots at a target in its 2nd or 3rd Shooting Phase from a lower elevation (at least 2" lower), it adds +1 its Wound rolls.

Destroyer*: when shooting with Heavy weapons, this model rolls twice the number of dice to Wound and takes the best score. If they score 2 hits, they roll 4 dice and take the 2 best rolls.

Devastator*: if this model does not Move or Advance this Turn, double the Rate of Fire for any ranged weapon it uses this Turn.

Dominus Doctrine: versus Adversaries with a 2+ or better Armor Save, this model may re-roll hit rolls of 1.

Eager Vendetta [Faction Type]: this model may re-roll 1 missed shot in each of its 2nd Shooting Phases per Turn, when firing at the specified [Faction Type].

Eager Vengeance [Faction Type]: this model adds +1 to its 1st Wound roll in each of its 2nd Shooting Phases per Turn, when firing at the specified [Faction Type].

Fire Flex (prerequisite: Fire from the Hip): if this model remains stationary during its Movement Phase, it may Shoot its Ranged Weapon in Burst Mode without having to half their Weapon's range.

Gunfighter*: when firing Pistols with a Burst mode, this model adds +1 to that weapon's Rate of Fire.

Gunner: this model increases the Rate of Fire in every mode for any weapon it is equipped with by +1.

Immobilizer: if this model shoots at and Wounds an enemy vehicle that started the Mission with 10 or more Wounds, this model may roll an additional D6. If that die roll scores a 4+, the vehicle's Movement is reduced to 0" until it regenerates 1 or more Wounds.

Modified Optics (Raptors treat this Talent as Tier 1): add +2" to the range of all Long Arms this model is equipped with.

Opportunistic Sniper: once per Mission, this model may add +1 to hit when firing a weapon in Standard Firing Mode. If this model hits its target with this shot, it causes a single Mortal Wound in addition to any other effects of the hit.

Plasma Drill: reroll hit rolls of 1 when shooting with Plasma Pistols, Plasmaguns, Plasma Incinerators, Plasma Cannons, or any Relic version of same.

Quick Draw: this model may opt to take 1 of its Shooting Phases during the enemy Turn, just before they take their own Shooting Phase. If the model only has 1 Shooting Phase and uses it in the enemy Turn with this Talent, it may do nothing during its next Shooting Phase on its own Turn.

Spitfire (prerequisite: Weight of Fire and Gunlugger Talents): if equipped with 2 assault weapons, this model may fire both in its 2nd Shooting Phase.

Strong of Arm: this model may fire Rapid Fire weapons like Pistols if they are engaged in the Fight Phase.

Suppression Shooter: if this model is armed with a weapon capable of Burst or Autofire mode, they may take a -1 penalty to hit and Wound in order to double their Rate of Fire for 1 Shooting Phase per Mission.

Trickier Shot (prerequisite: Trick Shot Talent): this model may attempt to hit 3 models with 1 bullet, provided all 3 targets are all less than 2" apart from each other. Roll to hit all 3 targets, suffering a -1 hit modifier on all 3 shots. This may only be attempted with Ranged Weapons that fire a single shot in Standard Firing Mode and may only be used in Standard Firing Mode.

Trickiest Shot (prerequisite: Trick Shot Talent): this model may attempt to hit 2 models with 1 bullet, provided both targets are less than 4" apart from one another. Roll to hit both targets, suffering a -1 hit modifier on the second shot. This may only be attempted with Ranged Weapons that fire a single shot in Standard Firing Mode and may only be used in Standard Firing Mode.

Weight of Fire: this model may take 2 Shooting Phases.

Venator Doctrine: versus Adversaries with a Move of 10" or more, this model may re-roll hit rolls of 1.

Tier 3 Talents

Bullet Storm (prerequisite: Weight of Fire): this model gains an additional Shooting Phase.

Fire Frenzy* (prerequisite: Imperial Fists, Ultramarines, or one of their Successor Chapters, or Tactical marines only): after an allied space marine is reduced to 0 Wounds, roll a Toughness test for this model. If they pass, they may immediately make a single Shooting attack (literally 1 shot) at every enemy model in range or until their weapon runs out of Ammo, whichever comes first. These Shooting attacks interrupt the sequence of play and do not count towards the number of Shooting Phases a model can take.

Firepower*: whenever this model Shoots using Burst or Autofire mode, every enemy model within 4" of any of the targets hit must test Toughness or suffer the Suppression effect.

Hell Storm (prerequisite: Bullet Storm and Spitfire Talents): if equipped with 2 assault weapons, this model may fire both in its 3rd Shooting Phase.

Infernist (prerequisite: Blast Furnace Talent): when using any weapon with the word "melta" or the word "inferno" in its name, this model increases the Damage of those weapons by +1.

Man Saw*: for every Turn in a row this model does not Move or Advance, increase the Rate of Fire for its ranged weapons by +1. All bonus shots are lost if the model Moves or Advances.

Search and Traverse (prerequisite: Tactics2): choose one ally in Cohesion Range armed with a weapon capable of firing in Full Auto Mode. When that model Shoots this Turn, they gain +1 to hit if they fire in Full Auto Mode. Additionally, regardless of the Mode they fire in, enemy models within 3" of this model's targets cannot Move or Advance on their own next Turn.

Strength Without Measure (prerequisite: Strong of Arm): this model may use any Heavy weapon as an Assault weapon, treating the weapon's range as half the base range.

Titan Killer: Heavy weapons used by this model against enemy models with 5 or more Wounds cause a single automatic Mortal Wound in addition to any other effects so long as at least 1 shot hits the target.

Ultimate Vendetta [Faction]: this model may re-roll one missed shot in each of its 3rd Shooting Phases per Turn, when firing at the specified [Faction].

Ultimate Vengeance [Faction]: this model adds +1 to its 1st Wound in each of its 3rd Shooting Phases per Turn, when firing at the specified [Faction].

Very Long Shot: if this model remains stationary during its Movement Phase, it may Shoot its Ranged Weapon in Standard Firing Mode at triple the Weapon's range, while also improving its AP by 1.

*If these 2 Talents are combined - while using a Heavy Bolter - a model scoring 2 hits rolls 5 dice in total (double the hits +1) and takes the best 2 scores. Likewise, 4 hits would indicate rolling 9 dice (double the hits +1) and taking the best 4 and so on.

*Combining Devastator and Man Saw creates a terrifying fusillade of destruction. If the model does not move, Devastator doubles its rate of fire, turning weapons like Heavy Bolters into bullet tornados. When coupled with Man Saw, the extra shot is added after the rate of fire is doubled. So the Heavy 3 weapon becomes a Heavy 7 on the second Turn of not moving, Heavy 8 on the third, Heavy 9 on the fourth and so on. If you're using the "Bullets" method of keeping track of Ammo, you may also fire the Heavy Bolter on Full Auto, churning out 12 shots Turn one, 13 Turn two, and so on. You will tear through enemies as quickly as you drain your magazines.

This message was edited 40 times. Last update was at 2023/06/03 16:16:27

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Skill Talents

Tier 1 Talents

Advanced Tactics: Pincer (prerequisite: Tactics1): when using the "We Shall Envelope Them" effect, the model held in Reserve causes Pinning during its Shooting Phase on the Turn it arrives. Enemy models hit, but not removed as casualties, by this model on the Turn it arrives, cannot Move, Advance, Shoot, or Charge until a Mini Boss or Boss Monster moves to within 6" of the model.

Advanced Tactics: Teleportarium (prerequisite: Tactics1): when using the "We Shall Envelope Them" effect, the model held in Reserve may Deep Strike anywhere on the revealed map instead of only at the edge.

And Hell Follows With Me (prerequisite: Intimidate1): whenever this model uses any Intimidate effect except "Tremble Before He Who has Sworn to End You!", they may target D3 enemy models instead of just 1.

Applied Violence (prerequisite: any Talent with the word "Fighter" in it): this model gains +1XP whenever one of their prerequisite Talents causes them to end the Fight Phase more than 1" from any enemy models.

Archivist (prerequisite: Tech1): this model may save unused Ratings from their Tech Skill from one Mission and add it to its Rating for the following Mission. If these extra Ratings are not used in the very next Mission, they cannot be carried over to the following Mission. For example, if a model has Tech2 but only uses 1 Rating in a Mission, the extra Rating is carried over into the next Mission, giving this model a temporary Tech Rating of 3 for the next Mission. If the model doesn't use any of those 3 Ratings in the next Mission, it can only carry over the 2 from its base Rating, not its unused bonus.

Aroused by Bloodshed (prerequisite: Inspire1): for each allied Astartes in Cohesion Range that removes an enemy model as a casualty in the Fight Phase, this model gains +1 to its next Inspire Skill test. If this modifier accumulates to make the bonus high enough that the roll can't fail, this model automatically passes the test and is refunded their expended Rating.

Bomb Layer (prerequisite: Demolition1): whenever this model uses the "And When They Step Through, BOOM" effect with a grenade that has a variable effect, those effects are maximized, without the need to roll. Make sure the boobytrap Marker reflects this if there are more than 1 on the battlefield

Concentration: improve this models Skill Stat by 1 (5+ becomes 4+, 4+ becomes 3+ , etc.).

Deathwing Inductee (prerequisite: Dark Angels, Adjudicators, and their Successor Chapters only and Forbidden Knowledge1): when this model uses the "My Chapter has had Extensive Experience With This Subject" effect and the vessel in question is chaos or traitor in origin, the Boss Monster must be a Fallen Angel adversary. The model with this Talent earns quadruple Renown for killing it. If another marine scores the killing blow on this adversary, this model instead loses D3 Renown.

Expert (1): this model may re-roll a number of failed Skill tests per Mission equal to this Talent's Rating.

Expert (+1) (prerequisite: Expert (1): this model may re-roll a number of failed Skill tests per Mission equal to this Talent's Rating.

Expert (+1) (prerequisite: Expert (+1): this model may re-roll a number of failed Skill tests per Mission equal to this Talent's Rating.

Follow the Leader (prerequisite: Command1): whenever this model uses a Command effect, it may extend the effect to itself in addition to its allies in Cohesion Range.

Ingenuity (prerequisite: Tech1 and Forbidden Knowledge1): this model may spend a Rating from either Tech or Forbidden Knowledge to use an effect from either of those Skills.

Litanies (prerequisite: Inspire1): once per Mission, this model may use 1 of the Inspire Skill effects on itself without expending a Rating.

Master Tactician (prerequisite: Tactics1 and Command1): this model may expend a Rating from either Command or Tactics to use an effect from either of those Skills.

Mission Critical (prerequisite: Tactics1 or Command2): during the Briefing Phase, this model's controlling player may nominate 1 Mission Objective as "Mission Critical". If this Objective is completed, all models in the Squad that survive until the end of the Mission with at least 1 Wound remaining, gain an additional +1 Renown. However, if this Talent is used, the GM gains +2D6 Allotment for the Mission it affects.

Origins of Obedience (prerequisite: Forbidden Knowledge1 and Inspire1): this model may expend a Rating from either Inspire or Forbidden Knowledge to use an effect from either of those Skills.

Ranger (prerequisite: Stealth1): when using the "Death is my Trade" effect, this model also adds +6" to the range of its first Shooting Attack this Turn.

Recon (prerequisite: Tactics1 and Stealth1): if this model successfully uses both their Tactics and Stealth Skills at least once each at any point in the same Mission, in the following Mission they gain 1 better AP for all of their attacks against enemy models of the same Faction and Type they previously faced. For instance if they faced Ork Infantry and Ork Vehicles in the Mission where they successfully used both Skills, they gain the AP bonus against Ork Infantry and Ork Vehicles they encounter in the next Mission. Players, be aware that sometimes you will go on Missions in one section and then the following Mission will take place in another section and you might not see the same Adversaries 2 Missions in a row. GMs, don't constantly switch out enemies just to avoid giving players this advantage. They spent hard earned XP on this Talent. Make sure they get to use it sometimes.

Sapper (prerequisite: Demolition1): all grenades used by this model are resolved at +1 Strength.

Slip Into the Shadows (prerequisite: Stealth1): if this model moves into Cover, relative to enemy models that can draw line of sight to it, it no longer counts as "Closest Enemy Model" for the purposes of targeting it with Shooting or Psychic Powers.

Sneaky (prerequisite: Stealth1): as long as this model can draw line of sight to an enemy model with 10 or more Wounds, it adds +1" to its Move.

Stalker (prerequisite: Stealth1 and Intimidate1): when using the "Death is my Trade" effect, enemy models automatically fail any Morale tests they may have to take as a result of being hit by this model.

Strike from the Shadows (prerequisite: Stealth1 or Ravenguard or their Successors): if this model is in Cover and declares a Charge, its target cannot fire Overwatch at this model.

Tactical Acumen (prerequisite: Tactics1): at the start of a Mission, after terrain has been set up, but before Deployment, this model's controlling player may place up to 2 pieces of scatter terrain (Necromunda Barricades are ideal for this) per Rating in Tactics anywhere on the visible board. Doing so does not expend any Ratings.

Triage (prerequisite: Medic1): when using the "I am the Miracle Worker" effect, this model may roll a D6 for each affected ally. On the roll of a 6, that model also regains 1 Wound previously lost this Mission.

Warp Token (prerequisite: Psychic Sense1): when using the "None Shall Break My Resolve" effect, this model gains an additional +1 to Deny attempts.

Whispered in Darkness (prerequisite: Forbidden Knowledge1): when using the "Strike for the Heart of the Beast" effect, affected allies can reroll up to 2 failed Wound rolls against the specified enemy instead of only the first.

Tier 2 Talents

Abhorrence: this model may attempt to Deny enemy psychic powers that target them directly. If the model is already able to Deny, they gain +D3 to the attempt.

Advanced Tactics: Bounding Fire (prerequisite: Tactics2): if this model starts and ends its Movement Phase in Cover, enemy models suffer -1 to hit this model. If this model does not Move or Advance in its Movement Phase, but remains in Cover while an allied Astartes in Cohesion Range does Move or Advance, this model increases its own weapon's Rate of Fire by +1 in all Firing Modes during its 1st Shooting Phase.

Advanced Tactics: Covering Fire (prerequisite: Tactics2): if this model does not Move or Advance in its Movement Phase, but remains in Cover while an allied Astartes in Cohesion Range does Move or Advance, this model increases its own weapon's Rate of Fire by +1 in all Firing Modes during all of its Shooting Phases and may use Suppression on the same Turn it Shoots to kill.

Advanced Tactics: Mine Layer (prerequisite: Demolition1 and Tactics1): if this model is equipped with a mine or bomb that must be emplaced, this model may emplace the Marker up to 6" away from its current position or, if it passes a BS test (literally just roll to hit as if the model were Shooting at a target), up to 2D6" distant. If the model fails their BS test, the mine or bomb is limited to a 6" range.

Advanced Tactics: Suppressing Fire (prerequisite: Tactics1 and Command1): choose one allied model in Cohesion Range. When that model Shoots this Turn, any targets it hits, but fails to Wound automatically become Pinned instead. Pinned enemy models cannot Move, Advance, Charge, or Shoot until a Mini Boss Moves to within 3" of them or a Boss Monster Moves to within 6" of them.

Applied Learning: this model earns +1 XP from "Successfully using a Skill".

Applied Strategy: this model earns +1 XP from "Every enemy model slain".

Catechist (prerequisite: Inspire2): this model adds an additional effect to their Inspire Skill called "Righteous Fury of the Astartes", with the following use: All allied space marines in Cohesion Range deal 1 Mortal Wound in addition to their normal Damage when they roll 6s to hit until the start of their next Turn.

Clever**: this model may choose 1 additional effect from the corresponding Skill's list when they successfully test that Skill.

Deathwing Crux (prerequisite: Deathwing Inductee Talent): this model qualifies to equip Terminator Armor 2+, regardless of its Renown.

Field Promotion (prerequisite: Leadership 10+ and Command2): this model gains +1 CP.

Field Surgeon (prerequisite: Triage): when using the "I am the Miracle Worker" effect, this model may roll a D6 for each affected ally. On the roll of a 4+, that model removes an additional Wound Token. If that model has no Wound Tokens left to remove for this effect, they instead regain 1 Wound previously lost this Mission. This ability has no effect on models that have either lost no Wounds this Mission or who are otherwise already healed to their maximum starting Wounds.

Forethought: if this model has 2 or more Skills they may expend 1 Rating of any of their Skills to instead use an effect of another one of their Skills. For instance, a model with Command1 and Stealth1, could use their Command Rating to use their Stealth Skill twice or vice versa.

Improved Concentration: improve this models Skill Stat by 1 (4+ becomes 3+, 3+ becomes 2+ , etc.).

Light it Up!: when using the "Fire on my Target" effect of the Command Skill, all allied Astartes in Cohesion Range, excluding this model, may fire 1 additional shot at the target without expending any ammunition.

Malleus Doctrine (prerequisite: either Psychic Sense2, the ability to Deny psychic powers, or Black Wasps, Black Templars, or Red Hunters Chapter): when fighting against Daemons or Daemonic Engines, this model may re-roll hit rolls of 1.

Orienteering (prerequisite: Stealth2 or Tactics1): after Deployment, but before the 1st Battleround begins, this model may make a free 6" Move.

Pinion Doctrine (prerequisite: either Stealth2, the Cohort Talent, or Ravenguard Chapter and their successors): this model may set-up anywhere on the tabletop at least 9" away from a revealed enemy model, regardless of the Deployment option chosen.

Savage Tactician (prerequisite: Tactics1): this model gains +1XP on any Turn it ends the Fight Phase within 1" of an enemy model.

Scholarly (prerequisite: 4 or more Rating in 2 or more Skills): this model may use 2 Skills per Turn instead of only 1.

Unbreakable Resolve (prerequisite: Command2 or Inspire2): this model gains a 4+ Invulnerable Save when reduced to 1 Wound. If this model then survives the enemy Shooting or enemy's Turn of the Fight Phase where this Invulnerable Save was earned, all allied models in Cohesion Range gain +1 Leadership until the start of their next Command Phase. The 4+ Invulnerable Save remains until the model heals up to 2 or more Wounds or the Mission ends, whichever comes first.

Warp Embraced (prerequisite: Psychic Sense3): whenever an allied Astartes model removes an enemy psyker "Marked" by the "For my Eyes See" effect of Psychic Sense as a casualty within Cohesion Range, this model gains an additional +1XP, +1 Renown, and +1 Corruption.

Warp Touched (prerequisite: Psychic Sense2): whenever an allied Astartes model removes an enemy psyker "Marked" by the "For my Eyes See" effect of Psychic Sense as a casualty within Cohesion Range, this model gains an additional +1XP.

Tier 3 Talents

Advanced Tactics: Ambush (prerequisite: Tactics2 and Stealth1): if this model successfully uses the "I am at one with Shadow" effect of their Stealth Skill, their next Shooting Attack gains +1 to hit, +1 Damage, 1 better AP, and, if they survive, forces their target to make a Leadership test at -3. If they fail, the target counts as Pinned until a Mini Boss or Boss Monster Moves to within 3" of that model.

Apothecariat Supreme (prerequisite: Field Surgeon): when using the "I am the Miracle Worker" effect, this model removes D3 Wound Tokens instead of just 1 for each model affected. Roll once and apply the result to all affected models. Alternatively, instead of removing these Wound Tokens, this model may heal 1 Wound previously lost this Mission to each affected model. The controlling player choses which effect, marine by marine, they prefer to use. This ability has no effect on models that have lost no Wounds this Mission or who are otherwise already healed to their maximum starting Wounds; or who otherwise have garnered no Wound Tokens.

Icon of Virtue (prerequisite: Catechist): at the start of every Mission, this model chooses 1 of the effects of the Inspire Skill and applies that effect to itself for the duration of that Mission. This does not cost a Rating. For every squad mate who can draw line of sight to this model when the chosen effect turns a failed roll into a successful one, this model earns +1 Renown.

Lord Commander (prerequisite: Field Promotion Talent and either Leadership 11+ or Command4): this model gains +1 CP.

Pour it on Them! (prerequisite: Light Them Up! Talent): when using the "Fire on my Target" effect of the Command Skill, all allied Astartes in Cohesion Range, including this model, may roll 1 additional die when rolling to hit and drop the lowest roll.

Quick Study (prerequisite: at least 2 Rating in any 1 Skill): this model can sacrifice 2 Rating from any 1 Skill to use any standard effect from any other Skill, even if they don't have that Skill and even if it is normally not available to them because of their Specialty.

Renowned Intellect (prerequisite: Applied Learning and Applied Strategy Talents): this model earns +1 Renown every time it successfully passes a Skill test.

Sharp Mind** (prerequisite: 1 or more Ratings in 2 or more Skills): whenever this model successfully passes a Skill test, they may also select an effect from any other Skill they have Ratings in. For instance, a model with Stealth1, Command1 and Forbidden Knowledge1 that successfully tests Command could then select any 1 effect from either Stealth or Forbidden Knowledge and apply that result as well. Doing this does not remove Ratings from that other Skill.

**Models with both of these Talents select 2 effects from the used Skill and 1 from amongst all the effects of all of their Skills.

This message was edited 39 times. Last update was at 2022/07/01 20:44:36

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Miscellaneous Talents

Tier 1 Talents

Absolver (prerequisite: Chaplain only): improve this model's Remove Corruption ability by +1.

Acute Senses: in Missions where visibility is limited, this model adds +4" to its visibility range.

Ally of the [Chapter]: choose any Chapter except your own. Whenever this model achieves an Objective, any marine from that Chapter also gains +1 Renown and vice versa. The Chapter selected for this Talent cannot be the same Chapter as that selected for the Rival [Chapter] Talent.

Moved from Skill Talents Applied Violence (prerequisite: any Talent with the word "Fighter" in it): this model gains +1XP at the end of the Fight Phase if there are no enemy models in Engagement Range of it.

Atonement: if this model does not equip any Relics during the Arming Phase, but the Squad finishes the Mission with a Relic in their possession, this model gains an additional +1 Renown.

Attuned to the Darkness: in Missions where visibility is limited due to darkness conditions, this model adds +2" to the Cohesion Range of its allies.

Cohesion (+1) (prerequisite: Cohesion0): the range of any Skill and many Talent effects depend on the target's Cohesion. Range is equal to 6" times Rating. In this case, that equals 6".

Cohesion (+1) (prerequisite: Cohesion1): the range of any Skill and many Talent effects depend on the target's Cohesion. Range is equal to 6" times Rating. In this case, that equals 12".

Come Alive in the Darkness: in Missions where visibility is limited due to darkness conditions, this model becomes immune to being Shaken and all enemy models in Cohesion Range suffer -1 to their Leadership.

Deceitful (prerequisite: Heralds and Blood Ravens space marines only): this model can treat its Renown as 10 points higher than it actually is for the purposes of meeting the Threshold of items during the Arming Phase of a Mission. Doing so earns this model +1 Corruption.

Devastator Doctrine (prerequisite: any 3 other Doctrine Talents or Devastator Specialty): Heavy Weapons this model is equipped with improve their AP by 1.

Direction Sense: if this model is deployed on an Exploration Mission with a variable duration, this Talent allows an extra die to be rolled and the squad decides which number to use.

Dodge: this model gains a 6+ Invulnerable Save versus enemy Shooting Attacks.

Enemy of the Mechanicum (restrictions: cannot be taken by Knights Amethyst, Iron Hands, or Heralds): this model does not suffer Renown loss for failed Missions in service to any Faction of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Enhanced Senses: in Missions where visibility is limited, this model adds +4" to its visibility range.

Favorite Adversary [Faction]: whenever any Adversaries from the chosen [Faction] are present during the Mission, this model gains +1 Renown if they Shoot at or Engage those Adversaries in the Fight Phase at least once over the course of the Mission.

Grunt: this model gains +1 Capacity.

Hussle Up: up to a number of times equal to their Toughness per Mission, this model may add +D3" to its Move without counting as Advancing.

Inherent Sense of Direction: if this model is deployed on an Exploration Mission, this model may reduce the overall duration of this Mission by -D3 hours (to a minimum of 1 hour).

Inured to the Ravages of Chaos: this model gains +1 maximum Corruption.

Mule (prerequisite: Grunt): this model gains +1 Capacity.

Oath of the Redeemer: during the Arming Phase of a Mission, roll a D6 for every model in the squad that already has 1 or more points of Corruption. On a 5+ give 1 of that marine's Corruption points to this model. If the model with this Talent survives the Mission with 1 or more Wounds remaining, remove all Corruption points gained during the Arming Phase. If this model is removed as a casualty, all surviving members of the squad gain an additional +1 Corruption from this Mission.

Overkill: whenever this model inflicts more Wounds on a target than it has, and removes that model as a casualty, this model gains +1 Renown.

Rapid Advance Docrine (prerequisite: 2 or more other Doctrine Talents): this model treats any Rapid Fire weapons it carries as if they were Assault weapons.

Retcon: if this model has enough Renown left, after arming for a Mission, but its player wishes it had purchased a particular piece of Wargear or Weapon, it may "retcon" the purchase. Simply deduct the appropriate amount of Renown and arm the item. This is a useful Talent when a squad finds itself confronted by an enemy or an obstacle for which a particular piece of Wargear or a particular Weapon would make life easier, but whose players simply couldn't predict they'd need it during the Arming Phase of the Mission. Like a Chainfist for a sealed bulkhead. Or a Flamer versus a carpet of grots.

Rival [Chapter]: pick any Chapter except the one to which this model belongs (most usefully one of the Chapters of the other models in the squad). On any Mission where a model from the Rival [Chapter] and this model both deployed, if this model out-performs its Rival (by killing more enemy models, achieving more Objectives, and/or winning more Fights), this model earns an additional +1 Renown at the end of the Mission.*

Scout Doctrine: this model may deploy anywhere on the revealed map that is not in line of sight of any enemy models.

Servant of the Ordos (prerequisite: Cohesion3, any combination of 4 Hatred, Contempt, Righteous Indignation, and/or Detestation of the [Faction] Talents, or Red Hunters Chapter): this model gains +D3+1 Renown on Missions where all of the adversaries are Xenos or all the adversaries are Daemons and this model accounts for the most enemy casualties. GMs, if one of your players takes this Talent make sure there are Missions where it becomes relevent.

Sprinter: on one of its Turns per Mission, this model may double their base Move.

Swift: this model rolls 2 dice when Advancing and takes the preferred score.

Tactical Doctrine: Rapid Fire weapons this model is equipped with improve their AP by 1.

Talented [Skill]**] (prerequisite: 1 or more Ratings in the Skill chosen for this Talent): this model gains +1 to their Skill test the first time they use the Skill associated with this Talent per Mission.

Techno Babble: whenever this model's Squad would gain Esteem with any Admech Faction, increase that gain by +1. This marine has learned just enough jargon to make himself sound like he knows what he's talking about.

Trophy-Taker: if this model is in base contact with an Adversary that started the Mission with 10 or more Wounds when it is removed as a casualty, this model gains an additional +1XP.

*This Talent can be taken multiple times. Each time, choose a different Rival [Chapter].

Tier 2 Talents

Abhorrence (Black Templars treat this Talent as Tier 1): this model may attempt to Deny enemy psychic powers that target them directly. If the model is already able to Deny the Witch, they instead gain +D3 to their roll when they attempt to do so in this qualifying circumstance.

Agile (prerequisite: Dodge): this model's Dodge Save improves by 1, becoming a 5+ Invulnerable Save versus enemy Shooting attacks.

Cohesion (+1) (prerequisite: Cohesion2): the range of any Skill and many Talent effects depend on the target's Cohesion. Range is equal to 6" times Rating. In this case that equals 18".

Cohesion (+1) (prerequisite: Cohesion3): the range of any Skill and many Talent effects depend on the target's Cohesion. Range is equal to 6" times Rating. In this case, that equals 24".

Conditioned Against Corruption: this model increases their maximum Corruption by +2.

Eidetic Memory: In Exploration Missions where there is an option to roll on a "Treasure Table", and this model is the Mission Leader, this model may re-roll 1 of the dice. If this model is not the Mission Leader, they may instead modify 1 of the die rolls by +/-1.

Emperor's Wrath (prerequisite: Codicier Elite Talent): this model gains a new psychic power called Emperor's Wrath. It has a Warp Charge of 5+. If successfully cast, the Psyker may immediately make a Shooting attack with the following profile: Range 18", Assault D6, Strength 5, AP -4, Damage 1.

Fanatic (1) (prerequisite: Inspire2): nominate 1 allied Astartes per Rating of this Talent within Cohesion Range. That model gains all the benefits of all this model's Contempt Talents.

Fanatic (+1) (prerequisite: Fanatic (1)): nominate 1 allied Astartes per Rating of this Talent within Cohesion Range. That model gains all the benefits of all this model's Contempt Talents.

Fanatic (+1) (prerequisite: Fanatic (2)): nominate 1 allied Astartes per Rating of this Talent within Cohesion Range. That model gains all the benefits of all this model's Contempt Talents.

Fury of the Ancients (prerequisite: Lexicanum Elite Talent): this model gains a new psychic power called Fury of the Ancients. It has a Warp Charge of 7+. If successfully cast, the Psyker may immediately make a Shooting attack with the following profile: measure a straight line from the psyker out to 20". This Attack targets every model touched by that line. Assault, Strength 6, AP -3, Damage D2. Enemy models hit by this attack, but who survive are automatically Pinned.

High Endurance (prerequisite: Sprinter Talent): on two of its Turns per Mission, this model may double their base Move.

Higher Endurance (prerequisite: High Endurance Talent): on three of its Turns per Mission, this model may double their base Move.

Highest Endurance (prerequisite: Higher Endurance Talent): on four of its Turns per Mission, this model may double their base Move.

Honed Senses (prerequisite: Acute or Enhanced Senses): in Missions where visibilty is limited, this model adds +4" to its visibility range.

Monster-Hunter: this model gains a +1 bonus when rolling to Wound Monstrous Creatures.

Monster Slayer: this model gains an additional +1XP when it removes the last Wound from an enemy Monstrous Creature that started the Mission with 10 or more Wounds.

Questionable Conditioning (Heralds, Blood Ravens, and any Cursed Founding Chapters treat this as a Tier 1 Talent): increase this model's maximum Corruption by +2. However, this model also gains 1 Corruption when they take this Talent.

Resourceful: this model counts their Renown as 5 higher than it actually is when arming for a Mission. This bonus Renown is not counted when calculating whether or not a marine qualifies for Threshold. This bonus is temporary and only lasts until the end of the Mission.

Tank Hunter: this model gains a +1 bonus when rolling to Wound Vehicles.

Tank Destroyer: this model gains an additional +1XP when it removes the last Wound from an enemy Vehicle that started the Mission with 10 or more Wounds.

Tech-Savant: after the terrain has been set up, but before Deployment, this model may place up to D3 Terminals anywhere in the revealed terrain as long as each Terminal is no closer than 9" from any Deployment Zone or any other Terminal already placed.

Trophy-Hunter: when this model removes the last Wound from an Adversary that started the Mission with 10 or more Wounds, it gains +1 Renown.

Veil of Time (prerequisite: Codicier Elite Talent): this model gains a new psychic power called Viel of Time. It has a Warp Charge of 8+. If successfully cast, the Psyker may take an extra Movement, Shooting, or Fight Phase in their next Turn.

Very Talented [Skill]** (prerequisite: 2 or more Ratings in the Skill chosen for this Talent): this model gains +1 to their Skill test on the first and second uses of the Skill associated with this Talent per Mission.

Zealot (1) (prerequisite: Inspire1): nominate 1 allied Astartes per Rating of this Talent within Cohesion Range. That model gains all the benefits of all this model's Hatred Talents.

Zealot (+1) (prerequisite: Zealot (1)): nominate 1 allied Astartes per Rating of this Talent within Cohesion Range. That model gains all the benefits of all this model's Hatred Talents.

Zealot (+1) (prerequisite: Zealot (2)): nominate 1 allied Astartes per Rating of this Talent within Cohesion Range. That model gains all the benefits of all this model's Hatred Talents.

Tier3 Talents

Cohesion (+1) (prerequisite: Cohesion4): the range of any Skill and many Talent effects depend on the target's Cohesion. Range is equal to 6" times Rating. In this case that equals 30".

Fanatic (+1) (prerequisite: Fanatic (3)): nominate 1 battle brother per Rating of this Talent within Cohesion range. That marine gains all the benefits of all of your Contempt Talents.

Fanatic (+1) (prerequisite: Fanatic (4)): nominate 1 battle brother per Rating of this Talent within Cohesion range. That marine gains all the benefits of all of your Contempt Talents.

Fury Doctrine: versus Minion Adversaries with 2 or more Wounds, this model may re-roll hit rolls of 1.

Iron Mind (prerequisite: Eidetic Memory): during Exploration Missions, if this model is the Mission Leader, it may re-roll up to all the dice when rolling on "Treasure Tables". If they are not the Mission Leader, they may modify up to 2 dice by +/-1 or 1 dice by +/-2.

Might of Heroes (prerequisite: Epistolary Elite Talent): this model gains a new psychic power called Might of Heroes. It has a Warp Charge of 6+. If successfully cast, the Psyker immediately gains +2 Strength, Toughness, and Attacks. These effects last until the start if this model's next Psychic Phase.

Most Talented [Skill]** (prerequisite: 2 or more Ratings in the Skill chosen for this Talent): this model gains a re-roll for their Skill test on the first and second uses of the Skill associated with this Talent per Mission.

Psychic Fortress (prerequisite: Lexicanum Elite Talent): this model gains a new psychic power called Psychic Fortress. It has a Warp Charge of 9+. If successfully cast, all allies in Cohesion Range of the Psyker immediately recover from being Shaken or Pinned, become immune to the effects of failed Morale checks, and gain a 4+ Invulnerable Save versus enemy Psychic Powers used against them until the start of this model's next Psychic Phase.

Voice of the Catechist (prerequisite: Absolver Talent): improve this model's Remove Corruption ability by +1.

Zealot (+1) (prerequisite: Zealot (3)): nominate 1 battle brother per Rating of this Talent within Cohesion range. That marine gains all the benefits of all of your Hatred Talents.

Zealot (+1) (prerequisite: Zealot (4)): nominate 1 battle brother per Rating of this Talent within Cohesion range. That marine gains all the benefits of all of your Hatred Talents.

*A different Skill must be chosen for each of these Talents.
*This Talent may be taken multiple times. Each time, select a different Skill.

This message was edited 40 times. Last update was at 2023/02/28 18:11:52

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Survival Talents

Tier 1 Talents

Assault Doctrine (prerequisite: Tactics1): improve the AP of Assault weapons used by this model by 1.

Brutish Physique: when rolling Toughness tests to resist Falling damage, this model counts its Toughness as 1 higher than it actually is.

Deathless Will: when this model is reduced to 1 Wound it may ignore future Wounds on the D6 roll of a 5+.

Dive for Cover: when an enemy model shoots at this model from a higher elevation (at least 3" higher) and this model is within 2" of a terrain feature, this model counts as being in Cover from the Shooter's shots.

Drop Doctrine (prerequisite: 1 or more Rating in Tactics): on any Turn where this model deploys using Deep Strike, it receives a 6+ Invulnerable Save or a +1 improvement to any Invulnerable Save it already has.

Faith is my Shield: once per Mission, this model may ignore a single Wound, as long as that Wound is not its last.

Fated*: reduce the first Mortal Wound suffered by this model in every Mission to a normal Wound.

Hardened: Increase this marine's Toughness by +1.

Hard to Kill: against the first Wound of every Shooting Phase, treat this model's Toughness as 1 higher than it actually is.

Hard Target: if this model Advances during their Movement Phase, enemy models suffer -1 to hit this model in their own Shooting Phase.

Heavy (prerequisite: Strength 5): this model reduces the Capacity of all Wargear it carries that weighs 03 or more by -01.

Hunker Down: if this model is within 1" of a terrain feature they may sacrifice their 1st Shooting Phase to grant themselves a +1 Armor Save bonus until the start of their next Turn.

Implant Recovery: this model gains a 1XP discount on all Cybernetic Implants it qualifies for.

Iron Jaw: whenever this model rolls on the Injury Table, it treats its total Wound Tokens as 1 less than they actually are.

Like no Mortal*: this model can make an Armor or Invulnerable Save against the first Mortal Wound suffered in every Mission.

Mutable Physiology (prerequisite: Toughness 5 or more): against weapons with the Toxic Quality this model may re-roll its Toughness tests.

Ossific Overstim: at the end of any Mission where this model was removed as a casualty, roll a D6. On the roll of a 6, this model removes 1 Wound Token from their total before rolling on the Recovery Table. For every 4 such successful rolls, this models adds 1 to this die roll. A Black Dragons Marine that takes this Talent will succeed on a 5+.

Overshielded: if this model is equipped with a Storm Shield - in addition to its normal protections - it gains +1 Invulnerable Save versus enemy hits in the Shooting Phase.

Refusal to Die: at the end of any Turn where this model was reduced to 0 Wounds, but it was not removed as a casualty nor did it become an Objective, roll a D6. On the roll of a 6, it regenerates 1 Wound.

Relentless Advance Doctrine (prerequisite: Tactics1): until the end of this model's 2nd Turn it receives a bonus +1 Armor Save whenever they Advance in their Movement Phase.

Resist Cataclysm: If an Event effect would cause 1 or more Wounds on this model, it suffers 1 fewer than rolled (to a minimum of 0).

Resist Corruption: whenever this model would normally gain 1 or more points of Corruption, roll a D6. On a 6, reduce the total gained by 1 (to a minimum of 0). If the model has another means of resisting Corruption, such as a Chaplain's Reduce Corruption ability, this Talent instead improves that roll by 1.

Resist Pain (prerequisite: Toughness 5 or more, or Imperial Fists): any time this model would gain 1 or more Wound Tokens, roll a D6. On the roll of a 6, reduce the number of Wound Tokens gained by 1 (to a minimum of 0).

Right Place: once per Mission this model may discount a single Wound caused by enemy Shooting or discount a single hit from an enemy's Melee Attacks.

Seige Doctrine (prerequisite: 1 or more Rating in Tactics): on any Turn after the 1st that this model does not Move or Advance, it receives an additional bonus +1 Armor Save from being in Cover.

Soul Bastion: this model treats the first Mortal Wound inflicted by a Psychic Power in every Psychic Phase as a normal Wound.

Survivor (prerequisite: Toughness 5): once per Mission, when this model would be reduced to 0 Wounds, reduce all Damage from that hit to 0 and instead add +3 Wound Tokens to them.

The Binding (prerequisite: ability to Deny psychic powers): whenever this model attempts to Deny psychic powers, they may roll an extra D6 and take the 2 best scores.

Tough: increase this model's maximum Wounds by +1.

*When these 2 Talents are used in conjunction, Fated turns the 1st Mortal Wound into a normal Wound and Like no Mortal therefore negates the 2nd Mortal Woundof the Mission.

Tier 2 Talents

Aerospace Doctrine (prerequisite: 60+ Renown): on Missions where the Teleportarium is not functioning, this model may pay 50 Renown for a Thunderhawk on standby. When models would normally be Teleported away, but instead become Objectives, if no enemy model reaches them after 1 Turn, they are removed from play to safety by Chapter Serfs operating out of the Thunderhawk as rescue crews. This Talent also reduces the Threshold for the Iudicium Relic Thunderhawk from 150 to 100.

Armor Doctrine (prerequisite: 1 or more Rating in Tactics): if this model is deployed in a vehicle of any kind, it adds +1 to that vehicle's Armor Save. If this model shoots at an enemy vehicle of any kind, it adds +1 Damage to any weapon it uses against that vehicle.

Bulwark: if this model does not Move or Advance, they may add +1 to their Armor Saves until the start of their next Turn.

Chem-boosted Survivalist (prerequisite: 1 or more Rating in Medic): at the start of any Turn where this marine has any Wound Tokens, roll a D6. On the roll of a 5+, reduce this model's Wound Token total by 1.

Command Doctrine (prerequisite: 1 or more Rating in Command): any time this model uses a Rating with their Command Skill or expends 1 or more CP, roll a D6. On the roll of a 5+, they keep their Rating or 1 of their CP instead of expending it.

Divine Protection: once per Mission, if one or more Allies can draw line of sight to this model, they may ignore all Damage from a single hit. If this model survives the Turn, all allied Astartes that can draw line of sight to this model gain +1XP.

Inured to Pain (prerequisite: Resist Pain): when rolling on the Injury Table, this model ignores its first Wound Token gain in every Mission.

No Retreat: if this model is Engaged with enemy models in the Movement Phase during the opponent's Turn and the enemy declares that they are Falling Back, this model may immediately Move towards them up to its Move distance. If this Move brings it to within 1" of the enemy models, both units count as still Engaged.

No Surrender: when outnumbered 3:1 or worse in the Fight Phase, this model may take 1 extra Pistol shot without expending any Ammo in its Shooting Phase.

Parting Shot: when this model declares a Fall Back during the Movement Phase, it may immediately make 1 Pistol shot at the enemy models it was just Engaged with, without expending any Ammo.

Power Through (prerequisite: Resist Pain): when rolling on the Recovery Table, Heavily Wounded removes an extra Wound Token (3 instead of 2).

Prayer of the Purifier (prerequisite: at least 1 Rating in either Command or Tactics): if this model does not Move, Advance, Charge, or Shoot on its Turn, roll a D3 at the end of its Turn. This is the number of Wound Tokens the model removes.

Relentless Will: this model gains the ability to ignore a Wound on the D6 roll of a 5+. If this model already has an ability to do this or has an ability to do this under special circumstances, this Talent improves that by 1.

Self-Repairing Armor (prerequisite: 1 or more Rating in Tech): starting on the 2nd Turn of every Mission, against hits that would normally negate this model's Armor Save because of AP, this model gains a 6+ Invulnerable Save.

Shed Corruption (prerequisite: Shunt Corruption): whenever this model would gain 1 or more Corruption, they may attempt to pass 1 of those to an Allied Deathwatch model in Cohesion Range. Roll a D6. On the roll of a 3-4 this model may subtract 1 from the number of Corruption they are about to gain (this can reduce that amount to 0) and give it to their Ally. On the roll of a 5+ this model may subtract 2 from the number of Corruption they are about to gain (this can reduce that amount to 0) and give 1 to their Ally. On the roll of a 1, this model does not reduce their Corruption at all, but their Ally still gains 1 Corruption.

Shunt Corruption: whenever this model would gain 1 or more Corruption, they may attempt to pass 1 of those to an Allied Deathwatch model in Cohesion Range. Roll a D6. On the roll of a 5+ this model may subtract 1 from the number of Corruption they are about to gain (this can reduce that amount to 0) and give it to their Ally. On the roll of a 1, this model does not reduce their Corruption, but their Ally still gains 1 Corruption.

Stoic Resolve (prerequisite: any 3 other Survival Talents): this model may opt to do nothing during either their Movement or Shooting Phase to roll a D6. On the roll of a 3+, this model regenerates 1 Wound lost earlier this Mission.

Tougher (prerequisite: Tough): increase this model's maximum Wounds by +1.

Wisdom Doctrine (prerequisite: 50+ Renown): if this model suffers the 9+ result on the Injury Table and cannot afford or chooses not to take the Cyborg Talent, a Dreadnaught body is provided for them. Refer to the Wargear Section for new arming options.

Tier 3 Talents

Legend of the Imperium (prerequisite: Toughest Talent): increase this model's maximum Wounds by +1

Regeneration: if this model does not Move or Advance, it regains 1 Wound at the end of the Movement Phase. If this model does not Shoot in any of its Shooting Phases, it regains 1 Wound at the end of the Phase. If this model does not Charge and is also not Engaged in the Fight Phase, it regains 1 Wound at the end of the Morale Phase. This ability can only be used to regenerate lost Wounds; it cannot be used to gain more Wounds than its maximum. This ability cannot be used if the model is Shaken or Pinned.

Resist Death (prerequisite: Power Through plus any 2 other Tier 2 Survival Talents): this Talent mitigates the death caused by the roll of a 15+ on the Recovery Table. Instead, treat the model as Incapacitated. It must sit out the next Mission. At the end of that Mission roll a D6. On a 4+ the model becomes Heavily Wounded. On a 1, 2, or 3, the model remains Incapacitated and must sit out the next Mission as well. This model must keep sitting out Missions until it rolls a 4+ and progresses to Heavily Wounded.

Toughest (prerequisite: Tougher): increase this model's maximum Wounds by +1.

Unkillable: against weapons with a Strength of 7 or higher, this model treats its Toughness as 4 higher than it actually is.

This message was edited 20 times. Last update was at 2023/02/28 18:31:53

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Morale Talents

Tier 1 Talents

Commander (prerequisite: Command1): increase this model's Leadership by +1.

Courageous: whenever this model passes a Morale test it is called upon to take or they automatically pass a Morale test whenever their allies fail it, this model gains +1 Renown.

Dauntless: whenever this model can draw line of sight to an Adversary with the Fearsome or Terrifying Trait at the start of their Turn, they gain +1 Renown.

Determined: when within 3" of an Objective, this model becomes immune to being Shaken.

Dirge: enemy models in Cohesion Range of this model treat their Leadership as -1.

Draw Attention: if this model does not Shoot in the Shooting Phase they may designate themselves as the "Guy Who Needs Killing". In the enemy's next Shooting Phase, any model that can draw line of sight to this model must fire at this model. If the enemy's weapon lacks the range to hit this model, they simply cannot Shoot. If the model survives this barrage of fire, they gain +1 Renown.

Fearsome: enemy models and Units in Cohesion Range of this model add +1 to their D6 rolls for Morale (therefore ending up with a range of 2-7 instead of 1-6).

I am the Death Dealer: enemy Minibosses and Boss Monsters that have suffered 1 or more Wounds from this model's Shooting Attacks must pass a Toughness test in order to Charge this model. If they fail, they may redirect their Charge at another eligible target within range.

Indomitable: this model is immune to the effects of the Scary Trait. In addition, this model gains +1 XP at the end of any Mission that featured any Adversary with this Trait.

I Will Lend my Fire!: if a squad mate in Cohesion Range is Charged by an enemy and this model is not already Engaged in the Fight Phase, this model may fire Overwatch at that Charger without having to expend any CP to do so.

Neophyte* (Black Templars, Brotherhood of the Bolter, and Mortifactors may purchase this Talent for half price): this model gains a Neophyte companion, who fights alongside this model on every Mission. The controlling player's must purchase Weapons and Wargear for their Neophyte from their own pool of Renown. If the model that purchased this Talent is removed as a casualty, the Neophyte continues to operate on its own. Refer to the Updated Squad Creation Rules on page 5 of this blog to see how Neophytes come equipped. Neophytes have the same Traits as the Chapter of the model that purchased this Talent. This Talent may be taken multiple times.

Over the Top: if this model is the Mission Leader and any allied Astartes can draw line of sight to this model when the squad passes a Morale test, this model gains +1 Renown.

Pairs Well With [Squad Mate]**: select 1 other model from this model's squad. Skill and Talent effects used by either model that benefit the other gain +2" range.

Protégé* (restriction: cannot be taken by Space Wolves and Black Templars): this model gains a Space Marine Scout companion, who fights alongside this model on every Mission. The controlling player must use this model's Renown to purchase upgrades and Armor, Weapons, and Wargear for their Protégé. If the model that purchased this Talent is removed as a casualty, the Protégé must move into Cohesion Range with the closest allied model as soon as possible. Protégés come equipped with Scout Armor 4+, Weapons:Bolt Pistol, Astartes Knife, 2 frag grenades, 2 krak grenades, and 4 Standard Bolt Pistol Magazines, plus the same starting Trait(s) of their parent Chapter. Protégés are default Cohesion1 and retain this Talent even if they are eventually upgraded to primary character. Protégés begin with 2 Wounds.

[Rallying Point (prerequisite: Command1): this adds an effect to this model's Command Skill called "Set Rally Point" with the following description: this model may nominate any point on the tabletop in line of sight. Mark this location with a flag or other appropriate Marker. Any allied model that comes within 3" of this Marker automatically recovers from the effects of being Shaken and/or Pinned.]*if using the Revised Skill Rules, this Talent has been clarified and moved to the new Skill Talent Tree.

Ready for Command (prerequisite: Command2): this model generates +1 CP when it is the Mission Leader.

Remorseless: during the Morale Phase, if this model is the Mission Leader and any enemy models are within 1" of this model, this model rolls an extra D6 and takes the better score when testing Leadership.

Seige Wall (prerequisite: Draw Attention): while using the Draw Attention Talent this model gains +1 Armor Save.

Stalwart: if this model does not Move or Advance this Turn and is in Cohesion Range of the Mission Leader, they become immune to the Shaken effect of failed Morale tests until the start of their next Turn. If the model is outside Cohesion Range of the Mission Leader, but haven't Moved or Advanced, they become Shaken instead of Pinned on failed Morale tests.

Sworn (prerequisite: Cohesion2): when in Cohesion Range of an allied Astartes model, this model gains +1 Leadership.

Tactician (prerequisite: Command2 or Tactics1): this model generates +1 CP at the start of each Mission.

Tank-Hunter: if there is an enemy vehicle that started the Mission with 10 or Wounds in line of sight to this model, this model becomes immune to being Shaken.

Terrifying (prerequisite: Fearsome Talent): enemy models and Units in Cohesion Range of this model add +1 to their D6 rolls for Morale (therefore coupled with Fearsome the range becomes 3-8 instead of 1-6).

There's Too Many of Them!: if this model is Charged and is in Cohesion Range of any allied Astartes and chooses to Overwatch, its shots hit on a 5+, rather than only on 6+.

Turn the Tide: if a Miniboss or Boss Monster is removed as a casualty within line of sight of this model, all enemy models in Cohesion Range of this model immediately suffer the Shaken condition.

Unflappable (prerequisite: Determined): adds +2" to the range of the Determined Talent.

Unshakable Faith: when in Cohesion Range of another model with the Inspire Skill, this model becomes immune to being Shaken.

Unstoppable: during the Morale Phase, if this model is the Mission Leader and there are no enemy models within 2" of this model, this model rolls an extra D6 and takes the better score when testing Leadership.

**This Talent may be taken more than once. Each time it is taken, nominate a different squad mate.

Tier 2 Talents

Battlebrothers (prerequisite:Pairs Well With [Squad Mate] Talent): for that same pairing of squad mates, Skill and Talent effects used by either model that benefit the other gain an additional +2" range.

Born Leader: increase this model's Leadership by +1.

Cohort*: this model gains a Tactical Space Marine companion, either from their own Chapter, one of their Successors, or, if applicable, its Primogenitors, who fights alongside this model on every Mission. The controlling player must use this model's Renown to purchase upgrades and Armor, Weapons, and Wargear for their Cohort. If the model that purchased this Talent is removed as a casualty, the Cohort must move into Cohesion Range with the closest allied model as soon as possible. Cohorts come equipped with Powered Armor 3+, Weapons:Bolt Pistol, Astartes Knife, 2 frag grenades, 2 krak grenades, 4 Standard Bolt Pistol Magazines, Deathwatch Pattern Bolter and 4 Standard Bolter Magazines, plus the same starting Trait(s) of their parent Chapter. Cohorts are default Cohesion1 and retain this Talent even if they are eventually upgraded to primary character. Cohorts begin with 1 fewer Wounds than the model that purchased this Talent. If using the optional rules for duplicate Chapters, the Cohort does not count against this limit. This Talent is most useful for groups where each player controls an individual marine as it gives that player the added punch of controlling two models.

Coordinator (prerequisite: Cohesion3): for every 10 Renown this model's squadmates spend to equip themselves during the Arming Phase, this model generates +1 CP.

Exploit Hesitation (prerequisite: Turn the Tide): if a Miniboss or Boss Monster is removed as a casualty within line of sight of this model, enemy models and/or the units they are a part of in Cohesion Range of this model must immediately test their Leadership at -3 (roll a D6 and try to score equal to or less than this modified Stat; this isn't a Morale test). If they fail, the penalties imposed by Turn the Tide and/or Exploit Weakness last until the end of the Mission or until the models are slain, whichever comes first.

Exploit Weakness (prerequisite: Turn the Tide): if a Miniboss or Boss Monster is removed as a casualty within line of sight of this model, all enemy models in Cohesion range of this model immediately suffer -1 to their BS until the end of their next Turn.

Fearless: this model is immune to the effects of the Fearsome Trait and gains +1 Renown at the end of any Mission where there were Adversaries with the Fearsome or Terrifying Trait present.

Fenrisian Cohort* (prerequisite: Space Wolves only): this model gains a Fenrisian Wolf companion, who fights alongside this model on every Mission. The controlling player may pay 10 of its own Renown to equip the Wolf with Ceramite Barding 4+ that grants the Wolf immunity to the effects of vaccuum, and a saddle which allows the this model to ride the Wolf. Fenrisian Cohorts are default Cohesion2 and enter the Campaign with 4 Wounds.

Ferocious Fighter: during the Morale Phase, if any enemy model is within 1" of this model, that enemy and/or the unit it is a part of, must roll an extra D6 and take the worst score when testing against their Leadership.

Indefatigable: this model is immune to the effects of the Terrifying Trait and gains +1 Renown at the start of any Battleround where they can draw line of sight to an Adversary model with the Fearsome or Scary Trait.

Precise Shooter: during the enemy's Morale Phase, if any enemy model was hit by this model's Shooting attacks, the enemy must roll an extra D6 and take the worst score when testing against their Leadership this Turn.

Purgatus Doctrine: versus Boss Monster Adversaries, this model re-rolls hit rolls of 1.

Revenge: when in Cohesion Range of an allied Astartes that is reduced to 0 Wounds, this model gains Hatred [The model who caused that Wound to his squad mate] and +1 Attack until the end of the Mission. The extra Attack remains until the end of the Mission, even if the model that triggered it subsequently regains their Wound. The Hatred remains until the model that triggered it is removed as a casualty or until the end of the Mission, whichever comes first. If more than 1 allied Astartes is reduced to 0 Wounds on a Turn, this model must choose which ally triggers this effect; it does not trigger for all of them. If an allied Astartes is reduced to 0 Wounds on a Turn and on the next or subsequent Turns, it or another allied Astartes is also reduced to 0 Wounds, this effect is triggered again. The Author recommends using a Marker of some sort to designate the enemy model that is the subject of this model's Hatred(s).

Vehement (prerequisite: any Melee Talent and Intimidate1): this model imposes a -2 penalty to Leadership tests for enemy models within Engagement Range.

Unshakable (prerequisite: Remoresless and Unstoppable): for every allied Astartes in Cohesion Range of this model, it gains +1 Leadership. If this brings the model's Leadership to 13 or more, it becomes immune to the Shaken and Pinned effects of failed Morale tests. This immunity goes away if this model's Leadership score drops back down to 12 or less for any reason.

Words of Weight (prerequisite: Command1): once per Mission this model may extend the range of any of its own Skill effects by +6".

Tier 3 Talents

Avenger (prerequisite: Sworn and Revenge): if this model lands the killing blow on an enemy model that triggered its Revenge Talent this model gains an additional +1 Renown. Additionally, all allied Astartes in Cohesion Range when this criteria is met also gain +1 Renown.

Elite Cohort*: this model gains a Space Marine companion of any Specialty, either from their own Chapter, one of their Successors, or their Primogenitors' Chapter, who fights alongside this model on every Mission. The controlling player must use this model's Renown to purchase upgrades and Armor, Weapons, and Wargear for their Elite Cohort. If the model that purchased this Talent is removed as a casualty, the Elite Cohort continues to operate on its own. Elite Cohorts come equipped with Powered Armor 3+, Weapons: Bolt Pistol, Astartes Knife, 2 frag grenades, 2 krak grenades, 4 Standard Bolt Pistol Magazines, and any other Weapons or Wargear their Specialty dictates, plus the same starting Trait(s) of their parent Chapter. Elite Cohorts are default Cohesion2 and retain this Talent even if they are eventually upgraded to primary character. Elite Cohorts begin with 4 Wounds. If using the optional rules for duplicate Chapters, the Cohort does not count against this limit. This Talent is most useful for groups where each player controls an individual marine as it gives that player the added punch of controlling two models.

Heroic Doctrine (prerequisite: any 2 other Doctrine Talents): if this model is the Mission Leader, reduce the cost of all Squadmates' Chapter Stratagems by -1 CP.

Space Marine Hero (prerequisite: Born Leader): increase this model's Leadership by +1.

Watch Captain* (prerequisite: Command3, 2 or more Rating in any 3 other Skills, and 2 each of any Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 Talents, not including this one): this model gains a pool of 50 Renown that can be drawn from by any member of the squad during the Arming Phase of each Mission. This pool of Renown isn't factored when determining if a model qualifies for an item's Threshold. However, this Talent also allows the Watch Captain to designate any other squad mate as meeting the Threshold for a single item of Wargear, regardless of whether or not that model actually does meet the Threshold. Lastly, this model contributes an extra 2CP to the Mission Pool and, if they are the Mission Leader, their controlling player may roll a D6 every time a Stratagem is used, refunding 1CP spent to the Mission Pool on the roll of a 5+.

*Only one model per squad may take this Talent.

*The models provided by these Talents do not gain Renown and only earn XP for surviving a Mission or completing Objectives, unless or until the original controlling marine is killed and the player decides to take on the companion as their primary character. Companion models can only spend their XP on Talents that improve their Stats until they become primary characters. Scouts and Neophytes can be upgraded to Assault Marines or Tactical Marines when their controlling marine dies or they can remain Scouts or Neophytes. Fenrisian Wolves cannot be taken on as primary characters, but will join the player's replacement character as a free Cohort, regardless of that character's Chapter. If players opt not to take their companions on as primary characters, they are lost, along with all of its XP and Renown.

This message was edited 31 times. Last update was at 2023/06/21 18:11:29

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Assets of the Deathwatch

First and foremost, the most valuable Assets the Deathwatch can deploy are its Marines. But this is not said to diminish the value of its Aresenal. The frigate Intolerance is trapped in this forsaken system, at least until the marines deployed to it can thwart the catastrophic birth of a new hulk. However, this growing malignancy is also trapped in this system with them. Perhaps it was fate or the divine hand of the Emperor that lead the Intolerance here. Regardless, this was not the intended destination of this vessel.

Erophon, Watch Captain and leader of this mission, was originally tasked with bringing recruits and munitions to the fortress world of Krioss - a bulwark against the Tyranid onslaught and a secret outpost world of the Ordo Xenos. The Intolerance, therefore, was packed to the gills with weapons and ammunition to both equip the recruits and to re-arm the planet's myriad defenses. While this unforeseen sidetrack spells drought and likely doom for Krioss, it is no small blessing to the task now laid before you.

Teleportarium Array

On such a small ship, a Teleportarium is an indulgence; a masterwork of technologies long extinct. Not large enough to Teleport boarding teams sufficient to take down capital ships, it nevertheless provides a tempermental means of transporting small teams of fighters or significant stores of munitions to and from orbit without detection. The maximum safe capacity of the array is 10 marines or a single ton of supplies. After transport, the Teleportarium requires at least an hour of cool-down before it can safely be reactivated for retrieval. Exceeding this limitation runs considerable risk.


Unless there has been a Narrative Setback, the Teleportarium will always be a Deployment option. Additionally, every marine's suit of powered armor is equipped with a homing beacon that automatically activates in the event the marine becomes a casualty. So long as the Teleportarium is functioning, casualties are automatically Teleported back to the safety of the Intolerance.

When some Missions end, the entire squad is Teleported back to the Intolerance. In other Missions, as noted in their descriptions, the team stays onboard the [++Redacted++] and munitions are Teleported to them. Always refer to the Mission's description when determining the parameters of Deployment and Extraction.

When Teleporting, there is no roll. It either happens or it doesn't. The only time a roll is made for the Teleportarium is if the player(s) decide they want to try to transport 11 or more marines. Then roll 2D6 for each model in the oversized squad. Any roll of double 1s or double 6s indicate that that model is gone - lost to the Immaterium forever - along with all of his Wargear, XP, and Renown. Losing any marines in this way temporarily shuts down the array, rendering it nonfunctioning for the next Mission. This counts as a Narrative Setback.

Many Missions will include an Objective where the marines must place a Beacon. Beacons are homing devices for the Teleportarium to lock on to. Careful consideration should be used when placing these Beacons as future Missions' Deployment Zones are often determined by the location of these devices. Placing a Beacon in an unsecured location may tempt enemies to move it once the squad has Teleported away.

Deployments made with Teleportarium Array use the Teleportarium parameters for both deployment zone and extraction, as detailed in each Mission's Briefing Phase.

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 2022/01/10 05:57:50

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought


The Intolerance is also blessed with the Relic Thunderhawk Iudicium, a heavily modified gunship outfitted with a micro-teleportation array and Dreadnaught cradle. Able to transport up to 16 marines or half as many terminators, plus a single Dreadnaught, Iudicium's true marvel is its single-marine, short-range Teleportarium. Not effective for insertions, this array is most useful for extracting dead or gravely injured Astartes from battlefields less than 5 kilometers distant.

Unlike the array onboard the Intolerance, Iudicium's Teleportarium requires a Turn to spool up. This means that casualties reduced to 0 Wounds do not automatically get removed from the table and so must endure 1 whole Turn as an Objective before extraction. Use of Iudicium is restricted by its high Threshold, however models with the Aerospace Doctrine Talent may mitigate this.

Deployments made with Iudicium use the Thunderhawk Insertion deployment zone parameters, but the Teleportarium extraction parameters, as detailed in each Mission's Briefing Phase.


The other Thunderhawk on board the Intolerance is known as the Deliverant. It has a transport capacity of up to 30 marines, or half as many terminators or jump troopers. The Deliverant has a far more limited range for extraction than the Iudicium and so many only be used in Missions that skirt the edges of the [++Redacted++].

Deployments made with the Deliverant use the Thunderhawk Insertion for both deployment zone and extraction parameters, as detailed in each Mission's Briefing Phase.

The Deadfall

While the Intolerance is not equipped with torpedo bays, it does have in its magazine a single boarding torpedo known as the Insidiatori Mortuum. More commonly referred to as "The Deadfall", this one use boarding craft requires 5 hours of prep time to deploy, but allows up to 30 marines, or half as many terminators, to bore deep into the heart of the ancient wreckage laid before them. As stated, the Insidiatori Mortuum is a one-time Deployment Option that can significantly alter the course of the campaign when used judiciously.

Deployments made with Insidiatori Mortuum use the Boarding Torpedo deployment zone parameters, and the Teleportarium extraction parameters, as detailed in each Mission's Briefing Phase.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2018/08/30 06:06:32

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in dk
Khorne Veteran Marine with Chain-Axe

Oh man this looks really good! Might give it a shot next saturday if i can talk some of the guys into it.

But i gotta rant abit. I might tweak the Space Wolves ability. You portrey SW as great shooters who wants to charge the nearst thing mindlessly. I think you missed more stuff from the canis helix geneseed, such as the extreme ferocity and the enhanced physical, including the chance for becoming a wulfen if pushed to the very limit....And not just the classical "fluffy ears, good eyesight and bad temper".

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/07/30 06:21:55

6000 World Eaters/Khorne  
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

 Brutallica wrote:
Oh man this looks really good! Might give it a shot next saturday if i can talk some of the guys into it.

But i gotta rant abit. I might tweak the Space Wolves ability. You portrey SW as great shooters who wants to charge the nearst thing mindlessly. I think you missed more stuff from the canis helix geneseed, such as the extreme ferocity and the enhanced physical, including the chance for becoming a wulfen if pushed to the very limit....And not just the classical "fluffy ears, good eyesight and bad temper".

The wulfen are the recruits who fail. They cannot tame the savage that grows inside them and they become mindless. Not ferocious. Animals. That is not anything to be proud of.

Besides, ALL space marine chapters' geneseeds make them stronger. Space Wolves don't corner the market on strong just because they look like vikings. Remember that the Blood Claws (assault) are heedless attackers and therefore only they get the Reckless trait.

Visibility is not just about shooting. Sometimes you have to sneak past your enemy. If you can't see them, you can't know where to move to do that.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2017/07/30 08:24:59

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in dk
Khorne Veteran Marine with Chain-Axe

 Warboss_Waaazag wrote:
 Brutallica wrote:
Oh man this looks really good! Might give it a shot next saturday if i can talk some of the guys into it.

But i gotta rant abit. I might tweak the Space Wolves ability. You portrey SW as great shooters who wants to charge the nearst thing mindlessly. I think you missed more stuff from the canis helix geneseed, such as the extreme ferocity and the enhanced physical, including the chance for becoming a wulfen if pushed to the very limit....And not just the classical "fluffy ears, good eyesight and bad temper".

The wulfen are the recruits who fail. They cannot tame the savage that grows inside them and they become mindless. Not ferocious. Animals. That is not anything to be proud of.
Oh, they do become insanely dangerous none the less! Not just dirty animals that will pee on your carpet. Yes im totally proud about the inner beast that can potentially awaken.

Besides, ALL space marine chapters' geneseeds make them stronger. Space Wolves don't corner the market on strong just because they look like vikings. Remember that the Blood Claws (assault) are heedless attackers and therefore only they get the Reckless trait.
No geneseed is the same obviously. Thats what im getting at if any geneseed is makes a Astartes suited for melee fighting its defenetly the wolves. Our primarch was the executioner none the less. Anyways what im getting at is Space Wolves, could be better than you represent them whereas your Blood Angel assault marines are basicly Death Company with double attacks after first kill. Personally id probably include some bonus and extra rules for the the Space Wolf Champion and give some extra attack bonus for the assault marine, blood claws are more than just heedless, comeon. Anyways you seem to really love what you have done, and whatever makes you happy man, you are the designer, im just a lazy fanboy who wants a peice of the pie after all .

Visibility is not just about shooting. Sometimes you have to sneak past your enemy. If you can't see them, you can't know where to move to do that.
My bad, i misunderstood their representation.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2017/07/30 13:42:40

6000 World Eaters/Khorne  
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

I've slept on your comment and recognize that I did the Space Wolves first. It is clear you are a Space Wolf player and I find everyone argues the strongest for the Chapter that they play. However, I'll revisit the fluff and their Chapter Bonuses in comparison to the other Chapters and see what I can come up with.

In the meanwhile stay tuned for the Wargear Section, the Missions, Adversaries and how/when to run them, the Narrative and NPCs, & a selection of Spaceships to chose from when adding mass to the hulk at every 9th hour.

Thanks for your interest and feedback, Brutallica.

Edit: I've changed the Devastator's Bonus to better reflect the Long Fang's experience and instead of totally revamping the Space Wolves' other Bonuses, I'm creating another Talent Tree called Elite Talents that are all Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 4 abilities tailored to specific Chapters, including the Space Wolves.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2017/07/30 18:45:52

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Elite Talents

Tier 2

Anvil of Strength (prerequisite: Salamanders and their successors only): this model gains +1 Strength.

Artisan Without Equal (prerequisite: Salamanders and their Successors only): this model may upgrade the quality of 1 item of its personal Wargear or Weapons to Mastercrafted permanently. Choose which item when you purchase this Talent. Once chosen, there's no changing it.

Blood Hunger (prerequisite: Blood Angels and their Successors only; Blood Drinkers and Flesh Tearers treat this as a Tier 1 Talent): if this model is Engaged in the Fight Phase with an enemy that has already suffered 1 or more [color]Wounds[/color], they must concentrate their Attacks on that model until it is removed as a casualty. When that model is removed as a casualty this model must make a Toughness test. If passed, it gains +1 Renown. If failed, this model gains +1 Corruption. However, it also gains +1 Attack and +1 Strength until the end of the Mission.

Blood Invocation (prerequisite: option to equip Sanguinary Chalice): this model gains +1 use of the Invoke Sanguinius' Might Chapter Ritual. This Talent may be taken multiple times. Each time adds +1 use of this Ritual.

Champions of the New Era (prerequisite: Ultramarines Champions or Primaris Astartes only): if this model is equipped with a Relic and either is the Mission Leader or the Mission Leader can draw line of sight to this model, the Mission Leader may re-roll any Leadership test.

Chosen of Guilliman (prerequisite: Ultramarines only): gain +1 use of the Authority of Guilliman Trait per Mission.

Codicier (prerequisite: Librarian only): choose any 1 psychic power from this model's Chapter list. This model may now choose between casting Smite or this new power.

Disciplined Denier (prerequisite: the ability to Deny Psychic Powers): this model may attempt to Deny +1 times per Battleround.

ElectroShield (prerequisite: any 3 Technological Talents or ElectroSurge Talent and Librarian only): this model gains a new Psychic Power called ElectroShield. It has a Warp Charge of 5+. If successfully cast, it grants the Librarian a 3+ Invulnerable Save until the start of its next Psychic Phase.

ElectroSurge (prerequisite: any 2 Technological Talents and Librarian only): this model gains a new Psychic Power called ElectroSurge. It has a Warp Charge of 7+. If successfully cast, the Librarian may immediately make a Shooting attack with the following profile: Range 12", Assault 6, Strength 5, AP -2, Damage 1. This Power increases its Damage to D2+1 versus models with the <Adeptus Mechanicus, Daemon Engine, Dark Mechanicum, Necron, Titanic> or <Vehicle> keywords.

Hubris (prerequisite: Dark Angels and their Successors only): in exchange for +1 Corruption this model may use any Skill, whether it has Ratings in it or not, without expending a Rating. This Skill use succeeds on a 4+ regardless of the model's actual Skill Stat.

Indomitable Defence Doctrine (prerequisite: Imperial Fists and their successors only): on any Turn after the 1st, this model may place a Marker anywhere within 3" of itself or an ally in Cohesion Range (no Marker may be placed within 6" of any other Marker). Treat this Marker as a Tertiary Objective that can only be achieved if no enemy model gets within 3" of it for 3 consecutive Battlerounds. Any Astartes model that also stays within 3" of this Marker during that 3 Battleround duration count as personally completing this Objective.

Legendary Stubbornness (prerequisite: Imperial Fists and their Successors only): this model cannot Advance. If reduced to 0 Wounds, this model may voluntarily become Pinned in order to stand back up with 1 Wound and +2 Wound Tokens instead of rolling on the Injury Table.

Let No Beast Survive (prerequisite: Tyrannic War Veterans only): all integral magazines on any weapon with such that this model equips are automatically loaded with Hellfire Ammo at no Cost. Additionally, when using Hellfire Ammo, this model may re-roll 1s when Shooting.

Librarium Guard (prerequisite: Black Wasps only): this model counts as a Psyker and gains the Smite psychic power. This model may attempt to cast 1 Psychic Power per Turn, but only rolls 1D6 when doing so.

Martyrdom (Blood Angels, their Successors, and Black Templars count this Talent as Tier 1): if this model ends the Mission with 0 Wounds they gain +1 Renown.

Not to be Trifled With (prerequisite: Paragon Talent): whenever this model or its squad would lose Esteem with a particular Faction, reduce that loss by an additional 1 (to a minimum of 0).

One Step Away From Madness (prerequisite: Blood Angels and their Successors only; Flesh Tearers treat this as a Tier 1 Talent): any time one of this model's Chapter Traits or Talents triggers an effect that adds Attacks on the fly, roll a D6. On the roll of a 1, this model totally snaps. It immediately gains +1 Corruption and for the remainder of the Mission, must always Charge the nearest model, friend or foe, if not already Engaged. If already Engaged, they cannot Fall Back for any reason and any effect that would normally cause them to automatically Fall Back instead inflicts a Mortal Wound. On the roll of a 6, this model permanently gains +1 Attack. On any other roll, there is no additional effect.

Outsider (prerequisite: Chapters of unknown Succession and Cursed Founding only): this model must pay +3XP for any Cohesion Talent they purchase after taking this Talent. If this model has already purchased any Cohesion Talents, then the Outsider Talent counts as Tier 4. Whenever a Mission is failed, this model loses 1 less Renown than normal (to a minimum of 0). Additionally, roll a D6 every time this model gains a point of Corruption (after mitigating measures such as Reduce Corruption have been settled). On the roll of a 6, this model may further reduce their overall Corruption by D3.

Paladin of the Omnissiah's Will (prerequisite: Knights Amethyst, Iron Hands, Sons of Medusa, or Heralds and their Successors only, or Techmarine): whenever this model or its squad would gain Esteem with a particular Admech Faction, increase that total amount by +1.

Paragon: whenever this model or its squad would lose Esteem with a particular Faction, reduce that loss by 1 (to a minimum of 0).

Signature Gear (prerequisite: 40+ Renown): when this model takes this Talent, select any item of Wargear or Weapon worth 25 Renown or less, for which the model meets the Threshold, and add it to this model's permanent Load Out. This model no longer has to pay Renown to equip the item. If the item is a Weapon, it replaces the standard Load Out normally equipped in that slot. For example, a power sword would replace a model's Astartes knife, a grav pistol would replace a model's bolt pistol, and a plasmagun or lascannon would replace a model's bolter or heavy bolter.

Skulker (prerequisite: Raven Guard and their Successors only): this model may always purchase the Stealth Skill regardless of their Specialty, paying 9XP per Rating, unless it would normally be lower.

Suffer Not the Alien to Live (this Talent counts as Tier 1 for Nova Marines): if this model kills any xenos adversaries during a Mission, they gain an additional +1 Renown during the Debriefing Phase.

Suffer Not the Witch to Live (this Talent counts as Tier 1 for Black Templars): if this model kills any daemonic, psyker, or Fallen Astartes adversaries during a Mission, they gain an additional +1 Renown during the Debriefing Phase.

Trophy Hunter (prerequisite: White Scars and their Successors only): if this model can draw line of sight at the start of their Turn to an enemy model that started the Mission with 5 or more Wounds they must Move towards it in their Movement Phase. Whenever a Miniboss or Boss Monster is removed as a casualty, instead leave the model on the table on its side. If this model moves into base to base contact with the corpse and spends 1 Phase (Command, Movement, or Shooting) doing nothing, it gains a Trophy. Trophies may be exchanged for +1 Renown and/or kept to be used to re-roll any 1 die during a Mission. Each Trophy is Capacity 01. If a model is carrying 2 Trophies, they may re-roll any 2 dice during the course of a Mission; if they have 3, they can re-roll 3 dice, and so on. Once used to re-roll a die, the Trophy cannot be used again until the next Mission. Trophies can be used to re-roll a die in a Mission and also exchanged at the end of that same Mission for +1 Renown. Once traded for Renown, Trophies are lost.

Unbridled Ferocity (prerequisite: Space Wolves and their Successors only): in any Fight Phase where this model has Charged, it gains +1 Attack and +1 Strength until the enemy models it Charged are removed as casualties.

Whispers of the Omnissiah (prerequisite: Techmarines of the Iron Hands and their Successors only): the GM will always point out to this model's player exactly where all the interactive Tech on the table is (even if it is hidden by a partially unrevealed map), what levels of Power each of those nodes have [dead, minuscule, low, full, or overcharged], & the path of power to each plus where it might be severed, how and if it can be repaired, and from whence that power comes (such as a nearby generator, an off-table reactor, an arcane device, or other means as dictated by the GM notes for the Mission).

Tier 3

Ally of the Mechanicum (prerequisite: 30 or more Esteem with any Adeptus Mechanicus Faction or Iron Hands, Heralds, or Knights Amethyst, or one of their Successor Chapters): this Talent grants access to the Extensions of the Omnissiah's Will Wargear list.

Brotherhood of Psykers (prerequisite: Cohesion2 Talent and Librarians only): choose 1 of the Psychic powers normally only usable by Librarians of one of the other Chapters of Marines in this model's squad and add it to this model's list of usable Powers. This Talent may be taken multiple times. Each time you may choose a new psychic power to add to your repertoire.

Counter Attack (this Talent counts as Tier 1 for Space Wolves): if an allied Astartes in Cohesion Range is Charged by an enemy, this model may immediately make its own Charge towards that Fight; this Charge happens out of sequence. If successful, this model gains +1 Attack for the 1st Battleround of the Fight.

Curse of the Wulfen (prerequisite: Space Wolves and their Successors only): at the end of every round of Close Combat that this model is in, roll a D6. On the roll of a 6, an Aspect of the Canis Helix manifests itself in this marine for the duration of the Mission. Choose 1 of the following Aspects: Brute Strength (+1 Strength), Animal Instincts (+12" to visibility range), Insatiable Hunger (+1 Attack on the Charge), Stalker (+1 Armor Save if in cover and have not Advanced), or Terrifying Visage (enemy models in Close Combat with this model must test Toughness and if they fail, reduce their Weapon Skill by 1). Choosing the same Aspect does not stack the effect, but choosing the same Aspect 4 times in a row does make that Aspect permanent. If a model already has a permanent Aspect, that Aspect is removed from the list of options. A model need not have the Canis Helix manifest 4 times in the same Mission in order to make their choices become permanent. Having a permanent Aspect reduces this model's Renown gains every Mission by -1.

Demolisher Doctrine (prerequisite: 50+ Renown and Imperial Fists or their Successors only): this model may equip Centurion Armor 2+ for 50 Renown, which grants the model +2 Capacity and an additional +6 Capacity that can only be used to carry heavier Weapons.

Denier (prerequisite: ability to Deny psychic powers): this model may make +1 Deny the Witch attempts per Turn.

ElectroPulse (prerequisite: ElectroShield Talent): this model gains a new Psychic Power called ElectroPulse. It has a Warp Charge of 5+. If successfully cast, all models, friend and foe, within 9" of the Librarian suffer a single Strength 3, AP-, Damage 1 hit. Versus models with the <Vehicle, Necron, Dark Mechanicus, Daemon Engine, or Adeptus Mechanicus> keyword this hit is resolved at Strength 6.

Guilliman's Pride (Ultramarines and their Successors only): if there are no marines with Tactics in this model's squad, this model counts as having Tactics1. If any model does have Tactics, as long as this model deploys with them in the same squad, they may double any numerical aspect of that Skill's effects. Additionally, if they don't have it already this models gains the Ultramarines Trait: Authority of Guilliman. If the model already has it (because they are standard Ultramarines), they gain an additional use of it per Mission.

Huscarl Transcendent (prerequisite: 50+ Renown and Imperial Fists and their Successors only): this model is immune to being Shaken. Any effect that would normally automatically Shake them (such as failing a Morale test in Cohesion) instead does nothing. Additionally, this model qualifies for any Terminator weapon's Threshold up to 100, regardless of their actual Renown. Huscarl Transcendents that equip Terminator Armor 2+, improve the Invulnerable Save provided by that Armor to 4+.

Infinite Contempt (prerequisite: any Contempt Talent): this Talent allows a model's Contempt Talents to be used in every Battleround of an Engagement. Additionally, during the Arming Phase, choose any of this model's Contempt Talents. Whenever that Talent is responsible for turning a miss into a hit, this model gains +1 Renown.

Infinite Detestation (prerequisite: any Detestation of the [Faction Type] or Abhorence of the [Faction] Talents): this Talent allows a model's Detestation and Abhorence Talents to be used in every Battleround of an Engagement. Additionally, during the Arming Phase, choose any of this model's Detestation or Abhorence Talents. Whenever that Talent is responsible for turning a whiff into a Wound, this model gains +1 Renown.

Infinite Hatred (prerequisite: any Hatred Talent): this Talent allows a model's Hatred Talents to be used in every Battleround of an Engagement. Additionally, during the Arming Phase, choose any of this model's Hatred Talents. Whenever that Talent is responsible for turning a miss into a hit, this model gains +1 Renown.

Infinite Indignation (prerequisite: any Righteous or Sworn Indignation Talent): this Talent allows a model's Indignation Talents to be used in every Battleround of an Engagement. Additionally, during the Arming Phase, choose any of this model's Indignation Talents. Whenever that Talent is responsible for turning a whiff into a Wound, this model gains +1 Renown.

Interlocking Fields of Fire* (prerequisite: 1 each of Tier1, Tier2, and Tier3 Shooting Talents): for each allied Astartes (incluiding this one) in Cohesion Range, this model may make 1 additional Shooting Attack that does not expend any ammo.

Knight Imperator (prerequisite: Paragon Talent): whenever this model or its squad would gain Esteem with any Faction, increase that total amount by +D3.

Legendary Gear (prerequisite: 100+ Renown): when this model takes this Talent, select any item of Armor, Wargear, or Weapons, worth 50 Renown or less, for which the model meets the Threshold, and add it to this model's permanent gear load out. They no longer have to pay Renown to equip the item. If the item is a weapon, it replaces the standard weapon normally equipped in that slot. For example, a power sword would replace a model's Astartes knife, a grav pistol would replace a model's bolt pistol, and a plasmagun or lascannon would replace a model's bolter or heavy bolter.

Lexicanum (prerequisite: Codicier Elite Talent): choose any 1 psychic power from your Chapter's list. This model may now choose between casting Smite or any of their other powers. A Lexicanum may attempt to use up to 2 Psychic Powers per Turn.

Lord of Fire (Salamanders and their successors only): against Wounds caused by any weapon that automatically hits without the need to roll, this model may ignore each of those Wounds on the D6 roll of a 3+. Roll separately for each Wound.

Secret Society (prerequisite: Paladin of the Omnissiah's Will): whenever this model or its squad would gain Esteem with a particular Admech Faction, increase that total amount by an additional +D3

Servo Rig (+1) (prerequisite: Servo Rig (4)): this is a prerequisite implant for any Mechadendrite other than a Servo Arm. A Servo Rig can manipulate a number of different Mechadendrites simultaneously equal to its Rating.

Shrike Doctrine (Ravenguard only): this model sets up only after all Adversaries have been Deployed and may be placed anywhere on the table out of line of sight of an enemy model, as long as it is also at least 3" away from same.

Tier 4

Cohesion (+1) (prerequisite: Cohesion5): the range of any Skill and many Talent effects depend on the target's Cohesion. Range is equal to 6" times Rating. In this case that equals 36".

Cohesion (+1) (prerequisite: Cohesion6): the range of any Skill and many Talent effects depend on the target's Cohesion. Range is equal to 6" times Rating. In this case that equals 42".

Destined for Greatness: this model gains a discount on all future Talent purchases equal to their Tier. That means -1 for Tier1, -2 for Tier2, -3 for Tier3, -4 for Tier4, and -5 for Tier5. These discounts are applied after any discounts for Specialty.

Epistolary (prerequisite: Lexicanum Elite Talent): choose any 1 psychic power from your Chapter's list. This model may now choose between casting Smite or any of their other powers. An Epistolary may attempt to manifest up to 3 Psychic Powers per Turn.

Lightning Arc (prerequisite: ElectroPulse Talent, any 5 Technological Talents, or Codicier, Lexicanum, or Epistolary Talent and Librarian): this model gains a new Psychic Power called Lightning Arc. It has a Warp Charge of 8+. If successfully cast, the Librarian may immediately make a Shooting attack with the following profile: range 18", Strength 6, AP -2, Damage 1, Assault D6. After resolving any hits against the target(s), this power causes an additional hit with the same Strength, AP, and Damage as the original hit to every model within 6" of any original target on the D6 roll of a 4+. These additional hits do not themselves spawn more hits.

Gifted Intellect: this model gains +1 to their Skill Stat. If this would bring a model's Skill Stat to 1+, it instead grants a re-roll if the model rolls a 1 on their test. The re-roll succeeds on a 3+ instead of a 2+.

Honor Guard (restrictions: cannot be taken by Imperial Fists or their Successors): this model is immune to being Pinned. Any effect that would normally automatically Pin them (such as a roll on the Injury Table) instead does nothing. Additionally, this model qualifies for any melee weapon's Threshold up to 100, regardless of their actual Renown. Honor Guards replace their Powered Armor, Phobos Armor, or Mk X Gravis Armor 3+ with Artificer Armor or Mastercrafted Mk X Gravis Armor 2+ for free.

Icon of the Just (prerequisite: 200+ Renown): when this model takes this Talent, select any item of Wargear, worth 100 Renown or less, for which the model meets the Threshold, and add it to this model's permanent gear load out. They no longer have to pay Renown to equip the item. If the item is a weapon, it replaces the standard weapon normally equipped in that slot. For example, a power sword would replace a model's Astartes knife, a grav pistol would replace a model's bolt pistol, and a plasmagun or lascannon would replace a model's bolter or heavy bolter.

Idolator of Mars (prerequisite: Secret Society Talent and Leadership 10 or more): whenever this model or its squad would lose Esteem with a particular Admech Faction reduce that loss by an additional 3 (to a minimum of 0) and any time this model or its squad would gain a variable amount of Esteem with a particular Admech Faction, they may roll an additional die and take the more favorable score.

Pariah (restrictions: cannot be taken by Black Wasps; cannot be taken by any model able to manifest psychic powers; Knights Amethyst count this as a Tier3 Talent): this model is totally immune to psychic powers and neither gains benefits from allied powers nor suffers the effects of enemy powers. Pariahs also increase their Cohesion ranges by 3". Allies that end their Movement closer than 3" from this model automatically become Shaken.

Servo Rig (+1) (prerequisite: Servo Rig (5)): this is a prerequisite implant for any Mechadendrite other than a Servo Arm. A Servo Rig can manipulate a number of different Mechadendrites simultaneously equal to its Rating.

Tier 5

Cohesion (+1) (prerequisite: Cohesion7): the range of any Skill and many Talent effects depend on the target's Cohesion. Range is equal to 6" times Rating. In this case, that equals 48".

Exemplar of the Astartes* (prerequisite: Leadership 11 or higher, plus Command2, Inspire2, or Tactics2, and 2 each of any Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 Talents; this Talent counts as Tier 4 for Ultramarines): this model gains +1 Strength, +1 Toughness, +1 Wound, and +1 Attack. Additionally, this model gains an Ignore a Wound on a 6+ ability or, if they already have some form of this ability, its preexisting ability is improved by 1. Lastly, this model may ignore the first Wound suffered on every Turn. Any allied model deployed on the same Mission as this model gains an additional +1 Renown if they survive just for being in the shadow of this marine's greatness.

Incorruptible: any time this model would gain a point of Corruption, they may negate that gain on the D6 roll of a 2+. This ability cannot be improved in any way.

Rulebreaker: this Talent allows this model to take any single additional Talent regardless of whether or not they meet the prerequisites. The player must still pay the XP cost of the other Talent, but doesn't have to declare what it will be until they decide to pay for it. Once chosen, make a note on their character sheet which Talent is the Rulebreaker.

This message was edited 57 times. Last update was at 2023/04/29 03:12:24

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Before I forget and move on to other things, here are the rules for target priority in Shooting and Falling damage.


During the shooting phase, every space marine in the squad operates as an individual model in that they can shoot at whatever they like. However, some of their weapons will have multiple shots, and unlike in standard 40k, very few of their adversaries will be grouped into squads. Therefore, when they declare their targets, these models pick one enemy model in range as their primary and may then allocate additional shots to other enemy models within 4" of the primary. GMs, be aware that this breaks with the current rules of 40k that state that the controlling player decides which models get removed as casualties. It may take some getting used to that your "opponents" will be making these choices for you.

There are Talents that alter the way this targeting priority works, such as by granting a model more than 1 Shooting Phase. Treat each Shooting phase individually. This means that a marine with multiple Shooting Phases may choose a new primary target with each new Phase.

*Edit (4/14/2020) to include the following clarification:

Alternate Shooting Modifiers Rules
Virtually all ranged weapons in this Campaign have more than one mode of firing. For most, these modes are Standard, Burst, and Autofire. Some weapons have a variable sized Burst, which means the Shooting player can choose how many bullets they want to expend in the shot (often this means a choice from 2 to 5 bullets). Firing in Standard mode does not change any aspect of the weapon as it is presented in the 40k rulebook, but changing to either Burst or Autofire changes not only the weapon's Rate of Fire, but also its type and functionality. This may be confusing, so to clarify this rule, I've made the following guidelines by Type.

Because Rapid Fire weapons, in these rules, can fire a variable number of shots in Burst Mode, the controlling player chooses the number of bullets they are willing to expend from the range presented on the weapon's Rate of Fire, unless they are shooting in Burst Mode after an Advance. If the model carrying the Rapid Fire weapon Advances and Shoots in Burst Mode, they must expend the maximum number of bullets as indicated in the weapon's Rate of Fire. If the weapon does not have enough bullets left to do this, it simply fires all of its remaining bullets.

Some Talents may alter how these rules apply to a model.

Pistols: Standard Mode
Model does not move: max range, no adjustment
Model moves: max range, no adjustment
Model Advance: cannot shoot

Burst Mode
Model does not move: half range, +1 to hit
Model moves: half range, +1 to hit
Model Advances: half range, -1 to hit

Autofire Mode
Model does not move: max range, no adjustment
Model Moves: max range, no adjustment
Model Advance: cannot shoot

Rapid Fire: Standard Mode
Model does not move: max range, +1 to hit
Model Moves: max range, no adjustment
Model Advances: cannot shoot

Burst Mode
Model does not move: choice of Burst size, half range, no adjustment
Model Moves: choice of Burst size, half range, no adjustment
Model Advances: maximum Burst size, half range, -1 to hit

Autofire Mode
Model does not move: max range, no adjustment
Model Moves: max range, -1 to hit
Model Advances: cannot shoot

Heavy: Standard Mode
Model does not move: max range, no adjustment
Model Moves: max range, -1 to hit
Model Advances: cannot shoot

Burst Mode
Model does not move: half range, no adjustment
Model Moves: half range, -1 to hit
Model Advances: cannot shoot

Autofire Mode
Model does not move: max range, +1 to hit
Model Moves: max range, -1 to hit
Model Advances: cannot shoot

Assault: Standard Mode
Model does not move: max range, no adjustment
Model Moves: max range, no adjustment
Model Advances: max range, -1 to hit

Burst Mode
Model does not move: half range, +1 to hit
Model Moves: half range, no adjustment
Model Advances: half range, -1 to hit

Autofire Mode
Model does not move: max range, no adjustment
Model Moves: max range, -1 to hit
Model Advances: max range, -2 to hit

Leaping, Climbing, and Falling

Space marines are super human and can survive all manner of otherwise catastrophic damage. Any Movement, up, down or across a gap, up to 3", counts as Movement and doesn't require a roll.

Movement up without a ladder or staircase beyond 3" requires a Strength test. Passing this test means the model can Move up to its maximum Move or Advance vertically. If this brings it to a flat surface, hooray! If they are still clinging to the wall even after their full distance, they must test Strength again next Turn. Being Wounded while hanging on to that surface requires a Toughness to avoid Falling. Failing the Strength test reduces the model's Move by the amount the test was failed by.

For example, Yusuf has a Strength of 4 and wants to scale an 8" pile of debris. His player rolls an Advance of 3", but botches the Strength test with a 6. This means that Yusuf's total Move (9") is reduced by 2" to 7" and won't carry him to the top of the pile (because 6 is 2 greater than 4). So Yusuf scrambles up the pile, but ends his Movement just 1" shy of the top. On his next Turn, provided he isn't shot off the pile, Yusuf will be able to scale the remaining 1", whether his player passes the Strength test or not.

Movement across a gap greater than 3" wide requires a Strength test also, except here for every 1 full inch beyond 4" a -1 penalty is imposed on the test. If the test is passed, the model makes it across. If the test is failed, the model Falls (see Falling below for details). In the case of leaping, rolling a 1 does not automatically mean the model passes if the modifiers would normally indicate that the roll would have to be 0 or less.

Unless a model has a Strength greater than 4, leaps of more than 8" are impossible. With Strength 5, models can attempt leaps of up to 9", Strength 6 means up to 10" leaps can be attempted, and so on. Movement by leaping greater than a model's Move count as Advancing.

Falling down, whether intentionally or accidentally, requires a Toughness test. A model may drop a distance in inches equal to or less than their Toughness Stat without having to roll. Any distnace greater than that requires a Toughness test. For every full inch of distance fallen beyond the model's Toughness range, the test suffers -1 modifier. If this distance penalty reduces a model's target number to 0 or less, the test counts as an automatic failure. Failing the test incurs a single hit with a Strength equal to the total distance fallen with an AP modifier equal to a quarter that distance rounded down. If the model survives, hooray! If they are reduced to 0 Wounds, roll on the Injury Table.

For example, Yusuf gets himself shot off the pile of debris before he crests the top. He's 7" up when he falls and has a Toughness of 4. That height imposes a -3 modifier to his Toughness, so he must roll a 1 to avoid damage. His player's dice hate him and he rolls a 6. Yusuf takes a single Strength 7 hit with an AP of -1.

As another example, Claudius is exploring the crumbling ruins of a skeletal vessel and comes to a gap in the decking. The hole below extends into darkness beyond his sensory range (if only he were a Space Wolf!). Instead of trying to find a way around, he tries to leap across the gap and fails. The hole is 18" deep. Claudius has a Toughness of 5, but it is a long way down. The depth modifies Claudius' Toughness by -13, making it impossible to pass this test. He automatically fails. Claudius then suffers a single Strength 18(!) hit with an AP of -4. Unless Claudius has an Invulnerable save, he is going to suffer a Wound on anything other than a 1. Additionally, he'll be in a deep dark hole, far from his squad mates.

This message was edited 10 times. Last update was at 2023/03/12 19:34:38

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Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Arsenal of the Ordo

There are many weapons locked away in the holds of the Intolerance, both exotic and mundane, righteous and profane. It is the sacred duty of the Watch Captain Erophon to determine who is not just worthy, but also able to carry these items onto the field of battle. Brothers who have proven themselves, by deed of blade and bolter, or by both resilience and will, gain access to ever increasingly potent wargear. After all why would anyone entrust a Relic of the Emperor's Might to a soldier who has yet to prove he can even survive his first Mission?

There is a limit to how much stuff an individual marine can carry. Despite the Imperial propaganda to the contrary, your average marine is not the powerhouse of infinite strength they say he is. And while it is true that a marine can carry far more than even the fittest Guardsman, there's a reason you don't see them toting 2 lascannons each and why some of them drive tanks.

In this campaign we use an abstraction of weight called Capacity. Each item - and sometimes groups of small items - has a numerical value assigned to it. The values of all the wargear a marine is equipped with get added together and subtracted from that model's current Capacity. The maximum unencumbered Capacity for a model is equal to its Strength plus its Toughness. For most models this means they have a starting Capacity of 8. Models may equip more than this, but for every 1 they exceed their Capacity by they must reduce their Move by 1". If the amount of stuff they are carrying reduces their Move to 0, they must Advance in order to move. Models cannot reduce their Move to less than 0 in this way.

If a model's stats increase - such as with the God Amongst Giants and/or Hardened Talents - its corresponding Capacity is also increased by an equal number.

Brother Leono, a Devastator of the Star Phantoms, has earned 9XP over the course of 2 Missions and decides to spend these on the Survival Talent Hardened - remember that Devastators get a discount on this category of Talents because of their Specialty. This brings Leono's Toughness to 5 and also increases their Capacity from 8 to 9. Now Leono has the option to carry even more grenades or heavier weapons without worrying as much about being slowed down by them.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2018/08/30 06:09:14

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