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Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

 LordofHats wrote:
You can't drop a mystery box in front of an audience and then demand that they not look at it too hard because it's 'just a space opera.' The whole story is a literal 'why done it.' It's at least done that part well, but the foray into a 'who done it' in episode one was asking to be called out for not having its own ducks in a row.

I don't think it was in any way supposed to be a 'who done it' though, given that the promotional material for the show included both twins.

The Jedi (briefly) thought Osha did it... but the audience was never really supposed to. Even if you missed the poster for the show, it was blatantly obvious from the moment Osha appeared on screen that she was a different person, and the obvious conclusion was that the assassin was her twin. There was no hype on that particular 'mystery' because it was never a mystery.

Big question; Is Sol supposed to be one of the culprits in this? I'd assume yes from context, but the reaction to seeing him seemed kind of muted and like he wasn't on the hit list (namely it didn't seem like Mae knew who he was). I'd definitely put green space lady up as a possibly #4. That would be the obvious way to go, depending on whatever it is the Jedi did that was seriously wrong.

Osha specifically mentions that Sol is #4 when they're discussing how to proceed.

Made in de
Nihilistic Necron Lord

 nels1031 wrote:
Well, thats me re-subscribed to D+ for a short bit.


What a waste of Carrie-Anne Moss. Trailer did show her outside of that bar, so hopefully get some flashbacks? She seemed extremely wooden during the fight scene.

Luckily the semi-evil twin used a tiny dagger instead of a lightsaber. We all know lightsabers to the gut/lower chest don’t kill!

“I see fire consuming everything!’ ‘That’s cool youngling, now go eat lunch!”

Felt the twin reveal could’ve been milked a bit longer to fool us (the viewer) and add more shock value. Exact same hairstyle after all this time apart? Lol

Learned from a Co-worker that Greenface Jedi is showrunners spouse. I dub her Darth Nepo.

The Sith baddie sounds cool. Luckily, he gave us a flash of the red lightsaber to reveal that he’s a bad guy. I wouldn’t have known it was a bad guy, but then he Vadered!

I have a feeling Mr. Muscles Jedi will be used as a verbal punching bag to the antlered albino X-23’s Jedi Knight throughout this series. I have a sneaking suspicion she’ll be a better fighter too.

If there is a quicker way to Floaty-boy Jedi, why’d the Jedi escort not take them that way?

The fat Jedi was pretty embarassing. “Lets put the most noticeable Jedi in the temple on duty to surveil a known accomplice to an assassin. He definitely won’t stick out like a raisin in a handful of rice, practically leaning over the deck that he’s standing on and get distracted by some young Jedi trim that comes up to chat”.

Why not bring the accomplice in and post some knights in the actual shop to ambush the assassin if she returned?

I want to like this, but its so puerile.

I kind of like her more wooden fighting. She didn’t do a lot of flashy stuff, just kind of walked towards her opponents overpowered her. Felt very terminator inevitable like.

Made in de
Huge Bone Giant

I don't know what to make of The Acolyte. It took most of the first episode for me to get into it. That's not a good start.

The writing is pretty rough. I think I'll watch it for the visuals and form an opinion on the story when it's finished.

I wonder if the kill Jedi with bare hands thing ties in with Darth Plagueis and the point is for the apprentice to learn the ability to force their will on the Force beyond what normal Jedi and Sith knowledge teaches.

Nehekhara lives! Sort of!
Why is the rum always gone? 
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

It’s explained at the end of the first episode.

Whoever her master is? They’re trying to make a point to the Galaxy. That Jedi are not invincible. That they’re not all goody two shoes and peaceful with violence as the last resort.

Hence she’s constantly trying to get the Jedi to throw the first blow. And so far, she’s only partially succeeded, as two are dead. But neither drew their Lightsaber or acted as the aggressor.

I also note at this early juncture the Jedi are very different to the prequel Jedi in terms of approach and attitude. And I’m pretty much expecting this show to explore how the Jedi were first nudged down that road. The road which ultimately leads to the fall and corruption of the entire Jedi Order, once they accept the role of Generals in the Grand Army of the Republic.

And that needn’t be done by the Sith Lineage of Palpatine. It could be another Sith Lord, with Palps and Plageius picking up where they leave off, because subtlety manipulating the Jedi isn’t a bad idea if you want to get rid.

Made in de
Huge Bone Giant

Is that really what all the yapping is supposed to be about?

Darksider goes to a tavern. Yells "fight me, bro". Nothing happens. Darksider gets angry and starts the fight. Ace plan ruined in the most foreseeable way.

Darksider goes to a temple. Yells "fight me, bro". Nothing happens. Darksider gets angry and starts the fight. Ace plan ruined in the most foreseeable way.

Is that really supposed to be the big bad's plan? A plan that does not consider Jedi doctrine or dark side passion even in the slightest way and shows complete absence of insight while at the same time aiming to achieve something that requires insight to come up with in the first place?

That just doesn't add up.

Nehekhara lives! Sort of!
Why is the rum always gone? 
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


I think it is very much a kids show like the Obi1 show (under the cloak! Benny hill music is go!). Adults being upset is missing the point. Sadly like most kids shows the writers/creators think you don't need to be clever or well written anymore.

Back to waiting for Andor.
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

So far? Seemingly so.

That it’s not yet succeeded isn’t necessarily a flaw in the plan, rather a flaw of the person enacting the plan

And if there’s one thing we can say of the Sith of this and the following era? Its plans within plans. We don’t yet know this is the entire plan.

It could be just the next step in a far more complex operation to expose the Jedi Order, and in some way begin diminishing public trust,

And it’s not as if we’re unfamiliar with the concept of Sith Apprentices being entirely disposable, is it?

Made in us
Secret Force Behind the Rise of the Tau


 Geifer wrote:
I don't know what to make of The Acolyte. It took most of the first episode for me to get into it. That's not a good start.

The writing is pretty rough. I think I'll watch it for the visuals and form an opinion on the story when it's finished.

I wonder if the kill Jedi with bare hands thing ties in with Darth Plagueis and the point is for the apprentice to learn the ability to force their will on the Force beyond what normal Jedi and Sith knowledge teaches.

It's worth considering this might not be related to Palgueis or Palpatine at all.

A lot of the fan forums have been talking more and more about Aboleth, particularly because of hints in Ahsoka that something is coming. Aboleth is from the old EU, but came back to the new canon via some comics as I understand it as a eldritch Force abomination that was kept in check by the Father, the Daughter, and the Son.

Some of the trailers for the Acolyte have culty stuff in them, so the Acolyte might not be about Palpatine or his master.

Made in de
Huge Bone Giant

Sounds cool. I hope it's something like that.

I don't mind if Plagueis and Sidious aren't directly involved. I think Mace Windu said that the Sith haven't been around for a long time? You'd think he would know or at least be contradicted afterwards if any actual Sith were behind some Jedi murders three generations earlier. So it's probably best if they steer clear of that. Not that I trust them until I see it...

But my thoughts were more on the actual knowledge and not the group holding/learning it. As in, these darksiders use knowledge that when they're taken care of falls into the hands of Plagueis or his predecessor and lives on even though the antagonists of the show are gone, so as to establish some continuity between this era and the movie eras. I could see them try that.

Nehekhara lives! Sort of!
Why is the rum always gone? 
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

What is the timeframe on this? I thought they said 100 years before the rise of empire in the intro…

Made in de
Huge Bone Giant

Yep, that's it.

Nehekhara lives! Sort of!
Why is the rum always gone? 
Made in us
Terrifying Doombull

 insaniak wrote:
 LordofHats wrote:
You can't drop a mystery box in front of an audience and then demand that they not look at it too hard because it's 'just a space opera.' The whole story is a literal 'why done it.' It's at least done that part well, but the foray into a 'who done it' in episode one was asking to be called out for not having its own ducks in a row.

I don't think it was in any way supposed to be a 'who done it' though, given that the promotional material for the show included both twins.

The Jedi (briefly) thought Osha did it... but the audience was never really supposed to. Even if you missed the poster for the show, it was blatantly obvious from the moment Osha appeared on screen that she was a different person, and the obvious conclusion was that the assassin was her twin. There was no hype on that particular 'mystery' because it was never a mystery.

You guys know there's a difference between mysteries and crime procedurals, right? The mystery isn't always the point.

A mysterious murder! When his former deputy is accused of the crime, Inspector Sol is called out of his teaching retirement to investigate. Can he save the next victim, and prove his student's innocence, before Commissioner Green buries the case in red tape? But with space wizards.

I'm pretty sure I've seen this summary on the back of Inspector Banks or Inspector Morse.

Efficiency is the highest virtue. 
Made in us
Secret Force Behind the Rise of the Tau


 Geifer wrote:
Sounds cool. I hope it's something like that.

I don't mind if Plagueis and Sidious aren't directly involved. I think Mace Windu said that the Sith haven't been around for a long time? You'd think he would know or at least be contradicted afterwards if any actual Sith were behind some Jedi murders three generations earlier. So it's probably best if they steer clear of that. Not that I trust them until I see it...

But my thoughts were more on the actual knowledge and not the group holding/learning it. As in, these darksiders use knowledge that when they're taken care of falls into the hands of Plagueis or his predecessor and lives on even though the antagonists of the show are gone, so as to establish some continuity between this era and the movie eras. I could see them try that.

I'm honestly half expecting that Mae's helper at the alchemy shop is more than he appears. For a guy who seems mundane, and acts like he's just along for the ride, he sure can recite some of the Sith code.

Made in de
Huge Bone Giant

I think so, too.

Not sure if I didn't pay attention but when he was introduced, it seemed to me like they both called the big darksider master in a way that suggested to me they were equals. I didn't initially think he was just Mae's hapless helper, but that's how it seems to be played later on.

Nehekhara lives! Sort of!
Why is the rum always gone? 
Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

Yes, it certainly seems like...
... if Qimir isn't actually the Sith Lord, he's at least a fellow acolyte. He's obviously as familiar with 'the master' as Mae is, and based on his reaction to her attack, is obviously at least as well trained as she is...

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Acolyte is ok. Was surprised by how much they've cut back runtime.

The thing about 40k is that no one person can grasp the fullness of it.

My 95th Praetorian Rifles.

SW Successors

Made in us
Savage Minotaur

Baltimore, Maryland

On a second viewing, the passage of time on this show is wild.

Jedi gets killed in the cold open. Jedi find the suspect “as far from Coruscant as you can get” the next day on a freighter, while going to the crime scene and bringing the barkeeper witness to ID the suspect. Suspect is loaded onto a prison ship. Prison escape and ship crash. Killer goes to another planet to watch someone turn on a red lightsaber. Prisoners are captured and taken to Coruscant. Republic sends probe droids to crash site. Jedi who loaded the suspect onto the prison ship is on Corusanct and crews up with 2 other Jedi. Jedi find the crashed ship and suspect promptly. Inside of prison ship looks about the same when the suspect woke up in the wreck, so not a ton of time seems to have passed. Another Jedi is attacked and the very next day the Jedi crew and initial suspect are at the attack site.

Pretty wild pace. Whats the hurry?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/06/08 23:15:43

"Sometimes the only victory possible is to keep your opponent from winning." - The Emperor, from The Outcast Dead.
"Tell your gods we are coming for them, and that their realms will burn as ours did." -Thostos Bladestorm
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

It sure is lucky that you can use jedi powers to extract information from people's minds. That sure would be useful if you were trying to discover whether or not someone had killed a jedi. Huh show?
What's that? You can't kill jedi with steel or lasers? Tell that to Trinity and all this schmucs who died during Order 66.
Jedi only ignite their laser swords when they want to fight? Not just whenever they need a flashlight then?
Made in de
Huge Bone Giant

 nels1031 wrote:
Pretty wild pace. Whats the hurry?

It definitely didn't help me settle into the show. So much stuff happening so quickly without much time to take it in and process it.

And that's before you consider in setting implications.

 Lord Damocles wrote:
Jedi only ignite their laser swords when they want to fight? Not just whenever they need a flashlight then?

That's a little unfair. Just because you can't tell the difference between the cutting tool and the flashlight on the Swiss army saber doesn't mean the Jedi can't.

More seriously, the show does go to some trouble to consistently show the Jedi to opt for kung fu over drawing a deadly weapon until there is an actual reason. The contrast to the Clone Wars era is there. I think the flashlight bit itself isn't an issue in that regard. That the guard Jedi keeps it on and points it at Osha while boss Jedi talks her down is an actual failure in that regard. Although it still plays as evidence into the idea that the Jedi aren't what they claim to be and the plan to expose them at least has some merit.

Nehekhara lives! Sort of!
Why is the rum always gone? 
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Evil Sith Dude is clearly discussing public perception of the Jedi though. And it’s that public perception that’s in their sights.

Remember, we’ve 100 years to go from Kung Fu Space Hippies to Gung Ho “Aggressive Negotiation” Space Samurai.

Even the fighting styles we’ve seen are restrained. I’ve no doubt Trinity could’ve rekt Mae had she wished. Not even kill, just completely KO. That speaks of a pretty different underlying philosophy at play.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Maybe Trinity should have started/ended the fight before a bunch of innocent cantina patrons got injured/killed then...
Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

 Geifer wrote:
... That the guard Jedi keeps it on and points it at Osha while boss Jedi talks her down is an actual failure in that regard. Although it still plays as evidence into the idea that the Jedi aren't what they claim to be and the plan to expose them at least has some merit.

I mean, they've also spent quite a bit of time pointing out that Yord isn't a particularly good jedi...

Made in us
Terrifying Doombull

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Evil Sith Dude is clearly discussing public perception of the Jedi though. And it’s that public perception that’s in their sights.

Not sure where you're getting that. Evil Sith-esque person is making a short, declarative, absolute statement about a fundamental truth of the universe and philosophy. (actually a 'sounds cool but is really vapid' line, but the intent seems to be to take it super serious.) There's no one to play 'public perception' to, Master is issuing a statement of How It Must Be Done to disciples.

The fact that its countered by what actually happened 40 minutes earlier just shows the editing or writing is a mess. They went for Rule of Stupid thinking it was Rule of Cool, or simply didn't reshoot a scene and just tacked it on the end.

This is reinforced by the very next episode, where antagonist is going on and on about the need to kill a Jedi unarmed, despite not being able to do that.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/06/09 23:47:16

Efficiency is the highest virtue. 
Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

He's not saying that the jedi are literally immune to weapons. He's monologuing to his disciple about public perception of the jedi, and how that can be destroyed if someone starts killing them without even needing weapons. He's simply reminding her of her goal.

Made in gb
Preparing the Invasion of Terra

A Sith dealing in absolutes? Well I never...
Made in us
Savage Minotaur

Baltimore, Maryland

Episode 3 Drinking Game Challenge :

Take a shot of a strong alcohol every time you hear “Mama”.

Pretty embarassing episode all around.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/06/12 03:13:04

"Sometimes the only victory possible is to keep your opponent from winning." - The Emperor, from The Outcast Dead.
"Tell your gods we are coming for them, and that their realms will burn as ours did." -Thostos Bladestorm
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Was it though?

Decent amount of back story on Osha and Mae’s backstory, and a hint that they’re not natural births. This of course ties them into later happenings such as Anakin’s conception and potentially even project Necromancer.

And we’re left with serious ambiguity as to what actually happened. Burning a book doesn’t equal “now everyone’s mysteriously dead and the whole place is ahad”. Like…at all. Especially given the Sisterhood weren’t exactly trapped anywhere.

I really enjoyed seeing another branch of Force User Cult/Religion. And the suggestion they might be kinda neutral. Sure it seems they do stuff the Jedi Order doesn’t agree with, but that doesn’t make them amoral or immoral or evil. And I’d like to know more.

Made in us
Savage Minotaur

Baltimore, Maryland

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Was it though?

The writing/dialogue was hamfisted as feth.

- No subtlety in who the evil child is right out of the gate.
- Calling the birth mother by her name but the coven leader is “Momma” was weird. Culty vibes as feth.
- The philosophy on The Thread/The Force makes no sense. ‘Its not a power to wield.” Immediately followed by “Pull the thread and change everything.” Sounds exactly like a power being wielded? Followed by various Force push duels.
- “Some consider our powers Dark” says woman who seconds later brands a child, then minutes later does some sort of mind domination on Padawan King Tommen* as a negotiating tactic. Also, seems like a power being wielded again!
- The flip from “we’re hiding/the Republic has no jurisdiction here/leave now” to “we’ll bring the kids to you tomorrow afternoon” happened so fast it might’ve broke my neck.
- “Osha is a child” in protest to not wanting her to be Jedi tested and “I didn’t bring those children into this world to lose them to a bunch of deranged monks” spoken with no irony, minutes after an indoctrination/branding ceremony where the same child was clearly not cool with it.
- “We’ll kill the Jedi, no one will miss 4 Jedi” said 2 episodes after the killing of one Jedi sets this whole story in motion. Also, totally not evil.
- “I’ll let her be tested. Its her choice” to “Take the test, but you must purposefully fail it”
-Stones catching fire.

I mean, I’m intrigued enough to keep watching for the lulz, but the gakky dialogue and the attempts at some profound philosophy were pretty cringe.

"Sometimes the only victory possible is to keep your opponent from winning." - The Emperor, from The Outcast Dead.
"Tell your gods we are coming for them, and that their realms will burn as ours did." -Thostos Bladestorm
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Or, right?

It’s deliberate. Very deliberate.

And ties into the religious undertones of force users always believing “only we can really be trusted with this power, everyone else is doing it wrong and is a danger”.

Culty Vibes is exactly what they’re going for. The implication is the girl’s don’t (maybe didn’t, time will tell) know they weren’t conceived in the usual way.

The hypocrisy of this Sisterhood Cult’s stance and distrust seems very much the entire point to me.

Made in ca
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Monarchy of TBD

I really, really wish they'd done something more creative than
Child of the Force part 2- this is getting out of hand. Now there are 2 of them! That was one of the weakest elements of the prequel trilogy.

It's a minor thing, but if the children were raised by people with such interesting accents- why don't Osha and Mae have them?

I will say I absolutely adore the horrible, horrible pun of the twin that fixes things and loves order is named OSHA. In the USA, that's the organization that enforces workplace safety.

I feel like the episode would have really benefitted from some sort of exposition on the Jedi's part. With, as stated, thousands of children at the temple, and the Jedi don't take children- why have they put so many Jedi and resources into finding and testing these two?

I'm still on board, but two episodes in is not very far to toss a whole filler/flashback episode at me.

My final thought- it is oddly disturbing to see a clothed wookie.

Klawz-Ramming is a subset of citrus fruit?
Gwar- "And everyone wants a bigger Spleen!"
Mercurial wrote:
I admire your aplomb and instate you as Baron of the Seas and Lord Marshall of Privateers.
Orkeosaurus wrote:Star Trek also said we'd have X-Wings by now. We all see how that prediction turned out.
Orkeosaurus, on homophobia, the nature of homosexuality, and the greatness of George Takei.
English doesn't borrow from other languages. It follows them down dark alleyways and mugs them for loose grammar.

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