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Made in us
Stubborn Hammerer



With my father having run a carpentry firm for as long as I have existed (founded the same year I was born, in fact), working with tree has always been a part of life here. We made tree swords and shields for playing at war (4 wounds, 20 seconds countdown when killed before back up, hands, feet and head not counting for hits) as well as tanks, planes and lots and lots of naval ships to play D-Day in Normandie on our gravel garage driveway together with lots of plastic soldiers. Now that my mother has got new inhabitants in her home, life for me has turned even more childish and playful than it usually is, and I have served as my stepsiblings' (aged 10 and 12 at the moment of writing) playmate slave regularly for over a year now.

This has included whipping out the best of our old wooden creations, some of those I built can be seen here. Most of our wooden armada had to be burnt a few years ago since it occupied too much storage and most of it was ramshackle were hastily built, but we saved the better pieces. As I have helped my stepsiblings with building wooden tanks, cruisers and amphibious limousines out in my mother's workshop, I also took the chance to dabble in wooden toyships again. In the middle of this picture can be seen the new creation, from summer 2020, surrounded by the better of my non-weapon wooden creations from around 1998-2001:

These, on the other hand, are some simple, and most importantly cheap Christmas presents made out of plywood for various family members in four intense days of work before Christmas eve 2020.

Recievers of presents in top row, from left to right: Younger brother, maternal grandfather and grandmother, father.

Recievers of presents in bottom row, from left to right: Stepfather, stepsister, stepbrother, mother.

Note that the rightmost piece in the bottom row is based on this lucky photograph:

Also, as mentioned elsewhere previously, some Star Wars woodworking occurred:

Wood is such a nice material to work with. Just some quick non-Warhammer projects from last year.

Have you done any fun things in wood? Please share stories and pictures.

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


cool stuff

Made in us
Stubborn Hammerer



Ah yes, and this wooden horse was also made during summer 2020 at the same time as the ship:

Made in se
Stubborn Hammerer


We're having a contest in pumpkin growing at my mother's place. Made some pompous namesigns for me and my brother:

Made in us
Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle

Warhammer army sculpted from wood. You know you want it.

But seriously, nice work! I particularly dig the spacecraft.

Road to Renown! It's like classic Path to Glory, but repaired, remastered, expanded! https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/778170.page

I chose an avatar I feel best represents the quality of my post history.

I try to view Warhammer as more of a toolbox with examples than fully complete games. 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Denison, Iowa

When I was 12 my summer project was to make an aircraft carrier out of wood. 15 inches to 1092 feet for scale. It was intended as a one-off, but I ended up using the same scale for a fleet of ships, buildings, and various Star Trek ships over the next 6 years. When I got into 40k I carved a Baneblade, shadowsword, and storm made out of a block of wood.
Made in gb
Thane of Dol Guldur



I enjoy most kinds of craft work.

Recently I made handles for some knives. The woodwork was done using a belt sander to remove excess material, a Dremel to achieve the shaping, then hand sanding to finish.
[Thumb - IMG_20210225_121026.jpg]

[Thumb - IMG_20210222_103333.jpg]

Heresy World Eaters/Emperors Children

Instagram: nagrakali_love_songs 
Made in se
Stubborn Hammerer


@NinthMusketeer: Haha, aye! That would be something.

Thanks a lot!

@cuda1179: Wow, mightily impressive! Do you happen to have any pictures to grace us with, sir?

@queen_annes_revenge: Thank you. Exquisite handle! Very well done.

Christmas Presents and Other Gifts 2021 A.D.

These are some simple, and most importantly cheap Christmas presents and other gifts made out of plywood and wood for various family members and friends during 2021.


Note that the two wild cat presents are based on this lucky photograph.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Denison, Iowa

 Karak Norn Clansman wrote:
@NinthMusketeer: Haha, aye! That would be something.

Thanks a lot!

@cuda1179: Wow, mightily impressive! Do you happen to have any pictures to grace us with, sir?


Just for you, I looked through my old storage containers and brought out these gems. Originally built around 2001 or 2002, I updated the Shadowsword with lascannons in the sponsons for a tourney in early 8th edition because the +1 BS targeters option was no longer legal. I have yet to paint them though, which is sad. Please overlook the layers of dust and dirt smudges. I tried to get them to look like the Armorcast Shadowsword while adhering to the legal options of the Forgeworld rules at the time.
[Thumb - Stormblade.JPG]

[Thumb - Swadowsword.JPG]

Made in se
Stubborn Hammerer


@cua1179: Astonishing quality builds. Magnificent work! I can only hope me and my brother can do half as good with scratchbuilding 40k skimmer tanks as you did with the super-heavies. You should use them these days, too!

Paint Your Tools

Being something of a handyman that people often turn to for help with simple manual labour, you could confidently classify me as a tool user. A colleague would rather have it as a slave, which is reasonable since I mostly work for free, all things considered. My hands will be active at tools, writing on keyboard or turning pages in a book most of my waking time.

Why not bring some joyful colour into the toolkit you're going to use so much?

Even if your life will be filled with mass produced factory wares, you can still put a personal touch on some long-lasting things in your surroundings, as our ancestors have done since time immemorial. Crafting patterns and ornamenting things has a therapeutic quality to it, for good reason. Minimalist modern man is a pauper in regard to decorating his own stuff, compared to his forebears, though there are still places where people dare to pimp their rides, as evidenced by South Asian jingle trucks and Japanese dekotora trucks.

The idea to paint tool shafts was born after viewing through AMELIANVS' late antique and medieval Roman artworks. This artist brings a great deal of lively period detail into garb and gear. Striped spear shafts appear on the famous mosaic of emperor Justinian, and provides a simple idea for upgrading the looks of common tools.

The means were provided after I was gifted left-over facade paints of various kinds, which were put to use first on homemade lightsabers and wooden toy weapons, and then on the tool shafts. Plastic and metal shafts have been spray painted.The recent set of tools painted this week were given a matt varnish spray as an experiment in endurance.

Yes, paint will fade, wear out, flake off and get dirty when you use the tools. That's part of the charm and lifecycle. Viking runestones and classical Greek, Roman, Egyptian and Assyrian statues were also painted, yet all that remains now is the carved stone, seemingly eternal. As grey as an unpainted miniature collection.

I can recommend painting your tools in your favourite colour and colour combinations. I painted those I am going to use red and blue, the colours of Karak Norn, which are my Warhammer army colours and incidentally also the Carolean regimental colours of my landscape province.

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 2022/06/12 11:55:55

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut



those are indeed magnificnet, real skill there

@Karak Norn Clansman

the painted tools certainly add a bit of something to the typical pile of rusty stuff in a garden shed

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/06/13 11:31:01

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Denison, Iowa

 OrlandotheTechnicoloured wrote:

those are indeed magnificnet, real skill there

@Karak Norn Clansman

the painted tools certainly add a bit of something to the typical pile of rusty stuff in a garden shed

I made those back in 2000-2001, all with hand tools in my dorm room in college.
Made in au
Speed Drybrushing

Newcastle NSW

As a patternmaker my wood creations are more fullscale industrial prototypes, anything from 20ft turbine blades and housings to complete engines for Ford Escort and Subaru Impreza.

Not a GW apologist  
Made in us
Mutated Chosen Chaos Marine


A Taunton rocking horse I made for my niece.

Help me, Rhonda. HA! 
Made in se
Stubborn Hammerer


@OrlandotheTechnicoloured: Haha, aye! Cheers.

@Rolsheen: Please show us something of that! Intriguing.

@Gordon Shumway: That's the best toy Tauntaun I've ever beheld. Very well done!

Christmas Presents and Other Gifts 2022 A.D.

These are some simple, and most importantly cheap Christmas presents and other gifts made out of plywood and wood for various family members and friends during 2022.

Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


That's great! I'm personally more into metals, I have got no room to store it but I intended to make a modular necron catacomb tumb gallery with welded metal supporting pieces to accomodate removable walls... Maybe someday lol.

Keep up the good work, kudos!

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in se
Stubborn Hammerer


@Maréchal des Logis Walter: Wow, that would be something extraordinary to behold! Would love to see your metalwork creations, if you have a link handy.

Will do, and thanks. Cheers!

Christmas Presents and Other Gifts 2023 A.D.

These are some simple, and most importantly cheap Christmas presents and other gifts made out of wood for various family members and friends during 2023.

The cat portraits are based on this photograph.

Here is the background for the Astro-Ungarian officer:

Portrait of an Astro-Ungarian Lieutenant Colonel

Depicted here is Lieutenant Colonel Arpad Heinz Josef Milan von Badenschtoss, a noble officer of the Imperial and Royal armed forces of Astro-Ungaria. Sworn to serve the Duarch and the Emperor, von Badenschtoss is an honest-to-Chorus Ringestrasse soldier, an upstanding exemplar of his dear homeworld's corset army, according to serpent-tongued detractors. A hard-drinking man fond of gambling, dancing at balls and other forms of highborn socializing, Lieutenant Colonel Arpad cannot be expected to attend to his military duties with the utmost zeal. Standards must be maintained, after all!

And so, a sloppy schlamperei conduct of operations in the field follows wherever von Badenschtoss leads. Yes, the logistics and worn-out uniforms of the men might be in shambles, but at least the bravery, infantry marksmanship and artillery is in fine shape. Too bad about the costly butcher's bill, but that is a problem for General von Dorfenhötz to solve by shovelling in more reinforcements. It is just the way of things, better not think too much about it. Death must be Ljietranese, after all. It is better instead to drink up and be merry!

A toast for the splendid homeworld! A toast for the Duarch! A toast for the divine Chorus! And a toast for the God-Emperor of Holy Terra!

To waltz! Now let us swagger about and drink like good Loyalists should. Last one to finish their drink is feed for the moon wolves. Cheers!

Ave Imperatore Dei.

- - -

Christmas present made for my friend Jaberoo.

Note the suspicious symbols and purity seal writ on the Astro-Ungarian officer. Astro-Ungaria has somehow managed to retain the Divine Chorus (also known as Saint Horus) as not only a revered figure from its past, but as its patron saint. Clearly, the Imperial Cult must have already been festering on Compliant Astro-Ungaria when its star system became isolated by Warp storms at the onset of the Horus Heresy. This background twist serve twofold purposes:

First, it showcases the confused mess of the Imperium of Man in comedic fashion (just imagine the parade of random shenanigans through the ages that has made Loyalist Astro-Ungaria escape great purges for its unwitting heresy). Second, this ancient reverence for the Luna Wolves of yore is a reference to the Austro-Hungarian soldiers that were eaten by wolves in the Carpathian mountains in 1915, during Franz Konrad von Hötzendorf's threefold offensive to relieve the besieged fortress city of Przemyśl.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/12/19 19:57:10

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