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Made in gb
Mad Gyrocopter Pilot


I thought about making this thread a while ago and then forgot all about it.

I thought I'd make this for to chat about upcoming games that people have seen and are interested in. Any previews they've seen and wanted to share, or even delayed games that were due to come out and are somewhere lost in the astral sea of development.

For instance this is what I'm most looking forward to:

Probably one of the best trailers I've seen in years.
Everything about this is right up my alley and Compulsion have made some great games in the past.

So what does everyone else have to share that they are excited for?

One and a half feet in the hobby

My Painting Log of various minis:
# Olthannon's Oscillating Orchard of Opportunity #

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Well now that looks interesting! Curious animation choice too, that slight hesitation making it almost seem like stopmotion!

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in gb
Leader of the Sept

I'm still waiting for the XBOX port of Darktide, dagnamit!

Also awaiting my XBOX copy of Everspace 2 that I backed on KS way back when. The updates I've seen from the steam launch look like fun, and I think its due out quite soon.

Otherwise, Homeworld 3, Starfield and Falling Frontier are things I'm actively looking forward to.

Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!

Terranwing - w3;d1;l1
51st Dunedinw2;d0;l0
Cadre Coronal Afterglow w1;d0;l0 
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


I can't see past Baldur's Gate 3. It may be the only thing I play for the rest of the year.
Made in us
Dangerous Branchwraith


Baldurs Gate 3 and Armored Core 6 are the games i'll be playing throughout the rest of the year. Though I have to wait till sept 6 to play BG3 on ps5, a whole month of avoiding spoilers will be difficult.

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Baldurs Gate 3 and Homeworld 3 are big things on my horizon. I've avoided as much BG3 news and previews and the early access so its as fresh as can be for me. I didn't want to spend ages gaming the starting part and lose steam for the rest.

Homeworld 3 I'm really curious to see where they go with it. Homeworld 1 is still one of my favourite games and whilst HW2 was mechanically great, it had some odd storyline choices. And heck some odd game ones such as an unarmed mothership which made no sense; nor did the fact that it wasn't even the biggest manufacturing plant next to a shipyard. So it kind of felt a bit odd. But it was a very sound and fun game.

Also Horizon Zero Dawn on PC - yeah I waited years for the first on PC (actually pretty much wrote it off and hte PC release was a huge pleasing surprise)

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in gb
Mad Gyrocopter Pilot


You know I'd kind of forgotten about BG3. The first one was one of my favourite games (to the point that a disturbing level of the quotes are stuck in my brain). I think the beta early access thing irritated me a little with the whole having to repeat the same section every time they did a patch. I am looking forward to playing it co-op though.

One and a half feet in the hobby

My Painting Log of various minis:
# Olthannon's Oscillating Orchard of Opportunity #

Made in us
Terrifying Doombull

 Henry wrote:
I can't see past Baldur's Gate 3. It may be the only thing I play for the rest of the year.

Not sure I'd go that far, but its close (sometimes I just want different pacing). They seemed to have packed in reactivity and choices. Still a bit leery of the big enemies and the overall story, though, because developers can't seem to help themselves.

I'm aware of Starfield and the Cyberpunk expansion, but they may wait until a sale happens. I'm definitely not picking up either until I see how they shake out with people I trust.

 Thargrim wrote:
Baldurs Gate 3 and Armored Core 6 are the games i'll be playing throughout the rest of the year. Though I have to wait till sept 6 to play BG3 on ps5, a whole month of avoiding spoilers will be difficult.

I think one of my biggest complaints with BG3 is most of the spoilers I've seen have come from Larian itself. They over-share. Particularly the villains, for some reason, even though only one seems like an 'open' and obvious villain.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/07/24 03:32:10

Efficiency is the highest virtue. 
Made in us
Executing Exarch

 Overread wrote:

Homeworld 3 I'm really curious to see where they go with it. Homeworld 1 is still one of my favourite games and whilst HW2 was mechanically great, it had some odd storyline choices. And heck some odd game ones such as an unarmed mothership which made no sense; nor did the fact that it wasn't even the biggest manufacturing plant next to a shipyard. So it kind of felt a bit odd. But it was a very sound and fun game.

I've been playing the mobile game. I'm curious whether it will tie into 3 somehow. Chances are that it won't (it's set between the second and third games, and has you cut off from Higaraa), but I'm not completely ruling it out.

As for the actual new releases, I'm taking a wait and see attitude toward everything right now. I'm looking forward to Phantom Liberty, but I'm also remembering what happened with the CP launch. Starfield might be good, but Bethesda has a habit of leaving me dissatisfied (as an example, I loved Morrowind and enjoyed Skyrim, but I loathed Oblivion and have never been able to play all that far into it despite repeated attempts). Homeworld 3 will hopefully be good. But I won't know for sure until it's released.
Made in nl
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight

Payday 3 and Helldivers 2 on the cooperative front and Space Marine 2 as the next big single player release for me, that it has coop is a bonus. These should all be coming out some time this year. 🤞🏻

Two games I really want to play, but are pretty much vapourware at this point, are N1RV Ann-A (sequel to VA-11 Hall-A) and Brigador Killers, the sequel to Brigador, long stuck in dev hell, but making slow progress, it might see an early access build go up for sale some time this year.

Other big titles like Alone in the Dark, D.O.R.F., Phantom Fury, Phantom Liberty and Starfield, I'll wait and see. Though the sequel to Horizon Zero Dawn making its PC debut is something I look forward to when it happens, I was also quite surprised by how good it was.

Fatum Iustum Stultorum

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

I've been waiting for Armored Core 6 for over a decade at this point, so that's definitely my main focus. Other than that, more SF6 and I need to go back and play Ragnarok and Jedi Survivor.... maybe Hogwarts Legacy, but none of that is on the horizon.

The new Mario coming looks pretty good though.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/24 14:22:41

Made in gb
Mad Gyrocopter Pilot


I'm also fairly on the fence with Starfield. It's seemingly a No Man's Sky clone with a bit more to it? I watched a few trailers a couple of months ago. It looks decent but I agree with Voss, probably going to wait for a sale.

One and a half feet in the hobby

My Painting Log of various minis:
# Olthannon's Oscillating Orchard of Opportunity #

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


 BrookM wrote:
...Space Marine 2 ...Horizon [Forbidden West] making its PC debut

Also waiting on both of these, but no release dates set yet. I love a game that you can pick up, have a blast playing through to the end and then put down satisfied, and the originals for both of these fit that perfectly.
Made in us
Savage Minotaur

Baltimore, Maryland

Pretty hyped for Baldur's Gate 3 coming in hot this week (Aug 3rd).

Played quite a bit of early access/beta and it was solid even as an incomplete product.

Haven't decided what class I'm going to play, but I'll probably just go sword and board human paladin and choose all good options, like I do in near all of my initial fantasy RPG playthroughs.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/07/31 15:40:46

"Sometimes the only victory possible is to keep your opponent from winning." - The Emperor, from The Outcast Dead.
"Tell your gods we are coming for them, and that their realms will burn as ours did." -Thostos Bladestorm
Made in us
Terrifying Doombull

 nels1031 wrote:
Pretty hyped for Baldur's Gate 3 coming in hot this week (Aug 4th).

August 3rd.

Efficiency is the highest virtue. 
Made in us
Savage Minotaur

Baltimore, Maryland

40K: Rogue Trader is another one on my radar.

"Sometimes the only victory possible is to keep your opponent from winning." - The Emperor, from The Outcast Dead.
"Tell your gods we are coming for them, and that their realms will burn as ours did." -Thostos Bladestorm
Made in us
Tzeentch Aspiring Sorcerer Riding a Disc

Orem, Utah

Definitely looking forward to this one:

Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

I'm really looking forward to the new Space Marine, BG3 and the new Star Wars open world game.

Although watching the new Armoured Core games has made me interested in that now too. Hopefully it won't have quite the difficulty level of Elden Ring, which I have to be honest almost broke me.

 Olthannon wrote:
You know I'd kind of forgotten about BG3. The first one was one of my favourite games (to the point that a disturbing level of the quotes are stuck in my brain). I think the beta early access thing irritated me a little with the whole having to repeat the same section every time they did a patch. I am looking forward to playing it co-op though.

Oooohh.. please tell me BG3 will have couch co-op?

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Made in gb
Mad Gyrocopter Pilot


 Pacific wrote:

Oooohh.. please tell me BG3 will have couch co-op?

So apparently it does. But for some reason you both need to use a controller on PC..? No idea why. But it is possible!

One and a half feet in the hobby

My Painting Log of various minis:
# Olthannon's Oscillating Orchard of Opportunity #

Made in us
Tzeentch Aspiring Sorcerer Riding a Disc

Orem, Utah

 Pacific wrote:

Although watching the new Armoured Core games has made me interested in that now too. Hopefully it won't have quite the difficulty level of Elden Ring, which I have to be honest almost broke me.

I haven't played an Armored Core game since the first few of them that came out on Playstation. At least back then, they didn't have a reputation of being absurdly difficult for the sake of being absurdly difficult.

Made in se
Willing Inquisitorial Excruciator

My two big ones are the wandering village and six ages two: lights going out.

Wandering village looks awesome. A city builder on top of a giant lizard creature thing. It’s out in early access so I’m holding off untill the game is fully released.


Six ages is a sequel to king of dragon pass. King of dragon pass was a… Viking politics simulator ish? I really liked it. The sequel six ages: ride like the wind was good but not as good. Just looking forward to more of the same really. Should come out soon. There’s a demo on steam but the full game is yet to be released.


Edit: Added youtube trailer links under spoilers.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2023/08/10 18:09:43

His pattern of returning alive after being declared dead occurred often enough during Cain's career that the Munitorum made a special ruling that Ciaphas Cain is to never be considered dead, despite evidence to the contrary. 
Made in gb
Mad Gyrocopter Pilot


Thought I'd bring this topic back since we had the not e3 or whatever just now.

The game I started this thread about South of Midnight, still looks interesting. I'm not particularly hyped about the combat, I was hoping for something a little different but think I'll still pick it up. Art style and story wise it's great to see something really different.

Civ 7? Could be good I guess, hoping to see something a little different. The later expansions of 6 were enjoyable, added some new fun things like heroes and disasters and what not.

The new Gears of War I'm very excited about. E-Day as a spin off type game was talked about for a while.

Fable? Maybe good? I really liked the first Fable and then 2 and 3 really dropped in quality. So hoping to see something good.

The lowest thing on the list was the new Dragon Age. I was really keen to see info about it since they've been quiet for years and revealed the name change suddenly. But the trailer was gruesome. Don't know what was going on but it seemed totally at odds with the previous style. Hoping it's a weird blip and the gameplay trailer will at least be good?

One and a half feet in the hobby

My Painting Log of various minis:
# Olthannon's Oscillating Orchard of Opportunity #

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


I think the new Dragon Age feels like they "might" be going for a more open smaller scale adventure rather than a grand re-writing the history of the whole setting approach.

So perhaps more wild things happening, but instead of you saving the kingdom, you're instead adventuring. Honestly I'd actually welcome that more so in RPG games. I feel like we all grew up reading about adventuring, but all the games swiftly go from an adventure into saving whole kingdoms/nations/worlds/reality. Which is cool, but when every adventure does it, it kind of feels odd.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in gb
Leader of the Sept

Falling Frontier has tickled my fancy as a hard sci-fi fleet engagement game.

Also Astrometica looks like fun, in that it looks exactly like Subnautica, just in space. And I can go for that

Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!

Terranwing - w3;d1;l1
51st Dunedinw2;d0;l0
Cadre Coronal Afterglow w1;d0;l0 
Made in nl
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight

Looking at what I said last year.. 😅 Payday 3 is a massive dud, Helldivers 2 is amazing despite Alexus' efforts and well.. Space Marine 2 is still the big one for me for this year, along with the Boltgun DLC that's right around the corner. My two big vapourware titles still are that, though Brigador Killers has been put out in super-early-access by the devs in the meantime, but it'll be a few years more at this rate before it goes gold.

Other than that? Deep Rock Galactic: Rogue Core has been announced a while ago, still a ways off, but that has my quiet hype as info trickles in. There's also Mechanicus 2 on my radar now, loved the first one, so ditto. Jump Ship caught my eye after we played a bit of Void Crew last year, this one looks to fill in some of the spots we were missing with VC.

Did a quick skim of what was shared during the big shows and not a lot caught my personal attention, a lot of the big names that were dropped left me cold, was surprised to see Age of Mythology listed, the previous one was a banger.

Fatum Iustum Stultorum

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Age of Mythology remaster I'm really excited to get my hands on. Even though I always feel like the Age Of games always have unit limits too low for huge battles; the Mythology game was so much fun and had a great campaign.

So I'm looking forward to a remastered one that will just look all kinds more pretty on modern screens.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in gb
Mad Gyrocopter Pilot


 Overread wrote:
I think the new Dragon Age feels like they "might" be going for a more open smaller scale adventure rather than a grand re-writing the history of the whole setting approach.

So perhaps more wild things happening, but instead of you saving the kingdom, you're instead adventuring. Honestly I'd actually welcome that more so in RPG games. I feel like we all grew up reading about adventuring, but all the games swiftly go from an adventure into saving whole kingdoms/nations/worlds/reality. Which is cool, but when every adventure does it, it kind of feels odd.

I'm completely fine with that and if so sounds good. Though not sure how that will match up with the prior Dreadwolf storyline. For me it was more the art style change up in that reveal trailer was not to my taste in the slightest. Seemed unpleasantly fortnite / disney style. Though I am told that as a lot of people felt the same, the response from the devs has been wait until tomorrow for the gameplay reveal which is more in keeping with the other games. Wait and see I suppose.

One and a half feet in the hobby

My Painting Log of various minis:
# Olthannon's Oscillating Orchard of Opportunity #

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


The art style is much richer and more flamboyant than earlier games; however each time they did a new one they did feel more like that as the tech and such advances. Also the early game was very top-down RPG whilst Inquisition was already starting to feel more like an RPG/Action hybrid.

It might be they've leaned even more into the latter in terms of control systems and the like.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Not a lot I'm particularly hyped about. Elden Ring DLC and Space Marine 2 are probably the big ones. Street Fighter 6's 1 year anniversary has really helped the game feel like it came out on top of the competition and has probably been my main focus. Funny enough, I've been going back to Capcom vs SNK 2 lately, so the announcement of Terry and Mai was pretty exciting. Sony and Xbox just haven't had much I've been excited about this year.
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