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Making a new Space Marine Chapter, any suggestions for Inquisition themed models?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User


I'm just coming back to the Hobby for the first time since playing in 4th edition where I played Daemonhunters.

They seem to have gone now, but looking at the rules I believe I can field some Inquisitors to lead my Battleline Units if I play Imperium, so probably going to do Marines as I did Grey Knights before.

I've decided I want to create a Space Marine custom chapter as a successor chapter of the Red Hunters, but likely using a Yellow paint scheme.

Do any of you have any suggestions on some cool models or kits that come with cool Inquisition themed things that I could use to make them more unique, but that are on a Primaris scale? I really like the bigger models.

I'm planning at the moment on kit bashing some Grey Knights, Sword Brethren, a Leviathan Lieutenant and Castellan Crowe (who I think is the only big Grey Knight?) to create my Chapter Master, a Captain and two Lieutenants.

Specifically I'm looking for some good suggestions for Inquisitors if anybody has them. I hate the model with the inferno pistol and would really rather not use it. Back in the day there were some cool ones with big swords in metal but they all seem to have gone. I want the army to be as WYSIWYG as possible so that I can go to Tournaments again so I can't do anything like converting actual Marines as Inquisitors only have 4+ saves. I was thinking maybe using some Kaskrin as the base with Sisters of Battle backpacks, or maybe Female Inquisitors and using converted Sisters for them?

I got rid of all my old models and it seems all the metal stuff is gone never to return, so please let me know if you have any hidden gems or suggestions and I'll check them out. I'm also presuming "Force/Power Weapon" and "Close Combat Weapon" are deliberately left ambiguous so I can use anything that isn't a specific thing like a Power Fist/Thunder Hammer/Lightning Claw and it'll still be fine presuming I paint the blades differently?

Thanks in advance for any ideas!
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

There's always the Deathwatch upgrades, though rumor has it this summer the Inquisition is going to get a major focus and a new set of upgrade sprues feels plausible. There's a lot of good 3D print stuff out there though if you just want to go that route.
Made in pl
Fixture of Dakka

(who I think is the only big Grey Knight?)

Yes. Potentialy next edition GK could get a model line update, and then there could be more up sized models, but I doubt you want to wait for 3+ years to start building and painting stuff.

You could use GK weapons on primaris bodies they do not scale bad. If you like the esthetics of the shoulder pads/helmets etc you could add those too. The GK terminator pads should fit aggresors.

If you have to kill, then kill in the best manner. If you slaughter, then slaughter in the best manner. Let one of you sharpen his knife so his animal feels no pain. 
Made in ca
Longtime Dakkanaut

Somewhere in Canada

W. Artel and Wargames exclusive have a fair number of good looking Inquisition models, but I'm not sure about the scale creep, because 40k models started to get bigger in 8th, and I'm not sure that the competition has kept up.
Made in us
Hacking Shang Jí


Has everything gotten bigger or just the roided out primaris?

The Imperial Navy, A Galatic Force for Good. 
Made in gb
Calculating Commissar


Wait, Castellan Crowe got Primarisised?

 ChargerIIC wrote:
If algae farm paste with a little bit of your grandfather in it isn't Grimdark I don't know what is.
Made in ca
Longtime Dakkanaut

Somewhere in Canada

New Termies are bigger that old; Newcromunda is bigger than Necromunda 1. Plastic Sisters are bigger than metal.

Greyfax, Draxus and Cartovolnus seem to be pretty big, but I haven't side by sided them with other models yet. There's a rumour about a new Coteaz coming, and if they ever do make an Eisenhorn series, you know we'll get him in plastic too (and probably a McFarlane or Joy Toy sculpt too).

Coteaz would be good for you because he's Malleus and wearing bulky power armour. It might be a bit of a wait.

It is also an unconfirmed rumour at this point, though Valrak is usually pretty reliable.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/03/22 16:00:04

Made in pl
Fixture of Dakka

the eldar weapon one that shots indirects and double taps with custodes guard is a gigant next to a GK, and Greyfax is taller then a GK termintor. Including the newest Valdus one from the same triumvirates sets as her. All the 8th and later updated models are gigantic comparing to older models. Cadians and plastic SoB make old metal marines looks like children.

If you have to kill, then kill in the best manner. If you slaughter, then slaughter in the best manner. Let one of you sharpen his knife so his animal feels no pain. 
Made in us
Ultramarine Chaplain with Hate to Spare

One/two of my favorite Inquisitors is the "Big Hair" female Inquisitor that released alongside the 3rd ed Witch Hunters codex (I think). She had at least two versions, one with a crossbow and one with an inferno pistol. You can isually find one o ebay. Great models.

And They Shall Not Fit Through Doors!!!

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Made in ca
Longtime Dakkanaut

Somewhere in Canada

 Insectum7 wrote:
One/two of my favorite Inquisitors is the "Big Hair" female Inquisitor that released alongside the 3rd ed Witch Hunters codex (I think). She had at least two versions, one with a crossbow and one with an inferno pistol. You can isually find one o ebay. Great models.

I have the Inferno pistol version- giving me a total of 4 Hereticus Inquisitors- Greyfax, Karamazov, the Lady in Question, and a Puritan with plasma pistol in his left hand and elegant, pointing powerfist for his right- he's the only painted one, and Karamazov isn't even fully assembled because I'm painting sub assemblies. They'll be coming soon though.
Made in es
Fresh-Faced New User

Madrid, Spain

Inquisition/Agents of Imperium is very likely to come right after Sisters.

And there are high chances for Deathwatch to just be removed as standalone faction and be part of said "new" faction. But have a detachment that focus on Deathwatch entirely.

It would be for the best, honestly. Already too many loyalist Space Marine factions. But I doubt Grey Knights would go and be synthesized as well.

So it wouldnt be a surprise if Deathwatch gets a new Killteam or perhaps a very good upgrade sprue. Possibly a combination of both like Night Lords got.

I would wait at least 2-3 months to start an Inquition army to see what news come.

Personally, as a Guardsmen+Sister's player which often plays both at the same time casually against friends/brothers, I'm holding my buys for Sister's codex and news about Inquisition. I hope we get a new good sister's big box with Immolator/Exorcist and a decent Inquisition combat patrol similar to the Boarding Patrol from last year.

War, war never changes. 
Made in gb
Rookie Pilot

if you want a big inquisitor what about basing it on a stormcast model?

4th company 3000pts
3rd Navy drop Command 3000pts air cavalry
117th tank company 5500pts
Made in ca
Longtime Dakkanaut

Somewhere in Canada

 Guillérmidas wrote:

So it wouldnt be a surprise if Deathwatch gets a new Killteam or perhaps a very good upgrade sprue.

The issue here is that the DW firstborn kit is already PACKED with options. Like it might be the most packed kit that GW makes. Anything they could release now would likely be a downgrade from the cornucopia of options presented in the existing kit.

I hope you're wrong about DW being rolled in as Agents. I believe that inequality between Chambers Militant erodes the entire Agents concept- if Hereticus gets a fully realized Chamber, and Malleus gets a fully realized Chamber, then Xenos deserves a fully realized Chamber; anything else undermines the conceptual basis of Chambers Militant in general.

If you think the current DW army is problematic, why propose GW essentially scrapping it by reducing it to a unit in the Agents dex instead of proposing ACTUAL solutions that make it as viable as GK or Sisters?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/09 22:22:29

Made in gb
Rookie Pilot

But arn't deathwatch supposed to be and deploy small kill teams rather than full armies. if you need an army to deal with xenos you just call the guard or a spacemarine chapter.

to me rolling deathwatch into imperial agents makes sense, hell if they hadnt released so many models id say greyknights should be taken back down to just the termies an put into agents too. having a full army of either deathwatch or grey knight takes away from their eliteness

Automatically Appended Next Post:
but back to inquisitor models, bit pricey but what about trying to pick up a hector rex model on ebay ?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/10 07:23:13

4th company 3000pts
3rd Navy drop Command 3000pts air cavalry
117th tank company 5500pts
Made in ca
Longtime Dakkanaut

Somewhere in Canada

But having them as just single units means that the Ordo Xenos and Ordo Malleus are automatically at a disadvantage to the Hereticus, which would be the only Ordo capable of fielding an actual army of Chamber units...

Which is just wall to wall stupid.

Elites do tend to be rare, but rarity is not the defining characteristic of eliteness- superior performance is.
Made in gb
Preparing the Invasion of Terra

All DW needs is the kits it currently has plus the option for a Firstborn and Primaris Kill-Team each.
That's 6 specific units plus vehicles that can be shared in an Agents book like Land Raiders and Rhinos and the such.
Not super difficult.
Made in ca
Longtime Dakkanaut

Somewhere in Canada

 Gert wrote:
All DW needs is the kits it currently has plus the option for a Firstborn and Primaris Kill-Team each.
That's 6 specific units plus vehicles that can be shared in an Agents book like Land Raiders and Rhinos and the such.
Not super difficult.

There are things about this suggestion that I like- putting vehicles into an Agents book is something that they've needed to do for a long time to make Agent detachments viable; being able to ride in someone else's vehicle only works when you invite someone who has a vehicle. It's always been stupid that Land Raiders aren't included in Inquisition army lists, and being able to ride in the land raider of Marine army that you've joined doesn't make it less stupid.

But I still object to reducing Chamber armies to Agents. I'd rather see an Agents dex used to make Agents better, not to make Deathwatch or Greyknights worse.

And as for what DW need most? A new upgrade sprue that contains ONLY Terminator/ Gravis Shoulder pads. It is beyond stupid that you have to buy three upgrade sprues to make one five man unit of Deathwatch Terminators.

And while I'm not sure I like 10th ed Kill Team composition rules, I did like the idea of Kill Teams for standard Primaris, Gravis and Phobos rather than just lumping that all together into a single team for Primaris. While I liked it, I do concede that it unbalances the Firstborn/ Primaris relationship within Deathwatch armies.

And apologies to OP for side tracking the thread. I think I recomended checking W. Artel for Inquisition models. Wargames Exclusive has some interesting offers too, but their best units are the cars, not the infantry. Artel doesn't have vehicles at all as far as I know, but their infantry offerings are far more numerous, and I'd say that many are superior sculpts too. And Artel Kits tend to have bits for days, while Wargames Exclusive Kits tend to be monobuilds.
Made in gb
Preparing the Invasion of Terra

Putting the DW-specific units in an Agent's book wouldn't make them worse mostly because at this point the actual DW rules are a worse option than using the basic Marine rules.

The DW units are pretty naff and expensive for very little payback. I've got a good mix of Firstborn and Primaris units in my DW force and using them as a generic Marine army won me more games than using them as DW
Made in gb
Rookie Pilot

I’d forgotten about w.artel, which is silly because I have quite a few of eisenhorn gang from them on my painting table. So I’d second that as somewhere to look

4th company 3000pts
3rd Navy drop Command 3000pts air cavalry
117th tank company 5500pts
Made in gb
Calculating Commissar


Oh, the Blackstone Fortress and Elucidian Starstriders have models that can work well, especially if your Inquisitor has been undercover as a Rogue Trader These are a good base to add Inquisition iconography purloined from Grey Knights and Deathwatch as mentioned.

The Starstriders even have a death cult assassin model.

Sadly, the BSF pack with a servitor and crusader hasn't been available for some time.

 ChargerIIC wrote:
If algae farm paste with a little bit of your grandfather in it isn't Grimdark I don't know what is.
Made in ca
Longtime Dakkanaut

Somewhere in Canada

 Gert wrote:
Putting the DW-specific units in an Agent's book wouldn't make them worse mostly because at this point the actual DW rules are a worse option than using the basic Marine rules.

This is true... Assuming all the Index units would actually make the cut... And I don't have faith that they would, meaning DW players would lose something.

Also, if it's true that moving them from an Index to an Agents dex wouldn't make them worse, it's also true that it isn't guaranteed to make them better either.

And finally, as I said above, my biggest fear about cluttering up an Agents book with Chamber Militant units is that the presence of Chamber units would virtually guarantee that GW would not have the design space to actually make Agents good. If you leave the Chambers in their own books, we have the capacity for Navy, Rogue Trader, Arbites and Inquisition detachments that actually work; if you include chambers, you're still going to be stuck with Hodge-Podge-Only options for fielding Agents.

So yeah, it might not make DW worse, but it wouldn't make them any better either, and it would likely prevent ACTUAL agents from getting any attention, innovation or improvement.
Made in gb
Preparing the Invasion of Terra

Despite the less-than-great rules, I think the Acolyte unit remains great for modelling opportunities.

Ebay is great for finding random models in job lots and if you ever wanted to try out painting a specific model or scheme then Acolytes are a really good place for that.

Mine currently consists of:

- Tanith trooper
- Roane Deeper's drop trooper
- Tallarn Veteran from the Taros campaign with a Pulse Rifle trophy weapon.
- Kroot hunter
- 3rd Ed Stormtrooper
- Old Orlock ganger
- Skitarii based on the FW from my groups Deathwatch RPG campaign
- Custom Guardsman from a Regiment also drawn from the above campaign
- Wizard looking dude as a Mystic
- Kitbashed Servitor
- Kitbashed older Saurus model
- Kitbashed Dwarf Thunderer to be an OG Squat

My Inquisitor himself uses parts from the older SM Scouts, the Cadian field guns, Sister Novitiates, Votann Hearthkyn, Alexis Pollux, DW upgrades, Necron's I believe and a cape from a Fantasy kit. Cannot recommend looking at Ebay job lots enough for finding random treasures to put in an Acolyte unit or make an Inquisitor from.

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 PenitentJake wrote:
And finally, as I said above, my biggest fear about cluttering up an Agents book with Chamber Militant units is that the presence of Chamber units would virtually guarantee that GW would not have the design space to actually make Agents good.

The Agent's army is currently 17 units where 10 of those are Characters. The fact that Agents are even getting a book is a legitimate shock seeing as GW has done away with every other mini-Codex.
What you call "clutter" I call "giving the army some actual units".
We know the Arbites use Rhinos, we know the Inquisition requisitions everything from Chimera to Land Raiders, and Rogue Traders are surely wealthy enough to at least buy a Chimera.

If you leave the Chambers in their own books, we have the capacity for Navy, Rogue Trader, Arbites and Inquisition detachments that actually work; if you include chambers, you're still going to be stuck with Hodge-Podge-Only options for fielding Agents.

So yeah, it might not make DW worse, but it wouldn't make them any better either, and it would likely prevent ACTUAL agents from getting any attention, innovation or improvement.

Seeing as each army so far has got a fair whack of detachments, I don't follow this line of thinking. As of right now this is how each released army stands:

SM - 7
DA (Supplement) - 3
Nids - 6
Orks - (Don't know because the Codex store page is weirdly vague)
Tau - 4
Custodes - 4
Necrons - 5
Admech - 5
CSM - 8

Even at a minimum it's 4 detachments so I don't get how buffing up the Inquisition unit roster with Chamber units would be a negative. The chances are there would be Ordo Xenos and Malleus detachments specifically instead of just a generic Inquisition one.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/10 14:56:02

Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


goundry wrote:
if you want a big inquisitor what about basing it on a stormcast model?

This is my preferred method. A head swap and a replacement of the shield arm, and you have a basic Inquisitor in power armor. I also like using the old caped Chaos Warrior bodies

Made in es
Fresh-Faced New User

Madrid, Spain

 PenitentJake wrote:
 Guillérmidas wrote:

So it wouldnt be a surprise if Deathwatch gets a new Killteam or perhaps a very good upgrade sprue.

The issue here is that the DW firstborn kit is already PACKED with options. Like it might be the most packed kit that GW makes. Anything they could release now would likely be a downgrade from the cornucopia of options presented in the existing kit.

I hope you're wrong about DW being rolled in as Agents. I believe that inequality between Chambers Militant erodes the entire Agents concept- if Hereticus gets a fully realized Chamber, and Malleus gets a fully realized Chamber, then Xenos deserves a fully realized Chamber; anything else undermines the conceptual basis of Chambers Militant in general.

If you think the current DW army is problematic, why propose GW essentially scrapping it by reducing it to a unit in the Agents dex instead of proposing ACTUAL solutions that make it as viable as GK or Sisters?

Dont get me wrong, I actually have so many ideas to fix the inqusition. I wouldnt separete the different Ordos, but ideally, I'd make them very distinct, and having each different detachments. Xenos would obviously had one with DW (I personally would make some changes to the roster, but that deserves another post), Malleus with GK (their whole roster) and Hereticus with Sisters (but not as diverse as Sisters itself, just some basic units like regular battle sisters, rhinos and sth else that fits).

Then, they'd all have shared common units and transports, like Scions/Stormtroopers, Valkyrie and Chimera/Taurox. Perhaps infantry guardsmen with some modifications as well. They'll be battleline. I'd probably change the Inquisition unit from regular unit to a leader you attach to others, similar to Imperial Guard's Command Squad.

Last but not least, detachments that focus on Arbites and Imperial Navy+Rogue Trader.

All this ONLY IF they'd want a Imperial Agents army that works completely on its own. The alternative would be to greatly improve the rules for them to be used in other Imperium armies.

You aint wrong in the current Firstborn DW kit. I think its the best space marine kit they've released ever. As a guardsmen/sister player, I was looking for a single space marine unit to use in my big imperial blob. But I finally went with GK Terminators instead of DW firstborn. It'd be hard for GW to release as good GK Termis or DW veterans. But I gotta say they are making excellent releases lately, and they seem to focus more on chaff and regular units rather than big center pieces, which I think its great.

What I try to say is regarding armies...
-DW should definitely be added to Imperial Agents and be removed as a standalone faction, as cool as they are. Only usable by Xenos (perhaps Imperial Navy too?)
-GK should be added to Imperial Agents as well (at the very least, regular terminators and a character or two options). They may or may not be removed, that's up to GW, but they could be synthesized as well.
-Adepta Sororitas on the other hand... they have much more stuff. It'd be impossible to include them all in Imperial Agents, and wouldnt make sense at all compared to DW or GK. But Hereticus should have access to some of their units. BSS, rhinos and a character (Palatine or Canoness) at the very least. IF they re-release Celestian dakka squad again, they'd be an excellent addition as well.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/10 18:00:06

War, war never changes. 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

I'm largely okay with the Kill Teams moving to be Imperial Agents that operate like allies. They largely work that way in DW armies now and just really need to be rethought after the massive nerfs they took early on.

As for what the kill teams should be.... that's a trickier quest. I don't expect the current vets to survive. They're firstborn and on the way out. An upgrade sprue with a Frag, Infernus, Shield, Xenophase and set of shoulderpads similar to the recent DA or BT upgrades would largely make it easy to build Intercessor Vets that Primaris the unit.

As for the Kill Teams themselves? I'm a little curious there as currently Proteus and Indomitus kind of work but are just too costly while Spectrus is a little unfocused and Fortis is a total mess. I think fixing them is mostly a question of how much work GW wants to put into it, though honestly I feel like all of them are almost there with Fortis mostly just needing to either merge completely with Proteus or be broken out into a melee focused design with Assault Intercessors as the base unit.
Made in gb
Stubborn Dark Angels Veteran Sergeant

Kitbasing really is the way to go to make a good inquisitor model.

Alternatively, get erasmus cartavolnus from eBay or the like. Great model!

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