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Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

I’ve been warhammering one way or another for a little over 20 years, in that time I’ve started a handful of armies (always imperial, because aliens and heretics are filthy) and as of today I’ve finally managed to actually finish my pile of shame. This is the first playable army I’ve had, as my potato attention span and inability to sit still long enough to get anything done has meant I buy boxes of stuff and it collects dust for a decade (or two)

Astartes are great, but there’s something about a normal unmodified man facing down endless hordes of monsters for his emperor and family that just resonates with me.

They’re by no means ‘eavy metal quality, but I’m pretty proud of my loyal guardsman (yes that’s right, I’m old and I refuse to conform to astra whateveritis, you’re in the guard son)

Introducing the Cadian 164th 1st Company ‘balls and bayonets brigade’

Cadia Stands.

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Wouldn’t let me post image in first post so here they are

The Emperor Protects

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This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/04/06 07:07:46

Made in us
Grumpy Longbeard

The Emperor Protects!

Cngradulations on wrapping it up! Respect.
Unfortunately can't seem to view the images.

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Sorry something about being a new member. Wouldn’t let me post. Hopefully this works.

Made in us
Brigadier General



A finished army and completed pile of shame is a real accomplishment. May your guardsmen always hold the line.

Chicago Skirmish Wargames club. Join us for some friendly, casual gaming in the Windy City.

My Project Log, mostly revolving around custom "Toybashed" terrain.

Visit the Chicago Valley Railroad!
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Those look really nice! I love their clean look (which is probably the first thing that is lost when they join battle!)
Made in us
Trigger-Happy Baal Predator Pilot


Welcome to the forums!

Made in us
Huge Hierodule

land of 10k taxes

army olive drab

was censored by the ministry of truth 
Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Leicester, UK

Great stuff, happy gaming! bet you're already planning the next project

Made in us
Grumpy Longbeard

Very nice!

For the future, use Daka Gallery Upload tool for the images it is very useful.

Made in fr
Long-Range Land Speeder Pilot

Clermont De L'Oise

Your army looks great. I'm sure it looks even better through the lens of having wrapped up a 20 year project 😁
Do you have a couple of closeups of your favourite pieces?

Made in gb
Moustache-twirling Princeps

Gone-to-ground in the craters of Coventry

 Mothsniper wrote:
Very nice!

For the future, use Daka Gallery Upload tool for the images it is very useful.
This. Dakka's Gallery is specifically for this. We tell you how much we like them there, too.

6000 pts - 4000 pts - Harlies: 1000 pts - 1000 ptsDS:70+S+G++MB+IPw40k86/f+D++A++/cWD64R+T(T)DM+
IG/AM force nearly-finished pieces: http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/images-38888-41159_Armies%20-%20Imperial%20Guard.html
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." - George Bernard Shaw (probably)
Clubs around Coventry, UK 
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