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144th Imperial Guard Commando Regiment

Army Profile

The 144th Commando's came in to being when the 144th Arkarian light infantry regiment and the Gracian 23rd armoured regiment was combined together at the end of the Theosian war. After serving together for two years on Theo their merger seemed natural to the men and caused a very unique regiment that was not afraid to assault the enemy. With the elite fighting style of the Arkarians and the unflappable knowledge of the Gracians in their armour they would become the regiment of choice for cracking a hard nut And so one inquisitor Demetrius became aware of them and would time and again request their assistance to help him take out various threats to the imperium. He would also give the regiment access to specialist equipment and provide enough Valkyries to create a specialized airborne company with in the regiment. It was this relationship which would become the regiments saving grace as during an assault on a Traitor Fortress during a crusade they encountered the worst possible threat Deamons. Although the regiment was successful it now faced two possibilities extermination or mind wipe (basically the same thing but perhaps a few dozen would survive) however Demetrius decided to forgo the usual procedure and instead placed the whole regiment in under his care partly out of sympathy but also out of curiosity can the common guardsmen stay sane and loyal after such an encounter. So far he had been proven right with a few exceptions which were quickly resolved mainly with a commissar bullet or in a very few cases with the disappearance of the individual. And so the regiment continues with its recent secondment to one Rogue Trader Captain Redsun who just so happens to be be ferrying the Inquisitor Demetrius around.

Full Army Photo

Inquisitor Demetrius leading a deathwatch kill team.

Two squads advancing through ruins note one squad is an assault squad with close range weapons while the other is an objective holder with long range weapons.

The company command squad of the 4th mech assualt company with a supporting platoon. Note the two commissars and priests more for checking the men for corruption than aiding them.

Army List


Inquisitor lord corteasz

Any of the HQ options in codex astra militarum/imperial guard (for people who refuse to except the new term)



Ogryns Storm troopers (in Valkyries not those slow looking trucks so they come on reserve)


Inquisitorial Warbands

Imperial guard platoons + veterans


Any from imperial guard codex


Any tank squadrons bare artillery

a landraider for the inquisitor

Why I Started This Army

I wanted a very assault orientated army with that in mind i created a mechanized army which i went against the traditional method of playing style of sitting back for a few turns before advancing and instead advance on the first turn which was met with laughter from my mates which was soon justified as tyranids and chaos space marines seem to have a knack of ripping open chimeras as if they were no more than tin cans and then gauging on the soft men that spilled out of them (i imagine chaos marines are probably cannibals). So back to the drawing board. I then played again against my mates, did the same tactic, however as the enemy moved in for the kill out popped an inquisitor lord with a power armoured retinue armed with all manner of weapons along with ogryns for support and to complete my hammer and anvil approach the enemy suddenly found them selves out flanked by whole platoon in chimeras as well as scout sentinels it resulted in a very funny look of astonishment on my mates face followed by can you do that which after showing him the rules in both my deamon hunters codex and an imperial guard codex (note we were at the time playing the previous edition i used captain Al'rahem) i could. It resulted in my mates just charging towards everything ending in a very close games it also caused my chaos friend to adopt some defensive styles of game play until he bought a warhound titan.


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