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BlackHand's Inquisition

My HQ , Inquisitor Lord Frost

Part of his retinue, Stormtrooper Captain Teros , Acolyte Deacon and a Cherub

Black Hand Stormtrooper Unit Beta

Grandmaster Phaedon and his retinue.

Inquisitorial Dreadnaught Malus

Army List

HQ -

Inquisitor Lord Frost w/ terminator armor, psycannon, psychic hood and null rod Retinue Acolyte Deacon w/ with chainsword and plasmagun Stormtrooper Captain Teros w/ with power armour and bolter Cherub 2 x heavy bolter servitors 1 x multi melta servitor Transport : Inquisitorial Landraider

HQ -

Grandmaster Phaedon w/ terminator armor, nemisis force weopon and psycannon retinue 4 grey knight terminators w/ 3 stormbolters and a psycannon transport : Grey Knight Land Raider Crusader

Troop - Black Hand IST Unit Alpha

1 IST seargant w/ power weopon and hellpistol 7 IST's w/hellguns 1 IST w/ Melta 1 IST w/ Plasma Transport : Inquisitorial Chimera w/ multilaser and stormbolter

Troop - Black Hand IST Unit Beta

1 IST seargant w/ power weopon and hellpistol 8 IST's w/hellguns 1 IST w/ Flamer Transport : Inquisitorial Rhino w/ Stormbolter

Troop - Black Hand IST Unit Cappa

1 IST seargant w/ power weopon and hellpistol 8 IST's w/hellguns 1 IST w/ Flamer Transport : Inquisitorial Rhino w/ Stormbolter

Heavy Support -

Inquisitorial Dreadnaught Malus w/ T/L Lascannon, close combat weopon and Incinirator

Why I Started This Army

I began this army after painting a very clean and crisp tau army full of mechs and wanting do do something a bit more gritty. The conversion and modelling possibilites are far greater with an imperial army and i felt the inquisition provided most scope of all the imperial military chapters. It's taken years of painting and modelling to get this point as well as a large investment and i have moved away from the largely scratch built inquisitor and retinue i started with to a more coventional one as i slowly realized that the gw models are actually quite cool if you look at their entire range and not just the hemchman and inquisitor models in the daemonhunters range. To date i have only played around four games and i have already drastically changed my army composition, dropping my elite inquisitor and adding asnother troop of stormtroopers and i have no doudt that the list i have put up now will change as Inquisitor Lord Frost and his BLack Hand ISTs continue to bring the Emporer's Wraith to the galaxy.


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