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Blue Rogues

The Blue Rogues are the Imperial Guard regiments that defected the for various reasons and formed an organized legion. Initially just a couple infantry regiment, a few tanks and some artillery pieces, their forces soon grew to millions of guardsmen and a full battle fleet.


The Blue Rogues were originally known as the 42nd Regiment of the Cadian Shock Troopers, leaded by Colonel Grigori Lieven, a veteran from the Third War for Armageddon. The regiment was sent to the Calixis sector to fend off the assault of a significantly large group of Chaos Space Marines and traitor guardsmen, who later turned out to have reinforcements consisting of numerous chaos daemons. The Grey Knights showed up shortly after the battle was turning against the cadians, and with their support the Imperial Guards could defeat the Chaos Forces. Unfortunately, the Grey Knights turned on the Guards, both to protect their secret and to make sure the chaotic corruption wouldn’t spread through the guardsmen. Though they were forced to fall back after the initial assault, the 42nd Regiment fought back and managed to push the Knights back to their Thunderhawks, which they soon captured and used to reach their Lunar Cruiser, managing to escape the Knights. Lieven soon began recruiting more defective regiments and other soldiers from many parts of the galaxy, formed a legion and eventually took a Battleship from the Inquisition. The Colonel took the title of General and so the Blue Rogues were born.

Colors and Standard:

The Blue Rogues, as their name indicates, utilize dark shades of blue for their uniforms. Black and yellow are also used on details or some parts of the armor. Most soldiers, especially the original Rogues, dress in the Cadian uniform, as a tribute to the guards who fell by the hand of the Knights, though some of the recruits prefer to use the uniforms from their own regiments. Their banner is formed by four triangles put together, two black and two blue. The insignia is a yellow circle with a thick black and white border. In the border, the name of the company is written; and the center shows a skull wearing a black beret.


The Blue Rogues don’t have a homeland of their own, having to roam across the galaxy to avoid the Inquisition. Even so, they do have hidden bases in several planets. Some of the Rogues officers reside in pleasure worlds with a fake identity or work with their men as freelancers when not in duty, but the headquarters of the Blue Rogues are located in the Emperor Class Battleship, the Dies Ultoni. The General serves a purely military role; the Rogues are free to join any state or settle in any planet they wish, as long as they answer to the General when he summons them. There are several commissars that chose to serve under the rogue’s flag, but as an integral part of the legion instead of as members of the Commissariat. Ministorium priests also form part of the legion, retaining their function as inspirational and spiritual figures but losing their usual authority. The rest of the Blue Rogue’s organization is similar to the other regiments’, though Techpriests have a more important role in the functioning of the legion, since they depend of their fleet much more than any other battle force.


Despite their quarrel with the Inquisition, the Blue Rogues remain loyal to the Emperor, though they don’t follow the doctrine shared by regular Imperium forces. As any defectors, they are often pursued by the Imperium, but they may fight alongside it when the situation requires so. It’s not uncommon for the Rogues to help in the fight against the forces of Chaos the Ork hordes or the Tyranid swarms. Due to their fame, several Astartes chapters tend to attack them on sight, but there have been occasions where they have allied together due to extreme circumstances. They may even ally themselves with Xenos, such as the Tau or sometimes even the Eldar. Their General leads his Rogues across the galaxy hunting for Chaos forces, Necrons and other threats to humanity, but their greatest enemy is the Inquisition, which in time pursue them branding them as heretics.


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