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Broken Swords by tomorf

Full Army Photo

It is 221997.M41. and the Dark Angels lead by Master Belial and there Imperial comrades are facing unending waves of orks on Piscina IV. The orks are being lead by the ruthless Ghazghkull Thraka and Nazdreg.

Dawn is breaking on another day, with the semll of ash and blood in the air, all know another day of hellish fighting will soon begin. Master Belial sent word back to the Emperor for reinforcements but still none have arrived. As he goes over his plans, when a flash in the distant sky catches his eye. His spirits lift when he recognises the familar sight of Drop Pod conetrails. But there is only one he hoped for more. He sends forwards a few scouts to meet who ever comes out. A short while later the scouts return with an Astartis Commander and his command squad. 'Greetings. I am Captain Tatrees of the 2nd Coy, Broken swords. How can we assit you on this day. My Brothers will soon be here.'

It is on this day that the Broken Sword Chapter had there first entry in the history books, turning the tide and helping secure the planet against the ork threat.

Little is known about this Chapter although it is belived that the inner teachings say they originate from Black consouls chapter, who after the siege of Goddeth Hive (455.M41.) have not been seen or heard from. They are named after there relic. The Broken Sword of Goddeth which is belived to have been wielded by a Brother from the Black Counsouls.

They are now known to many chapters for the help in turnig the tide of many battle. Now a hardend Codex Chapter they strive for the highest glory and hounours in the Emperors name.

Honi soit qui mal y pense- Evil comes to he who thinks it. This is there motto and they do all they can to enforce it.

Unit Photos

HQ Units

3rd Coy Comd Squad

Dreadnought Brothers


1st Squad Tactical

2nd Squad Tactical

3rd Squad Assault

4th Squad Devistator

Veterans Dismount there Drop Pod

The 9th Scout Section ready for action.

10th Scout Sniper Section.



Victor (Rhino)

Viexn P1 (Predator)

Valour (Landraider)

Army List

The 3rd Coy.

HQ - Chapter Master, Captain (with Comd Squad), Librarian (Terminator Armour), Chaplin (Terminator Armour)

Troops - Scout squad, Scout Sniper Squad, Tactical Squad x2

Fast Attack - Assault Squad

Elites - Teminator Squad x2, Dreadnought x2, Techmarine, Sternguard Veteran Squad

Heavy Support - Devastator Squad, Predator, Land Raider

Transports - Rhino, Drop Pod

Why I Started This Army

I wanted to be a little different when playing so I came up with the Broken Swords. I made a note making normal troops having a plain colouerd breast plate while Sergeants, Elietes and Officers are gold. I like the uniformed colour of the dark green altough it can be hard to high light etc. My army is still grwoing and will soon be expaned with more toops and armour.


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