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Custom Modular Table

So a friend and i were tired of using the floor to play games on so we decided to make our own modular table.

Materials needed:
1 8x4 piece of plywood
4 4ft long 1.5 in dowel rods
small wooden dowels
drill press and saw
extra bits for mounting everything

I don't actually have a walkthrough of this, but you should be able to figure it out from the pics.

Steps taken
Cut 8x4 into 2x2 pieces
Each 2x2 had mounts put on it, in order to connect each one to the one next to it.

The 4 outer corners has a block to put a leg in. along with the middle section also.
There was also a bigger block put on 1 2x2 on each side that would support all 4 pieces once a leg was put in.

a close up view of the connecting pieces.

Cut the 4ft dowels into 2 ft sections for each leg
Put the 2 end sections together.

then put the middle section together and then push all sections together.

and an underneath look to show the support.

and what it looks like when taken apart and stacked up. fits into my closet out of the way.


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