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Dakka Painting Challenge 6 - Nitty Gritty Armor

The release of the new Dakka (in 2007) prompted the return of a classic Dakka tradition: The Dakka Painting Challenge! For those who aren't familiar, these are basically bite-sized painting or modeling competitions that challenge Dakka users to paint and/or convert a model in a short time span (typically around a month) to see who can do the best job. This can be a great way to challenge yourself to take on a project you wouldn't normally bother to do, and if your model is cool enough you might even win a prize!

Typically, entries go through a period of public voting to whittle them down to a final 5, which are then voted on by a panel of private judges to come up with the overall winner(s).

Check out the winner(s) and runners-up below and get inspired! Keep an eye out of the next Dakka Painting and Modeling Challenge in our Painting and Modeling forum and show us all what you're really made of!

Oct 2009 - Nitty Gritty Armor

This challenge was to paint a Tank/Skimmer/Walker/APC and make it feel/look real and used! Dakkaites were challenged to use all the techniques they'd wanted to use for years but never quite had the right project to try them out on: Water Streaks, Oil Marks, blast damage, paint chipping, rust, mud, dirt, dust, jet exhaust, scorch marks, etc, etc, etc.

Click here to see the full voting results for Dakka Painting Challenge #6.

The Winner - Valdor by elotsip

Valdor by elotsip

Runners Up

Deathstrike Missle by Howard A Treesong
Macharius Vanquisher by grevjoy
Valkyrie by Exponent

My Tank is Dirt! by Kilkrazy
Death Company Dreadnought by Gunzhard
Leman Russ by Hialmar

Wasp by assaultmarine
Space Marine Scout Biker by 2010david


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