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Eldars - Farseer Delairiail

Hi, here is my own WH40k page on DakkaDakka. I don't have that many eldars painted, but since I am coming back to the hobby, I'll try to post some photos of my minis here. It might help you get a painting idea, but will surely help you discover the big "don'ts" of how to paint ! I never painted again on top of my minis, meaning that my ugly minis I painted when I started out will still be pretty aweful. Anyway, here it goes!

Full Army Photo

This page is till in the works. Come at a later date to see it filled :)

Unit Photos

My Picasa Web Album

Some Dark Reapers, including my latest one, with a blue tendance. I tried to simulate the firing effect of the reaper launcher, with the intense blue/white light getting caught by the armor.

Army List


Avatar (155pts)

Farseer Delairiail

Karandras (215pts)


Fire Dragons x10 with Wave Serpent (vectored engines, twin-linked scatter lasers, twin-linked shuriken catapults)

Scorpions x4 + 1 exarch with scorpion claw, chainsword (107 pts)

Banshees x6 + 1 exarch with executioner and War Shout (XXXpts)

Harlequins x5


Dire Avengers x6 (72pts)

Dire Avengers x8

Dire Avengers x8

Fast Attack

Vyper with scatter laser

Vyper with shuriken cannon

Swooping Hawks x8

Lightning Spears x3

Heavy Support

Dark Reapers x5

Dark Reapers x3

Dark Reapers x3

Falcon with pulse laser, scatter laser and shuriken cannon


Heavy Platform Support: Web Cannon

Warwalker with Twin-linked Scatter Laser

Night Spinner

Why I Started This Army

I started this army when I first discovered Warhammer 40K. Eldars appealed to me as they were more sophisticated, elegant, tactical and cunning than space marines for examples. My brother chose the Orks.

Test-buddy 4 4 3 3 2 4 2 9 5+ 80

Monstrous Creature, Calvary, Devouring Jaws, Handler


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