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Fang's Desert Stalkers Space Marine Chapter

"We follow the beast to bring what is the god of possibility to the universe." -Chapter Master Fang The Desert Stalkers are a faction that broke away from the Imperium but did not fall to the grasp of Chaos. They were called by a voice of their new god, the Beast Of Possibility, which is helping them lead their campaign of peace throughout the universe and spread hope to those who need it. They are led by Fang Aesir, the 10th master of the chapter, he was raised from initiate, to a devastator sergeant, to the captain of the 3rd company, to the chapter champion and finally the Chapter Master. He knew that the war would only bring destruction so he set out with his marines to help protect the innocent.

"He's stupid, I've had to reattach his arms multiple times, and his eyes aren't real anymore, but, he is the best leader we've had since Alpheous died." -Apothecary Sandus They have the gene seed of the Space Wolves and the White Scars combined into one. The Desert Stalkers still accept the Emporer will rule all that is around them but they wish to make it so that all races will live in peace. They are even harboring xenos on their chapter subsectors and giving them protection from various hostiles that threaten their way of life, such as the Imperium and Chaos. Though they know that they will be hunted and killed for what they have done, they will die knowing that they have done good for the universe.

They use weapons that involve superheating their rounds, with inferno bolt rounds to lazcannons that blaze through objects like the sun. Fang carries 4 guns, 3 storm bolters and a stalker bolter, along with a power sword, power fist, and a relic blade, he carries the weapons his fallen brothers once carried as a symbol that he stands ready to take on any opponent that comes at him. Also, unlike other chapter masters, he has 2 squads of sternguard to follow him instead of using honor guard, the Chapter Master's halls are filled with 200 Sternguard veterans and 100(?) Vanguard. As ridiculous as it may sound, he is also a fan of using Murder Servitors, because they cannot be destroyed by conventional means. The Chapter is currently caring for a young Eldar Farseer and her battalion of troops, an Ork warband, a wounded Tau Commander, and the remains of his force. Through all the help they may have from their local Renegade Guardsman, and reluctantly helpful Sisters of Battle, Fang feels as though his plans will be safe, but fears what will happen when either Chaos or the Imperium come at full force, or if his own troops turn against him. "THE OASIS AWAITS, LET ITS CALL NOT BE WASTED!!!" -Desert Stalker's War Cry


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