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Grunt13’s Harlequins

Grunt13's Harlequin Army

I picked up the CJ with the harlequin rules back in third and really liked what I saw. I had a few harlequin models and was able to acquire the rest of my army due to a fortunate find on Ebay. I converted my characters and used the VDR rules, which was popular with my gaming group to create a vehicle that played the role of armored transport and artillery to my army. My army is now discontinued and it is unlikely to be recognized by GWS but I have used the army with my opponent’s permission in friendly games.


Grand Harlequin: A minor conversion, I replaced his sword with a harlequin kiss and gave him a powerblades along with a neuro disrupter.

Shadow Seer: A vampire assassin from the game mordheim was used as the body. She was given an incubus’s backpack and a harlequin kiss and powerblades. Her shuriken pistol has bio-explosive ammo. The familiar is just for appearance.


Troupe 1-2: The two troops are similarly armed with a mixed of harlequin kisses, power weapons. One harlequin has a plasma pistol and the troupe leader has bio-explosive ammo.

Mime Troupe: Masters at infiltration, one of the harlequins has a neuro-disrupter. The rest of the squad is similarly armed when compared to the before mentioned troupes


Death Jesters 1: two jesters with shrieker cannons.

Death Jesters 2: Three armed with brightlances. The models were converted by snipping off their guns and replacing them with shining spear lances.

Solitaire: I converted this model in part because I disliked the original solitaire models; I felt they did not capture the nature of the character. I converted this piece from an elven character from the mordheim game and uses the dark elf witch king’s mask with the addition of horns. The model has the harlequin kiss and the riveblades. Poe’s “The Red Death” was an inspiration in converting the piece.


Harlequin Wraithlord: Wanting to make a harlequin wraithlord that captured their unique spirit I created a centurion wraithlord using the old warwalker’s legs for the model’s hind legs and the wraithlord’s head as the body of the model.

Grand Platform: This a VDR creation I made to give the harlequin’s a tank that is suits their nature. The vehicle provides transportation to 10 models and gives long-range artillery support with its three shadow weavers.


Jetbikers: Converted by using harlequin riders are armed with a mix of weaponry with the leader possessing a neuro-disrupter and two bikers armed with shuriken cannons. This is one of my personal favorite units, as it is just packed with assorted weaponry and capabilities and is really fun to play around with during a game.


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