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Grunt13’s Necrons

Grunt13's Necrons

Army History

I first purchased this army as a shared force with a friend. When he moved away he was concerned that he would not continue the hobby without me so I bought him out of his share of the army. My friend was not artistically inclined so I basically handled the modeling aspect of the army.

The army was based on a desire to emphasize the ghoulish nature of the necrons. It features some of the less popular units like wraiths and pariah; I also put in two full squads of flayed ones to further my army’s removal from typical nercon forces. My biggest decision modeling wise as what type of metallic to paint the army, I ended up mixing my own color using a combination of dwarven bronze and mithril silver. The army still needs detail work, but I am not planning on attempting that anytime soon.


Deceiver: Some minor conversion work to alter his pose.

Necron Lords: First as the orb and veil the other is converted to be a wraith lord. He has the destroy body upgrade along with phase shifter to make him wraith like.


Warriors: four units


Flayed Ones: two units of ten. I converted a bunch of necron warriors by blitz ordering a bunch of flayed ones hands. I did this to save some money and I like the yet to dawn skin flayed ones I created.

Pariahs: I have four pariahs as they suit my army’s background and they work well in conjunction with the flayed ones.




Scarab Swarms: I have 14 bases; depending on my other fast selections I either play them as two units of 7 or just one unit of 10.


Tomb Spyders:



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