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Jaxem's 325th Cadian Rifles

Full Army Photo

For starters, this company is very much a work in progress. I started modeling in September and painting late December, 2008 and have since moved rapidly forward while trying to work around school. Lighting in my dorm room is pretty bad so the pictures I have up now are pretty pathetic. I've been painting 'from the ground up', focusing on standard guardsmen first and then moving on to paint special weapons and sergeants. I've finished painting the infantry and am now starting to repaint my old tanks. Be sure to check out the Work in Progress section at the end to see what is coming up next!

Regiment History

The 325th Cadian Rifles was recruited on Cadia just 100 years prior to Abbadon's Black Crusade from the Eye of Terror. Upon being recalled to Cadia, the 325th fought gallantly against the legions of Chaos, most notably destroying an entire company of Abbadon's Black Legion caught in the open. As the affronts of Chaos died down, the 325th has been selected for off world deployment once again. 1st Company, a standard infantry company, was designed for greater mobility in order to encourage taking ground and seizing objectives. With this in mind, line squads do not have heavy weapons. Instead, multiple heavy weapon squads provide Anti-Tank and Anti Infantry Fire Support. In addition to standard tank support, several air assets have been provided to the company to include a Vulture gunship and Valkyrie transport.

Unit Photos

Company Command Squad

The Company is led by Colonel Jarek Cessila. He was placed in command of the unit just before it was recalled back to Cadia. Jarek is a competent and capable commander, typical of Cadian nobility. He is noted for his aggressive tactics and taking ground in all situations, forcing his enemies to fight for every inch. The Command Section has 3 plasma gunners and a medic to save them from themselves. The Senior Officer has a Power Fist and las pistol.

This is my Lascannon Anti-tank Squad. This squad is in charge of taking down anything big, especially tanks and the occasional Carnifex. Never use a missile launcher to do a Lascannon's job.

This is my Autocannon Fire Support Squad. While in a fire support role, the squad is best used to dice up those crazy Rhinos that Chaos Marines tend to toss ever so frequently at Imperial Guard.

First Platoon

This is 1st Platoon. Both of the platoons are the same as far as equipment.

First Platoon is led by Lieutenant Tavian Kariff, son of the retired Lord-General Militant Lorvan Kariff. As a child, Tavian began training to be an officer as the children of all Cadian Nobles do. However, his father started teaching him at a far younger age than the other students, forcing him to learn historic maneuvers and push himself physically. Mostly due to the training bestowed upon him by his father, Lieutenant Kariff has shown remarkable ability to lead his men in all situations. Additionally, his father's elevated status has been quite beneficial, providing the company with rare equipment normally not available.

The Command Section includes a medic and three plasma gunners. Lieutenant Kariff was to be given the Honorfica Imperialis to represent his keen abilities. I had planned to use him as the leadership bastion for the army while the Company Command Squad was more expendable, but now the new codex changes that, especially with the Company Command Squad's extra Orders options.

This is a sample line squad. The squads have a single plasma gunner and no heavy weapon. These squads should be moving forward at the start of the game to take objectives. They are to be supported by a combination of Chimeras, Sentinels, Hellhounds and/or a Demolisher.

I have made enough spare guys for each of my platoon squads to be equipped with Grenade Launchers or Flamers if I feel the need. I may also consider turning these into special weapon squads since I have a few spare guardsmen.

Second Platoon

This is 2nd Platoon. It is largely the same as the first, however it will eventually be all mechanized.

This squad is intended to be used as a counter charge unit, using veterans with CCWs + Las pistols. The squad is mounted in a Chimera.

Scouts and Support

There's a small detachment of sentinels that are used as scouts and fire support for the company.

I don't typically use this model, but a Salamander Scout or HQ is occasionally useful and I just happen to have the model.

Heavy Support

I'm a tank guy at heart. It's the main reason I play IG. I plan on having many more than these, and these are only a few to begin with.

This is one of two Demolishers. Their role on the battlefield is to advance with the infantry to assist in claiming objectives.

I put plasma cannons on them since at the time they were the only tank that could take them. Now I can use extra turrets to turn these into other variants if needed.

I enjoy the Vanquisher turret and will usually field it to get rid of really pesky tanks. That being said, it's not typically worth it. I love the FW turret.

Air Element

I use a Vulture and Valkyrie. The weapons loadouts aren't finalized, but I'm planning on the Vulture carrying an anti-tank loadout while the Valkyrie is more anti-infantry. Additionally, the Valkyrie has a storm trooper crew vs the normal crew in the Vulture.

Army List

Coming Soon!

Work in Progress


I've moved 4 times since I stopped working on this army, so naturally there are a ton of repairs to be done and that's what I'm working on first. The weapon teams and sentinels fared the worst.


I won this guy in a contest online, which was a fantastic treat. It's far from done, but everything was magnetized so it can be configured different ways. I'm yet to name her.


Painting the Vulture was rather simple, trying to make it match my Valkyrie as much as possible. I've modeled hunter killer racks out of mortar tubes and bits from the Valkyrie to replace the rocket pods. The big work in progress now is the base for the model.

Finishing Touches

Just picked up several things off ebay, including this Forge World Hellhound.

Finishing Touches

If you can tell in this picture, I put off the finishing touches on the models to the end. Now I'm working on going back and highlighting all of the infantry with a lighter green.

Army Highlights

Here are a few of the things I really like about the army.


What's not to love? I widened the turret to give it a little uniqueness and magnetized the sponsons.

Vulture and Valkyrie

I really enjoy these models, especially the bases. I'd really like to do an all Valkyrie and Vulture Storm Trooper or Drop Troop army if it wasn't for the cost. Additionally, I'm not to sure how they would work on the tabletop.

Plasma Guns

All of the plasma guns were simple conversions, adding a Space Marine plasma gun to a regular guardsman model. While it's not a big change, I really didn't like the metal model and I definitely didn't want to have so many of the same guy. I know they have plastic ones now, but I still like these guys better. The kneeling one is a throwback to the old metal Cadian plasma gunner.


I really like how these models turned out. They are definitely unique, though simple. The only thing I don't like about them is how the points cost went from 5 to 30 with the new codex!

Why I Started This Army

This is my second Cadian Army. I originally got into Warhammer 40,000 back in 3rd edition. I had an old, all metal Cadian Company which I played up until the release of 4th edition. I hardly had time to play once 4th Edition rolled around and boxed the army up. However, as the plastic Cadians were released, I strongly desired to make a plastic Cadian Army. The big push was the news of a new codex coming out in 2009. Late in 2008 I started grabbing stuff up on Ebay and set about making this army, the 325th Cadian Rifles, based on the rumors flying about . I love tanks and fliers in the 40K game, so plan on including a great many. This was also another chance for me to fully paint an army. My first army was just that, my first. The models were painted to a tabletop standard, but no highlighting, basing or drybrushing was really attempted. This time around I'm trying to create an army that looks a little better without having to spend 3 hours per infantryman.

Thanks for Looking!


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