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LuigiX's Necron Army

Full Army Photo

I built and painted this army within a few months of the release of the Necron codex in 2002. I went nuts for the models when I saw them and bought the launch army box. Unfortunately, since then, I really haven't added much to them. Artistically, its nothing special, but for me, it was a huge leap forward. Prior to this, most of my painting was one offs with no real basing and sloppy worksmanship. With my Necrons, I really learned the importance of a nice base and built skills I still use. They're not my prettiest figures, but my Necrons hold a special place in my heart.

Unit Photos

The limited edition Lord that came with the original army box.

Immortals. When I painted this army, I wanted a way to differentiate the "Necron" units from others. All models have the red stripes, but only "Necrons" have the gold stripe within the red.

Heaps of warriors. I've actually got a bunch more unpainted, but I hit a stumbling block during painting. After finishing off what's pictured in this article, I ran out of the particular metallic paint I used for the guns. Unfortunately, the color was discontinued by GW... I now know of some close equivalents I could use, but I've never gotten around to restarting into these guys. Maybe when my daughter's old enough to paint, I'll pass them on as trainers.

Destroyers. I love these models- If I ever go back to work on this army, they'll be joined by Heavy Destroyers and a Destroyer Lord.

Wraiths. I painted these guys the same as the others, then added light drybrushes of Hideous Blue And Skull White to get a ghostly effect- I like the end result.

Scarabs. These are really cool figures. I always make room for them in my list when I play.

Tomb Spyders. Wow, these guys were a pain to assemble. They taught me about pinning.

The big, bad Monolith. When I built it, I put in a half-assed LED lighting job. After a few months, a wire somewhere inside came loose and now it only works occasionally. Unfortunately, I'd have to rip the whole thing apart to fix it. Maybe one day...

Army List

I field this army infrequently, at best, so any list I use is really based on whim.


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