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Master Castellan, Chapter Master of the Angels Encarmine

Please note this is still a WIP. Feel free to use the rules I've laid down or edit in anything you think would be more fitting


Master Castellan is above and beyond many of the Emperor's finest warriors. In battle he is even more reckless than his battle-brothers, often dropping literally on top of the enemy and emerging battered but victorious, a blood-drenched holy terror for the enemies of the Imperium. He is never at rest, never at peace. His body manages to bear wounds that could incapacitate a Hive Tyrant, momentarilly slowed but soon to full speed. Due to centuries upon centuries of never ending combat, he is a warrior of dread for the xenos scum that infest the galaxy, and a bringer of hope to all those who know of his fury.

Stats and Rules

Chapter Master Castellan-----390pts

WS 6, BS 5, Str 4, T 5, W 4, A 3, I 4, Ld 10, Sv 2+/ 4+

Wargear: Jump Pack, Artificer armour, , Iron halo

Claws of the Vampire: This is a pair of Lightning Claws that always wound on a 3+

Rules: Independent Character, Fearless, Descent of Angels, Heroic Intervention, orbital bombardment

Never ending Purge: Castellan has the Eternal Warrior and Feel No Pain rules. Furthermore, he may always make his FNP roll, even if the weapon he was wounded with would normally ignore it.


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