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Paladins Argent

Well Met! This a Profile of my Paladins Argent Space Marine Chapter. The Paladins Argent are descended from the Primarch Rogal Dorn. They have served for millenia, crusading against the minions of the unholy. 1000 years ago the Chapter was given settlement rights to the planet Valencia, where they built their temple Fortress the Alhambra. The Paladins are divded evenly between Crusade elements serving with other Sons Of Dorn, and Companies in residence. The people of Valencia have come to trust the Paladins , and in turn the Paladins have come to trust the people of Valencia. Scouts are drawn from all segments of Valencian society through a set of rigorous trials beginning on their 10th birthday. Their skill at academics as well as physical traits are tested thoroughly before The Chapters Chaplains and Apothecaries consider Implantation with the seed of Dorn. It is uncommon, but through a genetic quirk of the Valencian people, some female candidates have been accepted as Scouts, and served in every capacity within the Chapter.

The entire 3rd Company, and Elements from the 1st and 10th Companies are currently on a Crusade to assist the Crimson Fists in hunting down Remaining Pockets of Orks from Rynn's World and Surrounding Space.

I use The Codex Space marines as the only source of army lists. Note that Their are no Ironclad Dreads available to the Paladins Argent.

Why I started this Army. HMM I started this Army years ago, and it has grown to Reinforced Battle Company size. I started out Liking the look of the Templar Cross, but not wanting to do a(nother) Templars Army. There were already three or four at the local shop. I went with a shining Mihtril Silver to convey their Purity of Purpose. I selected the Red and Black as the best colors for accents. I tried Regal Blue and Blood red, but thought it looked too much like the Diet Pepsi(TM) chapter, and settled on Chaos Black and Blood Red. This Army has grown and grown. In fact it still does, and there are elements that I do not have, such as speeders. In total I figure there are 5-6000 points that I could field it I wanted. I would have to use two Force Organization Charts to do so to fit all of the terminators, Devastators and Characters in though.


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