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inquisitormack's IG with =I= allies

Army List

The store The Whiz I play at each week runs an 8 week tournament with different points each week. Sometimes we know our opponents, sometimes we don't. This allows people who like to tailor lists to do so and those who don't, don't. The first week is usually 500 points and we go up by 250 or so each week. The week we get to 2000 points is "Cheese Week." We all cheese out our lists and its cool 'cause everyone knows its coming.

Sometimes I run an IG list with daemonhunter allies and sometimes its Daemonhunters with IG allies.

Full Army Photo

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Unit Photos


I usually run a minimal HQ with just a Junior Officer, but I have a banner carrier and medic just in case. My special weapons team is a mix of IG and Space Marine models.



I run the troops as Armored Fist squads when I take them as allies for Grey Knights or Daemonhunters.

Fast Attack:

The sentinel weapons are not glued on so I can exchange lascannons for multilasers depending on the need.

Heavy Support:

I have about a dozen heavy weapon teams, but I have not glued all the weapons on to the tripods. This let's me switch heavy bolters with lascannons or autocannons.

Leman Russ tank with heavy bolters as side sponson weapons and a hull mounted lascannon & Leman Russ Demolisher tank with sponson plasma cannons and a hull mounted lascannon


I take Grey Knights as allies and sometimes throw in an Inquisitor with a retinue. My Grey Knights are mostly conversions, and the retinue is a mix of models that I just thought were cool.

Why I Started This Army

I first began playing 40K with my friends Matt & Eddie in 2003. The first models I bought were the metal IG Kaskrin stormtroopers. Those models are still my favorites. I soon learned that a 4+ save was lousy compared to Space Marine saves so I switched over to SM. Then I moved to upstate New York and had no one to play for three years. During that time I knew I did not want to play SM but also did not like how easily IG troops died. So began a long and complicated process of painting IG with Inquisitors and Grey Knight allies.

When I moved back to Massachusetts, I began playing weekly at The WhizI had some initial success with Grey Knights & IG allies, then switched over to IG with just GK Terminator allies. I love the termie models, but what a point sink with IG! Especially as a new player who occasionally would do stupid stuff like deep strike 450 points of GK termies off the side of the board. (Yeah I've done it and you can laugh all you want.)

So my efforts finally paid off when two guys who should have been in the finals for the Whiz tourney didn't show and I was allowed to play in the championships even though I had only won one game all league long. My first opponent moved three entire units of SMs into a three story building and my love affair with IG paid off. Two turns of blast templates from my Leman Russ and Leman Russ Demolisher later, he was crushed. I turned out winning the tourney in the next game and I promptly returned to losing every game from then on. But I had my moment...


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