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What is Dakka?
DakkaDakka is a large, independent wargaming community that features discussion, tutorials and images for many games. If you are new to the world of wargaming then learn about it in our introductory article: What is Wargaming?

Project Logs
HOOOORRUUUUUSSSSS!! BCowl?s Blood Angels Firstborn
Updated: 2024-09-23 19:46:38
My 2024 Hobby Odyssey.
Updated: 2024-09-25 19:20:39
Honoring the Dragon - Battletech Draconis Combine Lance
Updated: 2024-09-25 12:41:41
Featured Articles
Priming vs Undercoating
Games Workshop Computer and Console Gaming
Battlefoam Shield Bag Review
Friends of Dakka
Bell of Lost Souls - Warhammer 40k Blog
Tabletop Gaming News
Bartertown - wargaming trading forum
Lexicanum - Warhammer 40k background wiki
Warseer Forums
Warhammer 40k Wiki
Bolter and Chainsword forums
Beasts of War
Wikipedia - Warhammer 40,000 overview
Games Workshop - the company behind Warhammer
Flames of War - the official website
Privateer Press - the company behind Warmachine/Hordes
Global News Feed
‘Yu-Gi-Oh’: Pot of Greed – Everything to Know About the Smiling Jar @ BoLS
Pathfinder’s New Video Game ‘Dragon’s Demand’ Live on Kickstarter Now @ BoLS
D&D Goes Vinyl With Double Album Coming This Fall @ BoLS
More About Dakka

DakkaDakka - Warhammer, 40k, Warmachine and Flames of War Community.

DakkaDakka is a large, independent wargaming community that features discussion, tutorials and images for many games.

Warhammer 40,000

Our warhammer 40k forums are among our most popular. They have been operating the longest and contain discussion about every facet of warhammer 40k from tactics and army lists to background and upcoming releases.

Warhammer Fantasy

The Warhammer Fantasy Battle Forums are consistently increasing in popularity and are almost on a par with our 40k forums covering the same large range of content with advice from some of the best tacticians the world has to offer.

Warmachine and Hordes

Dakka now has one of the largest Warmachine and Hordes forums on the web, and has a huge range of Warmachine Pictures in our gallery.

Flames of War

Flames of War and other historical games are growing in popularity here on dakka and we invite anyone to join in and discuss them in detail. As flames of war grows more popular, Dakka's coverage will only increase. Be sure to check out the Flames of War gallery to see some inspiring stuff.

Dakka Features

Dakka is a big site with a lot to explore. Here we highlight some of our more interesting features:

Wargaming Gallery

The dakka gallery is one of the largest wargaming galleries in the world and has a huge range of tagged miniatures from many game systems. From flames of war to Maelstrom's Edge, and of course 40k. You can vote on images (like using hot-or-not), and use our advanced gallery search engine to find exactly what you are looking for, be it space marines, orks, cryx or Dark Elves!


The dakka forums are growing faster and faster and are the bread and butter of the website. They still maintain quality and a fair level of freedom compared to many other forums. Our most popular forum is News and Rumours, but Dakka Discussions and 40k army lists are very popular too. There are some important rules to consider (no spam, no swearing, no piracy) but everybody gets on well enough thanks to our great moderation team.


The dakka wargaming articles are run on a wiki (like wikipedia). We have a huge range of wargaming articles covering everything from tactica to modeling and painting and even some great funny stuff. If you are bored and want to have the equivalent of dozens of magazines to read then head over to the main articles page and start clicking around. Because it is a wiki, anybody can hop in and click the 'edit' tab at the top of the page, so if you have anything to add or just see some typos or bad grammar then you can help make it better for everyone.

Army Profiles

Dakka's army profiles are a throwback to the very earliest version of dakka from the late 1990s, where various armies were highlighted in detail. Our army profiles section now contains many armies from different game systems with in depth photographs, army lists and explanations of their signifigance from their owners.


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  • Surf with ease! Get an ad-free site.
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  • Expand your conversation! Post and chat in a private DCM forum.
Dakka Blog

Dakka Gallery: Velma

Posted: 2024-09-25 20:59:07
By youwashock

Sponsor Press Release: Announcing Battle Foam's TCG Product Line

Posted: 2024-09-09 17:00:00

Battle Foam’s Newest Product Line in Years is Now Available!

Get Our TCG Deck Boxes and Bags Today at battlefoam.com!

Battle Foam has new single and dual sized deck boxes, as well as our Claymore to hold it all together! With the handle, it makes carrying your decks around ergonomic and easy!

To pair with the Deck Boxes, we have our new Bags, the TCG Max and TCG 1! The Claymore fits perfectly into the Max to create the ultimate solution!

If you are looking for something more compact and easier to carry, the TCG 1 will hold a Longsword and Rapier without issue with room for a play mat and accessories!

You can also head to the Battle Foam YouTube channel to see them all in action.

Thanks as always to the Dakka community, and glad we can help support this site anytime we can!

Dakka Gallery: Death Knight

Posted: 2024-09-25 19:59:07
By WestfaliaMiniatures

Dakka Gallery: Emperor, Emperor Of Mankind, God Emperor

Posted: 2024-09-25 18:59:07
By Camkierhi

Dakka Gallery: World Eaters

Posted: 2024-09-25 17:59:07
By Kronid

Dakka Gallery: Frozen Necron

Posted: 2024-09-25 16:59:07
By DraconGod

Dakka Gallery: Warrior House Imarra

Posted: 2024-09-25 15:59:07
By cannonfodr

Dakka Gallery: Armored Company, Army, Imperial Guard, Mechanized Infantry

Posted: 2024-09-25 14:59:07
By Jim

Dakka Gallery: Balloons, Gretchin, Grot-tank, Grots, Kitbash, Orks, Tank

Posted: 2024-09-25 13:59:07
By r_squared

Dakka Gallery: Mouse Thief.

Posted: 2024-09-25 12:59:07
By Batty

Dakka Gallery: imperial knight 2

Posted: 2024-09-25 11:59:07
By tatt2014

Dakka Gallery: Zone Mortalis

Posted: 2024-09-25 10:59:07
By Riocordo

Dakka Daily Poll: When you build an army which is more important?

Posted: 2024-09-25 09:59:07
When you build an army which is more important?

View Results / Discussion

Dakka Gallery: Arac-yo-phobia

Posted: 2024-09-25 08:59:07
By SeedyTeaPublishing

Dakka Gallery: Ba-64, Camouflage, Snowcat, Winter

Posted: 2024-09-25 07:59:07
By Meer_Cat

Dakka Gallery: Snake Wizard

Posted: 2024-09-25 06:59:07
By RazorMind

Dakka Gallery: Gun Shop, Necromunda, Terrain, Weapon

Posted: 2024-09-25 05:59:07
Unknown creator

Dakka Gallery: The Long March 01

Posted: 2024-09-25 04:59:07
By SentinelV

Dakka Gallery: Conversion, Deathskulls, Gorkanaut, Gundam, Guntank, Orks

Posted: 2024-09-25 03:59:07
By Hankovitch

Dakka Gallery: Cathedral, Foam, Scratch Build, Temple

Posted: 2024-09-25 02:59:07
By Pedro Nottke

Dakka Gallery: Deffskullz, Kitbash, Mekadread, Orks, Scratch Build

Posted: 2024-09-25 01:59:07
By jseverin

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