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Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
Should a big movie company make a big budget 40k movie?
Yes - I cant believe nobody has done so already
Yes - it would probably be a good idea
Meh - I dont care or dont really have an opinion on the matter
No - I dont want to see space marine toys in happy meals
No - They would screw it up too badly
Other (Write in)

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Made in gb
Slippery Scout Biker

Bristol, UK

All this talk of Space Hulk movies hey, did any of you see GW's Hive Infestation? Live action Space wolf terminators against Genestealers. I was at the Games day many years ago where they showed that and another film about Dark Angels I forget the name. I’m pretty sure they were only trailers and nothing came of them but I know a few Vets with copies of Inquisitor on VHS.
IMO opinion GW will just do an improved version of Ultramamrines in 2-3 years, possibly pick up the whole Blood quest project again. .

Personally I would rather they let THQ run with Space Marine and make many sequels, I prefer a movie I am part of.

The galaxy is the Emperor's, and anyone or anything who challenges that claim is an enemy who must be destroyed

Star Shades 4500 pts (2nd edition rules)
Night Lords 1200pts (2nd edition rules)
Made in gb
Courageous Space Marine Captain

Glasgow, Scotland

In this month's WD, it says that the Space Marine movie is availible on DVD and BluRay.

I'm celebrating 8 years on Dakka Dakka!
I started an Instagram! Follow me at Deadshot Miniatures!
Check out my Deathwatch story, Aftermath in the fiction section!

Credit to Castiel for banner. Thanks Cas!
Made in gb
Perfect Shot Black Templar Predator Pilot

Marines are supposed to be fanatical, psycopathic killers, and the Hollywood would make them out to be emotional pousses.
Made in us
Whiteshield Conscript Trooper


i chose other because as cool as it would be to make it, its very likely that a director/ writer would change things in the warhammer universe, or give not enough plot.

- Durmos 17th Fusiliers 2500 points

Made in gb
Mutated Chosen Chaos Marine

*bursts though room with axe* HEEEAAARRRS JHONNY!!!

Banzaimash wrote:Marines are supposed to be fanatical, psycopathic killers, and the Hollywood would make them out to be emotional pousses.

best description of a space marine ever.

*hat off to you*

Night Lords (40k): 3500pts
Klan Zaw Klan: 4000pts

 Grey Templar wrote:

Orks don't hate, they just love. Love to fight everyone.

Whatever you use.. It's Cheesy, broken and OP  
Made in us
Daemonic Dreadnought


Marines in power armor with helmets can't show emotion, and therefor actors can not act.

Space Marines would actually be a hard sell to Joe 6 pack.

Way too much 40k background to explain, and way too much to explain about space marines. If everything isn't explained well marines would just look silly.


Center the story around IG. Writers and Hollywood love centering stories around the underdog. Joe 6 pack can understand the concept of IG with no difficulty.

Chaos isn’t a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail, and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb, but refuse. They cling to the realm, or love, or the gods…illusions. Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is, but they’ll never know this. Not until it’s too late.

Made in gb
Daring Dark Eldar Raider Rider

Somewhere in the darkness of my mind... Probably

I guess that the problem is that there are so many people that loathe GW that there might not be enough sales etc. to make a big budget one . It would be cool though...

If I roll a Im awsome...

I am White/Black
Take The Magic Dual Colour Test - Beta today!
<small>Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.</small>

I'm both orderly and selfish. I act mostly for my own benefit, but I respect and help my community - Specially when it helps me. At best, I'm loyal and dedicated; at worst, I'm elitist and shrewd.
Made in gb
Land Raider Pilot on Cruise Control

I always thought the problem with this idea was GW's iron fist copyright policy.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
schadenfreude wrote:Problems:

Marines in power armor with helmets can't show emotion, and therefor actors can not act.

Space Marines would actually be a hard sell to Joe 6 pack.

Way too much 40k background to explain, and way too much to explain about space marines. If everything isn't explained well marines would just look silly.


Center the story around IG. Writers and Hollywood love centering stories around the underdog. Joe 6 pack can understand the concept of IG with no difficulty.

Why go for Marines? Eisenhorn or Ravenor would make a far better movie and take a lot less explaining to an uninformed audience.

Imperium good. Chaos Bad. Even creationist would get that with only a 10 - 15 minute intro.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2012/01/29 20:01:01

More have died in the name of normality than ever for strangeness. Beware of normal people.

He who asks a question is a fool for 5 minutes; He who does not is a fool forever. (Confucius).

Friendly advice and criticism welcome on my project blog: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/420498.page

What does the Exalted option do? No bloody idea but it sounds good. 
Made in gb
Courageous Space Marine Captain

Glasgow, Scotland

Why not do a Horus Heresy series. GW would get loads of money and it would explain any future films.

I'm celebrating 8 years on Dakka Dakka!
I started an Instagram! Follow me at Deadshot Miniatures!
Check out my Deathwatch story, Aftermath in the fiction section!

Credit to Castiel for banner. Thanks Cas!
Made in se
Sneaky Sniper Drone

Mushroom village

Dan Abnett wrote Ultramarines the movie. He is a book writer, not a movie writer.

As much as I love Warhammer 40000 and all of it's awesomeness and grim darkness - I must here say Clone Commandos would won the day.

Brother Coa speaking against the imperium!?
This can't be unless....Alpharius, is that you?  
Made in gb
Ork-Hunting Inquisitorial Xenokiller

This is GW. If they made a movie they'd advertise it completely overblown as beautiful and amazing graphics, be amazing blah de blah de blah. Turns out it has poor graphics and you can only buy an exspensive collectors edition which isnt very "Collector" cus it was the only format they sold it in.
Made in gb
Land Raider Pilot on Cruise Control

Warrior Squirrel wrote:Dan Abnett wrote Ultramarines the movie. He is a book writer, not a movie writer.

So you do a screen play of a book.

More have died in the name of normality than ever for strangeness. Beware of normal people.

He who asks a question is a fool for 5 minutes; He who does not is a fool forever. (Confucius).

Friendly advice and criticism welcome on my project blog: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/420498.page

What does the Exalted option do? No bloody idea but it sounds good. 
Made in us
Battlewagon Driver with Charged Engine

Ye Olde North State

Sonophos wrote:I always thought the problem with this idea was GW's iron fist copyright policy.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
schadenfreude wrote:Problems:

Marines in power armor with helmets can't show emotion, and therefor actors can not act.

Space Marines would actually be a hard sell to Joe 6 pack.

Way too much 40k background to explain, and way too much to explain about space marines. If everything isn't explained well marines would just look silly.


Center the story around IG. Writers and Hollywood love centering stories around the underdog. Joe 6 pack can understand the concept of IG with no difficulty.

Why go for Marines? Eisenhorn or Ravenor would make a far better movie and take a lot less explaining to an uninformed audience.

Imperium good. Chaos Bad. Even creationist would get that with only a 10 - 15 minute intro.

But the Imperium ISN'T good. They are Nazi-spanish inquizition-KKK-witch burners dedicated to the destruction of everything that is free and good. It's supposed to be a sort of "Lesser of Two Evils" kind of thing. Making the Imperium the knights in shining armour is unfair to the fluff and the players, but the actual situation is something that joe sixpack won't understand. Combined with the special effects required, the near-impossibility of any romance, and GW's iron fist on copyrights, it's basicly never going to happen.

grendel083 wrote:"Dis is Oddboy to BigBird, come in over."
"BigBird 'ere, go ahead, over."
"Copy 'dat, WAAAAAAAGGGHHH!!! DAKKADAKKA!!... over"
Made in gb
Land Raider Pilot on Cruise Control

loota boy wrote:
Sonophos wrote:I always thought the problem with this idea was GW's iron fist copyright policy.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
schadenfreude wrote:Problems:

Marines in power armor with helmets can't show emotion, and therefor actors can not act.

Space Marines would actually be a hard sell to Joe 6 pack.

Way too much 40k background to explain, and way too much to explain about space marines. If everything isn't explained well marines would just look silly.


Center the story around IG. Writers and Hollywood love centering stories around the underdog. Joe 6 pack can understand the concept of IG with no difficulty.

Why go for Marines? Eisenhorn or Ravenor would make a far better movie and take a lot less explaining to an uninformed audience.

Imperium good. Chaos Bad. Even creationist would get that with only a 10 - 15 minute intro.

But the Imperium ISN'T good. They are Nazi-spanish inquizition-KKK-witch burners dedicated to the destruction of everything that is free and good. It's supposed to be a sort of "Lesser of Two Evils" kind of thing. Making the Imperium the knights in shining armour is unfair to the fluff and the players, but the actual situation is something that joe sixpack won't understand. Combined with the special effects required, the near-impossibility of any romance, and GW's iron fist on copyrights, it's basicly never going to happen.

I know the empire is uncaring conformism; you know this; the ordinary audience does not.

This would be the best twist in any 40k movie or series. Inquisitor stories would be the only way to depict it. Suits of armour marching around just won't cut it.

Love stories could easily be incorporated. Personally I always thought a series would be better than a film.

More have died in the name of normality than ever for strangeness. Beware of normal people.

He who asks a question is a fool for 5 minutes; He who does not is a fool forever. (Confucius).

Friendly advice and criticism welcome on my project blog: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/420498.page

What does the Exalted option do? No bloody idea but it sounds good. 
Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan

Minnesota, land of 10,000 Lakes and 10,000,000,000 Mosquitos

I voted no, because they would screw it up. Honestly, 40k is one of the most fluff-intensive universes out there. There's just too much that needs explaining that wouldn't work realistically in a Hollywood film. The flip side of the coin is that they barely skim the source material and just fill in the blanks themselves - there were at least a few scenes in Ultramarines: the Movie that made up complete bullgak about what certain gear could do. Apparently bolters just rip through Chaos Marine armor like it's made of tinfoil, right?

40k is just too intricate for any realistic single film to be made about it.

My Armies:
Kal'reia Sept Tau - Farsight Sympathizers
Da Great Looted Waaagh!
The Court of the Wolf Lords

The Dakka Code:
Made in gb
Courageous Space Marine Captain

Glasgow, Scotland

Maybe the Movoe Marines had vengeance rounds without gets hot!?

I'm celebrating 8 years on Dakka Dakka!
I started an Instagram! Follow me at Deadshot Miniatures!
Check out my Deathwatch story, Aftermath in the fiction section!

Credit to Castiel for banner. Thanks Cas!
Made in gb
Sword-Bearing Inquisitorial Crusader

Near London, UK

schadenfreude wrote:Problems: Marines in power armor with helmets can't show emotion, and therefore actors can not act.

Not true in the slightest. Voice actors actually worth their salt can do this easily, and the right body language can reinforce it.
There are a plethora of films and video games with helmeted protagonists/conversations over radio/out of shot/etc where you're in absolutely no doubt as to the emotions involved. This should never be used as an excuse for poor acting, because it doesn't excuse it.

There is however a problem with it in that it can make the individual characters harder to differentiate on screen. A lot of the time I was watching Ultramarines, it was very easy to lose track of which character (other than the obviously different Chaplain, Imperial Fist and Apothecary) was which.
A solution could be centring it around Deathwatch or Veteran marines who could have armour variants or customised wargear.

Project log - Leander, 54mm scale Mars pattern Warhound titan 
Made in gb
Black Captain of Carn Dûm

Were there be dragons....

They would never be able to make the money back, very few people would watch it outside the small population that actually gives a damm about what a spacemarine is...

"As a customer, I'd really like to like GW, but they seem to hate me." - Ouze
"All politicians are upperclass idiots"
Made in gb
Shas'ui with Bonding Knife

Leeds, Uk

if the film grapics were as good as space marine game.
And also the story lines doesn't suck, and doesn't have ultramarines.

I am Gamesworkshop! 
Made in au
Drone without a Controller


I would like it, but I think they would screw up. Also, 50,000 more people joining GW. Good for their business but my local store would have no space left :(

W 1 / D 2 / L 1
W 0 / D 0 / L0

Models bought: 48
Models painted: 0
Games played: 0 
Made in nl
Grovelin' Grot Rigger


Yes ofcourse, althoug it has to be 18+ to capture the grim dark.
Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

Yes but only if;

Not a single detail of it is left to random people, both the story script and the set should be given to actual warhammer content writers, those who are among the core lore craft and not people who "want to innovate".

No inserting "lessons of contemporary social justice" or whatnot
No pandering, no "gender/race swaps", just 100% authenticity.

Because big budget tends to do all that exactly the other way around irritating to living daylights out of franchise fans.

(I would therefor expect that if it happened you're ending up with the emperor giving a speech about inclusion and global warming (although that would legit be hilareous now that I think of it, to the paradigm)

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2023/12/30 18:42:15

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

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