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Tactics of using the MANz Missle  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Flashy Flashgitz


 PipeAlley wrote:

10 points is a very small price to pay to add Armourbane AND an extra attack.

I agree, and its awesome! But I would still only keep it to 1-2 per squad. The reason being either 1) total overkill or 2) if you end up having to throw them at a bad match up they're still going to get spanked only now they're going to cost more doing it. I think option 2 happens more often than not, especially when you have so many nobz in your suggested list. There's only so many prime targets to go around when and MANZ and bikernobz really have very similar strengths and weaknesses as far as target priority is concerned

[edit] sorry, I read bikers as nob bikers for some reason, but with that many MANZ anyway my point about the KS still stands. I do like that list/strategy overall though

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2014/07/23 20:26:03

Made in us
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

Anoka County, MN

Yeah, the numbers of models with KS's in the BW units is mostly because I had 6 metal MANz for years and just got six of the brand new plastic ones from my wife for my Birthday last week. But considering you're adding 25-33% more attacks (depending on charge or not) for 25% increase in cost AND Armorbane, I think they're a deal. SM have to pay 5pts for just Chainfists and a whole nother PC or TH for an extra attack. I really couldn't care less about losing a twin-shoota and the possibility of a Kombi-weapon. Kombi-Rokkits are a joke and Skorchas will kill what you're trying to charge more often than not.

Though I'm still sad Burnas didn't get Armorbane back like they used to. . .

Fighting crime in a future time! 
Made in us
Nurgle Veteran Marine with the Flu

Southern California

Do manz in a trunk have a place in a hoade list? Or is there not enough armor saturation?

I am building my army.. starting af 1500pts..I want to run warboss in eavy armor, 2 pain boys, 3x max choppa boyz squads, manz missile, full (of close to it) kommandos, snikrot and PK nob, and mek gunz.

It would be my only armor in this case which is what prompted me to ask. Would I need another mana missile, or trunk boyz or maybe kanz to provide more armor.. or is biding time/maneuvering and using cover like vineheart suggested a viable option to prevent the missile getting shot down before they are across the board.

I realize this is a very specific situation I'm asking about..but I feel it has a broad under theme.. I.e their use/viability in specialized lists that aren't mechanized.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2014/07/23 21:03:02

Made in gb
Fully-charged Electropriest

They don't have much of a use outside of mechanised lists sadly, although if you aren't playing ultra-competitively then by all means give it a go but it isn't nearly so effective.
At a guess I would say a regular Nobz squad would be better if they're on foot. Give them a PK or two and a couple of big choppas and run them up the board with a Grot-screen, a Painboy or a KFF (or all 3) until Turn 3.

Armour saturation isn't the end of the story, you also have to weigh up things like how far the unit can move and what it's role is. So having a unit of Killa Kanz alongside a MANz missile isn't really making your opponent make a tough choice. "Do I shoot the MANz Trukk that will be assaulting Turn 2 or do I shoot the Kanz that can only move 6" and run D6" or fire a grotzooka/rokkit launcha?".

The MANz Trukk explodes every time.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/07/23 21:46:27

Made in gb
Foolproof Falcon Pilot

Livingston, United Kingdom

I used to use a Battlewagon as my only vehicle for ages, and it survived surprisingly well. I mean, it died every game, but usually after dropping the squad off. I guess that it was the fact that AV14 with a 4+ cover (5th edition) managed to bounce most non-melta attacks.
Made in us
Big Mek in Kustom Dragster with Soopa-Gun

Nebraska, USA

MANz arent that viable unless youre running a biker list or mech list because theyre utterly useless without some kind of transport, and without bikes in your opponents face turn1 or a lot of armor to spread out the damage, the trukks wont get far. Get first turn they can still get up the board but gotta remember that now they are the furthest thing up the board, which should NEVER happen since now theyre the biggest threat and not that hard to deal with. Depending on the opponent it could help as it soaks up shots for 2+ armor saves, but realistically nobody is going to shoot it with common guns if its ~10-15" ahead of a big blob of green, theyre going to pelt it with big weapons first to try and instantly remove them first.

That single battlewagon was also back in the day where vehicles were broken as hell, being immune to death without rolling explode result. Vehicles got more durable in 7th thanks to less likely to cause Explode! but they still have very pitiful HP. Both my orks and my tau rarely explode any vehicles, they glance them to death reliably though.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/07/24 01:52:40

An ork with an idea tends to end with a bang.

14000pts Big 'n Bad Orkz
6000pts Admech/Knights
7500pts Necron Goldboys 
Made in ph
Fresh-Faced New User

My current theory crafted list is to have 2 MANz missiles in trukks, with 2 extra 'ard boy trukks for target saturation. My other 2 vehicles are 2 BWs. Would this be a viable use of the MANz missile or should I go all out and try a Blitz Brigade and go for tuffer 5-MAN squads?

Thanks for the advice!
Made in us
Nurgle Veteran Marine with the Flu

Southern California

That seems like good armor saturation. a little light on boots on the ground though. there is the trade off..
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